Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 279 Biting the land shark fiercely and wanting to eat it!

But the plans are always out of date.

The biting land shark that had just met Regis Chiru not long ago was attracted by the whole elf the moment Regidolago appeared on the stage.

A move of splitting tiles combined with the explosion of big characters forced Regis Chilu back, and he was thrown away directly, flying into the blue sky and rushing towards Regis Dolago.

I've given Regis Chill to you, let me see your pure power.

Seeing that Lie Bite Lu Shark chose to directly confront the powerful enemy, Shinji didn't say much, and handed over the Steel God Pillar to the Electric Shock Monster.

Ah Kelu~

Big pillar, take a punch from my uncle!

The Electric Shock Beast didn't pick on its opponent, and rushed towards Regis Chill with a big laugh.

It has defeated quite a few Regis Chiru in different ways these days, but it has never tried purely relying on strength to fight against the most essential speed.

When Shinji mentioned this, he really wanted to see if he could beat Regis Chill like this.

Let's see, is it the Steel God Pillar that is stronger, or your own Iron Fist!

Then, the sad Regis Chill was beaten violently.

The elves were fighting on their own, and the situation was fairly clear, but Shinji focused on the biting land shark and Reggie Drago in the sky, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Reggie Drago, Dragon Jade Pokémon, according to legend, the whole body is composed of dragon energy crystals, and the energy concentration of the body part is particularly high. It is said that it has the ability of all dragon Pokémon.

The characteristic Dragon Jaw makes the dragon-attribute moves it uses more powerful than all other Pokémon under the same power.

According to legend, the Holy Pillar King Regi Chikas once tried to use the crystallization of dragon energy to make Regidolago, but only made its head because of insufficient crystallization, so this is also the body of Regidolago. The reason for the dragon's head.

There is also a saying that the whole body of Reggie Duo Lago is too strong, the body was destroyed by the ancient people, leaving only the head.

But no matter which one it is, it is enough to prove its strength and specialness.

Against the purest dragon attribute elf, his strength is stronger than himself.

It can be said that the difficulty of Bite Land Shark defeating Reggie Duo Lago is second only to Reggie Eleki's defeat of Electroshock Warcraft.

Facing Reggie Duo Lago, who looks not only not vicious, but also a little inexplicably cute, the face of the biting land shark that greets him is extremely dignified and excited.

The dignifiedness is due to the dual suppression of race and strength, and the invisible dragon power alone makes it feel extremely uncomfortable.

Excitement is because... Reggie Drago's body is the crystallization of dragon energy, which contains pure and rich dragon energy.

This made Lie Bite Lu Shark's heart and veins unable to bear the thought of devouring him.

This is not alarmist talk, nor is it an exaggerated description like an electric shock monster. Lie Bite Shark, who has drank dragon claw soup, would not mind killing or slapping Reggie Duo Lago.

It dares to believe that as long as it swallows Reggie Drago, its strength will be greatly improved.

At that time, even in the face of Sirona's biting land shark, it is confident that it will not be defeated for a period of time.

Now, the only thing it fears is its strength and the mysterious tree behind it.

But with such a delicacy in front of me, why bother so much, let’s take a few bites of Reggie Duo Lago first!

Therefore, on the way to Reggie Drago, Biting Land Shark launched the blood recovery mode and opened the pair of red dragon pupils, and the murderous blood wrapped around the body reached the strongest ever Degree.

After the Dragon Dance is strengthened, the Bite Land Shark Dragon's Pow is launched together with the Reverse Scale Dragon Claw, transforming into a dragon and rushing towards Reggie Duo Lago.


Seemingly feeling the dangerous aura from Biting Land Shark, Reggie Duo Lago turned his lower body to face the former, and turned his two arms together to form a dragon head.

The life energy inside and outside the body quickly transformed into the power of the dragon, and finally turned into a purple streamer and fired out.

This trick is called Dragon Power!

With the blessing of the characteristics of the dragon's jaw, this trick is worthy of the name. As soon as it is released, the terrifying dragon's power spreads out, and instantly collides with the biting land shark that has turned into a dragon.

The two stalemate with each other, and in less than three seconds, the giant dragon phantom was beaten to pieces, and the biting land shark also weakly started a free fall from the air.

Forest Healing.

Shinji's voice sounded at this moment, and the earth turtle standing outside the field raised his head, the restraints on his back shone with the light of life, and a ball of green light flew out and landed on Lie Bite Lu Shark.

This is Tutaigui's recent development of a move that referred to the world's original tree to restore power to the elves-precision treatment.

In the green light, Lie Bite Lu Shark's physical strength and injuries quickly recovered. At the same time, he quickly adjusted his posture to stabilize his fall, and looked at Reggie Duo Lago again with more ferocious eyes.

But Reggie Duo Lago didn't care what Lie Bite Lu Shark's gesture was, and maintained the form of dragon head, then activated the dragon's power again to shoot a shocking purple light cannon.

Seeing this, Lie Bite Land Shark no longer hesitated, and immediately launched the Dragon Dance to speed up and dodge, and moved closer to Reggie Doragola.

After the Dragon Dance has been enhanced twice, it has somewhat the ability to fight against Reggie Drago.

But Reggie Duo Lago raised his body and turned towards the sky, launching an energy ball with a bang, and then the meteor swarm fell down.

The range is extremely huge, even other places where the elves fight are also shrouded in it.

The elves either evaded, or forcibly blocked, or used the body of the divine pillar as a shield to finally survive the bombardment of the meteor swarm without injury, while the biting land shark chose to evade with high speed.

But just after it escaped the meteor swarm, a giant dragon light cannon was launched in front of it, and even if it blocked it with its dragon claws in time, it was shot down from the air again.

He fell to the ground and bit Lu Shark's blood for an instant, so he could only get up slowly, the murderous aura and dragon power in the dragon pupils in his eyes became more and more intense, as if he was accumulating some kind of aura.

But Reggie Drago didn't say a word when he saw this, he directly aimed at the biting land shark, and another giant dragon power was launched, and the terrifying light cannon shot down.

Crazy Plant.

Swish! Swish!


At the critical moment, the ground shattered, and countless hardened plants broke through the ground from Lie Bite Lu Shark's side and stabbed at the light cannon. They collided violently with it and exploded in the sky. Horror storms swept all around.

The earth turtle successfully blocked the decisive blow for the biting land shark at this critical moment.

Under normal circumstances, if you lose the battle, you lose, and Shinji doesn't care.

Failure is also a form of training.

Since Lie Bite Lu Shark chose to face head-on and fail, he must accept failure calmly.

But Shinji saw that the state of biting the land shark was quite wrong at this moment, so Shinji chose to let the earth turtle intervene.

Violent... ground!!!

Lie Bite Land Shark stared at Reggie Duo Lago motionlessly, the dragon claw turned into a light scythe, the momentum on his body became more and more intense, bloody aura wrapped around his body, and blue light gradually shone from his body.

Three different colors of green, red, and blue appeared on its body, and became brighter and brighter.

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