Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 133 VS Donggua (Part 1) Stamping the Bronze Mirror Monster to Death

After leaving Steel Island, it didn't take long for Shinji to return to Mizumai City.

To be honest, apart from the evolution of the pincer-tailed scorpion and the strengthening of the elves' physique, the gains of Iron Island and his party are still far from what he had in mind.

Kodora of Shinji was first captured on Iron Island with a high probability. Logically speaking, she has a good talent.

But Shinji stayed on Steel Island for a few days and saw hundreds of steel-attributed elves, ranging from Metagross, Boss Cordora, to Magneto, Iron Dumbbell and Cocodora.

He didn't notice a particularly talented steel attribute elf appearing in front of his eyes at all.

Many elves have excellent talents, but they can't meet Shinji's requirements at all. It can be regarded as a pity that the world is different and the circumstances are different.

After returning to Water City, Shinji was not in a hurry to challenge the Water Gym, but let the elves train each other for a day.

Especially for the newly evolved Dragon King Scorpion, it has been practiced well, so that it can basically familiarize itself with its body and be able to exert all its fighting power.

Then he arrived at the Waterline Gym, ready to challenge Donggua.

Young man, it's you again!

After getting started, I met the same strong blue-haired man last time.

Well, I'm here to challenge the gym.

Shinji said calmly.

Come with me, the owner is inside.

After all, the man took Shinji to a venue, and said to an unshaven uncle holding a shovel and wearing a gray cloth cloak: Master, a new challenger is here.

Fossils are my favorite, defense is my favorite, let's go to war, boy!

Waving the shovel in his hand, Donggua shouted with great momentum.

Shinji, on the other hand, stepped into the other side of the field, calmly looking at Donggua across the rocky field.

Now the gymnasium battle of the water vein gymnasium starts. The two sides are allowed to use three elves. If all the elves on one side lose the ability to fight, it will fail.

Also, only the challenger can change the sprite.

The man walked to the center of the field to act as a referee and announced the rules.

Game start!

Go! Bronze mirror monster!

The bronze mirror monster floated calmly in the air, watching Shinji quietly.

Shinji also took out the Poké Ball and threw it.

Dragon King Scorpion, prepare to fight!


The Dragon King Scorpion that came out narrowed its eyes slightly, and looked at the bronze mirror monster with a gloomy gaze.

Eh? You actually used a poisonous spirit?

Hahahaha, rare and rare! Come on, go ahead and attack!

It is rare to see a trainer who is not completely overwhelmed by attributes, Dong Gua laughed.

Although the attributes of the Dragon King Scorpion can restrain the Bronze Mirror Monster, the proud poison attribute is useless at all.

Dragon King Scorpion, grind your claws with concentration and calmness!

In gymnasium competitions, the challenger usually takes the lead, and Shinji is not polite.


The Dragon King Scorpion did not move its body, but activated its grinding claws to sharpen two large pliers, and at the same time, gathered its spiritual power, reaching a state of pseudo-qi gathering.

The scorpion-tailed scorpions didn't really learn how to gather qi in these days of training, but because of the battle before evolution, they have mastered an ability to see through the opponent's weaknesses!

Although it is now possible to do it with the help of a focus lens and pseudo-gathering due to lack of proficiency, Shinji feels——

The future Dragon King Scorpion only needs to train hard to master and improve this ability, until one day they can directly see all the weaknesses of their opponents without a focus mirror.

Then attack the weak point, hit the key point of the move, and let the sniper feature trigger.

Shinji named this ability to see through.

After grinding his claws and concentrating, through the focus mirror, Dragon King Scorpion vaguely saw all the weaknesses on the bronze mirror monster.

These weaknesses are big and small, strong and weak, and some of them are the key points!

I'm ready to take your attack, but if you don't attack, then I won't be polite. Donggua, who felt that he was feeding the dog with enthusiasm, shouted: Bronze mirror monster, spinning top ball!

The bronze mirror monster floating in the air instantly spun at high speed, turned into a spinning top and rammed towards the Dragon King Scorpion at top speed!

The gyro ball, the slower the user, the more powerful it is, but the attack speed after use is not bad, at least it is difficult to dodge with the speed of the Dragon King Scorpion.

However, Dragon King Scorpion didn't even think about dodging!

Ambush the vital points, tap acupuncture points!

The dragon king scorpion issued a dark breath from the two large pincers in both hands, and at the same time hit the spinning top ball that was rushing towards it.

The tail on the back was not free either, and tapped the acupoints with one heart and two minds to improve its own abilities.


At the time of the collision, the momentum was not small.

But the next moment, the Bronze Mirror Monster showed signs of fatigue.

Dragon King Scorpion's strength is not weak at all, after strengthening its claws, it can suppress the Bronze Mirror Monster even more

After blocking the attack, the two large pincers began to clamp together forcefully, directly using brute force to force the top ball of the bronze mirror monster to stop, and firmly clamped it in the hands, unable to move.

At the same time, the first acupuncture point was successfully used, and the special attack was greatly improved!

Such a powerful force? Not bad!

Donggua was not worried about the situation of the Bronze Mirror Monster at all, and said:

Bronze mirror monster, use the strange light!

The copper mirror monster caught in the hands of the Dragon King Scorpion emitted a blue light and shone on the Dragon King Scorpion, making it instantly confused

Maybe it was because of its vicious nature, or maybe it was because of its firm will. In the chaos, the Dragon King Scorpion did not loosen its pincers at all, but instead used greater strength to control the Bronze Mirror Monster.

Continue to growl loudly.

The Dragon King Scorpion opened its big mouth with sharp mouthparts, and began to roar loudly at the bronze mirror monster, turning into dark sound waves and sending them towards the bronze mirror monster.

Thanks to the newly upgraded Special Attack, the Dragon King Scorpion's loud roar was twice as powerful. As soon as the dark sound wave was emitted, the Bronze Mirror Monster's face suddenly showed pain.

The effect is outstanding!

But it wasn't over yet, the roar from Dragon King Scorpion's mouth resounded throughout the venue without stopping.

Don't give the Bronze Mirror Monster a chance to resist at all.

Until the moment when the Bronze Mirror Monster was about to lose its ability to fight, a hint of confusion appeared in the eyes of the Dragon King Scorpion.

Not only did it stop roaring loudly, but it also loosened the pincers controlling the bronze mirror monster, allowing the powerless bronze mirror monster to fall to the ground.

Ah! Aah!

In the chaos, the Dragon King Scorpion began to dance with its arms and legs, hitting its body and the surrounding rocks with its hands and tail continuously, causing a lot of damage to itself.


After a while, the chaos ended, Dragon King Scorpion's eyes became clear, and he looked around in a daze, as if looking for the bronze mirror monster that disappeared in his trap.


Suddenly, feeling that something seemed to be stepping on under his feet, Dragon King Scorpion lowered his head and looked up.

I saw the bronze mirror monster I was looking for just now, lying peacefully at my feet.

The Bronze Mirror Monster loses its ability to fight, and the Dragon King Scorpion wins.

announced the referee.


Although he won somehow, it didn't affect Dragon King Scorpion's fighting spirit at all, and he looked at Donggua coldly and ferociously.

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