Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 268 Special Bloodline Mode, Plan


The fact is also the same. After knocking the biting land shark into the air, Boscodora lowered his head and seemed to be suppressing something.

But within a few seconds, he threw himself at the biting land shark completely uncontrollably.



With those few seconds of buffer time, Lie Bite Lu Sha has already recovered, looking at Boss Kedora as if he saw himself back then.

So he didn't hesitate anymore, and after instantly entering the blood recovery mode, he raised his claws decisively, and greeted Boss Kedora with a stroke of splitting tiles.

The two dragon claws glowing with white light collided with Boss Kedora, and there was a loud noise in an instant.

Under the blessing of this special state, the power of Boss Kedora's pounce has been improved to a higher level, which is comparable to the power of the tile-splitting that bites the land shark.

After bouncing off each other, Bite Lu Shark stepped forward again to launch Ni Lin and Boss Kedora to fight together.

On weekdays, Boss Kedora is not its opponent in close-range and long-lasting combat. Boss Kedora, who is now losing his mind, will not be an opponent who bites the land shark.

But Biting Land Shark didn't use tile splitting to quickly get rid of Boss Kedora, but learned from the way the electric shock beast treated it in the past——

Keep the fighting power at the same level as Boss Kedora or slightly stronger or weaker, so as to continuously stimulate Boss Kedora's anger, fighting spirit and strength, better stimulate its blood power, and make the anger better Let it out more completely.

In the eyes of Boss Kedora at this moment, Biting Lu Shark is a weird opponent, who was obviously beaten by himself.

But it will suddenly become stronger and beat it for a while, and then fall into a weak period after the outbreak and continue to be beaten violently by it, and so on...

Half an hour later, in the last round of combat, Boss Kedora tried his best to activate the dragon claw he had just learned in the rage, and suddenly stabbed and landed on the belly of the biting land shark, instantly beating the latter to the ground. Half kneeling on the ground.

As long as Boss Kedora attacks casually again, he can definitely knock down the current biting land shark.

But just after the attack was over, Boscodora's body shook for a while, and finally fell to the ground.

Rough skin, anti-injury!


Seeing Boss Kedora fell to the ground, Lie Bite Lu Sha also sat on the ground in a very disfigured manner, panting heavily.

After this battle, it finally realized the difficulties when the Electric Shock Monster was suppressing its strength and fighting it.

At the beginning, the water was released into the sea, but later on, it might have put itself in the gutter.

If it hadn't turned on the rough skin feature that was turned off later, otherwise it might really be defeated by the violent Boss Kedora.

How does it feel?

Surrounded by the elves, Shinji came over, took out a few orange fruits and threw them to Biting Land Shark.


Lie Bite Lu Sha knew that Shinji was asking about the situation of Boscodora, so he shook his head helplessly.

Don't look at Boss Kedora playing fiercely, but in fact, the blood recovery mode is not very powerful.

It is different from the one developed by Ni Lin in the initial stage or the temporary eruption of Red Spray. Apart from falling into a frenzy without thinking, it is also somewhat special.

Perhaps due to racial reasons, even if Boss Kedora's blood recovery mode is stimulated to the limit, the increase in strength and speed is not so strong, but the increase in defense is considerable.

Just get started, and practice more later.

It is already miraculous and special to be able to inspire success inexplicably. The most important thing is to fully grasp it. If you can't control it, you can control it slowly. There is no big problem.

Afterwards, the training of Boss Kedora will be handed over to you, bite the land shark.


As the first beneficiary of blood resuscitation, it will bite the land shark for this task!

But what Shinji said in the next second made his expression stagnate.

Then send you back to train hard.

Satisfied and nodded, Shinji took out the poke ball and took back the biting land shark that hadn't reacted and Boscodora who had fallen to the ground.

These two elves have now made their own breakthroughs, and it is useless to follow him. It just so happens that some days have passed, and it is time to send them back for another batch of elves to come over in rotation.

Of course, the elves to be sent back are not only them, but also...

Snow Demon Girl, Dragon King Scorpion, you also go back to study and improve.

Shinji turned his head to look at the snow demon girl falling from the icicle and the dragon king scorpion who was watching the show.

These days, he has new arrangements for the two elves. The Snow Fairy went back to study how to strengthen the will-o'-the-wisp aura, try to incorporate ice or ghost attributes into it, and try to learn the two skills of curse and resentment.

Needless to say, the curse, although it cannot be learned in the game, but in reality, there have been cases where the Snow Fairy learned to curse.

It is said that the difficulty is extremely high, not even lower than biting the land shark to learn the dance of the dragon.

Whether the Snow Demon Girl can really learn this week Shinji is not sure,

But as long as it successfully learns this move, it can be said that any opponent who cannot solve it in a short time will be able to defeat the opponent more easily.

As for resentment, the effect in the game is to have resentment for the last move used by the opponent, reducing 4PP for that move.

In reality, it directly consumes 4 times the stamina of the opponent's skill or ability just used, which is useless for honor-level and king-level players with strong physical strength.

But if the opponent suddenly comes up after using a high-consumption skill, the effect will be very obvious.

This move cannot be learned by Snow Fairy in the game either.

But in reality, this move is not difficult to learn. As long as you are willing to learn it, ghost-type elves can basically learn it.

However, due to various reasons such as the speed of use, this move is not popular with elves and trainers.

But for the Snow Demon Girl who can add this move to the ghostly shadow tactical system, it is a perfect match!

As for the Dragon King Scorpion, it is actually very simple. Send it back to try to further study, improve all aspects, and learn some moves to deal with the high-explosive and high-moving elves.


Although she felt extremely reluctance in her heart, the Snow Demon Girl did not show any emotion, she just stared at Shinji with her big pure eyes without blinking.

If ordinary people are stared at like this, they will definitely have various emotions such as soft-heartedness and guilty conscience, but for Shinji, they do not exist.


The dragon king scorpion clamped the big pliers, and was not annoyed by Shinji's arrangement.

Thinking about being able to beat up the master again after going back, or being beaten up by the masters, it is quite exciting to think about it.

I will tell my brother the specific training plan and let him assist.

After speaking, Shinji took out the poke ball and took the two pokemon back into the ball.

Since the expansion of the cultivation house and many other matters have almost been arranged by Reiss, it should be a free time at this time.

It is definitely the best time to send the elves back. Let Leisi, who is free, help take care of them for a while, and the effect will be better.

Well, the premise is that Reiss has no other arrangements.

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