Not long after the two of them left, a hand slowly broke open on the ice. [The balladeer] stood up trembling as he held himself to the ground.

"Did you deliberately keep your hand?" [

The Skirmishers] knew very well that under the sword of the mirror stream, he would never survive. Since he can stand here now, it proves that Jingliu has left ...... hand

"Are you proud and complacent, or do you simply look down on me?" [Balladeer] looked at the heart of God floating in the air in front of him, and his face flashed with a grim expression.

"You...... You'll regret it!You'll pay a terrible price for your pride and complacency!" [The Balladeer] didn't hesitate to hold the Heart of God in his hands.

Then [the balladeer] took out one and emitted an evil eye, and after a while, the evil eye emitted a burst of red light, followed by a voice:

"Hey? "

I got Thor's Godheart. "

Oh?" The person on the other end of the Evil Eye was obviously surprised, not expecting [Balladeer] to actually be able to obtain the Heart of God in front of [Sword Head] and [Maiden].

"How can the Heart of God fall into your hands, and [Sword Head] and [Maiden] didn't attack you?"

"Don't mention them!"

"Oh...... I see, the heart of God was given to you by [Sword Head] and [Maiden]. "The man on the other side of the evil eye listened to [the balladeer] and had a rough idea of how the heart of God had fallen into the hands of the [balladeer].

[The Balladeer] didn't speak, clutching the Heart of God tightly in his hand.

"Alright, you just need to know that you will come to Sumeru, and the plan is almost arranged, now, just wait.

"How long will it take. "[The Balladeer] stared at the Heart of God in his hand, remembering the mirror flow, thinking of Balzeb, and he couldn't wait any longer.

"After the Flower God's Birthday Festival. The man on the other side of the evil eye chuckled, and then hung up.

"Is it a festival for the god of flowers......" [Balladeer] looked at the evil eye in his hand that had been cut off, and his face was covered by a broken purple hat, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

"Wait, [Sword Head]...... And Balzebu, your end is coming!hahaha...... Hahaha"

The boy stood on top of the ice, clutched the heart of God in his hand, and laughed wildly......


In a dark factory, a man with a beak mask hung up the evil eye in his hand and smiled disdainfully:

"This [skirmisher]...... It seems that he is completely unaware of the power of [Sword Head]. "

I'm afraid that all my slices will not be able to catch a sword of [Sword Head], right?" the man in the bird's beak mask laughed at himself, completely unable to understand why there was a ...... of someone of Mirror Flow's strength on the Teyvat continent

"Even if you become a god, you will still be my experiment. How dare you touch her?" the man in the beak chuckled, apparently not taking [the Balladeer] seriously at all.

"But...... Even though I knew the strength of [Sword Head], I couldn't help but have the idea of studying her

......" "If she can let me study it...... Even if it's just a little bit, I'm afraid it can refresh my worldview, hahahahaha. The

man in the beak mask laughed wildly, as if he had already thought about the good days after studying the mirror stream......

But soon, the man in the bird-beak mask couldn't laugh anymore.

In the sky, a sword qi fell from top to bottom in the direction of the man in the beak mask. The man in the beak mask and the factory were all shattered by the sword qi ......


"What's wrong with Kagami?" Columbia asked with a sudden smile as she looked at Kagami.

"It's fine, it's just that I accidentally stepped on an ant. "


can I not see an ant?"

"This ant is not another ant." Kagyu chuckled lightly, without explaining too much. [Doctor] That guy, I didn't even find him, he wanted to find me, in that case, I also have to show my courtesy demeanor and give him a sword qi study.

As for whether you can do it next, that's not something you should think about.


"Well, everybody's there. "

When I walked into the Coral Palace, I saw that the people of the Coral Palace, Xinhai, Ying, Paimon, and others were all here, and their expressions were very solemn, as if they were discussing something important.

When several people heard this, they turned their heads to look at it. And Ying looked at the arrival of Jingliu and Columbia, remembered the identities of the two, and didn't know whether to speak or not.

"I'm discussing the matter of the evil eye. Jingliu looked at Ying's expression of wanting to speak and stopped, and could roughly guess what they were discussing.

"Mirror Flow...... About

the Evil Eye...... "The mastermind behind the Evil Eye is [Dr.], oh, it has nothing to do with me and Columbia. I don't care about doing this kind of chick petting. Jingliu spread his hands and replied truthfully.

"Is this also an executive?"

"The second [doctor] of the Eleventh Executive of the Fatui, as you can tell by his code name, is a doctor. "

Everyone: ......

"Erxi, is it another god......" Paimon touched his head a little uncomfortably.

"Don't worry, [Doctor] isn't in Inazuma, and the Evil Eye is basically organized by [Balladeers]. "

[Skirmishers]...... It's an executive again, this shouldn't be a seat......

" "What are you thinking?" Hearing this, Kagamon looked at Paimon with a look of a fool. He continued, "[The Skirmisher] is six seats, and although the seats are not low, you don't have to worry, he has now got what he wants and left Inazuma." "

Is that so...... Ying lowered her head, unable to see her expression clearly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"I'm thinking of the rebels who used the Evil Eye and suffered side effects. Jingliu saw through Ying's inner thoughts at a glance.

"Yes. Ying didn't hide it and admitted it. Then he said: "I know it's their own choice, but I still feel unfair to them......"

Jingliu ...... Is there anything you can do to help them?" Paimon couldn't help but feel a little distressed as he remembered the appearance of the soldiers on Haiqi Island.

"No, no. If it's because of the aging caused by the injury, I do have a solution, but it's because of Shouyuan's problem, and I can't help it. Jingliu sighed and waved his hand helplessly.

In fact, for Jingliu, aging is not a matter at all, and it can be solved by squeezing out a little bit of abundant power.

And why not help them? From the moment they decided to pick up the Evil Eye, they were already determined.

Then why should I change their determination?"

Sangonomiya Kokomi put his hand on his chest and solemnly thanked Jingliu.

Kagami nodded to Sangonomiya Kokomi, and then said to Ying, "After the things on Watatsumi Island are done, let's go to the Narujin Shrine to find Yae Miko." "

The eye hunting order is also coming to an end.

After Jingliu finished speaking, he didn't give a few people time to react, and pulled Columbia away.


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