Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 651: Athena's correspondence

Of course, the Variety Monster will not show such a shocked expression, and now it is A Ju himself who dominates the body.

With the speciality of the body of the ever-changing monster, coupled with the long-standing secret technique of the light red city, and the strength of its own heavenly king, it is possible to achieve the effect of possessing a soul.

However, the most important thing is that this Heavenly King-level Variety Monster cooperates very well.

Team Rocket's ship.

After getting this information, Aju immediately explained the situation to Athena.

"Commander Athena, the notable powerhouse in the southern archipelago is the ancestor of the Thorn Dragon King clan - a champion Thorn Dragon King. At the same time, I also found out that the Thorn Dragon King clan has invited the Lightning Bird to help out, and it can be seen as Two champions to treat.

Down to the Tianwang level, on the west side of us, on the bright side is the Xilongwang - the high Tianwang level, then the Chenglong in the middle Tianwang level, and two Tyrannosaurus at the lower level of the Tianwang level. Swamp monster.

In addition to this, the Thorn Dragon King clan also had two low-level Heavenly King-level powerhouses.

Their plan is to leave the giant marsh monster and a low-level thorn dragon king to guard the small and medium-sized islands in the periphery, and the rest stay on the west dragon king island, which is the largest island in the west, and fight us to the death.

Although it seems that there are only 6 Heavenly Kings on the west side, I think there must be hidden powerhouses. To be on the safe side, we can deal with 8 Heavenly Kings on the opposite side. "

After talking about the information, Aju respectfully stood back to the side, waiting for Athena in the main seat to give orders.

Looking at the whole room at this time, you can see that the small main warehouse is also densely filled with people.

Aju's position is the first to the right of Athena, and there is a Rocket team member with a beard and a black R-shaped uniform on the opposite side, who also exudes the atmosphere of a king.

In addition to the first left and right are the Heavenly King-level powerhouses, and the next are the gym-level powerhouses, the right is the alliance member represented by A Ju, the Gym Master Ma Zhishi of Dry Leaf City is impressively inside. , exuding the lingering breath of the gym-level high-ranking section.

On the left is the Rockets' strongmen in uniform black r-shaped uniforms.

Athena is the king of fire. She fights in ocean islands and is inherently weak, so it is not surprising that Ma Zhishi, who is of electric attribute, will be placed here. He is standing second on the right, and only Aju higher than him.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the two heavenly king-level elves, the electric dragon and the thunder elves.

Athena in the main seat fell into deep thought after listening to the information.

"On the bright side of the enemy, there is one high-ranking Heavenly King, one middle-ranking Heavenly King, and four low-ranking Heavenly Kings."

If it's too big, I'll add two more Heavenly King-level mid-sections.

That is "one high-ranking king, three middle-ranking kings, and four low-ranking kings."

After the division of troops, there will definitely be hidden Heavenly King-level powerhouses in the three outer royal clans, so the outer islands have to deal with one Heavenly King-level middle section and two Heavenly King-level lower sections.

What Xilongwang Island has to deal with is a high-level Tianwang, 2 middle-level Tianwang, and 2 low-level Tianwang.

The Heavenly King-level trainers on our side include myself—4 fire-type elves in the middle of the heavenly king-level, Aju, who has just been promoted to a new level—3 poison-type elves in the lower-level of the heavenly king-level, and the dark guard commander directly under Sakagi Boss—3 Only the Heavenly King-level low-level elf, plus Ma Zhishi who was specially assigned to me—two Heavenly King-level low-level Electric Elemental Spirits, and the Heavenly King-level low-level Variety Monster that had been penetrated into the interior, a total of 13 Only Heavenly King-level elves, if the other party didn't hide it, the difference would be almost twice as much.

But we don't have a high-ranking rank here.

Thinking of this, Athena's fiery red eyebrows wrinkled. Because of the approaching war, Sakagi was very generous to the people under his command some time ago, and almost all cherished resources were discounted and promoted, just to improve the strength of his subordinates, fortunately There is enough strength in this battle.

This is also the reason that several generals of Athena have been promoted from the lower level of the Heavenly King to the middle of the Heavenly King.

However, such a rapid improvement is not without sequelae. Her appearance is more and more inclined to the change of fiery red, which is caused by the intake of too many fire-type treasures. At the same time, it can be said that it has almost cut off the road to the championship, and even the high rank of the king is a little bit. It's hard, it's not so easy to pull the seedlings and encourage them!

Of course, for the four generals including Athena, they do not expect to break through to the championship level. In order to complete the great plan of the Rockets to open up new areas, they are all voluntary.

Since everyone knows that it is impossible to break through to the champion level, the high level of the king level will not be reached that day, so it doesn't matter. With the strength of the middle level of the king level, it is not impossible to compete with the high level.

So pulling the seedlings to help them grow and rushing for success is okay for them.

"The Thorn Dragon King in the high tier of the Heavenly King class, I will definitely spend three elves in the middle class of the Heavenly King class. It is best to let Jin Yi lead the grass-type Overlord Flower to assist, and it should be able to contain and defeat it."

Thinking that one high-ranking Heavenly King level would cancel out the four Heavenly King-level elves on her side, Athena couldn't help but exert a little force with her hands.

However, this is also something that can't be helped. Who made her the King of Fire and was restrained to death by the Dragon King.

"The remaining two Heavenly King-level mid-tier and two Heavenly King-level low-tier are also water-type elves, my remaining fire-type elves, plus A Ju's 3 Heavenly-King-level low-tier, and that If it's just weird...

No, Ma Zhishi's Heavenly King-level electric dragon should be almost the same, but this way, the two elves of Ma Zhishi are separated. If the thunder elves who go to the outer islands are not obedient, it will be difficult to deal with. ! "

The more she thought about it, the more annoying she became, Athena couldn't help scratching her fiery red hair, giving her a headache.

The essence elves are more troublesome, because their previous trainer is gone, although they will follow their master's orders to protect the family well, but not any family member can do it like an arm.

Only contemporary gym owners can make them, the elves left by their predecessors, obediently fight, so the two elves of Ma Zhishi cannot be separated.

"In this case, my remaining elf, plus Ma Zhishi's two Heavenly King-level low-level elves, plus Aju's Variety Monster, and his other two Heavenly King-level low-level elves, 6 to 4 should be OK. .

In the end, let the dark guard lead Jin Yi, bring 3 Heavenly King-level low-level elves, and the remaining Heavenly King-level low-level elves to sweep the periphery, 4 to 3, that's enough! "

After thinking for a while, Athena finally came up with a plan.

Of course, Ah Ju's elf must have been commanded by the other gym-level powerhouses from Light Red City. With Ah Ju's order, it should be no problem to let the elf's familiar cronies command.

Chapter 652 Sakagi's Arrangement

Thinking of this, Athena spoke out her thoughts.

"On the Dragon King Island, A Ju and Ma Zhishi will be the main attack. Commander Jin Yi, please bring some people to clean up the surrounding medium-sized islands and distribute them with our friends."

Hearing this arrangement, several people have no objection.


Gu bilge

"As ordered!"


The three whose names were called all agreed.

"Oh, that's right, Aju, you have a Heavenly King-level elf to hand over to your people. Just in case, your Heavenly-king-level elf will also cooperate with Jin Yi to lead the siege and arrange it on the periphery. wild spirits."

After the three agreed, Athena suddenly patted her forehead and said to Aju below in a negotiating tone.

In this regard, Aju nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

Since they are fighting in a legion, even if they are both heavenly kings, they still have to abide by the orders of their superiors. They were born in Ninja, so they naturally understand this truth.

"Okay, next, let's discuss the distribution of some small islands. I'll report the situation to Boss Sakagi."

After assigning the Heavenly King-level opponent, Athena let go of the follow-up arrangements, and left the main warehouse in a flash and came to the liaison room.

In fact, before the plan to open up the new area started, there were members of the Alliance who had helped the Rockets before, and there was already a general division of the island. The next step was nothing more than some details. Naturally, she didn't need to ask her, the commander, for such trivial matters.

Anyway, this archipelago is vast and there are many islands, which can definitely meet the needs of both parties. After the two parties have chosen, the remaining leftovers belong to the victims of the previous Kanto Alliance who were captured. At that time, these people will be able to leave.

In fact, like Nibi City and Yuhong City, they actually already knew about it. After all, it is impossible for such a large personnel action to be hidden from anyone who cares.

However, under the combined force of the champion Sakagi and other ancient cities, they could only choose to stand still and wait for the notification.

You must know that in the army accompanying the Rockets this time, in addition to several ancient cities such as Light Red City, Dry Leaf City, Golden City, etc., there are also teams from the Quartz Plateau. These are the chairman of the alliance and members of the council. The personal power of Sakagi was also promised by Sakagi before.

Otherwise, I really thought that the ownership of the four ice kings and the frozen bird would be so easy for the Rockets to obtain.

No matter what, if King Qianxia can reach his current status, there must be a faction behind him, and his strength is not weak. In order to let the other bigwigs in the alliance work together to suppress this faction, it is natural to pay something.

At this time, in the main warehouse of the warship, A Ju first untied a pokeball from his waist and handed it to the silver snake behind, and said:

"Silver Snake, this stinky mud, I will give it to you, and I have already told him that I will listen to your orders during this time.

At that time, you will act with the Rockets' leader Jin Yi, and follow the orders as the case may be. "

In the last sentence, although his mouth was moving, he actually transmitted the words "depending on the situation".

No matter what, the two sides are not of the same faction, and there should still be some precautions.

Hearing this, the silver snake in the dark forbearance nodded and agreed:

"Yes! Lord Aju!"

The dark guard commander accompanying him this time is actually the only one. The Golden Snake is going to sit in the light red market. It is impossible for some people with ghosts to take advantage of this internal emptiness to make small moves.

Therefore, those of them who have a foundation in the alliance will not come out in full force.

Moreover, in the operation of catching the frozen bird, the people in the light red city who returned alive were actually full, and Aju agreed to their promise.

Therefore, during this period of time, the strength of the Silver Snake can be said to have increased greatly. There are already 4 elves in the middle of the gym-level, a veritable gym-level powerhouse. This time, he followed the Rockets' action to open up a new area. He came alone and also no problem.

On the other side, Athena was in the liaison room and conveyed the information she had found to Sakagi.

"Boss, according to the information detected by Aju, this area is the territory of the Dragon King Clan, and the strongest among them is a Champion Dragon King, but the exact stage is not clear.

In addition, the Thorn Dragon King family also invited Lightning Bird as a helper. "

After speaking, she knelt down halfway, waiting for Sakagi's reply.

I saw Sakagi sitting on the boss chair on the big screen on the wall of the liaison room, gently stroking a cat boss with his right hand, and there seemed to be a lot of information flashing in his eyes.

He was mentally prepared for the champion-level wild elves in this area.

Although the actual area of ​​the southern archipelago is definitely incomparable to the entire region of Kanto, it is still a large territory, far exceeding a large city, and it is definitely impossible to complete the unification by relying on the heavenly king-level elves.

However, there was really only one champion elf, and he was still a little overjoyed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Originally, he thought there would be two. After all, after consulting the history of the Kanto region, he knew that the predecessors had laid such a large territory, but at least 5-6 champion-level elves had been dealt with!

The southern archipelago is not small, it is about a quarter of the size of Kanto. If there is only one champion thorn dragon king, it is likely to be in the middle of the champion level.

Coupled with a pseudo-champion-level lightning bird, he is not incapable of dealing with it.

Not to mention, the league still generally supports the Rockets' actions to open up new areas. If there is another change, I believe that the people in the league will not stand by.

When meeting the envoy from the alliance, he vaguely felt a tyrannical fire energy!

"The flame bird holy flame at the opening of the Quartz Conference! I knew that these old ghosts must be walking in front of the Rockets, but they usually like to pretend to be Wei Guangzheng, hum~"

Thinking of this ~www.readwn.com~ Sakagi could not help but let out a light "hum", guessing that the alliance had already mastered the flame bird.

Also, this kind of pseudo-champion-level third-level **** is not particularly difficult to defeat for a powerhouse who has truly reached the championship level.

"I understand, thank you for your hard work, Athena. After I launch an attack, you will also launch a total attack on the main island in the west. At the same time, the team under your command will also launch an attack on the large and small islands. Be sure to let the situation The chaos will make this group of wild elves overwhelmed and unable to defend themselves!"

After nodding, Sakagi passed an order and closed the contact with a "swoosh".

"Yes! Chief!" In response, Athena still bowed respectfully before slowly exiting the liaison room.


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