Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 244 VS Xiaozhi (End) Fire! Thunder!

And absolute power...

Xiaozhi looked around at his elf, and finally fixed his gaze on the flame monkey.


The flame monkey happened to look at Xiaozhi, and they both saw the other's inner thoughts, and flames began to burn in their eyes.

Xiaozhi no longer hesitated, and said decisively:

Flame Monkey, it's up to you!


The flame monkey responded, calmly suppressing the flames of fighting, walked to Xiaozhi and stood still.

At this moment, whether it is the fire in the heart or the flame hidden in the body, it is activated and burning at this moment!

Flame Monkey...

Shinji couldn't help but think of another world, the monkey related to self.

Although this flaming monkey has no bond with him, the special flame may not exist on him.

To deal with the flame monkey, the most suitable elf for him is undoubtedly Nine Tails, who has even been defeated by Xidoran En.

The fire is immune to the outbreak of its fierce fire, its superpower restrains its fighting attributes, and the nine-tailed sky can overcome the flame monkey.


This time, Shinji did not take Kyuubi over, what he exchanged for before was another elf——

Get ready to fight, Electroshock Monster!


The electric shock monster landed in front of Shinji, grinning and looking at the flame monkey in front of him, with undisguised contempt in his eyes.

Although Xiaozhi's flame monkey is quite strong, compared with Minghui's flame monkey, its comprehensive strength is still much worse.

So the Electric Shock Warcraft is a little unclear why Shinji kept it to deal with the flame monkey.

But it doesn't care about that, isn't it a fight?

If the opponent is good, he will abuse it, if he is strong, he will go all out, and if he can fight, it will be fine!

Flame Monkey, let them see your strength.


After Xiaozhi yelled, the flame monkey that had been brewing for a long time suddenly ignited, and the whole elf glowed red, like a little sun.

A powerful and terrifying aura permeated the air, and the flames burst out hundreds of meters from the top of the head, causing the surrounding temperature to rise a few degrees without noticing it.

Special fire, start!


Seeing this scene, the Electric Shock Beast immediately widened its eyes, showing horror in it.

It doesn't understand, what happened to this tm?

Why in an instant, this guy's strength seems to have doubled.

Are you cheating too?

Thinking of this, the Electric Shock Demon Beast rubbed its stomach, as if feeling the undamaged lightning slate that it secretly swallowed into its stomach in the cultivation room two days ago.

Meanwhile, self-motivation is on!

Flame monkey, spray flames!


With Xiaozhi's order, an astonishing flame shot out from the flame monkey's mouth like a light cannon. Wherever it passed, the ground below the flame was burned with cracks, showing the horror of its power.


But the Electric Shock Beast was not afraid, raised its hand and stretched out its tail to point forward, and lightning burst out all over its body, blocking the jet of flame like a protective shield.

Flash Charge!

After the flame jet was used, the flame monkey didn't care about the result.

With a leap, he launched a flash charge, and the terrifying blue flames filled his body and swooped down. The powerful flames made the space seem to be distorted.

Hold on!

As soon as the thunder struck to block the jet of flames, the Electric Shock Monster saw the flaming monkey, which seemed to be a blow from a falling meteor, and decisively raised his hands to directly prop up a green protective cover in front of him.

Needless to say, the power of Flame Charge and the power of Fierce Fire, but there is a certain strength gap between the two sides, coupled with the strengthening of self-motivation, how can Fiery Monkey break through and defend easily?



The turmoil swept all directions, and the flame monkey smashed its head on the protective cover, unable to advance an inch.

Grab it!

When holding on to the moment when it just disappeared, the two tails of the electric shock monster stretched out and tied to the hands of the flame monkey, and thunder and lightning came one after another.


Hearing a scream, the flame monkey was enveloped in the terrifying golden thunder and lightning. The scorched breath caused by the thunder and lightning continued to spread, and the pain seemed to be felt just by looking at it.

Unlike the situation in the animation where the flaming monkey is released after a single shock, the electric shock monster's tail is tightly tied to the flaming monkey's hands, which are raised above the head to continuously discharge and hurt.

At the same time, the four colors of white, yellow, blue, and red on the hands are constantly changing, and the split tiles cooperate with the farmer's three punches to continuously hit the flame monkey, almost treating the flame monkey like a sandbag.

Countless punches land on him every second, the effect of the moves may not be particularly good, but if there are too many punches, the damage caused is naturally terrifying.

The continuous attacks almost knocked the flame monkey out of his mind, nothing but pain in his head.

Flame monkey, cheer up and explode the flames!

In desperation, Xiaozhi's call became the only voice that could enter the flame monkey's mind.


The flame monkey opened its red eyes and let out a growl. Terrible flames ignited on its body again, and the temperature was even more terrifying than before.

Even the tail of the electric shock monster that bound and released the thunder and lightning could hardly withstand the attack of the flames, so he couldn't help but let go of the flame monkey's control.

Immediately, the flame monkey took a deep breath and was about to release all the endless explosive flames, and burn the electric shock monsters to death!

Thunder Fist!

The electric shock monster made a decisive decision, all the strength of its body gathered on its right hand, and the fist filled with lightning arcs suddenly swung out, punching into the mouth of the flame monkey.


At the moment of being attacked by the Thunder Fist, the flame monkey's eyes widened suddenly, and all the aura just now stagnated for a moment.

The power that was about to erupt was also extremely uncomfortable because of the blockage of this Thunder Fist.

Splitting tiles!

The Electric Shock Beast seized the opportunity at this moment, and struck the flame monkey's head from top to bottom with the other hand.


After the sound came out, the flame monkey's body limply fell to the ground.

But the Electric Shock Monster didn't stop moving. It clasped its fingers together and clenched a fist, smashing it madly at the flame monkey's head.

The Electric Shock Monster didn't stop until the flame monkey stopped moving.

Ah Kelu~

After violently shaking his hands that were burned and hurt a few times, the Electric Shock Monster walked back to Shinji and stretched rather boringly.

The flame of this little monkey is very interesting, but its strength is not very good.

I haven't tried my best yet, so why did I just fall down?

As we all know, under the training of Shinji, the most powerful ability of Dengeki Warcraft is speed.

But in this battle, the opponent fell without showing much speed, so it was not enjoyable enough to fight the electric monster.

Next time, try to find a powerful opponent for you.

As Shinji said, he looked at the belly of the electric shock monster again.

The reason why he used the Electric Shock Monster this time was partly because he was affected by his memory and wanted to fight the Electric Shock Monster and the Flaming Monkey, and on the other hand it was because...

Lei Si told him that the restless guy, the Electric Shock Monster, swallowed the Thunder Slate again!

That's right, it was the undamaged stone slab that the photo gave him!

It's fine if you just swallow it, anyway, the stone slab is stable enough, at worst, you need to have an operation to take it out later.

However... I don't know if it's because of the damaged slate that was digested before, but this intact slate actually had an inexplicable resonance with the electric shock beast.

To put it simply, it is fused with the electric shock beast, and it cannot be taken out!

Speechless, Shinji prepared for a while and asked Dr. Oki to help him check and see how to deal with the electric shock monster.

The flame monkey loses its ability to fight, and the electric monster wins!

Since Xiaozhi's elf lost the ability to fight, Shinji won this battle!

At this time, Xiaomao made the final judgment.

This... Take a good rest, Flame Monkey, you did a good job.

Hearing Xiaomao's voice, Xiaozhi stared at the Flame Monkey in a daze for a few seconds, then shook his head trying to keep smiling and put it back into the ball.

Hey, I lost, I have to work harder in the future, everyone.

Xiaozhi smiled helplessly at the elves beside him, and said with vigor.


The elves responded one after another.

Heh~ Is it useful just to work hard?

At this time, Shinji's voice sounded.

Well, directly grasp the power of the fierce fire!

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