Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 269: The Target World's Initial Tree

Chapter 269 Goal - The World's Initial Tree

Brother, the elf ball has been sent back.

It didn't take long before Shinji contacted Leisi, and sent the four elves one by one with the help of Rotom's mobile phone.

Teleporting so many back at once is just enough to rotate all the elves in the nurturing house once.

What are your plans for the future?

Reiss smiled and sent the four elves, Turtle, Electric Shock Beast, Nine Tails, and Moon Moon Bear to Shinji one by one.

Afterwards, I plan to search to see if the legendary tree of the beginning of the world exists, and if there is anything special about it.

After throwing the received four Pokéballs behind him and releasing the Pokémon without changing his face, Shinji simply told Leisi.

That place? I remember that you and I went there once, but we couldn't find it. I hope you gain something.

There was a flash of memory in Lei Si's eyes. He still remembered that when he challenged the Frontier Zone, he also curiously took Shinji to Rota Street.

Naturally, they have also heard of the legend of the waveguide warriors, and tried to find the so-called tree of the beginning of the world, but unfortunately... they found nothing.

The original tree of the world, what a tall and special existence.

If it is true in reality and can be seen in Ouludran City on Rota Street as in the animation, no matter what level of existence there is, it is estimated that it will be thoroughly studied by humans.

It shouldn't be a problem to find it, but I don't know how strong the guardian is there.

From Xiaozhi's mouth, Shinji knew that the location of the world's initial tree in this world is very mysterious, and its existence cannot be seen from a distance. Only when you get close can you see its true location.

If it weren't for Xiaozhi as the hero of the waveguide, the hero of the rainbow, with the blessing of the protagonist's halo, and Lucario leading the way.

Otherwise, it may not even be possible to find the tree of the beginning of the world.

Of course, Shinji has his own way to find, and searching is not a problem. What worries him more is the guardians of the original tree of the world.

In the theatrical version, the tree of the beginning of the world and the dream that co-exists with the tree are guarded by the three holy pillars. In addition, it only depends on the somewhat useless immune system of the world tree itself.

But according to Xiaozhi, he encountered many sacred pillars in the tree of the beginning of the world.

Each one has at least the strength of the champion of the king of heaven, and the types are not only the three holy pillars, but also the existence of the electric god pillar Reggie Eleki and the dragon god pillar Reggie Duo Lago.

And, more than one of each species!

If it weren't for the fantasy rescue at the critical moment, it might not be the turn of the Holy Pillar's immune system to show up, and Xiao Zhi and Lucario would be treated as intruders and wiped out by the Holy Pillars.

Guardian, you really need to pay more attention, safety is the most important thing.

Lei Si said seriously that they had been to some strange places when they traveled before, and the guardian elves were also very powerful, not to mention the world's original tree named after the world.

Yes, I will.

Wait Shinji, don't hang up yet.

Shinji nodded, and was about to hang up the phone, but Leisi stopped Shinji.


Cultivation House plans to try to open a branch in other regions. It is not convenient for me to go there. Maybe there is something that I need to trouble you to look at for me.

Reiss laughed.

Branch, are you busy?

It's not that Shinji questioned Leisi's ability, but that the cultivation house in Curtain City is too busy, so you still open a branch?

This is not right.

For some projects that cooperate with the alliance, the basic framework structure is established in the early stage, and detailed planning and arrangements will be made later when I have time.


When Shinji and Leisi were talking about these things, the elves released by Shinji just now scattered like released rabbits.


Guigui, miss you, sister raccoon?

The ghostly Nine Tails jumped across the grass, and instantly threw the Great Sword Demon to the ground.

The two front feet stepped on him domineeringly, looking down at the big sword ghost, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up.


The Great Sword Demon, who was still a little happy at first, was speechless for a moment, and when the smile disappeared, he waved Nine Tails aside, drew out a foot blade and pointed at Nine Tails, as if he wanted to fight with him.

As the most difficult elf in melee combat with the same strength and speed in the team, Nine Tails is just suitable for sharpening its sword.


Nine Tails was not annoyed either, and walked towards a deserted place with a smile, ready to have a duel with the Great Sword Demon.


Yueyue Xiong found a place with plenty of sunlight, stomped his feet on the ground, and raised a huge stone platform. The whole elf adjusted its posture and lay down on it.

This is the ability it has recently trained to practice manipulative power in addition to earthquakes, combined with the ability to change the terrain learned by combining rock blockade, sharp stone attack, and the power of the earth.

In the battle, it may be able to have a certain impact on certain types of elves.

Who said training has to be moving?

As the incarnation of the earth, Yue Yuexiong imitated the platform turtle to lie on the ground and practice skills, is it reasonable?

Small-scale stomps and earthquakes continued to be launched around the body with the sound of Yue Yuexiong's breathing.

The electric monsters are much happier. With the increase in the number of nurturing house spirits, the general training is fine, and operations such as large-scale random discharges are not allowed.

At this moment, when he flew to a high altitude in the distance, he wantonly released his own thunder and lightning, completely releasing his long-suppressed passion.

After he was almost done venting, he slowly flew in front of the giant golden monster and communicated with it.

The content of the exchange is relatively other, such as electricity, current, magnetic field, magnetic force, super power, mental force locking, charged particles using augmentation skills...

There are so many strange things, let alone ordinary people and elves, even Shinji may not understand them.

Therefore, in the team, the golden monster can use its undeveloped brain to communicate with the electric shock beast, and give assistance after calculation.

Metagros is also worthy of its title as a multifunctional auxiliary training device.

After the analysis, he gave an answer, which gave the electric shock monster a deeper understanding of the plasma bath and other moves.

The successful development of the Plasma Lightning Fist is already close at hand!

Unlike other elves, the tortoise obediently stayed beside Shinji after it came out of the ball, guarding him like a guard.

Not bad, it seems that the progress is not small.


After the exchange between Shinji and Leisi, Tutaigui got his caress and praise as he wished, with a smile on his face.

Seeing that the elves had their own activities, Shinji didn't bother them, and jumped onto the earthen turtle and sat there watching from a distance the group of guys who had been traveling with him for a long time.

Maybe in the future, when my goals have been achieved, it would be nice to find a place to live with the elves like this.

Thinking of this, Shinji couldn't help being fascinated.

Different from other traversers, perhaps influenced by various factors such as experience, his dream has always been so simple, to become the strongest trainer.

But the strongest trainer... how strong is it?

Become a champion? Area invincible?

Defeat the protagonists of all dynasties, dominate the world championships and become the so-called strongest trainer in the world?

In this way, is it considered to be the strongest trainer?

More than that, it should be far more than that!

How can he be considered the strongest trainer if he has not even defeated all the powerful elves in this world?

What's more, it may not be...


Suddenly, Shinji's thoughts were interrupted by the beeping sound of the mobile phone in his pocket.

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