Chapter 109

“Fast swim frog, use foam light.”

The fast-swimming frog sent a series of bubbles to attack Heracross. Heracross is not good at long-range attacks and can only be forced to defend.

“Heracross, lift up a rock as a shield.”

Heracross inserted the horn into the ground, and violently lifted a rock from the ground to block the light from the foam.

“Heracross, rush up and use super corners.”

Heracross used a rock to block the foaming light and rushed up. The fast-swimming frog saw that the light of the foam could not help Heracross, and wanted to retreat, but Heracross threw the rock out with a sharp eye, and the fast-swimming frog was smashed.

When the fast-stroke frog slowed down a little bit, Heracross’s super corner shot sent it to the top again.

“Quick swim frog, come back to your senses soon.” Ah Si shouted loudly. Under the stimulation of Ah Si’s voice, the fast-swimming frog… still hasn’t recovered, and is still in a state of confusion.

“Heracross, stop it, use split tiles.”

Heracross hit the head of the fast-stroke frog with a slash, knocking the fast-stroke frog straight out.

“Come back and swim the frog. I didn’t expect you to be so strong. In that case, I will also take out my trump card to play against you. Go for the strange power.” Ah Si took out the strange power.

Pokémon: Weird Power

Attribute: Fighting

Potential: Uranus

Strength: Quasi Uranus

Characteristics: Perseverance

Hidden feature: Unyielding Heart

“Quasi Uranus, the strength of Ah Si is much weaker than Ami, but it’s not that weak. Heracross, thanks for your hard work, come back and rest first. Go, Fairy Elf.” Liu Feng replaced He La Crosse, took out the Fairy Elf.

“Your Pokémon is a bit…a bit…a bit of a mother cannon.” Ah Si couldn’t help but said.

With a black line, Liu Feng couldn’t help but look at the Fairy Elf. The Fairy Elf had already darkened his face, and could not help but beat the other party painfully.

“Fairy Elf, take your time off when you attack, don’t make anything wrong with the fight.” Liu Feng warned.

The fairy nodded elfly, but the look in its eyes made Liu Feng wonder if it had even listened to it.

“Fairies, use the wind of the fairies.”

The fairy elves set off the wind of the fairy and drove the strange power into the pillar next to it. This is a blow from the fairy elves, whose power is close to the Uranus level.

“Quickly come out, use your bare hands to chop.”

Strange power is also very powerful in fighting Pokémon. Although powerful attack power is the key, it is its four hands that really make it powerful. In a battle, when its four hands attack together, it is a quadruple attack. Power is terrifying.

“Although the strange power is powerful, the fairy elves are not easy to provoke. The fairy elves, tie the strange power with a ribbon.”

The fairy elves tied Wei Li’s waist with a ribbon and threw it out.

“Strange power, grab the pillar next to it and use the burst punch.”

Guai Li grabbed the pillar next to him to stabilize his body, kicked the pillar with his feet and rushed towards the fairy elf, and his four fists sent burst punches at the same time.

“No, I can’t avoid it. Fairy spirit, use the mist field.”

The moment the fairy elves laid down the misty field, he was hit by the burst fist, but the mist field offset the chaos brought about by the burst fist.

“Well, fortunately, the misty field has been set up, otherwise it will be really troublesome. Fairy spirit, use high-speed stars.”

Fairies and elves emit star-shaped rays of light to attack strange powers, which also lack the means of long-range attacks, but they have many hands, and four fists continue to blow out the high-speed stars.

“Hehe, this fist is quite hard, but even if it can be blocked, it will not feel good.” Liu Feng’s sharp eyes found that the strangely powerful fist was covered with scorched black marks.

“It’s really difficult, I don’t know what its attributes are. How can it be so powerful even for the general type of high-speed stars. No matter what, the strange power, use the cross split.”

Wei Li’s four hands crossed into two crosses and rushed towards the fairy elf.

“Fairy Elf, tie it up.”

The fairy elves used a ribbon to seal the cross of the strange force, and then shook the strange force up.

“Fairies, use the wind of the fairies.”

The fairy elves set off the wind of the fairies to attack the strange power, and the hands of the strange power were all tied up. At this moment, they were shaken up again, unable to defend at all.

“Fairy spirit, just hit the ground directly like this.”

The fairy elves threw the strange force into the sky with a ribbon, and then violently knocked the strange force into the ground.

“Strange power, stand up and use bodybuilding.”

Wei Li struggled to get up, using bodybuilding to improve his attack and defense.

“Strange power, use melee combat.”

Wei Li’s four hands attacked fiercely, defeating the fairy elves steadily.

“Fairy spirit, use a loud voice.”

The fairy elves made a huge noise, and the strange force suffered a lot of damage, and he covered his ears in pain.

“Fairy spirit, the moon bursts.”

The fairy elves sent out a pink ball of light to blow up the strange force.

“What kind of move is this attribute that can cause such great damage to the Fighting Element?” A Si’s whole person is going crazy, the fairy elves’ moves are too weird, even the general moves are very powerful.

“Damn it, try with other stats. Strange power, use double split.”

Guai Li resorted to two consecutive splits to attack the fairy elves, but the fairy elves didn’t take it seriously, and even yawned.

“Fairy Elf, use the moon to burst again.”

The strange force of Erlian hit the fairy elves, but the fairy elves did not respond at all, and backhand shot a moon blast to fly the strange force.

“What?! Erlian split has no effect at all.” Ah Si was really confused now.

“Fairy spirit, use the ultimate impact.”

The air around the fairy elves suddenly gathered and coiled around the fairy elves. The fairy elves rushed out, the strange force desperately used four hands to resist, but still couldn’t resist, and was hit against the wall. The fairy elves added another force and punched the strange force through the wall.

“Weird power!” A Si hurried out and Liu Feng followed. Although the strange power has been hit hard, it still has combat power.

“I haven’t fallen down yet, alas, it’s troublesome.” Liu Feng was a little surprised.

“Very good, it’s such a weird power, using infuriating bombs.”

The strange power condenses a huge infuriating bullet to attack the fairy elves, and the fairy elves are temporarily unable to move due to the side effects of the ultimate impact. It was blown up by the infuriating bomb.

“Very good, weird power, let’s have another infuriating bomb.”

The strange power condensed another infuriating bullet to blow the fairy elves into the air.

“Strange power, use melee combat.”

The strange force used melee combat to attack the fairy elves, but the fairy elves could finally move.

“Fairies, use phantom light.”

The fairy elves fired phantom light to repel the strange force.

“Superpower moves?! Weird power, use the bottom kick.”

Guai Li attacked the Fairy Elf with a sweeping leg, and the Fairy Elf used a ribbon as a spring to bounce himself away from the bottom plate kick.

“Fairies, use magic to shine.”

The whole body of the fairy elves emits a strong light, the strange force is surrounded by the light, and it is constantly hurt.

“Fairies, the last blow, the moon bursts.”

The fairy elves finally shot a moon burst, defeating the strange power.

Ah Si recovered his strange power and said, “You won.”

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