Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 145 (Part 2) Just a little faster... not enough

Scorpio King, guillotines go up!

The Scorpion King was not afraid either, and rushed towards the electric shock beast at full speed with two large pincers emitting white light at the same time.


When the two elves collided, the Electric Shock Beast was superior in terms of strength alone, and instantly sent the Scorpion King flying into the sky behind him.

However, the hands that Electroshock Beast used to launch Frozen Fist were firmly clamped by Scorpion King's guillotines, and it was difficult to break free.

If it is another elf, the electric shock beast can still discharge and resist, but the opponent is the ground-type Scorpio King, so it is difficult to say who has the upper hand in this wave.

In the sky, the two elves were fighting together. While the electric shock beast constantly launched self-motivation to improve itself, it tried to struggle to make the Scorpio King loosen his double clamps, but the latter was also looking for opportunities to fight back against the former.



After Shinji prompted, the electric shock beast immediately opened its mouth and sent out an unacceptable painful sound wave to bombard the Scorpio King at close range.


But the Scorpio King was a little surprised at the first moment, but after reacting, he also opened his mouth, and a piercing sound not weaker than that of the electric shock beast came from the front.

Two different piercing sounds came out, and there was no winner. The terrifying sound waves spread from the middle to all directions, causing the audience present to face pain, and couldn't help but cover their ears.

After a few seconds of competition, the two elves, who could not help each other because of the harsh sound, shut up at the same time with a tacit understanding.

Poison attack!

Suddenly, a hint of complacency appeared in Scorpio King's eyes, and the tail that had not been used to attack just now emitted a purple light, stabbing towards the electric shock beast in front of him.

Psychic thoughts!

However, the electric shock beast's eyes emitted a blue light. At the moment when the Scorpion King's attack was about to hit, the power of thought was released, and the tail of the Scorpion King was firmly controlled, preventing it from advancing an inch.

How can you still be mentally obsessed?

Minghui felt fouled, why did the electric shock beast have superpowers? Simply unheard of ah!

The situation on the scene seemed to be at a stalemate again.

According to common sense, if this situation is not resolved, the Scorpio King who can restore his physical strength through poison treatment will surely win in the end.

But Shinji's training for the electric shock beast itself is not in line with common sense.

Scorpio King, use the sandstorm to distance yourself!

Feeling bad, the Scorpion King quickly activated the sandstorm skill all over his body, wrapping himself and the electric shock beast's body inside, like a sandstorm tornado, constantly causing damage to the electric shock beast.

Taking advantage of the impact and barrier of the sandstorm, King Scorpion flicked the electric shock beast vigorously, and then quickly flew outside, keeping a distance from the electric shock beast.

In the sandstorm, the Electric Shock Beast was not afraid at all, and thunder and lightning raged on its body. With the help of a gust of wind from the strong wind, the sandstorm was directly scattered.

Looking at the Scorpio King who hastily launched a sword dance to strengthen himself after leaving the sandstorm, the electric shock beast was a little pity.

It had secretly motivated itself twice just now, and it was about to throw off the Scorpio King suddenly, but unexpectedly let it run away.

Before the Scorpio King's sword dance was over, the angry Electric Shock Beast decisively pulled out an infuriating bullet and threw it out. At the same time, the Frozen Fist followed and blasted at the Scorpio King.

Immediately after strengthening the attack, the Scorpion King immediately stretched out his pincers to pinch the zhenqi bomb, but the electric shock beast that followed him also flew to the front at this moment, and the freezing fist came over.

At this moment, the Scorpio King, who had no time to think about it, could only raise his hands to block it.


The two fists of the Electric Shock Beast fell, and the Scorpio King was hit directly back to the ground. Ice had formed on the blocking hands, freezing both hands together.

The effect is outstanding!


Shinji pointed at Scorpio kingly.


The Lightning Beast slashed out and landed in front of the Scorpio King. The flat ground was instantly shattered by lightning, and the falling rocks flew towards the latter, directly burying the Scorpio King.

Seeing this, the electric beast flew to the hook without looking back.


When the Scorpion King crawled out of the stone pestle, the electric shock beast just hung the ring.

competition is over!

The ring has been successfully hung by the electric shock beast, the competition is over! This year's Poké ring Qinghui conference, the winner is Team Shinji from Veil City!




The host's voice sounded, and there were countless cheers from around.


Amidst the cheers, the Scorpion King melted the ice on his body with the help of his flame teeth, and then flew back to Minghui in frustration, looking at Minghui with aggrieved expression.

If its sword dance speed was a little faster...a little bit...maybe it would be able to defeat Electroshock Beast...I'm really not reconciled...

It's okay, Scorpio King, you've done a good job.

Minghui touched Scorpio King's head and comforted him.

The decision just now was a helpless move. It is absolutely impossible to beat the electric shock beast without strengthening the sword dance. With the strengthening of the sword dance, it is too late to defend...

It can only be said that he and Scorpion King underestimated the speed of the electric beast.


After winning the victory, the electric shock beast was also happy for a few seconds, but the smile gradually disappeared in the process of returning to Shinji's side.

It found that the matchup exposed many of its shortcomings.

The performance is worse than expected. Practice more tactics against ground attribute elves, practice more mental strength, and apply it in actual combat.

This battle exposed the lack of means of Electroshock Beast against ground attribute elves, especially in long-range.

Although the number of long-range skills of the Electric Shock Beast Club is not bad, the only ones that are effective against ground-type elves are high-speed stars, true energy bullets, and spiritual force.

Among them, high-speed stars and mental strong thoughts are still learned for the purpose of correcting the trajectory of thunderstorms, and their proficiency is very average.

Before self-motivation and strengthening, it was mainly used to harass elves of the same level, and it was almost useless in other aspects.

The application of super powers to battles from Gosong Charem is easy to say, but it will be a very long-term training process if you want to be able to use them maturely.


Electric Shock Beast is also very yearning for Charem's fighting style that seems to be able to predict your actions, obediently complies, and plans to practice more spiritual thoughts in the future.

Let's go.

At the end of the evaluation, Dengekimon accepted it humbly, got off the hot air balloon, and Shinji greeted Dengekimon.

Shinji, this time I have a chance to defeat you, next time I will definitely become stronger and defeat you.

On the nearby hot air balloon, Minghui also landed with Scorpio King, and said to Shinji confidently.

Have you reached this far? I hope so.

Shinji was noncommittal, replied calmly, and continued to walk towards the awarding platform.

Although he didn't think highly of the championship and the prize, but after all, he and the elves worked hard to get it, and he had to prove it.

It will definitely work, as long as we think about a more suitable strategy and train the elves to improve their strength...

From behind, Minghui looked at Shinji's back, and began to think about a plan to deal with Shinji.

Afterwards, he also walked over to watch the awards ceremony.

The awards ceremony was fairly simple. During the live broadcast, they will receive the championship medal and a lot of elf food.

Looking at a lot of elf food, Shinji knew very well that without the forest turtle, his elves could eat half of the food at most.

After thinking for a while, Shinji turned around and said to Minghui next to him:

Don't waste it, give you half.


Minghui was obviously taken aback, but before he could say anything, Shinji threw all the poke balls and released all the pokemon.

Eat as much as you can.

Pointing to the pile of food, Shinji said.







At this moment, it was meal time, and when they heard that there was something to eat, all the elves cheered, and the circle bear rushed up first, splitting his hands, and easily opened all the food packages.

The rest of the elves followed and started another war against the food.


Seeing Shinji eating so happily, the confident and brave Scorpio King next to Minghui swallowed his saliva in disappointment ̄﹃ ̄

Everyone go eat too.

Adhering to the good virtue of not wasting, Minghui also released all the elves, let them cooperate with Shinji's elves, and wiped out the food resistance army together.

Looking at this group of gobbling guys, Shinji raised the corner of his mouth unobtrusively.

Shinji...is there a time like this?

Coincidentally, Minghui was slightly shocked when he saw this scene.

As the sun set, the battle was finally won with the cooperation of the two teams of elves.

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