Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 195 The Strange Fluctuations All over the World Go Home

Thank you... my friend.

Shinji, who had returned to Sinnoh Tianguan Mountain, stood on the top of the mountain, facing the moonlight, holding two stone slabs, one golden and one green, with a slight smile on his lips.




Suddenly, an unknown purple wave swept over, and in a blink of an eye, it struck from the horizon to the front, passed through the body, and then struck further away.

As the fluctuations swept past, an inexplicable shock made the elves flee in panic and fly.

After this inexplicable fluctuation swept through, Shinji could barely feel a special energy from the air that had never been possessed in the Sinnoh area by virtue of his spiritual power that was different from ordinary people.


Shinji, who had just come back from time travel, was in a good mood, suddenly his face darkened, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

He took out his phone to check, but found nothing.

Rotom, pay attention to news from all over the world, and send me a message as soon as there is any relevant situation.


After the search failed, Shinji called Rotom on the phone, and then directly released the biting land shark and jumped onto it.

Bite the land shark and go home.

Although this inexplicable fluctuation does not seem to have much impact, Shinji is unavoidably worried about the elder brothers and elves in the nurturing house.

Broken land~

Liebite Lu Sha got up and flew away, flying towards Curtain City at the speed of a jet plane.

What is the situation?

Could it be that due to the difference in the world and the butterfly effect, a certain event that a certain protagonist should solve was not successfully resolved, which then caused the problem to expand, and this happened?

If so, which region and which protagonist will it be?

Shinji thought with a serious face.

Shinji, who couldn't figure it out, took out his mobile phone and dialed Leisi's number to make contact.

Brother, how are you? Is there anything wrong?

The first time it was connected, Shinji hurriedly asked.

No problem, don't worry, don't worry about me.

Where are you now? Why is there such a loud noise.

Reis, who was awakened by the fluctuation, smiled and asked.

Heaven, Lie Bite Lu Shark is taking me back.

Be careful, be careful when flying at night, I'll hang up first... huh? Shinji, why did you send so many Poké Balls back at once?

Leisi, who was searching for fluctuations, walked near the teleportation device in the living room, and suddenly saw a pile of extra poke balls out of thin air, and was a little dazed.

Accidentally traveled to other worlds, subdued some local elves, and prepared to give them to my brother to cultivate.

Shinji said calmly.

The moment he returned to the Sinnoh area, all the balls in the backpack that were used to tame the elves, except Xiaozhao's elf ball with the horned deer, had been automatically sent back to the nurturing room.

What, other worlds? Did you encounter any danger?

After Lei Si exclaimed, he asked quickly.

As we all know, Sinnoh's Palkya and Dialga often fight, and it is not uncommon for them to accidentally open space-time rifts.

Besides, there are so many accompanying worlds in the spirit world, such as the spirit world, the reverse world, the world of shadows, the world of mirrors...

Therefore, Leisi's ability to accept the travel is not bad, but compared to the time travel and the special elves, Leisi is more concerned about Shinji's safety.

It's okay, brother, don't talk, I can come back later.

After finishing speaking, Shinji hung up the phone without waiting for Leisi to ask.

Time flies, the night light flows, the dawn dawns

Come back and rest.

When the sky dawned, Shinji landed in the courtyard of his home, retracted the biting land shark and walked towards the house.


As soon as he entered the room, Shinji saw Leisi who had already made breakfast.

Come back, let's have dinner.

Leisi took Shinji's backpack and looked at Shinji carefully for a few times before he was really relieved.


Needless to say, Shinji can feel Leisi's concern.

At the table, during the meal time, Shinji briefly told Leisi about the crossing, the Xicui area, and the Xicui elves.

The two also made brief arrangements for the arrangement of the elves, the first of which was to give the elves a title.

What does this mean?

It is to contact Dr. Yamanashi and other doctors, and invite him to come over to register and perform simple information registration for the elves such as Moon Moon Bear, Great Sword Demon, Big Niura, and Deer with Horns.

This can avoid a lot of trouble in the future, and it can also avoid the embarrassment that you release the elf at the alliance meeting, but the alliance can't find your elf information.

As for whether the alliance will snatch it or not, there is no need to worry about it. Although the alliance does pull sometimes, it has its own advantages to be convincing.

There are also many contacts in the nurturing house, and there are many projects that cooperate with the alliance, so naturally there is no need to worry about the elves.

As for whether the elves of Xicui can be cultivated and grown in this world, it is still unknown.

However, relatively speaking, whether the moon bear that can be evolved with peat blocks, the mantis that can be evolved with black stones, and the horned deer that can evolve through swiftness and barrier attack can exist in the Sinnoh area is a certainty!

Of course, the premise is, can you find peat blocks and black strange stones?

Or let the Scarlet Horn learn Barrier Attack?

Of course, these are not Shinji's problems, he is too lazy to care so much.

He already had Great Sword Demon and Moon Moon Bear, and he was not interested in these elves.

By the way, brother, I gave my picture book to that friend, please make a copy for me, as long as you can prove your identity.

After discussing with Leisi, Shinji was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something and raised his mouth.

No problem, leave it to me, and I will definitely be able to give it to you before you participate in the competition.

Reiss replied with a smile.

Not long after, Shinji came to the elves gathering place and met his own elves.

At this moment, by a lake, Boss Kedora, who was subdued by Shinji before crossing Xicui, is discussing with the giant golden monster how to deal with the steel attribute elves, and Nine Tails is training against the Dragon King Scorpion.


The moment Shinji appeared, Kyuubi, who was fighting Dragon King Scorpion, disappeared at high speed in an instant. When he appeared, he had already appeared beside the former, with a pair of amber eyes staring at Shinji's pocket.

Shinji: Want to see Shuangrenwan?


Nine Tails wagged its tail slightly and let out a cry.

Come out.

With a smile on the corner of Shinji's mouth, he threw all his poke balls out.

Ah Kelu~

Broken land~





With a flash of white light, the six elves of Electric Shock Monster, Biting Land Shark, Snow Demon Girl, Tutai Turtle, Great Sword Demon, and Moon Moon Bear appeared at the same time.

Among them, the appearance of Yueyue Xiong terrified the four elves present.

Is that a circle bear? Can it still evolve? !

But for Nine Tails, he was only surprised for a moment, and then he was completely attracted by the Great Sword Demon.


Nine Tails ran to the Great Sword Ghost, looking at the latter with a completely changed body, full of cold aura.

In the next second, Charming was activated directly, and a heart fell on the Great Sword Ghost.

The Great Sword Ghost was hit by Charming, or in other words, it didn't intend to hide!

It will see today, whether it can resist the charm after evolution.

When the love fell, the great sword Ghost Saber Intent was launched, and resisted vigorously, but forcibly suppressed Charming, keeping his eyes clear.


Seeing this, Kyuubi reached out to shake the mind of the Great Sword Demon, and at the same time activated hypnosis to assist.

The hypnotism that used to be unfavorable in the past has no effect on the Great Sword Ghost at this moment.

Compared with ordinary sword ghosts, the great sword ghost in Xicui form has more evil attributes that can be immune to superpowers. Although it is not immune, it can resist a little more with its saber intent.


There was a hint of pride in the eyes of the Great Sword Ghost.

The temptation of females, but that's all, huh~


But Nine Tails didn't panic, a strange light in his eyes fell on the Great Sword Ghost, and then launched a move called temptation.

As soon as the two fell down, they cooperated with each other, overwhelmed the reason of the big sword ghost in an instant, let his eyes emit love, and successfully entered the charming state.

Seeing this scene, all the elves shook their heads and sighed—as expected, females are not easy to mess with.

Only the snow demon girl stood beside Shinji, smiling with her mouth covered and silent.

Guess, what is this fluctuation for?

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