Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 196 Are you willing to fight for me? (Please subscribe, please support!)

Do you still have an impression of me?

Will you walk with me and fight for me?

Shinji walked up to Boscodora, looked at it calmly, and asked.


Boss Kedora also simply bowed his head slightly, expressing his approval.

In the past few days, it has also got a general understanding of Shinji from the mouths of other elves and Reiss. Aside from his decisive, cold, and stern character, he is still very good to elves.

The most important thing is that Shinji is very good at elf training and cultivation!

It has lived in the wild for several years, and it has grown from a small Cocodora to the current Boss Cocodora step by step. It is difficult to measure how much effort it took and how many battles it has experienced.

However, none of Shinji's elves are weaker than himself. Even the poisonous dragon king scorpion, although its attributes are unfavorable and its strength is not his opponent, but it can still easily defeat itself with the enhancement of acupuncture points that can control the ability to improve.

This is enough to prove Shinji's ability.

Survival of the fittest, strength first, desire to become stronger, and the strong follow the stronger, does this seem to be no problem?

Very good, I will let you learn more suitable moves, formulate more useful training methods, and prepare elf food.

Shinji also made a simple promise.

In terms of moves, the stronger the defense, the more powerful the pounce is very necessary for Boss Kedora to learn.

In terms of training methods, it is mainly reflected in high-intensity training, accelerating growth, and transforming the energy and nutrients ingested into strength.

How to get more nutritional energy? That naturally relies on the elf food krypton gold.

Relying on special energy cubes, combined with various precious and easily absorbable minerals, Boscodora grows faster.

The reason wild elves usually grow slower than elves with trainers is due to food and training.

There is no suitable training method, and it takes a lot of time to find food that can fill your stomach. It is good to be full, how can you expect to eat well?


Boss Kedora also knew this truth well, and roared imposingly.

Very good. Next, you all have a common training goal. First complete this goal, and then do other further training.

After the words fell, the eyes of all the elves were attracted by Shinji.

You know, apart from normal battle training and weight training, what kind of training is suitable for all elves to learn?

Sly-horned deer, come out.

Shinji took out a poke ball that washes the green wind and threw it, and the next moment, a gray deer with horns appeared on the ground.


As soon as it appeared, the sly-horned deer, which was watched by all the elves, stood motionless in place, not daring to move at all.

Spooky-horned deer, the evolution of Scary-horned deer, like Yueyue bear, can no longer be seen in the Sinnoh area.

Its evolution requirement is to use the method of mastering the moves quickly to launch the lost barrier onslaught skill. After a certain number of times, it can be successfully evolved.

And your training goal is to master your own swiftness according to the swiftness of the deer.

As long as you learn to be quick, you will be able to catch them by surprise and win the battle.

To put it bluntly, swiftness is some kind of strange explosive technique, at the cost of sacrificing a little power and special effects, it explodes at a more terrifying speed.

Naturally, the elves present were not fools. Hearing what Shinji said, they immediately understood the importance of learning how to be fast, and all the elves stared at the deer with sly horns in the center with glowing eyes.

Not much time, train as soon as possible.

In two days, Dr. Yamanashi and the local Dr. from Curtain City and their team will arrive at the breeding house to jointly study the mystery of the evolution of the Horned Deer, evaluate the feasibility of the evolution of the Moon Moon Bear, and register, etc.

I'm sorry for your trouble, Sly-Horned Deer.



The Sly-Horned Deer really wanted to leave without agreeing, but he felt the enthusiasm in the eyes of the elves and knew that if he didn't leave something behind, it would be difficult to walk out of this area standing up.

Therefore, he can only demonstrate and tell all the things he knows obediently, for the elves to learn.

Of course, Swiftness can't be used on all moves. Only when you have a deep understanding of the moves can you be proficient, but this is no problem for the elves.

What others want is to be proficient in a certain move, what they are learning is the burst method, as long as you learn it, no matter what moves you have, when necessary, just burst out directly.

In the blink of an eye, a few days have passed in a blink of an eye, and it has been a few days since Shinji returned to the breeding house

On this day, on the grass, Shinji looked at the three slabs of purple, golden and green on the ground in silence.

It is true that stone slabs are precious, but it is helpless not to be able to fully utilize them.

If possible, Shinji would rather replace the three complete stone slabs with the battle-damaged version, so that at least the elves can slowly absorb power and grow faster.

Target it, launch practice mad plants and sunbeams, don't let it fall to the ground.

Shinji threw the turquoise slab into the sky and stood up from the ground.


The Tutai turtle lying next to Shinji immediately started practicing moves when he heard the words.

Layer after layer of hardened plants protruded from the ground one after another, launching the most powerful attack on the slate, supplemented by solar beam impacts from time to time, giving the slate the best training experience.

Patting the Turtle on the head, Shinji turned over and stood on top of it, and began to take out a pair of large scissors to trim its branches while observing the training of other elves.

These days after returning home, Xicui Pokémon has begun to live naturally in the breeding house, and is now cooperating with the doctors' research and information registration.

The Sly Horned Deer was also ruthlessly abandoned by the elves after they learned how to be fast, and joined the research, and was listed as a key research object.

At the same time, Shinji also exchanged a poke ball for the horned deer, and took out the Xi emerald poke ball separately for collection.



On a bare open space not far away, Boss Kedora was fighting against Yueyue Xiong. Except for the Terra Turtle, the two elves with the most defensive and attacking power in the team kept colliding with each other, training and exercising their new abilities Skill.

Launching a sudden pounce and a pounce kept colliding with each other, and the roar resounded for hundreds of meters.

The Nine Tails and the Great Sword Demon stood facing each other, and the two elves in training equipment attacked each other frantically. The two foot blades combined with the sharp horns on the top of the head and the nine iron tails kept attacking together, at extremely tricky angles.

The electric shock monster is colliding with the dragon king scorpion and the biting land shark, and the golden figure keeps flashing, launching swift and violent attacks on the two elves.

The giant gold monster is fighting against the snow demon, training Shinji to formulate a mind-locking attack method for it.

To put it simply, it is to forcibly control the opponent while launching the fastest attack to make it inevitable, or to lock the opponent through mental power so that the opponent cannot dodge his own attack, and can only be forced to hit in the end!

The Snow Demon Girl is interfering, using illusion, shadow clone, snow hidden, and various abnormal state moves to attack, so that the giant metal monster cannot be locked, and then defeats the latter.

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