Chapter 102

“Aren’t you trying to subdue me.” Chaomeng stood up abruptly and said with a sneer.

“I want to subdue you, yes, but you must also know that if I simply subdued you as a combat weapon, you would have been subdued by me the last time you were in Xindao.” Liu Feng said lightly.

“Then what do you want?!” Chaomeng said angrily.

“Don’t worry, Chaomeng, do you think Saaki will let you go?” Liu Feng asked.

“How is it possible? That guy is a very ambitious person who has been trying to control my power.” Chao Meng said.

“Yes, and I heard that Sakaki has been looking for you. They must be able to find this place.” Liu Feng said.

“Hmph, even if they come, they don’t necessarily hurt my companion in front of me.” Chaomeng snorted coldly.

“But do you dare to bet, you don’t know how cunning Sakaki is. Once you lose the bet, not only will you be controlled by him, but even those companions who bring you will suffer.” Liu Feng said.

“You tell me this, do you have any way to help me?” Chao Meng said.

“Don’t worry, Chaomeng, shouldn’t your companions stay here forever?” Liu Feng asked.

“Well, some companions have had enough of being trapped in this place, but only here can I protect them.” Chao Meng said.

“Then why don’t you let them go to the outside world?” Liu Feng asked.

“You also said that with Sakagi’s ability, they can be found sooner or later. Once found, they will be used as experimental materials, with disastrous consequences.” Chao Meng said.

“Then what if I came to deal with Sakaki.” Liu Feng said.

“Why are you helping me like this?” Chaomeng asked.

“No, I just want you to be my companion.” Liu Feng said.

“······Good, as long as you can make my companions have a lively life and prevent Sakagi from looking for us anymore, I will be your Pokémon.” Chaomeng gritted his teeth, and finally said.

“Deal, don’t think too much about the matter over Sakaki, just let me deal with it. As for your companions, my previous opinion was to let them be scattered in various places in Chengdu, but if you are really worried, I can transfer them. Go to Carlos.” Liu Feng said.

“Where is Carlos?” Chaomeng asked.

Liu Feng took out the map and said, “This is Chengdu and Guandong, and this is Carlos. It’s far away, and the Rockets can’t reach here. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your companions.” Liu Feng said.

“Okay, then send them to Carlos,” Chao Meng said without hesitation.

“Okay, please go and discuss with your companions first, so as not to cause riots.” Liu Feng said.

Chaomeng nodded. Liu Feng retreated to the lake, leaving Chaomeng time for their discussions.

“How is it?” Kona asked, stepping forward.

“Relax, Chao Meng is willing to follow me, but the condition is to help him deal with Ban Mu’s group of people and the companions who settled it down.” Chao Meng said.

“Why do you have to deal with Sakaki? Does Chao Meng have any grudges against him?” Kona asked.

“By the way, you may not know, Sakagi is actually the boss of the Rockets.” Liu Feng said.

“What?! Isn’t this possible? Sakagi is the owner of Tokiwa Gymnasium, and he is also a famous philanthropist. How could he be the leader of the Rockets.” Kona was shocked.

“But it’s a fact.” Liu Feng said: “And so many names can just conceal the fact that he is the leader of the Rockets.”

“I really know people and don’t know my heart, then how are you going to deal with Sakaki?” Kona asked.

“I don’t want to commit too many murders, so I plan to let Rogia take action to erase the memories of those people.” Liu Feng said.

“But Xiaofeng, do you know where the Rockets are? Both Kanto and Chengdu have their presence. With such a large area, it is not realistic to find them.” Kona reminded.

“Sister Kona, you too underestimate the Super Mythical Beast. If the Super Mythical Beast erupts with all its strength, the whole world will be affected. Rogia, go on.” Liu Feng asked Rogia to fly into the clouds, and Rogia radiated from him. People in the entire Kanto and Chengdu felt very depressed at the same time with their terrifying superpowers. Some people who were related to or knew about Chaomeng were all in a coma. When I wake up again, I always feel that I have forgotten something, but I just can’t remember.

“Okay.” Liu Feng took Rogia back.

“Well, Rogia’s coercion just now was too terrifying, I thought I was going to be crushed.” Kona said with lingering fear.

“Don’t worry, nothing happens at all.” Liu Feng soothed Kona.

“It was the super power fluctuation that Rogia sent out just now?” Chao Meng suddenly appeared in front of Liu Feng with teleportation.

“Yes, I have erased the Rockets’ memory of you. Have you discussed with your companions?” Liu Feng asked.

“My companions all agreed. I didn’t expect that the things that have been bothering me were solved so easily by you.” Chao Meng sighed.

“If you want to erase their memory, it’s easy, but your current strength is not enough to affect the two regions of Guandong and Chengdu. By the way, did you still count on what you originally promised?” Liu Feng said.

“Hmph, since I promised you, I won’t break my promise.” Chaomeng snorted coldly.

“Ding, congratulations to the master for completing the hidden task: subduing Chaomeng. Reward: one hundred thousand gold coins and one Chaomeng Y super-evolution stone.” The system prompt sounded suddenly.

“I didn’t expect the reward this time to be good. In addition to the 100,000 gold coins, I even gave me a Super Dream Y Evolution Stone.” Liu Feng was also a little surprised.

“By the way, Super Dream, I found this in Carlos.” Liu Feng took out the Super Evolution Stone. Of course, the system couldn’t be said, so he just made up a reason.

“What is this? Wait, why does this thing have the same energy as me? Even the dreamy energy is slightly different from mine.” Chao Meng asked in surprise.

“This is called a super-evolution stone. As long as you have this, Pokémon can be super-evolved. But this thing can’t even be used for dreams, it seems that only you can use it.” Liu Feng said.

“How, how is it possible. I’m just a Pokémon made by humans. How can there be a super evolutionary stone that can match me…” Chao Meng couldn’t believe it.

“Try it and you will know, Super Dream, Super Evolution.” Liu Feng touched the Evolution Key Stone in his hand, and complemented the Super Evolution Stone in Chao Meng’s hand. Chao Meng’s body glowed and its shape changed. But the light suddenly diminished, and Chaomeng’s body also changed back to its original state.

“I can feel that my strength has increased a lot in an instant, but suddenly it has changed back. What’s the matter?” Chao Meng looked at her hands and asked hurriedly.

“This is an inevitable situation. Because the conditions for super evolution are not only the corresponding super evolution stone and the evolution key stone in my hand, but also the bond between the trainer and the Pokémon to a certain extent. Your relationship with me now But it hasn’t reached that level yet.” Liu Feng explained.

“There is actually my super-evolution stone in this world, that shows me…” Chao Meng raised her head and looked at Liu Feng.

“Yes, although you are a dreamy copy, you are a unique Pokémon and the life of this world.” Liu Feng said.

“Hmph, I found that following you doesn’t seem to be a bad thing.” The corner of Chaomeng’s mouth rose slightly, which was difficult to detect.

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