Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 144 Ring Finals (Part 1) Electric Beast VS Scorpio King

I didn't expect Shinji and Kyuubi to be so powerful, and the four-time champion Boruto and his Kuailong were so vulnerable in front of them.

Let us congratulate Shinji, who successfully entered the final!

Let us also look forward to whether player Shinji will choose to continue to let this powerful Kyuubi, or the previous elves play!

After the host's voice sounded, Shinji landed.

As expected of you, Shinji, I look forward to the final battle with you in a while.

The hot air balloon landed, and Minghui, who was preparing to participate in the next competition, was waiting.

Do your best.

Shinji replied flatly, then jumped out of the hot air balloon and walked outside to the waiting area to watch the battle.

The elf Minghui chose was an elegant Pokkisi, while the opponent's three bottles were the harmless shuttlecock flowers.

Shinji looked at Pokkisi, and thought of the Pokkigu seen on Steel Island.

During the few chats on the island, Shinji learned through inquiry that this pokekigu was hatched from the egg that the champion gave him after Minghui met the champion Sirona (Bamboo Orchid) by chance after parting ways in EMI City. elf.

Well, the champion will give you an egg, which is a proper treatment for the protagonist.

In order to cultivate Pokkigu, Minghui also spent a lot of energy.

At present, after Shinji left Iron Island, Minghui used the Stone of Light to evolve Pokkigu into Pokkisi.

Game start!

At the beginning, Shuttlecock Flower released hypnotic powder to cooperate with Fairy Wind to attack, trying to make Pokkisi fall asleep directly.

But Pokkisi didn't take this kind of trick. After turning and rolling gracefully in the air, he easily avoided the attacks of hypnotic powder and fairy wind, and also released air chopping to create countless wind blade attacks.

Shuttleflower has nowhere to hide, and after some hard work, she is successfully shot down by the wind blade.

Originally, both Minghui and Pokkisi planned to ignore the Shuttlecock Flower, and just hold the ring and hang the hook to win, but the result...

Shuttlecock flower, cheer up and start bouncing!

Amid Sanping's shouts, Shuttlecock Flower, which had just fallen to the ground, jumped up high and slammed into Pokkisi at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Minghui said along the way.

The divine bird slams!

Pokkisi instantly turned his body to accumulate energy, and bumped into the rushing Shuttlecock Flower head-on.

The bird slams VS bounces, the result is self-evident.


Amidst the screams, Shuttlecock Flower was shot down again, and this time, she completely lost her ability to fight.

Pokkisi flew downwind, hung the ring on the target, and won the victory.

The whole process without losing elegance and power.

After round after round of competition, the finalists have been decided, namely Team Shinji and Team Minghui.

The number of elves that the two contestants participated in is not unique, but varied. Let us look forward to the wonderful games they will send us in the future.

After the rest time, Shinji and Akiki climbed into the air in their respective hot air balloons, ready for the next battle.

There are already six elves revealed by the two sides: Metagross, Nine-Tails, Shuangrenwan, Sun Ibrahimovic, Scorpio King, and Pokkisi. No one in the audience knows what kind of elves they will send to fight in the final.

Before I was on Steel Island, I wanted to fight Shinji again. Unexpectedly, it has been delayed until now. I hope to fight with you with all my strength.

Minghui's eyes were burning with fighting spirit, and he clenched the poke ball in his hand.

Then show me your strength.

Shinji, with his hands in his pockets, was a little more serious, and took out a poke ball from his pocket.

Please release the elves!

Go, Scorpio King!

Electric Beast, prepare to fight!


The Scorpion King spread his wings and floated in the air, looking at Shinji with sharp eyes.


During the surge of electricity, the electric shock beast floated in the air with the help of magnetism, admiring the heroic posture of the Scorpion King with the corners of its mouth curled up.

The game hadn't started yet, but it had already added to its mind the scene of beating the Scorpio King violently afterwards.

Huh~ It's okay.

Ming Hui was slightly relieved when he saw that it was Electroshock Beast instead of Kyuubi.

Although he knew that Dengeki Beast was definitely stronger than Kyuubi, but this was a ring contest, and a single move of gravity was basically enough to decide the outcome.

Before the start of the game, he was predicting the choice of Shinji's last elf, recalled the existence of flying among Shinji's elves, and bravely guessed that Shinji would finally choose the electric shock beast that has not yet appeared.

Fortunately, he made the right bet, the Scorpion King still has an advantage against the Electric Shock Beast.

Game start!

As soon as the voice sounded, Minghui immediately said:

Scorpion King, highly poisonous!

The Scorpion King condensed a group of strong toxins, and then threw it directly on himself, a purple light glowed on his body, and he entered a highly poisonous state instantly.

Toxic therapy feature, activate!

In the poisoned and highly poisoned state, the physical strength will not be reduced due to poisoning, but will continue to recover!

Electric Beast, High Speed ​​Star!

The electric attribute moves are ineffective against the ground attribute Scorpio King, and the electric shock beast creates a large number of high-speed stars to fly towards the Scorpio King.

While confusing his vision, he grabbed the ring and put it on the tail that would not affect the battle.

At the same time, a zhenqi bomb came out, hidden in the stars, and hit the Scorpio King.

Scorpion King, use the missile needle!

The Scorpio King raised his hands, and released a large piece of green missile needles to collide with the high-speed stars, offsetting the high-speed stars.

The Electric Shock Beast's high-speed star power is mediocre, and it was quickly completely wiped out by the missile needle, only the true energy bomb hidden in it came lasing.


Just as the zhenqi bomb flew in front of him, the highly concentrated Scorpion King stretched out his pliers and started the guillotine to clamp it, easily exploding the zhenqi bullet.

Scorpio King, who was safe and sound after a wave of confrontation, heard Minghui's anxious voice before he could be happy.

Scorpio King, quickly catch up with flashes of lightning and acrobatics!

It turned out that when the Scorpion King blocked the high-speed star, the electric shock beast had already flown towards the target's hook.


The Scorpion King exclaimed, and immediately launched a flash of lightning to speed up and chase him. At the same time, he used acrobatic skills to make his body lighter and faster.

However, after chasing for a few seconds, Scorpio King sadly found that it was fast, and the electric shock beast was not slow. At least for a short time, it was impossible to overtake it!

Minghui naturally also discovered this, and hurriedly said:

That's it, the rock is closed!

The move was launched, and a large amount of white light flew to the sky in front of the electric shock beast, and then turned into huge rocks and fell down, just blocking the electric shock beast's passage.

If you want to go there, you can only forcefully break through without detours!

Frozen Fist.

However, the Electroshock Beast turned its body 180°, stomped on the falling boulder and rushed towards the Scorpio King in the opposite direction, with bursts of cold air on its hands.

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