Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 278 A new round of elf growth and training

A few days later, Shinji saw that his elves had almost completed the training content, so he also started a new round of elf rotation.

Send all the elves back to the cultivation house for training except the electric shock monster and the earth turtle, and then take back all the elves that were placed in the cultivation house before.

As the strongest beings in the team, Electric Shock Beast and Tutai Turtle naturally have to stay as security guards in case of special circumstances.

Moreover, recently, the Turtle Turtle would stare blankly at the World Tree after finishing off the divine pillars it was fighting against, as if it felt some kind of special power or got some kind of inspiration from it.

In order to allow it to find an opportunity earlier to inspire inspiration, Shinji decided to let the Turtle stay for a few more days, so that it can feel the power of the World Tree.

Come out!

Shinji threw out the four Poké Balls he exchanged.

Four elves of different shapes appeared from the ball, and each one was in a state of high spirits.


Dragon King Scorpion, who had a good time with his masters these days, roared refreshedly, venting his emotions.


Boss Kedora has consolidated the blood recovery mode these days, and has achieved the level of self-control and activation.

It is only a matter of time before the mode can be turned on instantly like biting the land shark.

Of course, it may only be able to reach this step.

After all, it is one thing to be able to learn the same special ability, but whether it can be researched and developed at a deeper level, and to what extent it is developed, still depends on talent.

Each elf, each ability, and each talent is different.

Broken land~

Biting the land shark is also in a good mood. These days, as Boss Kedora's partner, it has deepened its understanding of the blood recovery mode.

Just like before, I could only do questions, but now I can teach from the perspective of a teacher. Naturally, I have a deeper understanding of the questions, at least it will be easier to solve them.

Although it is still impossible to perform mega evolution without the help of trainers and keystones, other abilities have been improved a lot.

For example, rough skin.

In the past, it was only able to control the opening and closing after training, and it was just to strengthen the anti-injury of the rough skin in the back.

Now thanks to Boss Kedora, he has become more proficient, and his anti-injury ability has also been greatly improved.

Rough Skin has gradually changed from an Ability to an Ability.

It believes that as long as it masters this ability proficiently, even if it is super-evolved, it can also open the rough skin to retaliate against injuries.


Unlike other elves, Snow Fairy flew to Shinji silently as soon as she came out.

In the cultivation room, it has already mastered the resentment moves, and its other abilities have also been greatly improved.

Maybe it's because most of its talent is in illusion, its curse talent is slightly weaker, and it's still far away from learning to curse.

Of course, no matter how much improvement it gets in the cultivation house, it still prefers to stay quietly by Shinji's side.

Let's go, let's take you to fight against those legendary elves, let me see your strength, whether you can defeat your opponent without using enhanced moves.

Shinji was quite satisfied with the spirit of the four elves, and walked ahead and led the elves into the world tree from a new direction.

After these days of exploration, Shinji, Dengeki Warcraft, and Turtle have also developed some new methods to cross the ghost hitting the wall area.

Turtle's mental marking method locks the things in front of you, and you can concentrate on walking towards the target. It is more convenient to shock monsters with electricity. With the combination of superpowers and must-hit skills, you can easily ignore interference.

Even Shinji discovered that his mental strength, which is not weak after yoga meditation, can resist interference to a certain extent.

Soon, Shinji led the elves into the interior and began to welcome a new round of battle.

Shinji had planned for the opponent's choice.

Ready to fight.

After seeing the fastest Reggie Eleki attacking in lightning, Shinji patted the head of the Snow Fairy next to him lightly.

The Ice, Rock, and Steel pillars have the characteristics of a constant and pure body. Under normal circumstances, their abilities will not be reduced by the moves and characteristics of other elves. Even if the strength of the Snow Demon Girl has been greatly improved, it is still difficult to defeat.

Conversely, Reggie Elech and Reggie Duo Lago, while faster or stronger, can at least be weakened.


The Snow Demon Girl smiled sweetly at Shinji, and then flew towards Reggie Eleki with endless resentment in her eyes, summoning Snow Sky to fight against it.

The ghostly shadow tactics are launched!

Under the influence of Xue Yin and the shadow clone, Reggie Eleki's attack was completely unable to hit the Snow Fairy, but was weakened by the latter's continuous moves and became weaker and weaker.

But Reggie Eleki is not a fool. After seeing that the general moves were unable to hit the Snow Demon, he decisively used the lock to find the real body of the Snow Demon, and then launched an electromagnetic cannon.

Seeing this, a layer of Aurora Curtain and a green protective cover appeared around the Snow Demon Girl's body.

It was during this period of time that it learned an additional god-level—hold!

With heavy ghosts and heavy guards, combined with the imposing belt, the error tolerance rate is simply ridiculously high.

Therefore, under the weakening of the Aurora Curtain and the protection of the guard, Reggie Eleki, whose special attack was weakened by the secret language of the Snow Demon Girl, didn't break through the protective cover.

The locking ability disappeared, and the Snow Fairy disappeared into the snow again.

Under pressure, Reggie Eleki had to launch the lock again, and then launch other moves to attack, but... no matter what it did, it was guarded by the Snow Fairy after using other skills.

In the end, Reggie Eleki, who was weakened to the extreme, couldn't even break the Snow Demon's will-o'-the-wisp aura, not to mention that his speed was weaker than the Snow Demon's, and because he fell into a burn state.

What a miserable word for the whole elf.

The other elves also met their opponents later.

Boss Kedora faced Reggie Locke. With the attribute still dominant and the blood recovery mode turned on, as expected, Boss Kedora was still not the opponent of Reggie Locke, and was always suppressed by the latter beat.

Even using harsh sounds did not stabilize the situation. It was not until he felt that he was about to lose that he quickly used strengthening moves to increase his speed and defense, and then he stabilized the situation.

Rock grinding + piercing sound + iron wall + pounce, metal sound + cannon, the situation gradually stabilized.

Dragon King Scorpion was facing Regice. Although the opponent was strong, Dragon King Scorpion played shamelessly directly.

After realizing that his strength was not as good as Regice's, Dragon King Scorpion immediately dug a hole to get closer.

When the hole was hit, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, the three large pincers used their flaming teeth to clamp Regice's body fiercely, pressing him hard on the ground, and stuffing it into the hole with all his strength.

The loud roar in the mouth weakens its special attack, the flaming teeth burn its body, and the speed is weakened while stomping damage, plus the unique terrifying poison.

Under multiple superimposed pressures, Regis couldn't even turn over, and the majestic beast couldn't even raise its head in front of the Dragon King Scorpion.


Even Shinji was silent when he saw this scene——

I'm here to make you abused, not to make you feel superior.

As for Regis Chilu, Shinji's original plan was to give it to the biting land shark, and let this big iron block practice with the biting land shark.

Among other things, at least Bite Lu Shark has a higher winning rate against Regis Chilu, which is conducive to building confidence at the beginning.

As for the Dragon God Pillar Reggie Duo Lago, after getting familiar with it, try to fight against it

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