Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 251 Meeting Xiaogang, the formation of the Four Heavenly Kings

The elves that were sent back to the breeding house were not the only ones with electric shock monsters.

Other elves, such as Yueyue Xiong, who are not very suitable for traveling with him at this stage, Shinji threw them back to the breeding room after some consideration.

Then he updated his lineup by the way.

The giant golden monster, the big sword ghost, the snow demon girl, the biting land shark, Boss Kedora, and the dragon king scorpion are the lineup that Shinji plans to drop in to challenge the factory brain Dara in the future.

After spending a few days in Dark Gray City and its surroundings, on this day, the exact location of the battle factory has been found.

When he was about to set off on the golden monster, Shinji saw a legendary man.

Miss Joy~Miss Joy~

At that time, Shinji hadn't walked out of the Dark Gray City Spirit Center when a dark-skinned man with squinting eyes rushed to the treatment table.

He grabbed Miss Joy's little hand, knelt down on one knee and looked at the latter affectionately, constantly telling his thoughts and love words.

It's been a long time since I saw you. You are always in Xiaosheng's mind. This meeting must be arranged by God. Please let me follow you...

That's right, this person is Xiao Gang, the gym trainer of the Dark Gray Gym, and he is also the most special man in the animation.

Ah~haha...Hallmaster Xiaogang, don't act like this...

Miss Joy smiled awkwardly, her face flushed slightly.

Xiaogang may have many shortcomings, but his advantages cannot be concealed, such as gentleness, affection, cooking skills, strong nurturing ability, strong trainer strength, and strong body...

This scene didn't last long, within a few seconds, the elf ball in Xiaogang's pocket opened automatically, and a bad frog jumped out of it, stabbing directly at Xiaogang's buttock with a special poison attack.

I'm numb~ I'm paralyzed...


Xiao Gang, who had been poisoned, suddenly tensed up and fell to the ground, and was dragged aside by the trousers by the bad frog.


Seeing this scene, Miss Joy couldn't help laughing.

Are the bad frogs still accepted in different worlds?

Shinji, who saw this scene, was thoughtful.

The encounters, elves, and personalities of the same character in different worlds may be very different.

Just like him in this world, the original elves are directly electric shock monsters, Xiaozhi did not subdue the frog seeds, Jenny turtles, Bibi birds...

So Shinji is quite surprised that Xiaogang subdued a bad frog, but it was still a bad frog that could paralyze him with a poison attack just like in the animation.

But that's about it for the surprise.

Hello, are you Xiao Gang, the trainer of the Dark Gray Gym?

Just after Xiao Gang recovered from the numbness lying on one side, he heard a question in his ears. When he looked up, a purple-haired boy appeared in his eyes.

Yes, I am Xiao Gang, the owner of the pavilion, what can I do for you?

If you want to challenge the gym, you can go directly to challenge my brother Jiro should have been in the gym all the time.

Facing the existence other than the beautiful woman, Xiao Gang behaved very calmly.

When he left the gymnasium for a trip, he had arranged everything in the gymnasium. If he wanted to challenge the gymnasium, he could definitely find Jiro. Even if Jiro was not there, his returning father, Wu Neng, could challenge him instead.

I am Shinji from Curtain City, and I want to fight with you.

For Xiaogang, Shinji's purpose is very simple, just to see how strong Xiaogang is in this world, and so on to infer the strength of existences like Xiaoxia.

It would be boring to challenge gyms. Shinji has no obsession with badges, and he doesn't plan to challenge gyms one by one if he doesn't plan to participate in the Kanto Alliance Conference.

In fact, there are only three gymnasiums in the Kanto area, golden, light red, and evergreen, that can catch his eyes.

The light red gymnasium is because the former owner of the gymnasium, Aju, is the current Chengdu Four Heavenly King. The former owner of the evergreen gymnasium is Sakagi, and the current owner is Qinglu.

And the owner of the Golden Gymnasium, Nazi, is quite special, the most gifted superpower for thousands of years.

Because of the different worlds, Nazi, who got out of autism very early, is currently serving as the superpower king of the Kanto area.

The remaining three heavenly kings in the Kanto area are Kona, Xiba and Juzi.

As for A'Du?

He returned to his hometown in Chengdu and temporarily served as the champion of the Chengdu area.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Chengdu are Kazuki, Aju, Lihua and Liubo.

Liu Bo is the same as Na Zi, because the world is different, he is also the owner of the pavilion and the king of heaven at the same time.

Are you here to challenge me? Then I accept it, come with me.

Feeling Shinji's gaze, Xiaogang understood his thoughts in an instant, accepted the game with a smile, and walked towards the long-lost dark gray gym with Bad Frog and Shinji.

It's just that it's different from the simple and heavy-style gymnasium in Xiaogang's memory.

The outside is fine, but the scene inside can be described with words such as festoons and festoons and colorful lights.

There are all kinds of extremely festive, trendy and fashionable decorations everywhere, as if you are not entering a rock gymnasium, but a paradise.

This this……

Xiaogang led Shinji along in a daze, his face full of bewilderment.

After communicating with Jiro who had just finished the gymnasium battle, Xiaogang knew that he was fine a few months before going out, and everything was peaceful.

But later, their mother, Ms. Xiaomi, began to show amazing creative power and messed up the whole gymnasium.

Father Wu Neng sternly refused at first, but then he fell helplessly under the skirt of his mother Xiaomi Pomegranate.

So, that's the way it is. It's okay to talk about gym battles and the like, but I can't control them at all in other aspects.

Jiro said with a helpless face.

...I must have a good communication with the two of them in the future.

Xiaogang's face darkened a bit, turned to look at Shinji, and said, If you want to challenge me, Shinji, then come first.


Shinji responded, walked to the challenger's position and looked at Xiaogang quietly, and took out the elf ball in his hand.

Is it going to be a gymnasium match now? Can I watch the match?

At this time, a suspicious figure appeared in the venue, wearing a mask hat and sunglasses, slightly revealing pink hair, and asked actively.

This familiar strange smell...is really a strange feeling~

Just looking at it, Xiaogang felt a special feeling in his heart, and couldn't help but think about it.

But after all, the battle was about to start, and he didn't focus too much on this suspicious person, but looked at Shinji and asked, Shinji, are you willing?

It is up to the challenger, not the host, to watch the game or not.

Shinji: Whatever.

What is going on now is the badge battle initiated by the challenger Shinji against the dark gray gym trainer Xiaogang.

There are two spirits that can be used by both parties. Whichever loses the combat ability first wins, and the owner of the hall is not allowed to change spirits.

Jiro, who only knew Shinji's name but didn't know the details, thought that Shinji was just an ordinary challenger, so he announced it directly according to the normal gymnasium competition rules.

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