Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 118 The First Team, Hunter J Appears

On the mainland leading to Lizhi Lake, a special armored vehicle is speeding.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Shinji was concentrating on driving the car after reporting the situation on the phone. Suddenly, he saw a large aircraft appearing above his head on the screen in the car from the corner of his eye.

Here you go, Electric Shock Beast, charge up and get ready to thunder.

While speaking, Shinji hung up the phone and put it away, and at the same time pressed the button to eject the driver's seat from the front of this special armored vehicle, allowing the electric shock beast to fly above the armored vehicle.


Knowing that the situation is urgent, the electric shock beast has always maintained the highest self-motivation, landed on the roof, and immediately started charging, making the terrifying electric energy in the body more vigorous and full.

The power of the next attack is equivalent to 8 times the power under normal circumstances!

As the electric shock beast exploded with thunder all over its body, it turned into a dragon composed of thunder and lightning, howling and biting the aircraft in the sky, and the golden thunder light dyed most of the sky yellow.

What the hell?! It's so powerful!

In the aircraft, a minion saw this brontosaurus and immediately exclaimed.

I feel in my heart that the tyrannosaurus might not be able to withstand this blow even if it is the big sister's head?

Open the shield.

Hunter J who was standing at the main seat said coldly.


A layer of translucent energy shield suddenly appeared around the aircraft, blocking in front of the biting brontosaurus.

Under the attack of Thunder Dragon, the shield was crumbling, as if it was about to be broken at any moment.

Seeing this scene, Hunter J's eyes flashed coldly, and he thought in his heart - the money is less!

In order not to make a loss-making business, Shinji's spirit must be taken down!

The first team, go!


Soon, several exits were opened in the aircraft, and ten hunters wearing high-tech equipment and stepping on small aircraft rushed towards Shinji's direction.

Don't let them get close, Electroshock, shoot them all down...

While Shinji stomped on the accelerator to death, he gave an order to the Electric Shock Beast.


The Electroshock Beast understands, and the golden thunder light is emitted from the body again, and the thunder strikes!

Get out of the way!

Hunter J's first team is full of elites. Seeing the lightning strike, they immediately controlled the aircraft to change direction to avoid it.

Heh~ Just rely on this? If you want to hit us, stay with the elves and lives.

The team leader took the lead and kept closing the distance with Shinji's armored vehicle.


Suddenly there was a scream in the headset, which made the captain look back.

I saw that the lightning that everyone had dodged just now actually struck one of them, instantly knocking him down from a height of 100 meters.

The situation is wrong? Be careful.

The captain at the front said something, and continued to fly to Shinji.

However, in the blink of an eye, another bolt of lightning struck from the Electroshock Beast.

The captain dodged the attack for the first time, and continued to fly towards the electric shock beast.

When I saw the appearance of the electric shock beast clearly, I found that its eyes were shining, and there was a triumphant smile on the corner of its mouth.

The captain turned back to check the situation at the first time, only to see that the lightning bolt that he escaped just now was chasing behind him.

Seeing that he was about to be hit, the captain jumped off the aircraft decisively.


While falling, the captain shouted loudly.

However, the other team members had already arrived within 100 meters of the electric shock beast, and when everyone wanted to turn around, the cry of the electric shock beast came from their ears.


The lightning released from the Electroshock Beast filled the entire sky, and everyone was hit by the lightning and crashed one after another.

The first team, all wiped out!


On the aircraft, the angry Hunter J slammed his fist on the console.

This time, the strongest subordinate was the first team, but they didn't expect it to be of any use.

Knowing that Shinji and this electric shock beast are not ordinary goods, they are difficult to deal with, and it is useless to send people there, and it is not convenient to attack directly with aircraft.

Hunter J simply got up and left, saying:

Keep an eye on him, I'll take it down.


The aircraft opened a hole, and Hunter J, who was riding Tyrannosaurus, flew towards Shinji and Dengekimon head-on.


The Electric Shock Beast launched a thunderstorm as before, splitting lightning to attack Hunter J.

Now its strength has reached the strongest in history, and it can also control the lightning to change the direction of attack to a certain extent by virtue of its mental power.

It felt that it shouldn't be a problem to block this woman riding a dragon.

However, what happened next took it by surprise.

Destroy the light!

Hunter J said coldly.


The Violent Dragon roared, and a ray of destructive aura shot out from its mouth instantly, successfully canceling out the thunder.

The Electric Shock Beast knew that destroying the light would have side effects, so it quickly seized the opportunity to launch another thunder move, and struck out lightning again.


Dragon Wave.

The Tyrannosaurus just finished using the Destroying Light did not suffer any side effects at all, and fired a colorful dragon-shaped breath from its mouth to tear Da Lei apart.


Seeing this scene, a trace of fear appeared in the eyes of the electric shock beast.

Now it has been promoted to the extreme, and it can block its attack, which shows that the strength of this violent dragon is at least not weaker than that of Dragon King Scorpion, and even stronger!


If it is a normal battle, it will not be afraid. Even if this violent dragon is a god, it will dare to fight it, but at this moment, it is obvious that it cannot be desperate.

Shinji is behind it.

The Electric Shock Beast was discharging electricity, and the Tyrannosaurus used moves to resist the skills, and at the same time, it kept closing the distance between the two sides.


Shinji's voice came from the car.

The Electric Shock Beast immediately stopped attacking, charged at full power, and was about to hit Tyrannosaurus with a ruthless attack.

Taking advantage of this charging time, the tyrannosaur successfully carried Hunter J to a distance of less than 50 meters from the electric shock beast, and the hand equipped with the petrochemical ray device was also raised towards the electric shock beast.

As soon as a ray of light was shot, the endless thunder released by the electric shock beast wiped out the light, like a huge wave of thunder and lightning swept towards him.

Hunter J shouted: Hold on!


As Hunter J's trump card and mount, the Tyrannosaurus, who is close to the strength of the king of heaven, naturally mastered many moves. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately released a protective cover to protect himself and Hunter J without any dead ends.

The next moment, endless golden thunderbolts hit the protective cover in the field of vision.

The protective cover in the thunder is like a lonely boat, which may capsize at any time.

In fact, the power of this thunderbolt seems to be far less powerful than imagined. There is a strange feeling of loud thunder and little rain.

It's not very powerful, but it has full special effects. The thunder light in the sky lasted for a full ten seconds before dimming.

When Hunter J was able to see, he found that the electric shock beast had disappeared, leaving only a closed armored vehicle moving along the road.

It seems that Shinji retracted the electric shock beast into the ball for safety.


Where is the target?

The seasoned hunter J doesn't think that Shinji dares to take the elf back and drive with peace of mind. Obviously, the man has already run away!

Looking at both sides of the road, one side is boundless mountains, there is just a hole above the rock wall, and I don't know where it leads.

On the other side is a vast forest with a vast sea of ​​trees, making it difficult to search.

The thunder light is too bright and dazzling, so I didn't see it.

The reporter said decisively.

Say it again.

Hunter J's voice was cold.

The target appears to have entered the forest.


The target definitely entered the forest!

While the reporter shouted loudly, his heart was beating a drum.

In the boundless Linhai, it is normal not to find anyone, right?

As for the cave, the nameless cave, if it is a dead end and enters, wouldn't it be waiting for death?

You connect those useless things, and I will find them.

Hunter J glanced at the opening of the cave, and flew towards the boundless forest decisively.

She also believed that no one would be foolish enough to choose to enter an unknown cave to seek death.

Of course, if you really can't find it in the forest, you will also go to the cave to do a simple exploration.

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