Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 190 Super Emerald Washer——Photo

In terms of chance, it is nothing more than elves and props.

As for the elves, the elves in the shape of Emerald Emerald do have their own advantages, but for Shinji who values ​​talent, it seems that they are not so useful.

If you meet them, you can catch a few of them and give them to Leisi for training, so as to exercise your cultivation ability.

However, there is a problem. Can my Poké Ball still be used after a world away?

This is a problem that needs to be studied and tried later.

In terms of props, the peat block Shinji has been longing for for a long time.

With the peat blocks, the circle bear evolved, and that is the only moon bear in the Sinnoh area.

The strength will be greatly improved, and the evolution stones that have not been used can also be retired directly by the way.

The other thing that must be done is to try to let Shuangren Wan evolve in the Xicui area, to see if it can evolve into the Xicui Great Sword Demon?

After all, in the original game, Xicui Great Sword Demon's evolution requirement was only in the Xicui area.

This means that even in the era of the Xicui region, if the Shuangrenwan in the Xicui region is allowed to evolve in other regions, it can only evolve into an ordinary sword ghost.

Theoretically, there is no distinction between high and low elves, just different forms, but Xicui Great Sword Demon is definitely a more suitable sword ghost for his evolution.

But to evolve in less than 15 hours, let’s talk to Shuangrenwan about this, and let him try to force evolution. Anyway, he has grown almost, and forced evolution will not be like the smart spray in the animation.” young.

In addition, Shinji really couldn't think of any precious opportunities that were worth working hard for.




While Shinji was thinking, bursts of explosions and roars suddenly sounded from afar, interrupting Shinji's thoughts.

After turning his sight to the past, Shinji saw that on a battlefield where there were many stone pillars standing and a big tree on the edge, a girl dressed in the green clothes was being attacked by a naughty thunderbolt with golden light all over her body. .

Naughty Thunder Ball's aura is extremely terrifying, even more terrifying than Daye's Flame Monkey. He casually creates a large number of lightning balls and lightning to hit the girl. The attacks are continuous, and the power of any blow can knock out the double-edged ball. seriously injured.

However, the Xicui girl had a resolute and calm face, while twirling and rolling to avoid the attack, she took out an unknown baggage in her hand and threw it at the naughty thunder bomb.

Just like that, during the throwing again and again, the mischievous thunderbolt became more and more violent. Throwing, from time to time, the girl would release an elf to attack the former, knocking him into a daze, and then quickly throwing the treasure in her hand.

When he woke up, he started a new round of tugging.

Is this the super Xicui person? Such a good quality?

Even Shinji, the super-veilman with top physique and skill, was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

To be able to dodge attacks so calmly in the hands of at least a quasi-champion-level elf, even he probably couldn't do it, right?

Just when Shinji was shocked, the girl suddenly tilted her body while avoiding it, and was hit instantly by a lightning ball, and was directly sent flying far away.

Just when Shinji was thinking about whether to go down to save someone, he saw the girl who had been electrocuted and rolled over to avoid the attack, and Pai Hui started a new pull again, his face was full of habit and indifference.

Shinji couldn't help taking a breath at this scene, and once doubted his life.

Surface (_), heart (ΩДΩ).

Super Xicui, so terrifying!

Just like that, when more than half an hour passed, after the girl's last lump of treasure slammed onto Naughty Lei Bo, the latter finally lay motionless on the ground, the golden light on his body began to drift away, and he regained his consciousness.

After being physically appeased by the girl, Naughty Lei Tan obediently greeted him, took out a golden slate from somewhere and handed it to the former, and rolled away in despair.

Afterwards, two men in blue emerald costumes walked up to the girl, exchanged ideas, and then dispersed.

Would you like to say hello...

Shinji remembered that this Emerald girl, who looked like Xiaoguang, seemed to be a time traveler.

And it was chosen by Arceus to travel through in the true sense, not an accidental intrusion like myself.

From a certain point of view, not to mention the special comics, among the protagonists of the past generations in the game concept, the strongest is undoubtedly the so-called super Xicuiren.

How strong can other protagonists be?

Defeat Arceus with elves?

It's not the super Xicui, who resisted physically and beat Arceus to death with a treasure, and gave her a clone after getting his affirmation.

Shinji hesitated, but Xiao Zhao, who managed to physically appease the cave king's naughty Lei Dan, did not hesitate.

After discovering an inexplicably extra signal on Arceus' cell phone, he turned his head and saw Shinji a few miles away.

Warrior Falcon, take me there!

The action-oriented Xiaozhao was very excited to see the similar and directly threw the poke ball to release a warrior falcon in the form of emerald green, and flew towards Shinji while lying on the carrying position.

Hi~ hi~ hello.

The excited Xiaozhao waved his hand at Shinji from a long distance away, shouting loudly.

After flying to the top of Shinji's head after a while, he took out the poke ball and took the Warrior Falcon back, and landed in front of Shinji from a height of more than ten meters.

Hi, hi, hi, hello, my name is Xiaozhao, a time traveler.

Now living in Celebration Village, he is a member of the investigation team of the Galaxy team, assisting in the investigation of elves, and working hard to complete the first Pokémon illustrated book.

Xiaozhao circled Shinji twice, and echoed with Arceus mobile phone. After confirming that he was a traverser sent by Arceus like himself, he let go completely, with a smile on his face:

I didn't expect to meet modern people after traveling for so long. It's awesome!

My name is Shinji. I'm from Veil City in the Sinnoh region. I just crossed over and I'm preparing to participate in the Suzuran Conference.

Shinji added a simple self-introduction, and secretly said in his heart:

The joy of meeting a fellow countryman far away in a foreign land is probably like this.

Hey! That's great. I came from the Sinnoh area before crossing over, but my home is in Zhuqing City. Xiaozhao had a look of surprise on his face, and then he was a little disappointed:

It's a pity. When I was summoned by Sinnoh Grand Master Arceus, I hadn't received the elves yet. Apart from my clothes, I had a mobile phone with me. If I had a picture book...

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhao sighed, compiling the illustrated book of this world based on the modern illustrated book, the difficulty will be greatly reduced, and it will be much easier.

I have a picture book, I can lend it to you for reference, but may I ask, do you know where there are peat blocks?

Shinji took out a black illustrated book and handed it out and asked.

Peat block? What do you want this thing for? Lighting a fire for cooking or letting the circle bear evolve.

Xiaozhao took the illustrated book, carefully opened it to check it, took out his own paper illustrated book and began to compare and write, asking.


Ah, so, I remember that there were quite a lot of peat blocks before I crossed? Don't you have any?

The world is different. The Sinnoh peat block I am in can hardly be found in the history books. I would like to take this opportunity to dig a piece and let my circle bear evolve.

Shinji patiently explained, hoping to get accurate information.

It turns out that you and I are not in the same world... I only need one piece, so there's no need to look for it. I still have it, and I'll give it to you!

Xiao Zhao, who was writing, sighed, and casually took out a piece of peat from his pocket and threw it to Shinji.

Thank you!

After checking and confirming it, Shinji carefully put it into his backpack and put it away.

No eunuch! Not bad! I asked for leave one day in advance!

Update first, and wait until I wake up at noon to update again.

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