Chapter 101

Kona’s plane was not slow, and it reached the clear cliff in three days. Rogia also returned during the period. According to what it said, the families almost scared to pee as soon as it passed, and before it could say anything, they knelt directly. Then I talked about what gifts to give and what to give forever. If you break the vow of allegiance forever, even with the strength of the Luoqia Super Mythical Beast, I have been dumbfounded for a while. I haven’t done anything yet. I originally wanted to let it go. As a result, I am embarrassed to punish you for doing so.

“Those people, if you don’t scare them, they won’t know how to constrain. I believe they can be honest for a long time.” Liu Feng understood that some people just don’t repent. Unless they are destroyed, they will find trouble one day, saying The awkward thing is that a dog can’t change eating shit.

“Xiaofeng, the clear cliff has arrived, but I heard that it will not go up at all, and the helicopter will be blown by the wind. What should we do?” Kona asked.

“It’s okay, leave the rest to me, find a place to land first.” Liu Feng said.

Kona landed on a relatively flat place. The weather in this place is just as Kona said, the weather in this place is unpredictable and very bad. Even now, there is a hurricane close to a typhoon and heavy downpour.

“Hey.” Liu Feng sighed very frustrated.

“What’s the matter?” Kona asked curiously, rarely seeing Liu Feng look so depressed.

“I think I might be the god of rain, wherever I went, it rained, and once it was dangerous, I almost injured the sundae.” Liu Feng said dejectedly.

“Haha…” Kona couldn’t help but laugh. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with what I said. Liu Feng had a 75% chance that it would rain when he walked to a place. This is Kona. Estimated result when bored.

“Forget it, don’t leave me in a moment.” Liu Feng put on his raincoat and took Ke off the plane. Just after landing, Liu Feng felt like he was about to be blown up. Moreover, the hurricane was still raining, and even if he was wearing a raincoat, Liu Feng felt that his clothes were soaked.

“It’s impossible to go like this.” Liu Feng used super powers to set up a barrier to block the rain outside.

“Xiaofeng, why didn’t you put up a barrier at the beginning? It made my whole body wet.” Kona asked.

“Sorry, the outside environment is too bad, it consumes a lot of my superpowers, but now it seems that it is not necessary.” Liu Feng smiled bitterly.

“It consumes a lot? Xiaofeng, are you okay?” Kona asked worriedly.

“It’s okay, this place is actually suitable for exercising my strength.” Liu Feng said.

“Exercise?” Kona didn’t understand Liu Feng’s words.

“Yeah, I have never seen such a bad place before. I can just use the outside environment to exercise my strength.” Liu Feng said.

“Really. By the way, I’ve always been curious about one thing, who is stronger, you or Nazi?” Kona asked curiously.

“Only speaking of super powers, I am inferior to her. People who can be stronger than Nazi’s super powers can be counted with a single slap.” Liu Feng said.

“But how does it feel that such a strong person has become a good wife and mother now?” Kona teased.

“Hmph, won’t you do the same in the future?” Liu Feng asked rhetorically.

“Huh, you are taking advantage of everything.” Kona said angrily.

“Haha. Stop for a while, the road above is not easy to walk, Rogia, directly use teleportation to send us up.” Liu Feng said to Rogia.

“Good master.” Rogia directly teleported Liu Feng and Kona to Mingjing Lake above the clear cliff.

“Wow! The water in this lake is so clear.” Kona said, standing on the edge of the lake.

“Not only that, the water in this lake contains all the ingredients needed by living organisms. It has great benefits for both humans and Pokémon. It also has a very good healing effect. It can be said that this is the only one in the entire world. .” Liu Feng said.

“No, although the water here is really good, it’s not as exaggerated as you said?” Kona asked curiously.

“It’s not an exaggeration at all.” Liu Feng shook his head and said: “Today human development has polluted nature, turning many originally dense forests and clear lakes into steel forests. The world can have such water in itself. Miracle.”

“Why are you… Why are you here?” Suddenly, a faint voice came from behind, scaring Liu Feng with goose bumps. He hurriedly turned his head and saw Chao Meng appearing behind them. , There are many Pokémon around Chaomeng, which should all be copied Pokémon at that time.

“Xiaofeng, it’s the Pokémon I saw last time.” Kona said.

“I know, it’s been a long time since I saw Chaomeng.” Liu Feng said.

“Who told you I was here, Sakaki?” Chaomeng asked.

“No one told me, I just passed by here.” Liu Feng said.

“You can stay here, but please don’t tell the story here. We don’t want people to know our existence.” Chaomeng said in a deep voice.

“This is no problem.” Liu Feng knew Chaomeng’s concerns.

Taking Kona back to the side, Kona asked: “Xiaofeng, do you know that Pokémon?”

“By the way, you didn’t go last time. It is the Pokémon from Niijima last time. It is called Chaomeng. It is a Pokémon created by humans with dreamy eyelashes. It has the power of a first-level god.” Liu Feng said.

“Made by humans!? Who is so capable?” Kona was shocked.

“I don’t know, it can only be said to be a group of lunatics. In addition, it has always felt that it is a copy of a dream, and this group of Pokémon too. But they have never thought about it, whether it is the deity or them, it is life.” Liu Feng sighed.

“They are so pathetic.” Kona felt a little sympathetic to Super Dream.

“Oh, in fact, Chaomeng hates humans on the one hand, and is attracted by the beautiful side of human beings on the one hand. You stay here, and I will talk to it in the past.” Liu Feng told Kena not to walk around, and then walked to Chaomeng. Around. The Pokémon beside Chaomeng took a fighting pose and warned Liu Feng not to approach.

“It’s okay, you can go there first, I will talk to him alone.” Chao Meng said.

The surrounding Pokémon looked at Chaomeng in confusion, but Chaomeng nodded to them, and the Pokémon had to leave.

“What do you want to tell me?” Chaomeng asked.

“You are afraid of humans.” Liu Feng said.

“I’m afraid of humans? Are you talking and laughing?” Chaomeng sneered.

“Isn’t it? Just when you saw me, you just said Sakaki’s name. Wasn’t it what you were afraid of?” Liu Feng said.

“What’s a joke, my power is much stronger than I was by Ban Mu’s side at the time, so how come I am afraid of him?” Chaomeng said angrily.

“Hehe, but you also know that even if you can easily defeat Sakaki, you cannot defeat him.” Liu Feng said.

“Why?” Chaomeng didn’t understand what Liu Feng said.

“Because that guy will do whatever it takes to achieve all goals. Although your strength is very strong, you know your weaknesses, and Sakagi knows that these are these Pokémon.” Liu Feng said.

“Then what do you think I should do?” Chaomeng said irritably.

“It’s very simple.” Liu Feng reached out to Chaomeng and said, “Be my partner.”

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