Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 136 See Through Magnetic Field Training

Fangtooth land shark, take a stone here.

After solving the ugly fish problem, Shinji pointed to the nearby stone pillars and said.


The Fangtooth Shark directly launched the dragon dive and slammed into the nearest stone pillar. After breaking it, he picked it up and threw it to the shore, and then jumped back to the shore.

Circle Bear, Destroy Light, Fanged Land Shark, Dragon Wave, Dragon King Scorpion Missile Needle.

Looking at this special stone that can emit energy waves, Shinji asked the other elves to release their skills at the sky and recalled the other elves.


Three moves of different shapes were launched towards the sky at the same time, and finally collided with each other to cause a violent explosion, instantly attracting elves from all over the place.

See if you can use the power inside, or feel the difference in the energy inside.

After the elves gathered, Shinji was still observing the stone, and finally turned to the electric shock beast.

Since these stones can emit energy waves to interfere with the radar compass, it means that they have a certain influence on the magnetic field, and the property closest to the magnetic field is the electric property.

Perhaps, the electric shock beast can get some inspiration from it.


Electric Shock Beast replied, and walked over with an unrecognizable pace, and started stroking the stone like a fish to feel the difference inside.

It doesn't seem to work like this. Putting on this, holding a stone to the sea to practice electromagnetic levitation, and feeling it while floating should be more effective. While speaking, Shinji took a set of power suits and threw it at the electric shock beast.


The Electric Shock Beast put on new clothes for itself, raised the stone weighing hundreds of kilograms on its head with a stern face, and the electricity surged, and it began to fly.

Nine tails, under the waterfall, use super powers to control all the water flow and condense it into a water ball. When it reaches the limit, throw it out, use the big character explosion or jet flame to completely vaporize it, and so on.

This waterfall is very small, not too big, but the task is not small.

Kyuubi, who hates water, has to focus on two things if he doesn't want to get wet, otherwise he will probably be washed away by water when using Big Character Blast.


Isn't it just that the condensed water flows into a ball and explodes? Simple!

Kyuubi complied confidently, walked to the edge of the waterfall and was about to train, when he suddenly realized that he seemed to have misheard.

What the trainer said didn't seem to be blowing up the water polo, but evaporating!

It's just blown up, the difficulty is not high, a little bit of careful attack can blow up the water polo, but it evaporates...

Hmm... To put it in a disguised form, I want you to boil all the water flowing down from this waterfall!

It is difficult to use superpowers to control the water from flowing into the sea halfway...

It's really hard to understand your raccoon sister.

For a moment, Kyuubi felt that the sky seemed to be darker, and couldn't help but look back at Shinji, and hoped that the trainer would ease the difficulty a little.

Noticing Kyuubi's expectant gaze, Shinji added:

Every time you are exhausted and washed down, you can rest. Every interval, you can launch trick skills to assist training in the middle.


Kyuubi responded with a whimper, turned his head to look at the demon unyieldingly, stepped under the waterfall bravely with grief and indignation, and started training.

The circle bear... put on the training device and go for a run holding the stone island. During the run, he will activate the stomping and earthquake skills throughout the process.

At the same time, try to activate the perseverance characteristic as much as possible without being completely burned, and increase the strength.


He caught the training device thrown by Shinji, put it on, and plunged into the water, uprooted an oversized stone pillar in the sea, and ran towards the interior of the island holding the stone pillar.

At the same time, earthquakes and stomps were launched, and every step made the ground shake and the rocks roared.

The unaware elves on the island thought that some kind of natural disaster was about to happen.

I need everyone to master one ability, and that is the ability to see through the opponent's weaknesses.

Under the premise of not carrying any props, and not using moves such as Qi gathering, see through the opponent's weakness, that is, the key point, and finally achieve the goal of hitting the opponent's key point with every move.

Shinji used to unilaterally believe that as long as Shuangrenwan's key hit rate is fully maximized, or he can gather energy in seconds after entering the field, he can use moves that are easy to hit key points to be 100% critical.

But after being inspired by Dragon King Scorpion, he felt that hitting the opponent's vital points depends on ability, not the so-called rate of the vital point. The word rate is not reliable in reality. A typical example is the hit rate.

Instead of cultivating energy-gathering seconds, it is better to directly trace the source and learn the ability to directly see through the opponent's vital points.

In the initial stage, the two of you can use various abilities that you think are beneficial to see through the opponent's weaknesses and key points for training, but the use of highly poisonous and boosting skills is prohibited during the training process.

After the end, communicate with each other, sum up experience, and do your best in the battle.

After finishing speaking, Shinji took a newly bought focusing lens in Mizumai City and threw it at Shuangrenwan.

This thing is very effective for auxiliary training.


Putting on the focusing lens, Shuangrenwan suddenly felt that he saw another world.

Gathering energy can make it feel the opponent's weakness while concentrating, and the focusing mirror can directly allow Shuangrenwan to see the opponent's weakness, but a considerable part of these weaknesses sometimes disappear, sometimes big and sometimes small, and it is difficult to distinguish true from false.

Combined with Yi Hit's key moves, the three refer to each other, and it feels that mastering the ability to see through weaknesses and key points is just around the corner.


Although Dragon King Scorpion has not yet mastered Qi Gathering, it has successfully entered the state of seeing through before it evolved. Training at this moment is to try to master it completely.

Standing opposite each other, the moment the training officially started, the auras of Dragon King Scorpion and Shuangren Wan suddenly changed.

Dragon King Scorpion is cold and cruel, while Shuangren Wan is cruel and ruthless. To some extent, the two elves are very similar.



The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and the two elves charged towards the opponent, looking for the opponent's weak point and attacking.

One has fast speed and strong skills, and the other has many weapons and strong perception.

In a short period of time, no one can do anything to anyone.

Fang Lusha, who is temporarily uninvolved, is training according to the style. After Shinji boils a pot of dragon tooth soup, he will start the dragon's blood recovery plan again to become stronger.

When the power was overflowing and the murderous aura was uncontrollable, Shinji let the Fangtooth Shark join the battlefield of Dragon King Scorpion and Shuangrenwan, and became the experimental subject of the latter two.

On the surface of the sea, the Electric Shock Beast was holding up the huge boulder and flying, constantly increasing and changing the strength of the electromagnetic force and magnetic field.

Suddenly, at a certain moment when the magnetic field reached a certain degree, the electric shock beast suddenly felt the magnetic force of the magnetic field around its body resonate with the meteorite in its hand.

A force poured into his body from it, and the strange energy wave seemed to enhance his magnetic force.


The Electric Shock Beast was stunned for a moment, changing the influence of lightning on the magnetic field, this wave of energy disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

This discovery made Electroshock feel very strange, and he tried it out of curiosity.

Time passed gradually, and it was several days in a blink of an eye.

The elves have gained from their respective training, and their abilities in all aspects have been more or less enhanced.

Electroshock also learned a way to make the magnetic field created by its own lightning more powerful from the energy wave of the meteorite.

Perhaps when it fully masters this method, it will be able to fly freely under the gravity of Nine Tails.

In addition to training, Shinji will also let Dragon King Scorpion try to use other elves to practice acupoint cultivation to relieve his fatigue.

As a result, in those days, there were often bursts of beautiful groans from the island, which shocked many elves without a good night's sleep.

After the training was over, Shinji rode the Gyarados towards Mutong Town.

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