Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 368 Rocket Team Apollo (sent), temporarily reserve the silly bird to register for the World

After shooting down the biting land shark, the Lightning Bird also fully recovered its ability to move.

But before it moved, a special cover came from nowhere to cover it.

what's the situation?


Seeing this, Shendai, Lei'er and the others below were shocked, and looked towards the other side of the sky.

I saw a group of people wearing special uniforms with an R mark on their chests standing on a special airship next to them, standing on a pedal-like aircraft and flying to the Lightning Bird. The leader was a man with short blue-green hair.


Anger appeared in the lightning bird's eyes, lightning was continuously released from its body, and destructive rays were emitted from its mouth in an attempt to destroy it.

However, the Lightning Bird, who was already injured and had fought against the Electric Shock Monster and Biting Land Shark, couldn't even display its peak general strength at this moment.

As a result, it couldn't destroy the hood that restrained itself at all, and it was only doing powerless resistance inside.

Run, did you run?

The short-haired man knocked on the cover and smiled at Shinji and the others.

Apollo, the cadre of the Rockets, thank you for your help. Otherwise, I don't know how long this guy will have to run before he can be included in our pocket.

Team Rocket, it's disgusting!

It turns out that the lightning bird was forced to come by your attack!

Lei'er looked at these guys and shouted angrily.

This was our mistake. We should have taken this guy in the Orange Islands. I'm really sorry.

Apollo smiled darkly, without apologizing at all.

There's no need to talk to them, go, Iron Ninja, Sun Rock!

Knowing that it was useless to talk to these guys, Jindai threw the poke ball decisively.

As soon as the Iron Ninja appeared, he disappeared in place and rushed towards Apollo at a very high speed. The other Moonstone and Sun Rock launched a mental attack at the same time to attack Apollo!

Through the marked pyramid, Apollo instantly recognized the identity of the Age of Gods.

He is not afraid of God, but he is afraid of trouble.

You must know that elves with trainers and elves without trainers are not at the same level. Under the command of the Age of God, the three gods are definitely more difficult to capture than Lightning Bird.

Now that he has succeeded, just in case, he decisively ordered to retreat.

I won't talk nonsense with you, let's go!

After the words fell, Apollo and the surrounding Rockets members threw dozens of poke balls and released a group of big-mouthed bats and gas bombs.

The big-mouthed bats all launched ultrasonic waves together, and the gas bombs all spit out smoke.

With the cooperation of the two, aiming at the bottom is completely indiscriminate attack. Even though the iron ninjas rushing forward are powerful, they are forced to retreat and fall into chaos, while the mental attack is completely blocked by the gas bombs with their bodies as a barrier.

Under the ultrasonic waves and the dark smoke, Apollo led the other members of Team Rocket and turned around and flew towards the airship.


Ah! It's so annoying, what should I do, what should I do!

Damn it! It's this time!

In the protective cover made by Sun Rock and Moon Stone, Lei'er looked impatient, and Jindai couldn't help clenching his fists.

I don't think the Rockets' conspiracy will necessarily succeed.

Ahida, who has been invisible because there are no elves, said suddenly.


Is there any other way?

Others turned their attention to Ahida.

I can't help it, but Shinji is gone.

Yashida spread her hands and pointed to the empty place next to where Shinji was just now.

In the air, when Apollo led his team to fly to the side of the airship, the hatch had not been opened for a long time, and one of the team members couldn't help but let out a cold snort at the communicator.

Report...report...the enemy...

Intermittent voices came from it, and the words stopped abruptly before they could finish speaking.


Just when the rocket team was about to question, the cabin door suddenly opened, but the person behind the door was not anyone they knew well.

Boy, who are you! When did you go in?!

Team Rocket looked at the purple-haired boy with an unknown elf and an electric shock monster in front of him, and asked cautiously.

The boy is Shinji, needless to say the unknown elf, it is the Mewtwo that is first revealed to people in the main world.

Shinji didn't intend to play as early as Apollo had something unexpected.

Reality is not animation, and he is not Xiao Zhi. Unless the airship can be destroyed before it leaves, there is no way to save Lightning Bird.

As for how to enter the airship? Is it strange that Mewtwo can teleport people?

Don't you understand? The battle between me and the Lightning Bird is not over yet?

Shinji asked with a cold face.

Compared to his dislike for this group of evil organizations, what Shinji hates more is that the battle is interrupted in the middle. Now that the Rockets have occupied both, they still want to say hello to leave unharmed?

Is he the contemporary Madonna?


The members of the Rockets were about to start spraying, when they saw Apollo raising his hand, he swallowed his words immediately.

Apollo looked at Shinji solemnly, and more precisely looked at Mewtwo next to Shinji, and asked, Mewtwo? You came back, and you were subdued by the trainer?

As a cadre of the Rockets, Apollo, the elf who can barely be regarded as the number two figure, is naturally aware of the existence of Chaomeng, and even participated in the siege of Chaomeng at the beginning.

It's a pity that he didn't follow in the final siege because he wanted to guard the base.

After Chaomeng erased the memory of Sakagi and his party and came back, Chaomeng and the group of clone elves disappeared completely.

He didn't expect to meet Chaomeng today? !

Oh? Have you seen another me?

A bit of interest flashed in Chaomeng's eyes.

It knows that there is a Chaomeng in this world, and it really wants to meet it, but it's a pity that it doesn't know the location.

Another? Impossible! There is only one Mewtwo in the world!

Apollo shouted in doubt, but secretly made several gestures with the hands behind his back.

Although it has not seen Chaomeng a few times, it also knows how terrifying its strength is.

The existence of Niijima can be destroyed just after birth, and they are not opponents at all without preparing equipment in advance.

However, before the Rockets started to move, Shinji's voice sounded.

Since you're here, stay here.

When his strength was weak, Shinji treated the bad guys cruelly, and sent them to labor reform if he had the opportunity.

Now that his strength is stronger, Shinji's personality has softened a lot. He feels that sending bad guys in for reformation is still too cruel to the bad guys themselves. How can they endure such hardship.

The current Shinji hates bad guys to suffer the most.

Let's do it Chaomeng, work more quickly, don't make a half-dead like last time.

Shinji has always had regrets about the unknown life and death of Sakagi in the animation world.

Now, it's rare for Chaomeng to make a move, and this regret can't be repeated.

Don't worry, it won't happen.

Chaomeng replied calmly, raised his hand, and the terrifying mental power was released like a cannonball.

Mental destruction!

With just one move, a terrifying explosion engulfed all Team Rocket players in the sky.

Terrifying smoke filled the entire sky. After the smoke was dispersed by Chaomeng's mental power, the Rockets had turned into energy light spots that grow all things and drifted away.

In the entire sky, except for the group of large-mouthed bats and gas bombs floating in the air, only the Lightning Bird in the hood in the attacked area was safe and sound.

The Lightning Bird was a little dazed at the moment, so dazed that countless cracks appeared in the cover that restrained it, and it forgot to destroy it and flew out.

The elf in front of this guy just hit him so weakly that he was struggling, why did he release another elf that was so terrifying in the blink of an eye?

This unknown elf might not have been able to fight in his heyday, but now that he is like this, he knows that he is not an opponent without fighting.

After reacting, the Lightning Bird immediately spread its wings, broke through the restraints and flew back into the sky, looked at Chaomeng and Shinji in amazement, and turned around decisively to run away.

As soon as the wings flapped twice, the Lightning Bird felt that its body was locked by a force and could not move, and then it floated back to Shinji uncontrollably.

Where do you want to go?


Shinji's icy voice drifted into the ears of Lightning Bird, and the latter was shocked immediately, his eyes glared at Shinji and Chaomeng like fire, and there was no fear in his eyes.

It, the god of thunder, the Lightning Bird, even the god of the sea, Rogia, dared to fight for three hundred rounds. If it weren't for the fact that it was like this, it wouldn't let the group of guys in front of it go.

The body is out of control, but the silly bird on the beak is not Liude, it is just squawking there.

How to deal with it? Do you want to subdue it?

After forcibly muting the silly bird, Chaomeng looked at Shinji.

Although the character of this bird is indeed superb, its strength is still acceptable. If it is fully recovered, it should be able to face it for a while.

……don't want.

After a little thought, Shinji chose to give up.

In terms of talent and strength, this stupid bird is definitely enough, but the lack of brains makes Shinji quite speechless.

No wonder because the three god birds of Lei Binghuo headed by it have been crowned as the three idiots since Lugia's Explosion, and have become the leading Pokémon represented by the three idiots.

If you subdue it, you might destroy the Poké Ball and slip away at any time. Even if you don't slip away, there is no shortage of this combat power in the team.

Throwing it back to the breeding house, Shinji was afraid that this silly bird would destroy his home by accident.

Chaomeng: Then let it go?

I'll subdue it first, and send it to the Tree of Origin of the World after you and the Electric Shock Beast have researched and studied it in the past few days.

In Shinji's impression, it seems that the setting of the three idiots is similar to the setting of the priesthood. The three idiots can directly affect the climate and ocean currents and then intervene in the whole world. If these three are controlled or something, they can also destroy the world.

Well, it's ridiculous.

Not to mention these three idiots, even if Hoenna's three idiots can't destroy the world together, what kind of world these three idiots can destroy, at most they will bring some natural disasters, Shinji doesn't care much.

Anyway, in a few days, just leave it to the fantasy arrangement. Regarding the priesthood, who in this world can understand better than the fantasy that coexists with the world tree, except for time-space reversal and alpacas?

The specific inclusion or release or something, let Mengmeng decide for herself.

Come in by yourself.

Shinji put a Poké Ball in front of Lightning Bird.


Lightning Bird snorted coldly and turned his head.


Hard stubble, I want to see how tough you are?

Seeing this, the Electric Shock Beast at the side immediately stepped forward and grabbed the bird's head with one hand, and punched dozens of times with the other hand's frozen fist to forcefully stun him and hit the ball with ice.

Okay, let's go.

After packing the lightning bird into a ball and bag, Shinji released the giant golden monster and jumped on it, and flew directly towards Changqing City with the electric shock monster.

Chaomeng's eyes filled with blue light took a deep look at the airship aside, and threw it towards a deserted land.

As soon as it hit the ground, the airship exploded, leaving only a piece of wreckage.

What happened?

Has the Lightning Bird been saved?

What about Team Rocket?

Down below, Jindai and the others didn't understand the situation. The sky seemed to be disturbed by a special layer of energy just now, and everything seemed to be mosaiced, blurred and unrecognizable.

After a few inexplicable explosions, everything was settled, and Shinji left, leaving only a group of bewildered people looking at each other.

The energy is naturally arranged by Mewtwo in advance according to Shinji's request.

In a blink of an eye, the scenery flew by, and Changqing City was right in front of us.

On the outskirts of the city, Shinji took out the elf ball and took back the three elves and walked directly into the city and into the elf center.

It is not difficult to register for the World Championships. As a world-level event, it would be unreasonable if registration is difficult.

Therefore, you only need to register at the elf centers in big cities around the world with the help of your ID card or elf illustrated book.

Miss Joy, I want to sign up for the World Championships, please excuse me.

Shinji took out the illustration book that had not been used for a long time from the interlayer of the backpack and handed it to Miss Joy in front of him.

OK, just a second.

Miss Joy smiled softly, took the illustrated book and began to register.

It is very simple to sign up with a pictorial book. After inserting the pictorial book and scanning, Shinji's identity information is easily entered successfully, and all operations are completed in less than a minute.

The registration has been successful, and we must work harder to get a good ranking. Miss Joy handed back the illustrated book and encouraged her with her little pink fist.

Yes, thank you.

After taking back the illustrated book and nodding in tribute, Shinji walked slowly to the side, took out his mobile phone and logged on to the World Championships website to check.

The World Championships divided all participating trainers into 4 levels - general level (Pokeball level), super level, advanced level, and master level.

General level: Trainers who signed up for the first time ~ the 1000th place

Super Class: 999th to 100th

Advanced level: 99th to 9th

Master Class: Top 8

My trainer level at the moment is the classic red and white elf ball level, which is the general level.

We still have to work hard to rank up.

Shinji thought to himself.

There is one point in the World Championships that is very fair - all trainers who have not participated in the competition, the initial level is the Pokéball level.

Just like in the animation, Alice has become the champion of the Hezhong area, but to participate in this competition, she still needs to start from the general level to rank up.

Hey! Hello!

Just as Shinji was thinking, a female voice suddenly came out from behind.


Shinji turned his head and saw a beautiful white-haired girl.

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