Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 252: Crushing Xiao Gang!

The tree is to blame (nonsense tree), it's up to you!

Adhering to the identity of the challenged person, Xiao Gang released the elf in his hand first.

An elf that looked like a shrub tree appeared on the field. If you didn't look carefully, you might really think it was a tree.

But in fact, the tree monster is a pure rock attribute elf, and has nothing to do with the grass attribute.

Mega monster, prepare to fight!

Shinji took out the poke ball and threw it out without changing his face, said.


This momentum...

As soon as the silver-white body of the golden monster fell to the ground, the faces of the tree monster, Xiaogang and Jiro who felt its momentum changed instantly, and they all showed horror.

There is no other reason, the aura and aura of the giant gold monster are extremely powerful, which means that its strength is also extremely terrifying, at least stronger than the tree monster.

The match begins, and the challenger goes first.

Jiro said.

Start to absorb power, mentally strong.

Shinji said with an expressionless face.


A faint white light was emitted from the body of the giant metal monster, and the power of the universe was being rapidly absorbed by it to improve special attack and defense power. At the same time, the X mark on its face emitted a blue light,


As soon as the mental force is used, the strong force of the mind instantly floats the tree monster who is on alert into the sky under perfect control, and the powerful force acts on it, causing continuous damage.

Trees are strange, sharp rocks attack!

Xiao Gang issued his command, however, under the strong mentality of the giant metal monster, the tree monster, which is difficult to make any movements, can't even create a sharp stone, let alone attack?

Shinji watched from the sidelines, the giant metal monster absorbed energy and strengthened while continuously increasing its strength, causing damage to the tree monster.

I can't drag it on...

Xiaogang thought about this in his heart, and shouted: The tree is strange, go all out, double-edged head hammer!


The controlled tree blamed its gaze for a sudden change, and a dense white light shone from its body, bursting out with 120% power.

This burst of power unexpectedly broke through the control of the strong mind, and charged towards the giant golden monster with all its strength.

As a rock-type ultimate move, even if the steel-type Metagross was hit, it would suffer considerable injuries.

However, the golden monster and Shinji looked calm, showing no fear or avoidance at all.

Arm Hammer!

The two thick front legs of the giant metal monster were raised high, and the arm hammer was used to smash it towards the tree monster.


The tree monster is very strong, but is the giant gold monster that has reached the honor level weak?

In just one encounter, the giant metal monster directly defeated the attack of the double-edged head hammer, and the arm hammer slammed on the tree monster, knocking it into the air.

This trick is very effective!

According to the strength of the two sides, combined with the damage caused just now, this blow is enough to defeat the tree.

But just in case, the giant metal monster cautiously mobilized its mental force to make a stab, so that the tree monster would lie flat when it fell to the ground.

The tree monster loses its ability to fight, and the giant gold monster wins!

Jiro announced.

What a powerful giant metal monster.

Come back, the tree is strange, you did a good job.

It's strange that Xiao Gang took back the tree, and his face was a bit dignified.

No wonder his tree is an elf that can be the main force of the owner of the pavilion, but he has no resistance in front of the giant golden monster. Is the gap between them a bit too big?

I leave it to you, Big Steel Snake.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Gang directly sent out his strongest elf.


A huge steel snake with a body reflecting the cold metal light appeared on the ground, watching the giant metal monster from a distance.

Big steel snake, mega evolution!

Xiaogang directly took out the keystone he got by accident during his travels, and started to let the big steel snake perform super evolution.

The white light dissipated, and a super steel snake with an even bigger physique appeared on the field.

Compared to before, there were more metal fragments floating clockwise around its neck, the color of its pupils turned blue, and six fang-like protrusions appeared on both sides of its mouth.

The original three pairs of stick-shaped protrusions on the body have turned into a diamond-like crystal material, and the tip of the tail has also become a diamond material.


After the mega evolution, the aura of the big steel snake soared for a while, and at first glance it was not weaker than the giant metal monster.


Shinji commented and said: Pounce!


The giant golden monster leaped towards the big steel snake and jumped up on the spot. Its momentum was integrated and its power was impressive.

Double-bladed head hammer!

Naturally, the big steel snake was not afraid of reckless fighting, and moved its body to bump into the giant golden monster.

Thanks to the strengthening of the power of the universe, the power of this move of the giant metal monster is not weaker than that of the big steel snake.


After the two collided, they bounced in the opposite direction.

Dragon Breath!

Psychic thoughts!

The big steel snake adjusted its posture, and a green dragon's breath spewed out towards the golden monster, but before the attack hit, it was scattered by the powerful shock wave created by the powerful mind of the golden monster.

The shock wave was so powerful that it easily scattered the dragon's breath and landed on the body of the big steel snake, causing damage.

The Big Steel Snake has a strong defense, but its special defense is much worse, and it suffered a lot of injuries at the moment.

Cheer up, earthquake, sharp rock attack!

Seeing the golden monster falling from the sky after the attack, Xiao Gang said quickly.


The big steel snake reacted quickly, and reluctantly slammed its tail on the ground, and the ground shook instantly. At the same time, a row of stone pillars pierced out from the ground, and the target of the attack was the falling golden monster.

As long as the giant metal monster falls, it will definitely be injured.

However, the giant metal monster saw through the big steel snake's intention in an instant, and flew up into the air as soon as the electromagnetic levitation was activated, just avoiding the attack at a special angle.

Comet Punch!

Under the instructions of Shinji, the giant metal monster gathered all its strength, accelerated with electromagnetic force like a comet, and slammed into the unprepared big steel snake, knocking it backwards.

Arm Hammer!

Before the Big Steel Snake could move, the Metagross quickly joined the attack, and the arm hammer slammed down.


With one move, the body of the big steel snake was immediately knocked down to the ground.

The effect is outstanding!

Dig a hole!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the heavily injured big steel snake wanted to dig a hole to escape and adjust its state, but Shinji and the giant metal monster didn't intend to give it this chance.

Psychic thoughts.

When the big steel snake just dug a hole and penetrated most of its body, the mental strength of the giant metal monster also fell on it, wrapping it perfectly in it, exerting strength continuously.

In the face of the giant metal monster whose special attack has been enhanced through the power of the universe, the big steel snake has no power to fight back.

He was forcibly dragged out of the burrow by a strong mental thought and then smashed to the ground.

Ultimate Shock!

The big steel snake tried to resist, but the golden monster had been absorbing the power of the universe during this battle, and its power at this moment was not at the same level as before.

Therefore, no matter how the big steel snake resisted, the giant metal monster completely controlled it to death, and did not break free until it lost the ability to fight.

The Big Steel Snake lost the ability to fight, and the Golden Monster won. The winner of this gymnasium competition is Shinji.

After Jiro announced the result with a dull face, he looked at Shinji with shock in his eyes, and couldn't help muttering to himself:

You actually defeated my brother so easily...

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