Chapter 108

“It’s really amazing. I didn’t expect to meet a super-evolved opponent in Chengdu. This is the happiest battle I have ever fought since I came to Chengdu.” Liu Feng said.

“Thank you for the compliment. I didn’t expect that my assassin would also lose. This is the proof of defeating me, the steel badge.” Ami took out the steel badge.

After receiving the badge, Liu Feng asked, “Miss Ami, where is the nearest gym?”

“Well… There is a martial arts gym in Azure City, right across the sea. By the way, there is a sea area next to Azure City called Uzumaki Islands. It is said that there are mysterious Pokémon inhabiting there. If you If you are interested, you can check it out.” Ami said.

“Uzumaki Islands.” Liu Feng remembered that there was a mother and son Rogya living there in the original book, so he could just go and have a look.

“Well, since it’s not far away, I’ll be fine by myself tomorrow morning. Sister Kona, you will stay here for the time being, so you don’t have to run with me.” Liu Feng said.

“Xiaofeng, don’t you go to the Uzumaki Islands?” Kona asked.

“Go, but I don’t think it will waste too much time, and we have to go back to the shallow onion market anyway. In that case, I should go there quickly.” Liu Feng said.

“Has Xiaofeng not noticed something wrong?” Kona said suddenly after leaving the Qing Cong Gymnasium.

“What’s wrong?” Liu Feng was a little puzzled.

“It’s Ami. She has a weird look in your eyes, and her face always turns red when she talks to you,” Kona said.

“No.” Liu Feng really didn’t pay attention to this matter. The main reason is that the faces of girls who generally talk to Liu Feng will be slightly red. Although Liu Feng is still a little young, it is still a little immature, but it is enough to attract the attention of many girls.

“Don’t believe me, it may be that you saved the electric dragon and feel a little hazy for you, but I guess Ami can’t explain why herself.” Kona said.

“Uh, I can’t help it.” Liu Feng smiled bitterly.

“Hey, I said you don’t really want to take Ami, do you?” Kona asked vigilantly. There were already a lot of people by Liu Feng’s side, so who would still find themselves a rival in love?

“Don’t be kidding, I have only met her a few times.” Liu Feng said in a panic.

“Hmph, during your trip to Zhanlan City, I will try her out to see how she feels about you.” Kona said to himself, ignoring Liu Feng’s embarrassment.

“Well, you, don’t think about these and none, go back.” Liu Feng said helplessly.

The next day, Liu Feng came to the pier early. Since Qianlong City and Zhanlan City were separated by only one sea, Liu Feng arrived in Zhanlan City at noon.

“Oh, although the boat feels quite fresh, it’s still a bit slow.” Liu Feng is a person with a heavy sense of time and doesn’t like to waste too much time on unnecessary things.

“Next, I have to go to Zhanlan Taoyuan. Damn! So far?!” After opening the map, Liu Feng saw that Zhanlan Taoguan is located in the westernmost part of Zhanlan City, and there is only a long one from the pier to Zhanlan Taoyuan Straight road.

“It’s over, so many people can’t use instant movement. Are you going to walk over?” Liu Feng glanced at the boundless road, feeling a pain in his brain, but he could only helplessly walk over.

“Ahhhhh! You have a way to build the gym farther!” Liu Feng collapsed completely. I have been walking this road for two hours. I didn’t even eat any food in a hurry, but why can’t I see the shadow of the gym?

“No matter it!” With his extraordinary physical fitness, Liu Feng rushed towards the Zhanlan Gymnasium with sparks and lightning, attracting passers-by to stop and watch. Although you can directly use the teleportation to move over, but someone feels a little aggrieved in his heart and vents in this way.

Someone didn’t know how long he rushed, and finally arrived at Zhanlan Gymnasium, but was told that the gymnasium owner was training Pokémon outside, and Liu Feng almost fainted without going up after knowing it.

“Little…boy, you…you are running…really fast.” Just when Liu Feng was inhaling the oxygen cylinder, an obese man The uncle came to the gate of Zhanlan Gymnasium out of breath.

“Are you?” Liu Feng finally returned with a sigh of relief.

“I’m A Si, the master of Zhanlan Gymnasium. Boy, you are good. When I was running on the road, I saw you running like crazy on the road. I think the direction you are running should be Zhanlan Gymnasium. Here, I just chased it all the way, but I didn’t expect that I couldn’t even see your shadow. I really lacked exercise recently,” said Ah Si.

Liu Feng threw away the oxygen cylinder and said, “Hello, I am Liu Feng, here to challenge the Azure Gym.”

“Okay, I think you are in a hurry, so let’s go directly to the gymnasium.” A Si took Liu Feng into the Zhanlan Gymnasium.

“The rule of Zhanlan Gymnasium is that each person can use two Pokémon. If all Pokémon on one side loses the fighting ability, the battle will end. Is there a problem?” Ah Si asked.

“No problem, please start.” Liu Feng said.

“Okay, this is my first one, fast swimming frog.” Ah Si took out the fast swimming frog.

Liu Feng uses probing to check the attributes of the fast-swimming frog:

Pokémon: Fast Swimming Frog

Attributes: water, fighting

Potential: Uranus

Strength: Elite High

Features: water storage

Hidden features: leisurely and freely.

“For the fighting system, I also have a fighting Pokémon here, go, Heracross.” Liu Feng took out Heracross.

“Heracross, use the corner bump.”

Heracross used the horn to rush towards the fast-stroke frog, and the huge horn slammed the fast-stroke frog away.

“Swimming fast, use begging for rain.”

The fast-swimming frog resorted to begging for rain, and a huge dark cloud appeared over the field, followed by the patter of rain falling down.

“Swim frog fast, use hell roll.”

The speed of the fast-stroke frog suddenly increased, grabbing Heracross and rolling back and forth on the ground, and finally threw Heracross.

“Is it a laid-back characteristic? Heracross, use bodybuilding.”

Heracross used bodybuilding to strengthen his attack and defense.

“Heracross, use split tiles.”

Heracross flew in front of the fast-stroke frog and draped a tile on the fast-stroke frog.

“Fast swim frog, use foam light.”

The fast-stroke frog sprayed many bubbles to attack Heracros. Heraclos used crazy attacks to block these bubbles, but the fast-stroke frog seized the opportunity to go around Heracros. Rose was thrown away.

‘’Heracross, use the missile needle.

Many missiles fired from Heracross’s body, which beat the fast-stroke frog to a losing streak.

“This fight is a bit troublesome, but it’s not difficult to fight.”

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