Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 369 Little Flame Monkey's First Station of Cultivation House and Branch House

I see that you have just signed up for the World Championships, and I just signed up too. Do you want to have a formal match?

The white-haired girl shook her phone and poke ball with a confident expression on her face.

Okay, come on.

Anyway, in the initial ranking, it doesn't matter who you play against, Shinji is very open.

However, having said that, there is a rule in the World Championships, that is, the general battle is 1VS1 outdoors and 2VS2 indoors.

There is definitely no indoor battle field in the elf center, and they can only fight outside.

Then match it first and call Rotom!

The girl stretched out the mobile phone in her hand and approached Shinji, and after pressing the button, the words of successful matching were displayed soon.

Let's go, let's start the battle in the backyard of the Elf Center.

It was rare to challenge a rookie who had just signed up, and the girl who felt that she had a sure chance of winning took the lead out of the elf center in a happy mood.

Shinji followed behind him casually.

As soon as they arrived at the backyard battle field, an aerial camera Rotom flew from nowhere and was already in place. It had already turned on the camera recording mode, and was ready to upload the video and results of the match for the calculation of points.

My name is Li Li, a trainer in Changqing City, my elves are very strong.

The white-haired girl Mo Li introduced herself.

Shimo Shinji, from Curtain City.

Shinji said with a flat face.

The general-level battle is ready, the rules of the game are 1VS1, please release your elves.

Rotom made such a sound in the sky.

Hearing this, the two took out a poke ball at the same time, looked at each other, and threw it out at the same time.

It's up to you, hyperactive ape!

Little Flame Monkey, get ready to fight!


A white-haired elf with sharp claws that looks like an ape and a little flame monkey appeared on the ground.


Knowing that his real first battle was about to start, Little Flame Monkey looked eager to try as soon as he appeared, and the short tail flames on his back burned even hotter, but his expression froze when he noticed his opponent.

It's not that this hyperactive ape is scary, arrogant and scary, but that this hyperactive ape is about to fall asleep?

Even Shinji was a little surprised when he saw it. This kind of drowsy hyperactive ape is as rare as an active lazy man.

Little flame monkey, yes!

Li Li's expression was clenching his fists in surprise. The opponent was just a little flame monkey in the form of a baby. Didn't her hyperactive ape just kill him indiscriminately!

The battle begins!

At this time, Rotom made a sound and the two entered the battle state instantly.

Spark! Flame Wheel!

The little flame monkey opened its mouth, and a powerful spark shot out, scattering towards the hyperactive monkey like sparks all over the sky.

As soon as the move was closed, the little flame monkey spit out flames and suddenly jumped and rolled up, turning into a flame wheel, and then rushed towards the hyperactive monkey.

Even when the attack came, the hyperactive ape still looked drowsy, without any panic or vitality.

But when Mo Li issued a password, a gleam suddenly shot out from the hyperactive ape's eyes.

Ape God, activate!

Just four simple words, the hyperactive ape is like Regichkas who has successfully slowed down, without any other instructions from Li Li, he just scatter the sparks flying in front of him with his claws and continue to move towards the little flame The monkey rushed away.

On the way, the two sharp claws of the hyperactive ape were covered by white light, and when they ran to the right position, they jumped up, and a move of tearing claws fell towards the flame wheel.


As soon as it was touched, countless sparks flew out from the tearing claw, and the flame wheel still didn't stop rolling, but it couldn't move forward at all.

Hmph! My hyperactive ape is very strong.

A smug expression appeared on Mo Li's face, and he ordered: Smash it!

After saying that, the hyperactive ape immediately raised his free hand to attack the flame wheel from the side with his tearing claws, and directly knocked the little flame monkey away from the flame wheel.


Get the upper hand with one move, take advantage of the victory and pursue it!

The hyperactive ape's body moved again, using its hands and feet to launch a chase and rush towards the little flame monkey, and jumped up again to split and grab the little flame monkey's head.

Flame Fist.

Hearing Shinji's voice, the little flame monkey perked up instantly, turned around and threw out a flame fist that he had just learned for two days to block and split.

After a collision, the little flame monkey fell towards the ground again at a faster speed.


The hyperactive ape doesn't need the trainer's command, and the two hands are split and then come.


Dig a hole!

Thanks to World Tree's hard digging training, as soon as it touched the ground, the little flame monkey quickly grabbed it with both hands, and dug a big hole in the ground in an instant and entered the ground.


The mud flew, and the split of the hyperactive ape failed.

No problem, use health while being vigilant...

Before Li Li's command could be finished, the ground directly under the ape's body shattered, and the little flame monkey directly flew out by digging a hole.

Spray flames.

Even without jumping out of the hole, a powerful flame shot out from the mouth of the little flame monkey, directly hitting the hyperactive ape in the sky.


Bathed in flames, the hyperactive ape fell to the ground in pain, and before it could adjust its posture, there was another flame wheel rushing towards itself in front of its eyes.

Tearing Claw!

In a hurry, the hyperactive ape quickly waved its sharp claws to meet it head-on.

But at the moment when the two sides were about to collide, the flame wheel unexpectedly turned at a right angle and missed it.

This hand floats at a right angle

Spray flames.

The flame wheel dissipated directly, and the little flame monkey directly headed down in the air and sprayed flames in the opposite direction. The ape was caught off guard and burned in flames.

After the attack, the Little Flame Monkey looked like a gymnast. With his hands on the ground, he flipped a few somersaults and landed perfectly. He raised his hands high as if to pay tribute to him.

Turning his head, he saw that the aggressive hyperactive ape just now was lying on the ground and struggling to get up.


Seeing this scene, Little Flame Monkey couldn't help it immediately, and rushed forward to avoid the dying ape's counterattack and punched him, knocking him down completely.


Seeing the hyperactive ape lying at his feet, Little Flame Monkey heaved a sigh of relief.

This hyperactive ape has stronger speed and strength than himself. Fortunately, he can dig holes and breathe fire, otherwise he might really lose.

But then thinking that he won the first battle, Little Flame Monkey couldn't help jumping happily.

The hyperactive ape loses the ability to fight, the little flame monkey wins, and Shinji wins this battle!

Recording... uploading... done!

After aerial photography Rotom announced the result of the match and uploaded the battle, he turned around and flew towards the place where he received the new battle shooting task.

Ah... unexpectedly lost...

Mo Li hugged the hyperactive ape and let out a howl.

This is different from the script she thought of!

What about easily crushing the rookie who just signed up, and then earning points to become a super ball trainer as soon as possible?

Why is it that he is not an opponent even if the ape god is activated! Not reconciled.

Rank: 43422

After winning, Shinji opened the rankings calmly and found that his ranking was much lower than expected, not even in the top 10,000.

We must continue to work hard. Before the ranking reaches 1,000, all the matches will be left to you.

Shinji said to the little flame monkey.

Not all general-level trainers are rookies, and some of them just signed up late, but they themselves have the strength of super ball or even advanced ball.

With the strength of Little Flame Monkey, it is impossible to win every battle even if he forces out the fierce fire.

Saying this sentence shows that Shinji is ready to lose a lot of battles in the future.

Only when you lose and win can you grow. You haven’t lost much before, and you won’t have many opportunities to lose in the future. The World Championships count as one, so you should cherish it.


Little Flame Monkey, who didn't know Shinji's inner thoughts, felt that he had gained Shinji's trust, and he clenched his fists and responded with full fighting spirit.

It will definitely do its best to live up to the expectations of its trainers.


Glancing at the distressed girl who was hugging the moving ape, Shinji turned around and left the elf center, and walked towards the department store with the little flame monkey.

During the travel and crossing in the past few days, most of the contents in his backpack have been consumed, and it is urgent to replenish at this moment.

After spending an hour or so preparing everything, Shinji sat on a seat outside the mall drinking orange juice and threw a piece of the biscuit he bought to the little flame monkey.


After receiving the biscuit, Little Flame Monkey held it in his hand curiously, looked at it and smelled it from various angles, and then tasted it happily.

Shinji was thinking about when he should go back to Sinnoh.

I have been in the Kanto area for a few months, and I have seen the battle against the frontier zone, Nazi, and the World's Initial Tree. It can be said that, except for Mewtwo in the main world, the Kanto area treats him very well. There is nothing left to remember.

It's a pity that I didn't get the news of Qinglu and Chihong returning to Guandu.

After thinking about it for a long time, Shinji was probably sure that when the value of the Lightning Bird was drained and thrown into the Tree of the Beginning of the World, he should leave.

As for whether to return to Sinnoh or travel to other regions, we will make more detailed plans later.

At this moment, Shinji overheard the conversation of a nearby girl.

Isn't your Ibrahimovic two days ago a little anorexic and didn't want to eat anything? Why do you feel that your mental state is better now than before?

A black-haired girl looked at the lazy Ibrahimovic in the arms of another brown-haired girl next to her.

I took Ibrahimovic to the Elf Center two days ago, and Ms. Joy recommended me to visit the newly opened breeding house in the city. The brown-haired girl said.

Cultivation house? Newly opened, is it reliable?

I was skeptical at first, but after the past, that handsome breeder found a somewhat ferocious dragon king scorpion and touched Ibrahimovic a few times, and Ibrahimovic's appetite grew that day.

I gave Ibrahimovic another treatment later, and now his condition looks so good.


After the brown-haired girl finished speaking, Ibrahimovic in his arms echoed as he recalled how comfortable he was at that time.

So amazing? I'll take my Pikachu to see it later.



These conversations sounded ordinary, but what fell in Shinji's ears reminded him of what Leisi said before, that he was going to other regions to open up markets and establish a cultivation house.

Coupled with Dragon King Scorpion and Acupuncture Points, this is completely in line.

Sorry to bother you, but is the breeder you mentioned purple-haired and named Reiss?

Thinking of this, Shinji stood up decisively and walked to the two girls and asked.

Yes, the same purple hair as you...huh?! You look alike, are you brothers?

The brown-haired girl was halfway through speaking when she suddenly realized.

Yes, where is the cultivation house?

It's not far, it's just on the outskirts of Changqing Gymnasium.

Thanks for letting me know.

Shinji nodded, expressed his gratitude and left with the little Flame Monkey.

He looks so cold...

The black-haired girl complained, took out her phone and started searching for relevant information.

I heard that he is a very powerful trainer, maybe a powerful trainer is a bit weird?

The brown-haired girl stroked Ibrahimovic's hair and smiled.

Wow! It's amazing!

The black-haired girl also found Shinji's information, and couldn't help but exclaim.

Champion of the League Competition...Champion of the Orange League Winners Cup...Strongly defeating the Four Heavenly King Kona...Dominating the battle against the pioneering area...Any one of them looks really good!

The main world is different from the elf world. Any of these titles or achievements symbolizes good strength, and each has a higher gold content than the other.

The championship of the league competition means that at least there is a gymnasium, and the winner's cup has a king, and defeating Kona and playing against the pioneering zone must at least have the strength close to the championship.

You tell people who is so good, such as the brave of the rainbow, the brave of the wave guide, a bunch of titles, people who don’t understand will just say, it sounds like a second grade, is it really good to ask?

If you say that he defeated some divine beast to save the world, others will only think you are bragging.

But as long as you list his past record with famous trainers, it will be amazing.

Regardless of the girl's surprise, Shinji came to the cultivation house not long after.

Seeing this place with a very different style from his own cultivation house, Shinji didn't think it would be his brother's house at all.

Before reaching the interior, Shinji stopped in his tracks.

In the yard ahead, the beautiful Xanadu was leading Kirulian to water the flowers, and a young man with purple hair was staring intently at the tablet in front of him.

As if he felt something in his heart, Lei Si suddenly raised his head and looked at Shinji in the same eye, a gleam of joy jumped out of his eyes.

Brother, why didn't you say anything when you came here?

I wanted to watch your game, and I'll give you a surprise, but it looks like I missed it. Reiss raised the tablet in his hand.

I saw that on the tablet, it was the battle between Shinji and Jindai just now.

Will have the opportunity next time.

Shinji affirmed.

Next time you participate in an important game, I will definitely be there.

Reiss smiled.

When was this cultivation house opened?

The construction started a month or two ago and opened about half a month ago, but it was not very formal at that time, and many things were not ready.

The style gap is a bit big.

Shinji looked at this slowly modern breeding house.

Anyway, it's just a branch. I'm only responsible for the initial training and construction, and I'll hand it over to the alliance later.

Leisi didn't care about these decorations, anyway, he just stayed for a few days and left, everything was fine. (end of this chapter)

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