Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 265 (V) Magic Mirror

Come back, Qixi Blue Bird, you did a great job.

Manchu took out a few elf balls and took the Tanabata blue bird back into the balls, and walked aside with some self-blame.

He knew that this round was due to his lack of stability and misjudgment that caused Qixi Blue Bird to end up like this.

If you delay for a while, improve your ability for a while and then sell it, the worst result will be that they all die together.


The Qixi blue bird was off, and the dragon king scorpion was panting excitedly, with a cruel light bursting out from his eyes.


It's up to you in the end, Absol.

After Karum entered the field, he also threw his last poke ball.


The gray-blue body is covered with white hair, and there is a horn like a sickle on the right side of the head, and it seems to exude a faint ominous aura.

Absolu, mega evolution!

Kalumu pressed the index finger of the middle finger of his right hand on the super bracelet and lifted it up.


Super Absol's body became stronger, and his body was filled with super-evolved energy, making all the hair on his body stand up, and the hair on his back looked like a pair of wings that could wave.

The aura of deterrence is scattered all over the body, and timid people may be frightened and faint just by looking at it.

There is not much to say about the battle between Super Absolu and Dragon King Scorpion.

To deal with the Dragon King Scorpion, which consumes a lot of physical strength and whose ability changes have been cleared by the black mist, after the super Absolu Qi Gathering is activated, it launches a flash of lightning, dodges the Dragon King Scorpion's missile needle, and rushes to the former.

The Dragon King Scorpion saw that it was so bold, and immediately launched three large pincers to attack Absolu from non-stop angles.

But with a flash of light in Absolu's eyes, he successfully passed through the dragon king scorpion's attack as soon as he saw through it, and hit the dragon king scorpion with a super horn attack.

Hit the nail on the head!

One move hit, Dragon King Scorpion was immediately knocked back, with little physical strength.

But Absol didn't give up the intention of attacking, and rushed towards the Dragon King Scorpion with every step.

Roar loudly, cross-scissors!

With a stomp of four feet to stop the retreat, the Dragon King Scorpion raised its cross scissors to meet it head-on, roaring loudly to attack.

The two attacks are one forward and one backward, one far and one close cooperate with each other.

Loud Roar was the first to hit Absolu, causing weak damage and weakening his special attack, followed by the cross-cut scissors.

With a sound of bang, the body of the Dragon King Scorpion suddenly stopped, and Absolu dispersed the dark light on the claws, turned around and walked away slowly, very chic, and the Dragon King Scorpion also fell to the ground the next moment.

The dragon king scorpion has little physical strength, relying on and seeing through the surprise attack, Absolu attacked after attacking first, successfully hit the vital point before the cross scissors and knocked him down.

come back.

Shinji stepped aside thoughtfully. He thought Dragon King Scorpion was the most versatile elf in the team.

But after today's battle, he discovered many shortcomings and deficiencies of the Dragon King Scorpion, and he can train accordingly when he has time.

After that, Manchu was having a headache, not because his elves couldn't beat the loss rate, but because...

Several of the elves he brought could fight Absol, and even had a good chance of defeating them.

But the problem is that these elves happen to be Biting Land Shark, Elle Duo, and Tanabata Blue Bird.

And these three elves had all lost their ability to fight before.

As for the other elves, if Absolu doesn't have mega evolution, then he has a good chance of winning if he lets the elegant cat play.

But after super-evolution, after the characteristic becomes a magic mirror, it is basically impossible for the elegant cat to defeat Absolu.

After pondering for a long time, Manchu finally dispatched the fastest elf in his team - the Arrow Eagle with the wings of the wind.

He felt that with the four major skills of tailwind, high-speed movement, charged flame attack, and shadow clone, it was still possible to defeat Absolu.

The idea is very good, but in the actual battle, after dragging the battle for a period of time, Absolu relied on the use of rock blockade, loud roar and other moves, as well as the cooperation of seeing through and surprise attack, and finally took some physical strength to take down his Arrow Eagle up.

The elves and I have done our best.

Manchu exited the stage with a little regret.

The regret is not because of the loss, but because there is no way to implement the idea that I may win in my heart.

If it is a normal battle, maybe he will not lose.

We will meet again in the future, and there is still a chance!

As long as you're with the elves, there's no problem!

Holding the super pendant on his chest, Manchu thought firmly in his heart.

Shinji also came on the stage at this time, he was as embarrassed as Manchong, he had no physical strength to deal with Absolu's elves, but Shinji was more straightforward, he could beat Absolu's elves with no energy bring.

Although Bite Land Shark is strong, but in the face of Absolu's magic combination of seeing through and surprise attack, he can fight, but it is impossible to win steadily.

As for the Great Sword Demon, he had fought against Dala before, and he could also fight against Super Absol, but his winning percentage should be close to equal.

However, after thinking about it, the two elves, Shinji, had no choice, but chose the one that theoretically had no advantage——

Snow Fairy, prepare to fight!


Shinji called out, and the invisible Snow Fairy around her body emerged, handed the Rotom mobile phone in her arms to Shinji, and floated into the venue.

If the characteristic of Super Absol is not the magic mirror, then the difficulty of defeating Absol by the Snow Fairy will never be higher than that of defeating Pikachu.

But in the face of the super Absolu who can rebound most of the changing moves after the magic mirror feature, most of the ghostly shadow tactics used in Snow Fairy's usual use were immediately abolished.

Therefore, this is a brand new battle experience for the Snow Demon Girl, a battle against spirits whose abilities are difficult to weaken.

Tactical failure, listen to my command, don't waste your energy casually.

Shinji made a reminder.


The Snow Demon Girl responded obediently, looking at Absolu with a smile on her face, her body was filled with cold air.

How dare you use the Snow Demon Girl?

Karum looked at the Snow Fairy with some surprise.

Having watched the video of Shinji's battle, he knows that the Snow Demon Girl is very difficult to fight against. It is difficult to find the true body of the snow demon with its characteristics and shadow clone hidden in the snow.

Even the Snow Demon Girl was extremely difficult to defeat back then, let alone the Snow Demon Girl whose strength has been improved again now.

Fortunately, with the magic mirror feature, most of the Snow Fairy's special tactics are useless.

A flash of lightning, a sneak attack!

But the moment the eyes of the two met, the match officially started. Absolu rushed towards the Snow Fairy with lightning speed, and the horns on his head were entwined with black air.

Shadow clone, snow scene.


The Snow Demon Girl didn't panic, she used to divide into dozens of them and scattered them all over the place. With a wave of her hand, she summoned Snow Sky, and then disappeared into the snow.

The original snow demon girl who passed through the vital point in ambush, her real body is nowhere to be seen.

end tomorrow

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