Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 191 The Gathering of the Emerald-washing Elves

There's a lot of information on the illustrated book...it's a headache.

It seems that I can't finish transcribing in a short time, so I will return the illustrated book to you first, and then I can borrow it from you later.

I'll take you to get to know Mingyao, Dr. Raben, and Zhubei first.

Xiaozhao stood up again, and handed the spirit book to Shinji.

Time is limited, you use it first.

Shinji didn't answer, and calmly took out his mobile phone, showing the countdown to his return and said:

It shows on my mobile phone that in less than 15 hours, I will travel back.

Ah?! Why!? Damn it, why does your phone still have time-traveling function?

Arceus treats them differently, I want to go back and have a look too!

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, took out his out-of-the-time Arceus cell phone and poked around to compare it with Shinji's, feeling very depressed.

It's rare to meet a friend who is a time traveler, but they tell you that I'm going home tomorrow, but I can't go back.

No wonder it's not depressing.

Forget it, forget it, if you can't go back, don't go back, work hard to become stronger, meet all Pokémon, and discuss with Arceus when you see Arceus again...

Xiao Zhao, who accepted his fate, sighed, cheered up again, and said with a smile:

Since you only have so much time to stay here, is there anything you want to do, or somewhere you want to go? I'll take you there.

Is there a place where the Great Sword Ghost haunts, or where all kinds of elves in the shape of Emerald Emerald haunt?

I want to let my Shuangrenwan communicate with the Great Sword Demon, try to evolve the Xicui Great Sword Demon, and then subdue some special elves.

Shinji cut to the chase.

Hmm... There doesn't seem to be a great sword ghost habitat near the foot of Tianguan Mountain. The unique elves of Xicui have Naughty Thunderball, Nyula, and Big Nyura in my impression. If you are lucky, you can see the splitting mantis, the horned deer and Moon Bear.

Recalling it, Xiao Zhao said.


Shinji frowned slightly.

In his heart, the priority of the evolution of Shuangrenwan is higher than that of subduing elves, and he is not sure whether the modern Shuangrenwan in other worlds can evolve into the emerald form.

We can only let him exchange cruel and ruthless experience with him, so as to increase the success rate of evolution.

Actually, according to Dr. Laben's research, as long as you go to the Shuangren Wan in the Xicui area and are attacked by special energy, you can evolve into the Xicui Great Sword Demon.

If you want to be more careful, maybe I can help you...


Under Shinji's puzzled eyes, Xiaozhao smiled playfully and threw a poke ball.

Come out, Great Sword Demon!


It was a huge and majestic elf, with a long white beard extending from the muzzle, a dark blue helmet-like shell on top of the head, with wine-red patterns on the shell, curved like layers of waves, and a sharp spear at the front prick.

The limbs are covered with dark blue and wine red armor, and there is a sharp foot blade hidden in the front armor, which can be drawn out to attack at any time.

It can make the enemy afraid to make a sound with a glance, intimidate the enemy with a roar, and can cut the opponent with the two-legged blades on the front feet in the blink of an eye, and then retract it.

This is the great sword ghost in Xicui form!

This is my first elf, the Great Sword Demon!

Xiao Zhao hugged the Great Sword Ghost and introduced with a smile.

At this time, Shinji recalled that when Xiaozhao/Mingyao played the leading role, he was the master of subjugation in this world. The main focus of the game is the original ecology of elves and the subjugation of various precious elves.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are any elves from the Xicui area on Xiaozhao.

Is there any elf on you? If you don't mind, can you release it for me to see?

For a while, Shinji looked at Xiaozhao with a trace of fiery in his eyes, and couldn't help asking.

From a certain point of view, Shinji also loves elves very much, otherwise it would be impossible to get Emrido's appreciation.

It's just that this love is slightly more tortuous and unique than normal trainers.

Well, no problem, everyone come out!

Xiao Zhao smiled slightly, took out more than a dozen poke balls from his body and threw them out.



A total of nine spirits, including Fiery Beast, Sniper Tree Owl, Zoroak, Warrior Falcon, Moon Moon Bear, Sticky Dragon, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Lucario, and Splitting Ax Mantis, appeared from the ball and landed on the big sword. around ghosts.

Among them, except for Lucario, all the other elves are unique elves of Xicui, and the sticky melo dragon and the wind speed dog are even larger boss Pokémon.

Moon Bear is even more special. Not only is it the boss Pokémon, but it is also an elf of a different color. The hair on its body is the color of red beans, which is very special.


Seeing the existence of a bunch of spirits in front of him whose strength is no less than his own, Shinji, who is a time traveler, was excited but also a little puzzled.

Shinji directly asked the doubts in his heart: Can you carry so many elves at the same time?

Why can't I carry it? In this era, the Poké Ball has not been developed for many years, and the illustrated book has to be investigated and made by me. What if I bring a few more Pokémon?

Xiao Zhao said it as a matter of course, and then added:

Of course, if it's inconvenient sometimes, you can ask the members of the Galaxy team outside to help you send the poke balls back, but I think it's okay, so I took them all with me.

That's right, reality is not a game. There is no elf teleportation technology in this era, and you can only take a hundred elves with you.

Shinji expressed his understanding in his heart.


Is that all you have, elves?

As the protagonist of Legend of Arceus who enjoys catching elves for fun, Shinji doesn't quite believe that there are only a few elves in Xiaozhao.

I also want to subdue more elves as partners, but the conditions are not allowed...

There was a trace of bitterness on Xiaozhao's face, she wanted to catch it, but she couldn't afford it!

After discovering that the elves need to be fed, cultivated, cleaned, and cared for by herself..., she made up her mind to restrain her restless heart and try to catch as few elves as possible.

Dr. Raben really needs it, she can take care of it, but training is unnecessary!

Because that is so tiring!


After silence, Shinji gave such an evaluation.

In reality, not to mention other resources for raising elves, food needs to be provided.

But in this era... food is really not as abundant as it is in modern times.

Are medicines for treating injuries really as easy to obtain as in the game, or have they been invented?

Also, the more manic elves in this era need more care from the trainer, otherwise they may really be disobedient.

My elves are not bad, each one is very good!

Looking proudly at the elves around him, Xiaozhao raised his head and said to Shinji:

Where's your elf? Let's release it too, let's communicate with each other!

Come out.

Shinji naturally would not let go of such an extremely rare opportunity, and threw out the six Poké Balls in his pocket at the same time.

Ah Kelu~






Electric shock monsters, earth turtles, snow demon girls, circle bears, biting land sharks, and double-edged pills appeared one after another, and then stared at the existences in front of them.

Most of the elves in the group of elves in front of them have met by chance through some means, but why, it feels so different?



Among them, Quanquanxiong and Shuangrenwan were the most shocked. The two of them looked at Yueyuexiong and Dajiangui with shock and bewilderment.

One is wondering, can he still evolve?

One is wondering, can he evolve into that?

Thanks to the trainer for the reward of Green Vegetable White Jade Tea Bowl!

Shinji will subdue some elves and take them back, but there are already enough main battle members, so there will be no additional training in a short time.

In addition, in fact, the author has not played a game for a long time. At most, he can be regarded as a cloud player. He has never played Legend of Arceus. , but get to know others more...

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