"[Balladeer], did you not take my words seriously, or did you not take me seriously?"

In order not to waste time, Jingliu directly used his mental power to lock on to the position of [Balladeper]. After finding [Skirmisher], Kagami directly questioned him.

Seeing the arrival of the two of them, their expressions were slightly stunned, obviously they didn't expect the two to find them. Then he reacted, spread out his hands, and his expression was innocent:

"What are you talking about? I shut down the Evil Eye Factory as soon as you left." Isn't that the same as taking your words to heart?"

Kagami-ryu snorted lightly, and then asked, "Then why did you spread the evil eyes on Watatsumi

Island?" "Huh?" [The Skirmishers] obviously didn't expect Kagami-ryu to ask this, and then said with a look of course on his face, "Is there anything strange about this? These evil eyes are just half-finished products, and it would be a pity to destroy them, so it is better to absorb some benefits from Watatsumi Island."

"It just so happens that Watatsumi Island is still fighting with the Shogunate Army, and they have been boosted in strength, winning many battles, and the Fatui have also gained the benefits they want. Isn't that a win-win situation?"

"Hmm......" Kagaru listened to [the Balladeur] and nodded in agreement. [The balladeers] didn't make sense, but it was a win-win for the Fatui. Watatsumi Island may seem like yes at first, but waiting for the side effects of the evil eye to manifest itself is not a win-win situation.

Although it has nothing to do with him, if he wants to beat [Balladeer], he has to find a reason, otherwise what is the difference between himself and those unreasonable barbaric women

?" "You want the heart of God, right?" Jingliu suddenly asked coldly.

[The Balladeer] eyes became a little frenzied when he heard the Heart of God, but he was quickly suppressed by it. Then he smiled and said

, "Of course, collecting the Heart of God is an order issued by the Empress. And I, the Fatui Executive Officer, the sixth [Skirmishers], naturally have to be determined to fulfill the orders of the Empress.

"Really?" Kagami smiled meaningfully, and then took out the heart of God that Yae Miko had given himself,

"But I'm not asking about the identity of [Balladeer], I'm asking about the person Scarramzai."

"Or rather, the thunder and lightning country collapsed. The smile on Jingliu's face became more and more intense, and he shook the heart of God in his hand.

[The Balladeer's] feverish eyes reappeared, staring at the Heart of God, shaking as it swayed.

[The Balladeer] didn't even notice what Mirror Stream said, and he only had one thought in his mind now, which was to take the Divine Heart from Mirror Stream's hands.

But when he remembered that Jingliu was far from being able to match his strength, the frenzy in his heart also calmed down a little.

"[Sword head] plus [maiden]...... The probability of snatching the Heart of God from the two of them is basically zero......

" "It seems that Thor's Heart can only give up ......" [Balladeer] silently thought in his heart, if the Heart of God is still in Yae Miko, he will definitely be able to obtain the Heart of God. I don't know why it's in their hands, but it seems like it...... I had to go and take the heart of the god of Sumeru, and it just so happened that [the doctor] was there.

Kagami-ryu looked at [Balladeer] who wanted to give up, and chuckled, "How about making a

deal?" "What deal?" [Balladeer] had already thought about it, and left Inazuma overnight today, and quickly went to Sumeru to meet [Dr.], and he had to get the Heart of God in front of Kagami-ryu and Columbia. But when I heard what Jingliu said about the transaction, I was also a little interested in it.

"Take my sword, and I'll give you the heart of God, how about

it?" "Take your sword?" [Skirmisher] looked at Kagami with some caution, not believing that Kagami-ryu would be so kind. Although he knew that there was a slight gap with Jingliu, he was still confident that he would follow.

Of course, that's what [the balladeers] think.

"Of course, if you can take a sword, what if the heart of God gives it to you. Kagmiryu chuckled, looking at the slightly confident expression on [the Balladeer's] face, and didn't explain too much. Then he remembered something and explained

, "Of course, the Ice Empress doesn't need to care, I'll tell her." The Heart of God can do whatever you want, as long as it is in your hands, no one will say anything. "

Really?" [Balladeer] listened to Mirror Stream's words, unable to believe that pie would fall from the sky. After all, in [the Balladeer's] view, it only takes a sword to gain the Heart of God, which is the act of pie in the sky.

"I never lied to anyone, and you don't deserve to be deceived by me. Jingliu said lightly, without too much explanation.

"Then come quickly. "[The skirmisher] stared at the mirror with impatience on his face.

"Heh, meet you.

After Jing Liu finished speaking, he summoned the Tanhua Sword and swung out a sword qi at will.

The sword qi struck towards the [Skirmishers] at an extremely fast speed, and wherever the sword qi passed, it turned into bursts of ice, exuding a chilling aura.

[Skirmisher] looked at the sword qi in front of him, his eyes shrinking. Immediately unleash all your strength to defend.

But the defense he unleashed, in front of this sword qi, was like a thin piece of paper, ruthlessly shattered.

Looking at his own defense, under the sword qi, but the mantis arm blocked the car. [Skirmishers] looked at themselves under their full strength but could not resist half of the sword qi, and also sent out soul torture towards their hearts.

"Is there really such a big gap between humans and gods?" The

sword qi fell, emitting an ice explosion, instantly freezing everything around it, forming an absolutely cold field. And [Balladeer], under this attack, turned into an ice sculpture and lost his breath?

"Dead?" Columbia sensed that [Balladeer]'s breathing had stopped, and asked the mirror in confusion.

"Are you stupid?" said Kagami, looking at Columbia with a stupid look.


"[The Balladeer] is a puppet, and the puppet has no intention, so how can it talk about breathing. The mirror flicked Columbia's forehead and said lightly.

Columbia was a little confused, and then carefully sensed the breath on [the balladeer], and found that his life fire was indeed still there, but it was a little faint, and he fell into a state of suspended animation.

"Hmm...... Let's go. Kagairu stretched and threw the Heart of God in front of [the Balladeer] and said to Columbia beside him.

"Won't you kill him?" Columbia asked, looking at [the Balladeur] who had only one breath left.

"Kill, kill, kill, you know kill, I think you're stupid. Jingliu flicked Columbia's forehead again, thinking it was quite funny.

"Play again!" Columbia puffed out her cheeks and looked at the mirror with some anger.

"Hehe?" Mirror Flow flicked Columbia's forehead again. As a result, he pounced directly, but fortunately, Jingliu was agile and dodged on the side of his body. He continued

, "Now that he was aware of the gap between man and God, his desire to become a god was at its peak.

"So I give him the heart of God, and when he becomes a god, he will definitely want to settle accounts with me." "

By then......"

Kagami chuckled and didn't say any more.

"I'm already looking forward to [the skirmishers'] expressions. "


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