Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 266 (End) Snow Fairy VS Super Absolu


Absol raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl, trying to stimulate the Snow Fairy with words so that she would attack him.

However... in the real world where even the sure hits are not necessarily sure hits, the provocation didn't hit the Snow Demon Girl this time.

There was still no movement on the field, only countless ghosts floating in the snow, the scene was extremely weird.


Karum furrowed his brows and looked carefully at the whole venue, trying to find the Snow Fairy, but found nothing.


As soon as Shinji's order was issued, all the ghosts on the entire field suddenly screamed horribly, piercing and frightening.

The sudden call made Absolu take a step back in fright, and his face fell into a state of cowering.


Taking advantage of his retreat, a violent snowstorm swept across the audience, involving Absol, and the cold continued to invade and hurt Absol.

At 3 o'clock, the spiritual blade!


Absolu, who had returned to normal, waved his head, pointed at the direction of the blizzard and shook his head vigorously.

Immediately, a purple spiritual blade flew out, flying farther and getting bigger, it actually forcibly cut the blizzard into two halves.

But until the energy disappeared, the spiritual blade didn't hit anything.


Both Kalumu and Absolu had serious expressions on their faces. It was one thing to see this scene in the video, but another thing to face it in person.

Light wall!

In order to reduce unnecessary damage, it is very necessary for Absol to release the light wall to block the damage.

But Shinji has no intention of making Absol's plan succeed.


Snow demons emerged from the snow, holding hands, dancing and dancing around Absol with smiles on their faces, provoking Absol openly.

Absolu, who was already feeling a little aggrieved, was so excited that his eyes turned red before he even used the light wall. He stepped on his front foot suddenly, and the wave of evil was stimulated from outside his body, forcing the snow fairies to disperse.

Frozen wind, scare.

Seeing this, Shinji had an imperceptible arc at the corner of his mouth.

Above the field, a gust of cold wind whizzed towards Absolu, and the direction kept changing, suddenly to the front, to the right, and then to the top.

As long as the move hits, although it can't cause too much damage to Absol, it can slow down its speed.

At the same time, the ghosts on the field let out horrifying screams one after another, which made Absol feel a headache.

Roar loudly.

After the provocation, he could only use attacking moves, and Absolu vented his anger, roaring and attacking loudly with all his strength, in order to attack the Snow Demon Girl while the scattered sound waves could block the fright.

However, still no hit.

Ice boulder!

Shinji said suddenly.

The Snow Demonesses worked together in a division of labor, half of them started screaming with startling moves, and half of them raised their hands high to create a huge boulder and hit it towards Absol in the center.

Enduring the pain of being frightened, Absolu used the air blade to continuously attack and avoid the boulders flying all over the sky.


But how can it be avoided when there are too many of them?

Suddenly, a real boulder hit its body, knocking it staggeringly.


When it turned its head for the first time and launched the wave of evil in the direction of the attack, what responded to him was the freezing wind blowing from the other direction.

Seeing that he could not find his real body for the time being, the trainer was also thinking about countermeasures, so Absol launched dozens of shadow clones and ran out in all directions, trying to delay the time.

But when a blizzard swept across the audience, all the fake Absolu dissipated, leaving only the real one that launched the wave of evil to resist.

Karumu's mind was running fast, thinking about the strategy of the game.

There are only two ways to hit the Snow Demon Girl at this moment, one is a super wide-range strike, which has a higher probability of hitting the attack, and the other is a must-hit technique!

A certain skill is not a must, and the principles are different.

Absolu has mastered the must-hit high-speed star, but the embarrassing thing is that the high-speed star is a general-attribute move, which is ineffective against the ghost-attribute Snow Fairy, and will pass directly through her body, unable to force the Snow Fairy's real body.

Suddenly, Kalumu had a flash of inspiration and said:

Absol, use one hundred thousand volts to attach to the high-speed star to attack!


Absolu understood the meaning of the trainer in an instant, and countless golden stars flew out around his body, and lightning entangled on them and flew in all directions, blocking the freezing wind, scattering ghosts, and continuously covering every part of the field. A corner, and then search for the existence of the Snow Fairy.

Finally, after spending a lot of energy, Absol finally found the hiding place of the Snow Fairy.

I saw that no matter how many high-speed stars fly to a certain position, they will be blocked by invisible forces and disappear. Don't think too much, it is definitely the hiding place of the Snow Demon Girl!

Finding where the target is, Absolu immediately controls all the high-speed stars with lightning attached to smash there.

Seeing that she was discovered, the Snow Fairy appeared directly, and saw that there were four halos of dark purple color rotating around it at the same time, and all the high-speed stars flying around her were covered by the halos before they touched her body. blocked.

Big characters burst into flames! Assault on the vital points!

Immediately, Absolu spewed out a mouthful of flame and blasted towards the Snow Demon Girl, his body then launched a flash of lightning and jumped up immediately after the big characters burst into flames.

Aurora Curtain.

The Snow Demon Girl raised her hands horizontally, and a special light curtain appeared outside the halo out of thin air, like a natural protective cover.


The power of the big-character explosion was first weakened by half by the aurora curtain, and then it was blocked and weakened by layers of ghost fire halos, and finally merged into the halo to enhance the defense of the halo.

The flame disappeared, and the long horn above Absol's head also passed through the aurora curtain and struck the halo.

Suddenly, the halo was on the verge of falling, as if it was about to shatter at any moment.


But as the blue light in the snow demon girl's eyes shone, the halo instantly firmly stood against Absol's horn.


Blizzard made a move with both hands, and suddenly another violent blizzard hit around him, knocking Absolu into the air in an instant.

Rock blockade, sword dance!

I saw that there was a rain of stones everywhere in the sky, and Absolu, who was knocked into the air, had just left the provocative state. With the help of the time to adjust the state by constantly stepping on the falling boulders, he launched a sword dance to enhance the attack.

Psychic thoughts.

The super power moves are ineffective against the evil attribute of Absol, but it does not mean that the mental force cannot cause damage to it.

The pure eyes of the Snow Demon Girl shone with blue light, and the strong spiritual power gushed out as thought power. All the falling boulders in the whole sky stopped for a moment, and then flew towards Absolu in the center.

This scene is somewhat similar to the star explosion in a certain place.

see through!

A sense of crisis kept emerging in his heart, and Absolu, who was in the center, immediately concentrated his energy to see through, and a blue light flashed in his eyes, completely seeing through the trajectories of all the surrounding boulders flying towards him.

With the help of his agility, he kept jumping between the boulders, and at the same time, the wave of evil sprayed out of his mouth, abruptly destroying all the boulders blocking the way, and rushed towards a safe place.

But when it just rushed out of the boulder enclosure, Absol was surprised to find that the figure of the Snow Fairy disappeared once again.

This means that it will take a lot of time and energy to find its existence afterwards.

But before it could worry about this, it found that it was suddenly difficult to move its body

As it struggled, the illusion shattered, and the four halos that originally revolved around the Snow Fairy unexpectedly appeared on him at some point, restraining its actions and strength, and at the same time forcing it to float in the air .

Shadow clone, frightening, provocative.

Just as it was struggling, dozens of Snow Fairies wrapped it in all directions, as if welcoming this honored guest, stared at it with kind eyes, and at the same time made terrifying screams from their mouths, as if they were provocative.

The will-o'-the-wisp halo is good for everything, that is, after the opponent is restricted, it is difficult for the opponent to attack the outside world, and it is also difficult for the outside world to attack the inside. Only by using a specific move such as scare, which is not very powerful, can it cause damage to Absolu inside

In such a situation, it is naturally impossible for Absolu to remain calm. He releases the wave of evil from his mouth, uses his two claws to launch the Shadow Claw, his tail to launch the Iron Tail, and the long horn on the top of his head also launches a super horn attack.

Thanks to the improvement of the sword dance before, Absolu smashed his skills indiscriminately, and after a random explosion, he finally shattered the halo in a short time and escaped from the sky.

But because the wings on his back were only hairs and could not fly, Absol also fell from the sky.

At a height of tens of meters, as long as the figure is adjusted properly, the impact force of the landing will not cause any damage to Absol.

But, suddenly, an extremely concentrated blizzard swept from above Absol's head.


After a series of copings, Absolu was already somewhat mentally exhausted, and it was even more difficult to change its figure in the air at this moment, and it was accidentally hit by this extremely powerful blizzard.


Accompanied by the sound of falling to the ground, Absolu, who was suppressed by the blizzard and fell to the ground, suffered a second injury and fell helplessly to the ground.

The white light dissipated, disabling the super evolution.

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