Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 135 Power Amplifier Devil's Sea Meteorite Land, Ugly Fish


Hey, brother, what's the matter?

On the way back to the Spirit Center, Shinji heard his cell phone ringing, took out his cell phone and connected it.

Hey, Shinji, there is something I need to know with you. Do you have any plans to evolve the electric shock beast?

Reiss' gentle voice came.

It's still a little short of the requirements I gave it to evolve. I have a power booster. When it meets the requirements, let it evolve.

For Electric Shock Beast, Shinji's training goals have always been simple.

It is to allow the electric shock beast to fly freely under the gravity of the nine tails without using any boosting skills, simply using the electromagnetic levitation move.

Of course, this is somewhat difficult, after all, as the strength of Nine Tails increases, gravity will also increase.

The evolution requirement for Electroshock Beast is to fly freely under the normal gravity of Nine Tails.

Electric Shock Beast has been working hard for evolution, and the daily training is the hardest one. Now it can fly, but it is still a little short of free flight. It may take some time to evolve.

It's like this, Binhai City has recently developed a more powerful power amplifier through a special metal.

After testing, the electric shock beast evolved with the help of that amplifier is better than the electric shock beast evolved by the general electric amplifier in terms of physical strength and electric power.

Lei Si introduced the whole story and asked:

I got one for you, and I plan to send it to you directly from Binhai City. I would like to know where you can send it.

Send it to Mutong Town or Xuefeng (Qiefeng) City, you can do it as you see fit.

Mutong Town and Shuimai City face each other across the sea, and Binhai City is also a port city. Whether it is to send to Mutong Town or Xuefeng City by the sea, it is relatively simple. For other places, it can only be sent by plane.

Then let's go to Mutong Town. If you don't arrive by then, remember to wait.


After Shinji responded, he suddenly remembered something and asked:

By the way, brother, lend me your Gyarados for a while. I heard that there is a good elf in the sea. I want to look for it.

In order to improve the level of cultivation, the Reiss of this world once tamed a big ferocious cultivation, and now it is the top one in the waters of the cultivation house.

Contact me later, and I'll send it to you then.


Are there any good elves in the sea near Watervein City?

Of course not.

However, in the memory animation, Watermai City can be described as a place of gods. On the nearby Crescent Island and Full Moon Island, at certain times of the year, Cresselia and Darkley, who are like lovers, fly out to meet.

In the sea area between Shuimai City and Mutong Town, there is also an area called the Sea of ​​Devils. In the animation, a Deoxys was struck by lightning and turned into a meteorite and fell into the Sea of ​​Devils. On the island, he was rescued by the lobster soldiers.

The Cresselia and Darkley in this world are extremely strong and have excellent evasion ability. Anyway, for so many years, every year, a large number of trainers go to find and subdue them. Either they can't find them, or they can't beat them.

Shinji didn't think he was lucky, so he didn't bother to look for it.

But the Devil's Sea can go and have a look. If there is no Deoxys, then it is better to train alone there for a few days.

In the evening, after talking with Leisi and receiving the Gyarados Pokéball, Shinji rode the Gyarados directly to the Sea of ​​Devils the next day.

The reason why the Devil's Sea is called the Devil's Sea is because there are a large number of mysterious meteorites nearby that emit energy waves, causing many ships to be damaged or lost as they pass by.

When he arrived at the Devil's Sea area, Shinji found that the signal on the mobile phone began to flicker, intermittently.

It can be seen that the influence of this energy wave is more serious than imagined.

Gyarados, speed up, there should be a small island not far away.

Looking at the map, Shinji said.


The Gyarados immediately speeded up and moved towards the target area in the sea.

You guys, keep up with the speed!






Behind Gyarados, Electric Shock Beast, Shuangrenwan, Fangtooth Land Shark, and Circle Bear are struggling to catch up, while Nine Tails is flying in the sky.

As a dragon and a shark, it is not surprising that the sharp tooth land shark can swim. Nine tails can swim, but it is unhappy and hates water, so it uses its magical power to fly in the air.

The most amazing thing is that the clumsy-looking guy in the circle is unexpectedly flexible in the water, much more flexible than on land. It seems that there is a feeling of being possessed by a Kirby, and it is easy to swim.

Freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, proficient in swimming.

It can be said that, except for the Dragon King Scorpion who is really not good at swimming and can't swim fast, the other elves can keep up with the speed of the Gyarados.

An hour later, Shinji set foot on the island in the middle of the Devil's Sea

Nine Tails, Electric Shock Beast, the two of you are looking in the sky for a special purple meteorite on the island.

Whether you find it or not, come back in an hour.

After a short rest, Shinji said to the only guy in the team who had no wings but could fly.



The two elves understood, and flew to the sky with super power and electromagnetic force at the same time, and began to search.

Gyarados, Shuangrenwan, you also look around the edge of the island to see if there are any lobster soldiers near the island, and I will let the elves come to you later.

Lobster soldiers are relatively rare in the Sinnoh area, and the Deoxys in the animation was rescued by Lobster soldiers. If you can find Lobster soldiers, you can also tell whether there is Deoxys.



The two elves led out, and Shinji also started searching on the island.

After Shinji released the Dragon King Scorpion, he wandered around the island with the remaining three elves.

There are not many types of elves on the island. After searching for a while, Shinji did not see any precious elves.

The elves that can be regarded as relatively special are the north nose and the big nose nose, but I didn't see any talented guy, so Shinji didn't accept it.

When he raised his head, Shinji suddenly noticed a tall mountain on the island, so he walked over with the elf.

There is a spring on the mountain, and the spring water turns into a small river and flows down, forming a waterfall, flowing into a mountain stream and merging into the sea.

After jumping down the mountain stream with the elves, Shinji had a hunch in his heart that this was the place where the lobster soldier resurrected Deoxys in his memory.

But the reality is that there are no lobster minions here, let alone Deoxys.

Obviously, reality is somewhat different from memory, and many things have long since changed.

But Shinji is not disappointed, after all, he was mentally prepared, he came here not only to search for Deoxys, but also to train...


Suddenly, a touch of khaki flashed across the water, but it was caught by the sharp-eyed Shinji instantly.

Without hesitation, Shinji spoke immediately.

Fangtooth Land Shark, Dragon's Dive!


Fangtooth Shark released all its murderous aura towards the elves hiding in the water without saying a word, its body glowed blue like a dragon diving down.



In the splash of water, the fangtooth land shark plunged into the water, smashing a stone into pieces, and the elf hiding behind was also successfully hit.

In the water, the sharp-toothed land shark had a green light attached to its hand, and a dragon claw landed on the ugly elf, knocking it flying to the shore.

Afterwards, he also went ashore.

Only then did all the elves notice how ugly the attacked elf was.

It was a fish Pokémon with a khaki body full of bumps and holes, its blue fins were ragged and ugly, its eyes were extremely dull, and its appearance was shabby and ugly.

Ugly fish, a water-type elf, and its evolved form, Menas, is known as the most beautiful Pokémon in the world.

If it is in the novel, maybe this ugly ugly fish will be another general of the protagonist, the most beautiful elf in the future...

But Zai Shinji was very pragmatic and took out the elf illustration book and scanned it for the ugly fish.

The illustrated book can scan the elves, but the elves must not move around, and the scanning time is a little longer, so Shinji usually does not use this method.

But now the elf slot is full, just scan it with the illustrated book.

The development is average, the body color is average, and the skills are only jumping and hitting, nothing special.

After looking around for a long time and making careful judgments, Shinji was sure that this was an ordinary ugly fish, with no outstanding features.

Leave it to my brother.

Thinking that this elf still has some nurturing value, Shinji took out the elf ball and put it in it, and then directly teleported it across space to the nurturing room.

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