Liu Changyong dragged Zhou Shutong until he walked to the corner of the stairs before stopping.

Zhou Shutong struggled and shook off Liu Changyong's hand.

Liu Changyong asked: "Shu Tong, didn't you promise your father not to come to the criminal police team

?" "And forget it, you still follow Guan Hongfeng, that kind of person, you will definitely not end well with him!" Zhou

Shutong was not happy when he heard this, and retorted:

"After my mother died, did you take care of my mother?"

"Besides, I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions, I don't need you to care." "

What's wrong with

Teacher Guan?" "I can learn a lot of things by following him, aren't you jealous that Teacher Guan can solve the case?"

Liu Changyong suddenly had a crooked nose, he didn't expect his daughter to look at him like this.

Liu Changyong took a deep breath, tried to calm down his impatient mood, and persuaded bitterly:

"Shu Tong, I know you hate Dad.

"But dad is really for your own good this time, you think, Guan Hongfeng after his brother became a murderer. "

Taking off his police uniform and pretending to assist the detachment without taking a penny, isn't this just to protect his brother."

"To him, his younger brother is more important than the public office, the dead family of five. "

Do you think that with this kind of person, Dad will bear to let you follow him?"

Zhou Shutong's eyes were red, and he shook his head again and again, "I don't believe it, I don't believe that Teacher Guan is such a person." "

Zhou Shutong has always believed that Mr. Guan is a good policeman who is full of a sense of justice and brings lawbreakers to justice.

As a result, today she learned about the unknown side of the other party from her biological father, which made her a little difficult to accept.

"I need to be calm and calm!" After speaking, Zhou Shutong fled and left.

Liu Changyong saw his daughter's back and sighed helplessly.

In his life, he owes them too much to their mother and daughter.

'No, I must not let Shu Tong be in danger. Thinking of this, Liu Changyong came to Zhou Xun's office.

After Zhou Xun saw Liu Changyong come in, he complained again and again, and his expression was a little aggrieved.

"Lao Liu, our two brothers have known each other for so long, is there anything you can't tell your brother

?" "Tell me, I was embarrassed by the scene just now, didn't you let these little rabbit cubs see me laughing?"

At this time, Liu Changyong couldn't listen to it at all, and didn't pay attention to Zhou Xun's complaints.

"Zhou Xun, I don't care what method you use to let my daughter leave Guan Hongfeng.

"Or, let her leave the detachment!" After

speaking, Liu Changyong walked straight to Zhou Xun's side, took out a file from the drawer, and held it in his arms.

"By the way, let me keep this file, when my daughter leaves Guan Hongfeng, I will hand it over to him. "

Lao Liu, you are like this, how can I explain to Lao Guan?"

"Lao Liu!" "Lao Liu!" Liu

Changyong ignored Zhou Xun, returned to his deputy detachment leader's office, and locked the file in a drawer.

Zhou Xun sat in the chair and recalled what Liu Changyong said just now.

'Zhou Shutong, is it actually Liu Changyong's daughter?' Zhou

Xun thought of this, and his head became even more painful.

He couldn't offend either of them.

On one side is Guan Hongfeng, who wants his brother's file with all his heart.

Zhou Xun promised the other party before that as long as the other party helped him solve the case, he would show him the file.

What caught Zhou Xun a little off guard was that this Liu Changyong actually took the file directly.

On the other side is Liu Changyong, the old man of the detachment.

In the detachment, there are many veteran criminal policemen who have worked with Liu Changyong for many years and have accumulated deep feelings.

If you have a conflict with Liu Changyong, you will be unable to get along with these old criminal policemen.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time, I have to find a chance to talk to Lao Guan about this matter and see what his opinion is!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Xun is also dumb and eats Coptis chinensis—there are words of suffering.


When it was time to eat, it suddenly began to rain heavily.

It rarely rains in winter, and it's rare to see such a heavy rain.

The sound of "crackling" rain sounded, and Xiao Wang looked out the window with some worry.

"Brother Wang, what are you worried about?" Ling Fei walked over and patted Xiao Wang's shoulder after finishing his work, and asked.

"If there is a homicide in this ghost weather, let's not talk about it first, if the crime scene is outdoors, the evidence will be washed away. "

No, Brother Wang, haven't it been quite peaceful in the past two days!" Officer

Cui walked over at this time, heard the conversation between the two, and interjected:

"Xiao Ling, you don't know, Xiao Wang is a crow's mouth in our team, a good spirit who is not a bad spirit."

Xiao Wang didn't answer, after he came to the detachment today, his right eyelid kept jumping, which seemed to indicate that something bad was happening.

As the old saying goes, the left eye jumps wealth, and the right eye jumps disaster.

The heavy rain continued until 3 p.m., when it gradually stopped.

In the office area, everyone is busy with the work at hand.

Xiao Wang was writing a summary when the phone rang suddenly.

took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Zhou Xun calling.

"Xiao Wang, there was a homicide, notify everyone to get the equipment, and I set off with Lao Guan and Lao Cui first. "

By the way, don't forget to inform Gao Yanan and the technical department. "

Okay, Team Zhou!" After

hanging up the phone, Xiao Wang relayed it to everyone.

After Ling Fei took the equipment, he trotted all the way to the police car.

At this time, Officer Ma and Officer Zhang had been waiting for a while, and after seeing

Ling Fei, they asked, "Xiao Ling, do you see Xiao Wang?" "This kid said that he was driving, and no one knew where to go!"

Ling Fei shook his head, he didn't see Xiao Wang

on the way.

Two minutes later, Xiao Wang ran over panting, still holding more than a dozen sets of raincoats in his arms.

"I've been waiting for a long time, I just went to inform Director Gao and the technical department.

"After the announcement, it occurred to me that this ghost weather is moody, and it will be troublesome if it rains again.

"So I got some raincoats just in case.

"Brother Wang, you are still thoughtful. The

group didn't talk too much nonsense, and rushed to the scene of the crime without stopping.

Who knew that it was still two kilometers away from the scene of the crime.

A thunderclap rang out.

Then, the raindrops the size of beans gradually fell.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, like a thick fog, and the wisps are constantly entangled!"

"Brother Wang, thanks to you for bringing a raincoat, otherwise we will all be drenched in soup when we arrive at the scene."

When Xiao Wang was about to reply, the mobile phone rang again, and it was Zhou Xun calling.

"Xiao Wang, it's raining so heavily, why don't you go back to the detachment first and get more raincoats. "

I just asked Director Gao and the technical department, and they only brought a few umbrellas in the car, so it's not a problem!"

"Team Zhou, when I left, I took more than ten sets of raincoats, plus five or six sets in the trunk, which was enough." "

Good boy, I've finally grown up!".

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