Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 649: arrange

"First of all, all the adults of the Heavenly King level, it is best to come to Dragon King Island, I believe that the strong human beings also have the intention of killing the high-level strong.

If it is still like before, the king-level powerhouses are scattered, I am afraid that it is easy to be surrounded and killed by one or two.

You must know that among those Heavenly King-level human trainers, there are at least two or three Heavenly King-level elves. If it is that kind of senior, I am afraid that one person will have 5-6. We don't know how many of them came. "

After finishing speaking, Goda Duck looked up at the three of them, the Thorn Dragon King and the Tyrannosaurus Dragon, without a trace.

Sure enough, the quick-thinking Chenglong quickly raised an objection.

"咘uu~咘uu~" Goda Duck, what you said is not unreasonable, but if we don't care about our own ethnic territory, we all come to Dragon King Island to defend, in case the human trainer sends a Tianwang class to the surrounding What should I do if small and medium-sized islands are rampant?

Our elves don't have the strange array of human beings, and we can't twist the power of the gymnasium level or even the elite level into a rope to fight against the king level!

After raising his objection, Chenglong immediately turned his head and apologized to the Dragon King above.

"咘uu~咘uu~" Lord Xilongwang, we are happy to come to protect the Dragon King Island, but all the heavenly king-level masters come here, is it too desperate? I believe that the worries just now depended on the wisdom of Lord Longwang, can also understand.

"Hoo~ho~" Yes, yes, Lord Dragon King, there should still be one or two Heavenly King-level combat power left in the periphery.

"Laqi~Laqi~" That's right, Lord Dragon King, you also know that our giant marsh monster family is also the key target of capture, that is, on the Kanto side, the water arrow turtle family is ahead, but if those greedy people Seeing our family, human beings are afraid that they will never let us go, and they will definitely summon strong people to loot our family!

Hearing what Chenglong said, the tyrannical carp dragon and the giant marsh monster also reacted and quickly interceded.

In this regard, the coldness flashed in the eyes of the Dragon King, and it was actually the one who secretly instructed Goda Duck to summon all the Heavenly Kings.

As the saying goes, the tail can't be lost. In addition to his high-level thorn dragon king, there are only two thorn dragon kings in the lower rank of Tianwang rank on Xilongwang Island.

It is quite old. If you want to break through to the championship level, you can only go back to the central Dalongwang Island and accept the teachings of the ancestors.

In this way, the position of the West Dragon King can only be handed over to the other two members of the same clan, but the strength of the low-level Heavenly King is simply not enough to convince these three Heavenly King-level elves, let alone the two of the same clan only have the Heavenly King-level. low level strength.

This human trainer invasion is actually a good thing in its view. It can use a little means to kill the tyrannical carp dragon or Chenglong in the melee of the king.

First, it reasonably weakens the strength of the foreign clan. Second, these two clans, like the Dragon King clan, have dragon blood in their bodies, and the dragon blood remains of the Heavenly King may be able to make the two brothers in the clan go further.

It's a pity that Chenglong is not easy to fool, and he reacted so quickly.

Now the three Heavenly King-level elves are all politely speaking out against it, even if it is the West Dragon King, it is not good to drag them to the battlefield, or else other gym-level ethnic groups will have ideas in their hearts!

After all, what people say is justified and well-founded. If they insist on taking away all the Heavenly Kings, if the small and medium-sized islands in the periphery really encounter Heavenly Kings human trainers, there is really no way to do it, and they can only be ruthlessly harvested.

However, as soon as Xilongwang rolled his eyes, he came up with a solution.

"Hey ho~ hey ho~" It makes sense, but it really takes a lot of people to discuss, in order to complete all aspects.

Goda Duck, look at you, you pride yourself on being smart, if you really follow your plan, how will the safety of other ethnic groups be guaranteed!

It first rebuked the lower Gotha duck to show consolation.

And Goda Duck understood the words in seconds, with an ashamed expression on his face, bowed his hands to the three heavenly kings, the tyrannical carp dragon, the giant marsh monster, and the dragon, and apologized.

"Sorry, sorry, the three adults, the army of human beings is pressing in. I am under too much pressure and I have not considered it carefully."

In this regard, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon and the others didn't have much to say. They nodded their heads to reveal the matter, and then looked at the West Dragon King together, waiting for his arrangement.

In this regard, the West Dragon King showed a contemplative expression on his face. After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"Hey ho~ hey~ hey ho~" Well, both of you, Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus and Chenglong, go to Longwang Island to guard, and you are responsible for the vigilance of small and medium-sized islands outside.

Just in case, you may not have enough Heavenly King-level elf, we will stab the Dragon King clan, and send a low-level Heavenly King-level powerhouse to follow you to take care of you!

"Hoo~" I have no opinion!

"Lapp~" Thank you, Lord Dragon King!

"La Qi!" Don't worry! Lord Dragon King, I will definitely guard the periphery!

When the three elves heard the words, they also agreed. Among them, the tyrannical carp dragon was the most mindless, feeling that there was no problem with this arrangement, and they agreed the fastest.

Although Chenglong felt that something was wrong, but the human army was overwhelmed, and he didn't have much time to think about it, so he nodded and agreed.

As for the giant marsh monster, it is the most profitable, and naturally it is very refreshing.

After all, guarding the periphery, the probability of encountering a strong human being surrounded and killed is far less than guarding Dragon King Island!

And it is in the periphery, if the situation is not good, you can also lead your own group to escape into the deep sea, and the probability of escaping is much higher, what is not allowed.

Seeing that the three Heavenly King-level leaders agreed, the West Dragon King also smiled "hehe".

Tyrannosaurus, a brainless idiot, easily overwhelmed by emotions, nothing to worry about, and it can be easily resolved at that time.

Chenglong has a smart mind and is still in the middle of the Heavenly King class. He feels that his two brothers may not be able to hold him down, so it would be better to kill him.

Of course, there is another reason, because both elves have dragon blood.

The old king handed over the power to the new king, and he must pave the way for the new king. The strength of the West Dragon King has reached the high level of the heavenly king for many years, and he does not want to wait any longer!

After deciding on the arrangement of the Heavenly King, the West Dragon King looked at the Gotha Duck again and motioned for it to talk about the arrangement of the pavilion.

"Cough~" Got the signal from the West Dragon King, Gotha Ya coughed lightly, and continued to say after seeing everyone's eyes turn around:

"Okay, let me talk about the museum-level arrangement next.

The most important thing is the small islands. There are only two on them, or even a gym-level guardian, which is far from enough.

My idea is to distribute the strong from the big ethnic groups, there may be some ethnic groups, there are 7-8, or even a dozen gym-level leaders, which has resulted in excess resources, which can be obtained from these powerful large ethnic groups. Allocate to small groups.

Of course, Lord Dragon King, you must also assign the strong to the past. "

Chapter 650 Intelligence

Godard Duck saw the bad expressions on the faces of the tyrannical carp dragon, the dragon, the giant marsh monster and even the leaders of other powerful groups. He understood that this suggestion aroused the resentment of the powerful, and quickly added a sentence at the end, referring to the thorn dragon king clan. also added.

Hearing this, the leaders of those powerful ethnic groups looked at the West Dragon King, waiting for his response.

In this regard, Xilong Wang nodded indifferently.

"Hey ho~" With a sound, he agreed.

This was negotiated in advance in secret, and it would naturally not jump back.

In a sense, this is indeed a better protection measure, and at the same time, it can weaken the power of the three royal families. Going outside, in that kind of big melee situation, what will happen is not certain!

As for the descendants of the Dragon King clan, they will naturally focus on arranging to go to some relatively safe places.

Anyway, the elves who were contacted and arranged were all from the West Dragon King, so this little action could naturally be done without anyone noticing.

As for the arrangement, even if the three royal families found out that something was wrong, it was estimated that they would all start fighting at that time.

Alas~ In order to secure the position of the next generation of the Dragon King, the contemporary West Dragon King is really worried!

Seeing that the West Dragon King agreed, the three royal families, including other powerful ethnic groups, were not able to say anything, so they bowed their heads and acquiesced.

Seeing this scene, Gotha Duck was relieved and talked about the final arrangement.

"Then there is the matching of attributes. In our Dragon King Sea area, the natural geographical environment makes the water-type elves occupy most of the time. I believe that with the shrewdness of human beings, there will definitely be a large number of electric-type and grass-type trainers to deal with it. us.

Fortunately, there are still elves with other attributes living on our island.

My suggestion is that when arranging support, it is best to arrange elves with different attributes according to the island owner's self-report, so as not to be restrained to death!

Of course, on the side of the powerful ethnic group, you can speak if you need to.

As for the transportation speed, we are all gym-level powerhouses. We believe that as long as we act, we will definitely be able to complete the defense before the human trainers attack the island on a large scale.

No matter how bad it is, there is still a brother Bidi. With the speed of the Biziao family, even an elite Biziao can bring some slower gym-level powerhouses to the outermost island. "

As soon as Goda Duck finished speaking, some weak clan leaders on the edge of the cave clapped their hands and applauded.

"Kaji! Kaji!" Well said! Lord Godduck! My water arrow turtle family has 10,000 support, and I can tell the truth about the situation on the island!

"Ya Dong! Ya Dong!" I stayed with the hippo family and fully supported me!

"Dosha~Dosha~" My Horned Goldfish Clan also supports it!


I have to say that this arrangement of the Gotha Duck really won the hearts of some weak and small groups, and they immediately supported them one by one.

Driven by this atmosphere, some middle-strength ethnic groups also supported after a simple balance.

"Just right~" I support the Abowei clan!

"Bibi~" I also support the Bidiao family!

"Hey~" My stinger jellyfish family has no opinion!


Soon, the scene became one-sided, except for a few large ethnic groups, the rest of the ethnic group leaders agreed to this plan.

Seeing this, the three giant carp dragons, Chenglong, and giant marsh monsters could only reluctantly agree, and then the remaining big clans could only reluctantly agree.

They all sighed in their hearts, "As expected of the Dragon King who has been sitting for hundreds of years, even if it is rumored that he is going to leave his post and return to his ancestral land to cultivate in his ancestral home", he still takes them seriously.

Those small and medium ethnic groups, in order to survive, will definitely report the situation on their island truthfully, and they dare not hide their strength.

This will save a lot of time for the newly-appointed West Dragon King, and directly allow the new Dragon King to master about 60-70% of the basic market.

And the big ethnic group has not been counted. Under the situation of the human army under pressure, it is very likely that some large ethnic groups will not be able to withstand the pressure and choose to reveal their true situation. In this way, the new dragon king will control the Western Islands. It can be said that There are no obstacles.

"Elves are indeed creatures that cannot be underestimated!"

No one knew that there was also a hint of astonishment and surprise in the eyes of a low-level gymnast Abo in the cave!

Since the light red city chose to help Athena, they would naturally use their ninja strengths to penetrate the enemy's interior and investigate the information.

This Abo monster is actually a variety of monsters under A Ju's subordinates. It's not that he doesn't have a suitable Abo monster, but just in case, he invited a heavenly king-level a variety of monsters from the secret realm. , mixed in.

After all, the elves who have been contracted by humans are difficult to hide under the careful investigation of the heavenly kings.

The wild elves who have been entrenched in this place for thousands of years are not waste, but they attach great importance to the safety of this meeting that only gym-level leaders can attend. Will cross-probe two-three times!

In fact, Aju's ninja troops had also tried to infiltrate this Xilongwang Island before, but unfortunately, whether it was the Abo monster or the stinger jellyfish, they all failed, and they were directly killed by a group of elves on the spot, losing three Dao The elves of the lower section of the pavilion.

Before the start of the war, finding information was what a ninja should do, so Aju's action started very early.

It is a pity that the previous failures made him understand that the wild elves who have been entrenched here for thousands of years have no technology, but they have extraordinary energy and wisdom not inferior to human beings. It is still very difficult to easily detect them.

As a last resort, he could only invite a Heavenly King-level Variety Monster from the Mysterious Poison Realm.

Through the previous failures, he understood that these wild elves judged traitors by examining the mark of the sea of ​​consciousness, so this time the Variety Monster he invited out did not have a trainer.

Its owner died hundreds of years ago~www.readwn.com~ The remaining spiritual imprint has also dissipated, and it is a veritable wild elf.

As for why it is still willing to cooperate, it is naturally that each generation of light red Taoist pavilion owners has a persistent emotional bond with the elves left by their predecessors.

In fact, the masters of the gymnasiums in every city do this to the elves who act as the foundation.

Originally, before their trainers died, they would usually give a similar order like "help me protect the city and gymnasium", coupled with the emotional maintenance of future generations from time to time, so these elves, although there is no contract, but in fact Betrayal is less likely!

After all, elves are pure, emotional creatures! This is especially true for elves who have been raised by humans since childhood!


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