Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 245 Xiaozhi is deflated, and the classic reappears


Xiaozhi looked at Shinji with some incomprehension, not quite sure what it meant.

Is the failure of the battle really the reason why your elf didn't work hard enough?

After asking, Shinji looked at Xiaozhi calmly and said:

Your elf level is not low, even stronger than most people, but... the result?

Taking the battle between you and Xiaomao as an example, your elf strength is obviously stronger, but what is the result?

With that said, Shinji cast his eyes on Xiaomao, and said to himself:

The result is that you fought evenly and barely won in the end.

As a trainer, you can't fully display the strength of the elves, no matter how strong the elves are, how far can they go?

Just a little bit of targeting will make your elves unable to display even half of their usual strength.

Shinji restrained his smile and commented expressionlessly:

You trainer, you are still too immature!

That’s right, it’s undeniable that any of Ash’s elves in this world will be fine once he wears the animation’s “concurrent” six of Ash’s elves, but is this something to be proud of?

The reality is different from the animation. In the animation, Xiaozhi only learned a few moves.

The battle is so straight-forward, obviously able to pull the opponent to death, but it must be head-to-head.

The reality is different, elves can learn many moves.

Not to mention learning as many moves as possible, but enough to deal with most situations.

Furthermore, the battles between trainers will not always be head-to-head.

Just like Yueyue Xiong, which fast elf would foolishly fight a fair fight with the general you and me in the game? Or is it head-to-head in animation?


In a formal battle, as long as the opponent has the ability, the opponent will not fight recklessly if he can pull Yueyue Xiong, and he will not approach if he can attack from a distance.

This is reality!

The head-to-head confrontation in the animation is just a child's trick. Who will fight you head-to-head in reality?

Am I still immature?

Xiaozhi's face changed slightly. He thought he had found his own fighting style. Not to mention mature, he shouldn't be considered immature, right?

You have your own fighting style, but can the training you have done and the moves learned by the elves support your style?

Or, can your fighting style affect me?

Shinji's rhetorical question hit the core of Xiaozhi's question, and the latter opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

It is true that Xiaozhi has his own fighting style, which is similar to Ah Xun's offensive and defensive fighting style.

This style needs to be supported by strength. Only when the strength of the opponent is not much stronger than oneself can he be able to drag the opponent into his own rhythm, make him overwhelmed, and finally be defeated.

But Xiaozhi's elves are different from Minghui elves' various strengthening skills and disgusting person skills one after another. There may not be ten changing moves mastered by Xiaozhi's ten elves.

The number may not even be comparable to that of Ah Xun.

It doesn't matter if you face ordinary opponents, but if there is no way to weaken, ignore or prohibit the opponent's strengthening, as long as the opponent is slightly stronger, and the fighting style is more mature and systematic, then Xiaozhi basically has nothing to do unless the elves explode. possibility of victory.

Even if the fetters break out, it's the same.

Can you break out once, can you break out every single time?

Impossible, but every battle needs to be won by a temporary explosion, let alone the result

Every time this happens, the elf will feel bored and helpless.

……you're right.

After listening to Shinji's words, Xiaozhi opened his mouth, and finally lowered his head slightly and said dryly.

After all, he is also the protagonist who has experienced many things, and his superiors can refute for a while. What the other party said is reasonable and well-founded, which makes Xiaozhi calm down in an instant.

It turns out... the championship of the tournament is just the beginning... I am still far away from my dream of being a Pokémon master.

Such an idea popped up in Xiaozhi's mind.

Glancing at the pensive Xiaozhi, Shinji quietly turned and left.

Sensing Shinji's movements, Xiao Zhi instantly woke up and shouted:

Shinji, let's fight again next time! I will definitely defeat you!

Let's talk about next time.

Shinji was noncommittal, walked up to Dr. Oki, bowed slightly and said:

Dr. Oki, my electric shock monster 'mistakenly' ate a piece of lightning slate, and after inspection, it was found that it could not be taken out. Please help me to see what's going on.

He didn't plan to leave Zhenxin Town directly. In addition to checking the body of the electric shock monster, he also planned to ask Dr. Oki for some knowledge so that he could modify the subsequent training of the elves.

No problem. I just heard from Yamanashi about your Electric Shock Beast. I'm still very interested in your Electric Shock Beast.

Dr. Oki nodded with a smile. He may not be the most powerful doctor in some aspects, but in general, he has the widest range of knowledge.

He is not self-appointed as an authority in academia.

It's normal for the doctors to have some exchanges. It just so happens that Shinji's elves are more or less special, so we naturally talked about them during the chat.

If you are lucky enough to have an examination of its elves, maybe there are some new discoveries?

Since the Ohki Research Institute is the world's top research institute, various inspection tools here are also very complete.

With the help of his assistant, Dr. Oki quickly conducted a round of inspection on the electric shock beast.

How is it, doctor?

Shinji respectfully looked at Dr. Oki who was observing the film and inspection report in front of him.

According to the inspection results, the electric shock beast is currently in good health and has sufficient energy, so there is no problem...but... why is the energy getting more and more abundant...

After finishing the most basic physical report, Dr. Oki began to look at other data, his brows gradually frowned, and then slowly relaxed after thinking.

How should I put it? I have also studied the stone slab, only to find that it is very stable, both the energy and structure inside are unbelievably stable.

There have been cases of elves swallowing stone slabs, but it's actually useless. Swallowing it into the stomach is no different from carrying it normally, and the energy inside will not change in any way.

However, the slate in the stomach of the Electric Shock Monster is steadily and slowly releasing power into its body.

Shinji thought for a while and said, Could it be because I swallowed it once before?

My thinking is the same, it is probably because it has absorbed a broken stone slab before, so it can fuse and absorb this intact stone slab.

But because of the stability of the slab's deconstruction, the energy flow out is very slow, at least within the tolerance range of the electric shock beast.

Finally, Dr. Oki expressed his suggestion:

Because of the fusion of the stone slabs, if it is removed by surgery, the risk is high, and it is estimated that it will not be able to recover after more than half a year of recuperation time.

So, just keep it as it is, and if there are special circumstances, you can send it to me or Yamanashi at any time with your Rotom phone for examination and treatment.

Okay, please doc.

Shinji bowed politely.

Ah Kelu~

The electric monster on the side also smiled embarrassedly, but there was no regret or anything like that.

To become stronger, it is normal to get injured by accident.

How can there be no risk?

Isn't it just a slate?

One word, eat it!

Of course, such a performance successfully reaped Shinji's rare helplessness, speechlessness and blank eyes.

Well, I'm not feeling well, I forgot to post, sorry sorry.

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