Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 119 Ambush, Four Heavenly Kings

In a dark cave

Shinji is lying in ambush with the four elves, quietly waiting for the arrival of Hunter J.

There is no deep passage in this cave. After entering more than ten meters into it, there is a vast space that can be seen at a glance.

Normal people would never dare to enter it to gamble on their luck when they are being hunted down.

But Shinji is different, he dares!

If Hunter J dares to attack him, he dares to enter the cave to ambush and fight back!

As long as Hunter J dares to come in and seize the opportunity, all the elves who have raised their power to the limit will swarm up with Shinji, single out Hunter J together, and strangle this generation of hunter heroes in the cave.

What about the tyrannosaurus that is close to the king level?

In such a deep and narrow cave, when the elves suddenly attack, you can see if it can protect you hunter J!

As for the threat of bombing caves and burying Shinji, he is even less afraid.

Is it difficult to temporarily dig a hole by mastering the stomping earthquake + splitting the circle bear, and cooperating with the sharp tooth land shark?


the other side

Riding Tyrannosaurus, Hunter J quickly flew over the forest, and searched quickly with the help of high technology.

The hunter's aircraft landed slowly, ready to send team members to stop the driving car and rescue all the team members inside.

However, before the man was dispatched, the hunter saw that the car had been forced to stop by the police headed by Miss Junsha.

Several police cars were parked near the armored vehicle, and there were a group of wind speed dogs and katti dogs beside the police officers, all staring at the aircraft in the sky.

In addition to the police officers and elves, there was a red off-road vehicle parked beside it. A woman with gray hair, wearing a white windbreaker and a scarf walked down slowly from above, looking up at the aircraft in the sky very calmly.

Above the forest, a voice suddenly came from the headset of Hunter J who was searching for Shinji's footprints——


Big sister, Miss Junsha is here with the police, do you want to continue the rescue?

Wait for my order.

Hearing this, Hunter J clenched his fists, took a hard look at the forest, and forced himself to calm down and say something.

Then he patted Tyrannosaurus on the head, signaling it to give up the search and go back to check the situation.


The tyrannosaurus flapped its wings and flew back, and soon saw Junsha and his party who were staring at the aircraft hundreds of meters above the sky.

Hunter J, you are responsible for poaching, snatching elves, and viciously attacking cities...

He has violated many laws of the alliance, and is now wanted by the alliance, and he will be arrested soon.

Junsha shouted.


Hearing Junsha's words that nothing changed except for the increase in the number of crimes, Hunter J snorted indifferently.

Although she looked down on Junsha a little, she also felt that her strength could crush Junsha.

However, the alliance dispatched reinforcements very quickly, not to mention, if it really made the alliance anxious, it would not benefit itself.

Then how can he lead his men to catch and sell elves and make a lot of money?

Although this operation lost all people and money, the loss was not small, but as a hunter, sometimes there will always be some accidents, and this loss can still be borne.

Hunter J, who was about to retreat, turned around and left without any hesitation after noticing the old woman staring at him next to him.


Miss Junsha naturally wouldn't let Hunter J escape like this, and ordered the police to pursue him.

The old woman on one side sighed. If it was a normal battle, she would not be afraid of a few hunters, and it would not be a problem even to help Junsha catch it.

But this kind of air combat pursuit, her elves are not good at it.

Let's hunt it down, let me help you find the boy who called the police.

The old woman got into her buggy.

Okay, excuse me.

Miss Junsha was polite with a touch of respect.



Suddenly felt the phone vibrate slightly, and seeing that it was Miss Junsha calling, Shinji connected her to the phone.

OK, all right.

Thank you for your help, Miss Junsha.

I see.

After hanging up the phone, Shinji relaxed slightly and said:

Okay, the crisis is over, Miss Junsha is not far away, let's go out first.

Saying that, Shinji walked out slowly with a few elves.

It wasn't until he observed at the entrance of the cave for a while and found that the aircraft in the sky had already flown away that Shinji walked out openly.

Work hard to become stronger. When you are strong enough, we don't have to worry about these dregs, and we can easily remove them when we encounter them.

Shinji looked at the flying aircraft with an iceberg face, and said to the elves beside him.

He hates trouble the most, so he usually doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble for himself.

But now, trouble came to him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

If he is capable, if he encounters this kind of trouble again, he will definitely make the trouble never bother him again.





The four elves all responded angrily. It was the first time they felt this kind of aggrieved feeling from the outside world, which made them very upset.

At this time, a speeding red off-road vehicle drifted in the distance and stopped in front of Shinji.

The gray-haired woman opened the car door and walked down, looked at Shinji and the elf behind her, and asked with a smile:

You are the boy who was attacked by the hunters.

Yes, Senior Kikuno.

Shinji said politely.

With just one glance, he recognized this iconic figure in the Sinnoh region, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Earth Heavenly King—Juye.

Oh, you know me? It's a pity...

Juye sighed slightly, she didn't like others calling herself Four Heavenly Kings, Senior, Master and so on.

I originally planned to use a pseudonym, but I didn't expect to be recognized at a glance.

Just call me Juye, you can be more casual.

Okay, Kikuno.

Shinji said politely.

Oh, your politeness is such a headache.

Hearing this polite reply, Juye was a little helpless.

But the next moment, she heard a very blunt answer.

I also invite you, Juye, to fight with me.

Shinji spoke calmly, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

As soon as I got out of trouble, I wanted to fight. The young people are really energetic.

Juye smiled and said, But I'm on vacation, give me a reason to agree to the battle with you.

You appeared here to help Miss Junsha, which means that you are actually ready for the battle in your heart.

But now, the hunter who was the target of the battle has fled.

Since that's the case, it shouldn't be a problem for me to be the target of the battle.

Shinji said after analyzing the situation.

Good analysis, then I will accept your invitation to fight for the time being.

After finishing speaking, Juye got into the car, motioned for Shinji to sit on the co-pilot, and said, This is not suitable for fighting, we will fight against you in another place.

Taking out the poke ball and taking back all the pokemon, Shinji got into the car without hesitation.

Sit tight.

Seeing that Shinji fastened his seat belt, Kikuno stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom in an instant, and started to drive all the way, fast and fast.

Leave this to you, and I will take this boy away first.

When passing by Miss Junsha and the police officers to deal with the hunter, Juye said without slowing down at all.

In the world of elves, due to the presence of elves, very few people drive.

There are no clear regulations on the speed of vehicles driving in the wild, and it does not constitute a violation.

Grandma Juye, you really don't look old at all~

Looking at Juye in the distance, Miss Junsha sighed with emotion, endured her nausea, and turned her gaze back to a group of sharp-eyed hunters in the car in front of her.

Hurry up and deal with it. I will find a few clothes and put them on in a while.

This group of hunters brought nothing to the bureau, and those who didn't know it might think they were going to fight pornography.

Go, go, go!

Speaking of which, the number of film brothers in the comment area seems to have started to increase recently, so let me set a comment limit of 1 fan value.

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