Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 132 Capture the Galaxy Team, Yaxuan

Galaxy team, your plan has been seen through by us, and you can catch it without a fight!

You will be fined for doing this!

Minghui and Ah Xun spoke successively, and began to attract the attention of the Galaxy players. Shinji turned his head slightly, and nodded to Dengekimon and Kyuubi.

A group of young people who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth? They dare to stop our Galaxy team from doing things and solve them!

After the red-haired cadre partner Xing finished speaking, the big-mouthed bats flying in the sky immediately flapped their wings and created countless wind blade attacks, covering the three of them and the elves.

Air chop!

Minghui Axun and the elves obviously did not expect this guy to act so decisively. For a while, only a few elves launched an attack to block, and a few ran to the front of the trainer in an attempt to protect the trainer with their bodies.

Only Shinji's elves were prepared, and the figures of the circle bear and the dragon king scorpion appeared from the ball, one of them rushed directly towards the non-moving Dongshi cat, and the other launched a missile to block the wind blade.

The double-edged pill also flew to the top of everyone's heads with a jet of water, and the dance of sword energy was activated to block the air slash.

The attack of dozens of big-mouthed bats is not so easy to resist, even if it is a double-edged pill!

After being shot down, the eyes of Nine-Tails, who had secretly activated the Trick Enhancement, suddenly shone bright blue. While taking the Shuangrenwan, it also successfully cooperated with the Dragon King Scorpion to temporarily block many wind blades.


At this time, a powerful ball of energy spewed out from the mouth of the sharp-tooth land shark flew into the air, turning into dozens of meteors and falling.

Although the meteors only directly knocked down a few big-mouthed bats, the evaded meteors were not useless. They directly blasted the Galaxy players below who were using computers to analyze the steel pillars, destroying the computers.


Pokki Gucong Minghui flew up from his shoulders, gathering a lot of light clusters that turned into rocks and smashed towards the big-mouthed bats in the sky, successfully shooting down a few more.

Primal power!

We attack too!

Minghui and Ah Xun, who found that the attack was blocked, were not to be outdone, and began to command the elves to fight back.


The circle bear that rushed out the first also rushed in front of Dong Shimao, and smashed at the latter with a pair of hammers.

High-five surprise attack!

Dong Shi Mao jumped in front of Quanquan Xiong strangely, launched a move and clapped his hands, which instantly made Quanquan Xiong stunned in place.



Under the order of the partner, Dong Shi Mao raised its sharp claws and frantically grabbed at the circle bear, knocking the latter back again and again in an instant.


At the moment when the flinching disappeared, the circle bear's eyes showed a ruthless look, and the arm hammer slammed down on Dong Shimao.


But no matter how fat the Dongshi cat was, it was still a cat, so it naturally escaped this blow after being prepared.

But what Dong Shimao didn't expect was that the arm hammer that fell on the ground caused the surrounding area to shake, and a special wave appeared and spread in all directions.


As soon as it fell, it felt hurt and was slowed down by the fluctuation.


The smirk of the circle bear appeared in Dong Shi Mao's eyes, and the two fists came down high.

Dong Shimao tried to split to resist, but in the end it was smashed into the ground by the arm hammer.

At this moment, a golden thunderbolt was released from the Electroshock Beast, covering all the big-mouthed bats in an instant.

Accompanied by the sound of electric current and scorched breath, all the big-mouthed bats fell down.

Damn it, retreat!

The situation was one-sided, and Huo Xing also felt that something was wrong. After taking out the poke ball to take back the Dongshi cat, he grabbed the key of the gun and rushed towards the helicopter beside him.

Grab her.

At the moment when Huo Xing was about to board the helicopter, a mysterious force controlled him to float in the sky, and the key to the gun was ruthlessly taken away from him.


Seeing that the situation was wrong, the helicopter pilot directly prepared for a tactical retreat.

But in the next second, the original power was activated by Pokkigu, and a large number of rocks hit the propeller and interrupted it, instantly preventing the helicopter from flying.

Damn boy, let me go, or you'll be left alone!

Bu Xing floated in the air and said harsh words,

Hmph! The Galaxy team, in the hands of us three, dare to be arrogant, really ignorant of current affairs!

A Xun looked at the group of Galaxy players controlled by Kyuubi, and felt very relieved.

The three of us are really strong!

Hmph~ Does the failure of the mission have anything to do with this kid?

Bu Xing curled his lips and said disdainfully.

What, you...

Okay, okay, let's deal with the scene quickly.

Ah Xun suddenly became a little unhappy, and was about to refute, Minghui pulled his arm, and pointed to the group of big-mouthed bats who were stunned and didn't know when they would wake up.

It's over, find a rope and tie it up and call the police.

Shinji spoke to the spirit and the two of them.

To deal with bad guys and enemies, Shinji has always adhered to the attitude of never talking nonsense and attacking in groups.

If Xiaozhi and his party in the animation were decisive enough, kept the nonsense, and all the elves went together, and if they couldn't defeat the elves, they would chase after the trainer to fight, and many times the villain's plan would not succeed at all.

Like now, the three of them worked together to easily deal with this wave of members of the Galaxy team.

The matter was handed over to the two and the elves, and Shinji took over the spear pillar from the sky and looked at it, but it turned out that nothing could be seen.

After everyone cooperated with the elves to tie up the Galaxy team, a handsome man in blue clothes and a blue hat, with an aristocratic temperament, jumped down from the mountain wall, accompanied by a Lucario.

Hello everyone, Xia Yaxuan, a trainer who has experienced in Iron Island, is looking for the reason for the steel elves' riot with Lucario.

After introducing with a smile, Yaxuan looked at the scene full of battle marks, and the Galaxy team who had bundled up and confiscated the poke balls, and said:

It seems that the problem has been solved by you.

Mr. Yaxuan, may I ask, has the owner of Donggua Museum returned to the gym?

Hearing this familiar name, Shinji sized him up for a few seconds, wanting to see what was so special about this waveguide warrior, but naturally he didn't see anything, so he asked politely.

He finished his work and went back yesterday. If he wants to challenge the gym, he can do it at any time.

Yaxuan said.

What if it challenges you?

Compared with Donggua, who can challenge at any time, Shinji is actually more interested in Axuan.

In the memory animation, although Cario's performance in the middle lane was mediocre, he cooperated with Yaxuan to throw the bomb into the sky to avoid the destruction of Iron Island. In the game, Yaxuan's strength is not weak.

On the whole, Shinji really wants to try Yaxuan's strength in this world.

Challenge me? I'm afraid this won't work. These guys have to deal with it, and they may have to cooperate with the excavation and research work of this mysterious ruin.

Normally, Yaxuan would definitely not refuse anyone who came to the match, but now that the matter of the Galaxy team has popped up, the number of things has increased dramatically, but it is difficult to spare time.

In that case, let's fight again in the future and leave.

Anyway, Yaxuan is also here, so he doesn't need to get involved in the next thing.

Leave the gun key and leave directly, Shinji has nothing to do here

With a wave of your sleeves, you won't take a single cloud away.

Afterwards, updates will be added from time to time, and the plot after Mutong Town is relatively compact.

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