Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 641: dispatching generals

But we are also human beings, and now the outside world is not at peace, it is impossible to have a civil war. If a war is really launched, I am afraid that the Rockets will really be a street rat for the rest of their lives, and their reputation will definitely be ruined. Besides, there shouldn't be any more high-level trainers willing to play for the Rockets.

After all, you are surrounded by foreign enemies and humans are still at a disadvantage, and you start a war in the hinterland. Isn't this forcing the human alliance to death!

Under such circumstances, the unwilling Sakagi chose the most difficult path, and opened up a new area by himself, leaving his name in the history!

Why is this the hardest way, because if you want to lay down a territory, a champion trainer is the foundation!

Or it is far from enough. A champion-level combat power can only protect an area, but to conquer an area from the wild elves, at least two or three champion-level combat powers are needed!

And the Rockets, since its inception, have never had a champion trainer, and even in the legacy, there is no item comparable to the champion's combat power.

This is why they can only be active on the dark side of the alliance all the time.

However, after Sakagi made this plan, he worked hard to become stronger. He understood that the championship level is not something that can be broken through just looking at qualifications, but more importantly, the fetters!

That's right, it's a bond, something ethereal and unpredictable.

Some people may say that the bond is not the depth of the relationship, but this is not true.

Those ladies who treat elves as pets, even as their own sons, must have a very deep feeling for elves, but they have not made any changes to elves.

So if I have to say, the bond is actually an emotion that can be cultivated by the life and death between the elves and the trainers cultivated according to the type of battle.

As the leader of Team Rocket, Sakagi, although it is still relatively rare to have king-level elves, but the initial qualifications are leader-level elves, so it is not difficult to obtain.

In fact, he is called the Sakagi of the earth, and there is no shortage of highly qualified ground elves in his hands.

King Nido, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, Longlongyan, and even the quasi-god in the Chengdu area, Bangira, he has cultivated, and through the power of evolution, two or three of them have actually been promoted to the king-level qualifications by him. Stinger bees are the same.

But why is it that only the Big Needle Bee has broken through to the Champion Rank, while the others are obviously more qualified and have better racial strength, but they are still stuck at the peak of the Heavenly King Rank?

This is because of the fetters. The big stinger, who has been with him since he was a child, and his fetters are far from comparable to other elves.

The mega evolution shows this without a doubt. When they got the mega evolution stone, the giant needle bee and Sakagi succeeded in their first attempt.

Returning to the topic, when Sakagi ordered the "New District Plan" to be launched, the Rockets, the king of the dark side, began to operate "boom boom boom".

Lambda, Apollo, Lance, Athena, the four generals of the Rocket Team, began to screen the strong in their respective factions.

Branches all over the country also suddenly had a new task of recruiting the strong.

Among them, the minimum requirements are ordinary high-level squad leaders.

Declaring war on the outer domain is generally low, and the trainers in the middle are really just sending them away.

After all, it was someone else's territory, and its strength was too weak.

The common high section is different. The combat power of an ordinary high section can be used as 4-5 ordinary low and middle section. In this way, when cleaning up foreign fish, even if the opponent has the advantage of being familiar with the terrain, then Can also rely on hard power to fight.

Therefore, these ordinary high-level miscellaneous soldiers correspond to the large number of ordinary-level wild elves in the outer domain.

After all, it's impossible to take out a large number of elite trainers to clean up trash fish, it's too wasteful.

Moreover, if the elite-level trainer is surrounded and killed by a large number of ordinary-level wild elves, then one death is a loss, and it is better to lose a dozen ordinary high-level miscellaneous soldiers!

After all, ordinary rank, to be honest, as long as there are resources and hard training, even if it is an ordinary high rank, there are as many as you want.

When Team Rocket started to dispatch troops, several ancient gymnasiums on the Alliance side that had secretly communicated with Team Rocket also received news.

They can be allowed to go out with the position of the four king-level generals, and the team will bring their own.

This is where the advantage lies!

Although it is impossible to **** food with the heavenly king-level powerhouse, but they are at the forefront of the general direction, which is equivalent to taking a lot of pressure on themselves. In this way, you are assisting from the side, the pressure is greatly reduced, and at the same time, the income is also returned. It's all yours, it's not profitable!

You must know that the outer domains that have not been developed by humans are treasures!

Therefore, the light red city is also dispatching troops, and a large number of elite disciples outside have been forcibly recalled by the gymnasium.

"Order of the gymnasium, hurry back! If you don't return on the 5th/7th/15th, deal with it as a traitor!"

This kind of emergency contact device, the disciples of the gymnasium who are away from home, are well prepared, and the light red gymnasium has also given a limited time limit according to the distance. As for the distance, of course, it will not be sent.

The positioning device of the gym order is actually a means of detecting the situation of the disciples in the gym.

The light red city has moved, and the golden city will naturally not fall behind. Speaking of the supernatural beast, Chaomeng, can be successfully created, Nazi has paid a lot!

In terms of superpowers, who can compare to the golden market!

You must know that in order to develop Chaomeng, the Golden City even gave the knowledge inheritance of the core secret book level.

However, Sakagi and Xia Bo, who is the main researcher, have seen it. Both of them are faithful people, and they also used the ancient ruins' Heavenly Dao contract to swear, so it is not a leak.

It's a pity that the team in Jinhuang City has nothing to do with Tianji, because Nazi is still in retreat, so this time to open up the new area, a clan elder from Jinhuang City led the team.

Of course, Nazi also made arrangements. She had already instructed the staff of Hualan City to transfer Tianzi.

Therefore, after the makeover, the Shimizu family secretly came to the light red city with the last strength.

Originally, Aju knew that he was under Nazi's subordinates in the golden city, so this team was explained as a force cultivated by Nazi himself, not belonging to the family, and it was also said in the past.

Because the Qingshui family has all kinds of material assistance from the Golden City, and the inheritance has not been broken, the people who come here are definitely not as good as the large team of the Light Red City, but they are not weak.

Among them, Qingshui Jing, the current Hualan Taoist pavilion owner, came in person, and then Xiaolan, the evolutionary person, came too, just to solve the evolution of the little kabbi beast.

Tian Ci took a general look at the list. Among the people from Hualan City, the gym-level one was Qingshui Jing, then the elite-level high-ranking 3, the elite low-middle 9, and the general-level high-ranking down. , a full 60 people!

Chapter 642 The Status Quo of Hualan's Star Program

Ordinary-level high-level, or the same sentence, as long as there are resources, that is the endless growth of leeks, as many as you want.

Therefore, after loosening some restrictions, the number of ordinary-level trainers in Hualan Gym is actually more than before.


On the other side of the Golden City, the contemporary pavilion owner Na Zi helped cover, and no one found that most of the power came to the light red side.

After all, for Hualan, it is understandable not to participate in this operation at this time. They have been severely injured, and they are honestly developing in the alliance, isn't it normal!

Moreover, the star program has already begun to bear fruit, and it has made a lot of money.

It was that night, Tian Chi, who had fought with the women of Hualan City, held Qingshui Jing, a stunning young woman in his arms, and listened to her talk about the progress of the star project.

"Master, our star project was very successful, and Lorraine was the one who took the lead. She is now a veritable queen. Any concert is full, and the ticket price alone is more than tens of millions.

His own strength has also been raised to the elite level with a lot of resource investment.

But it is precisely because she is too famous that she cannot come here to participate in the action. "

After speaking, she raised her head and glanced at Tian Ci cautiously.

Just now, Tian Chi asked why Lorraine didn't come. She didn't want Lorraine to be recorded by this man.

Although the current Lorraine is beautiful outside, in fact, everyone knows that they can only live under people in their entire lives. With the contract of the golden city, they can't escape the palm of this man.

Hearing this, Tian Ci smiled, patted Qingshui Jing's plump buttocks with a slap, and replied:

"Okay, I naturally understand the truth, I haven't been so careful yet.

Continue to talk about it, are there any other outstanding artists, star projects, it is not enough to rely on one diva. "

"Yeah~" Qingshui Jing, who was suddenly attacked, let out a coquettish cry, then looked at Tianji with a wink, nodded, and continued to speak.

"Of course there are, Lorraine down, and several others have also held concert tours in surrounding cities, accumulating a lot of popularity.

According to the level of master you left behind, several of them are first-line entertainers.

Then further down, there are a few who have influence in one or two cities, and they are second-tier artists.

As for the third- and fourth-tier artists who have accumulated popularity around Hualan City, there are even more. Generally speaking, our star program is still on the rise. "

Hearing this, Tian Ci nodded, the star project is his most important source of income, it can be described as a steady stream of gold mines, so naturally he has to pay attention.

Then, only after he pondered for a while, Tian Ji opened his mouth and suggested:

"The star project has developed to the present, and the male market has almost been developed. Next, Qingshui Jing, you can try recruiting men of different temperaments, distinctive characteristics, and various ages to debut as male stars.

You must know that women are the main group of spending money. They have far greater purchasing power than men. I believe you should be aware of this. "

"Uh..." Qingshui Jing pondered for a while, then nodded clearly.

Facts have proved that the male market is indeed limited. Even the most famous hot diva ─ Lorraine's album, the sales volume sold is actually fluctuating and unstable.

After careful research, I found that it was actually related to the hot costume that Lorraine wore during the performance...

This result can only show that the man is really...the good songs that many music teams have worked so hard to create are wasted.

But women are different. In any case, although most of the fans of female stars are male, there are still some female fans.

After investigation, it was found that these female fans are actually the main buyers of high-quality songs, and they are also willing to spend money on cheering.

So Qingshui Jing has actually noticed this group for a long time.

"However, you have to pay attention, after we have male artists, we must strictly control our love and private life!

Female fans pay special attention to the love situation of male stars. It is best to prohibit love during the period of working as an artist! "

Seeing Shisui Jing who was contemplating, Tian Ji played with his big hands... At the same time, he also opened his mouth to remind.

"I understand, Master Tanji!"

For this suggestion, Shisui Jing also nodded.

After implementing the star plan for so long, she naturally gained a lot of experience.

Most of these fans actually have a possessive desire for idol stars in their hearts. Most of them are male fans, but if they are female fans, they will become restrained and decisive.

She suspects that if a male star announces the news of love, the fans will drop by more than 70%, and it can be said that the star journey will end directly.

In this regard, Tianji also recognized it very much. In the past life, why so many male stars tried to avoid scandals when their careers were on the rise, and how many male stars were ruined because of their wedding banquets and love history!

"Well, you'd better divide it out when you sign a male artist, and re-establish a star management system, which minimizes the contact between male and female artists, and the probability of such a thing happening is much less.

Then add a clause to all the female artists. Those who have lost their lives before entering the elite level will not be able to receive key training in their entire life, nor will they be accepted as disciples by the gymnasium! "

While Shimizu was thinking, Tianji also thought about it and gave his own plan.

To tell the truth, his suggestion was a bit selfish, because because of the practice of "Dianfeng Playing in the Water", he still has requirements for women of good quality.

At his level, it can be said that women below the elite level, no matter how beautiful, will not help him much in improving his strength, only the elite level can do it.

Therefore, for the sake of his own cultivation, he naturally had to keep the elite seedlings for himself.

Moreover, he understands how outstanding the women in Hualan City are because of their special exercises and geographical environment. If male and female artists are really in constant contact, I am afraid that it will not be long before there will be a second generation of stars. How can this work!

There is no help below the elite~www.readwn.com~ He doesn't care, but it is hoped that the seeds of the elite, and the cultivation tool people who are already elite, must only belong to him, so there is such a suggestion.

"Okay, I'll do it, Master!"

The clear-headed Hualan Taoist pavilion owner, Qingshui Jing, turned his eyes and understood what Tianji meant. With a twitch of the corner of his mouth, he agreed.

She has nothing to dislike about this suggestion. Instead of letting the artists under her command combine with each other and gradually form a new wealthy class, it is better to use them all to fill Tianji's harem group.

This avoids the risk of artists getting out of control, and it is also a good way out for those female artists.

She already knew that Tianji was now a gym-level trainer!


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