Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 639: accumulation

You must know that after using the predicting the future twice, Chillian was tired and lying down. The main part was the first time to predict the future time segment, which consumed most of its mental power, and in Tianji's view, this Not only is it a matter of consuming mental power, but it also seems to have extracted a trace of Kirulian's origin!

This power of origin is an extraordinary foundation. A temporary trace can be filled in time with energy items, but if it is missing a lot, it is a problem of loss of the origin. This is a big problem. If it is heavy, the lifespan will decrease!

So he immediately warned Chirullian again:

"Rem, use this trick to observe future time segments. You must not use it casually. You can only use it if I say it can be used, understand?"

In response, Chirullian nodded with a well-behaved look.

At first, it really felt that this prediction of the future was very powerful, but now it found that the future it saw was not necessarily true, and it lost interest in observing the future, so it agreed.

Next, Chirulian also showed a trick of sucking the kiss. This trick is actually known to the famous lip-smacking sister, but the two elves use it as two sensations.

Anyway, the water arrow turtle, who acted as a test object, said, can you let Little Rem come a few more times!

Anyway, the energy absorbed by this point is only a drop in the bucket for it at the elite level.

It can be seen that even if it is the same sex, the charm of Rem-chan is great!

According to Tianji's speculation, Sister Milip's sucking kiss should be based on the powerful sucking power of the flaming red lips, while Rem's should obviously be based on the charm of appearance.

After all, this appearance is indeed top-notch!

And after the episode of Lalu Lassi evolution, the practice of Tianji and others has returned to the right track. In a flash, another half a year has passed. When you first practiced, practiced, and hunted when you first went out to hunt. The only difference is Yes, the place where I took Kirulian out to practice was a little further away, and the wild spirits I encountered were a little stronger.

Originally, Chirulian's strength was based on accumulation, and it was able to leapfrog challenges. Coupled with the help of Tanji's super power, he could also deal with ordinary high-level poison elves around.

After all, at the ordinary level, the attribute of restraint still occupies a great advantage, not to mention the powerful attribute of super power.

As for the other elves in the team, like Koudouhua, Bidiao, and Kuailong, they are also practicing in a down-to-earth way. When their strength has reached this point, it is no longer possible to quickly improve by supplying a lot of resources.

On the other hand, Xiaoling had a breakthrough in his realm.

The fast swimming frog has broken through from the middle level of the elite level to the high level of the elite level, mainly because of the breakthrough in the water attribute. It has reached the level of 30 times of elemental power, and its favorite fighting attribute is also from the elite level to the lower level. Duan, broke through to the middle of the elite level, reaching the level of 15th elemental power.

As for the gem starfish, which has always been the trump card, it has also been upgraded from the middle elite level to the elite level high level. At present, the super power attribute is the level of the 32th element power. I have to say that it is dipped in the light of Chirulian.

Because he had to prepare a large amount of super-power-attribute cherished resources for Chillian, Tanji also brought in a lot of treasures for Jewel Starfish.

Anyway, they have already pulled their faces and asked Aju to help exchange them. That one is also exchanged, and both are exchanged. What's the embarrassment?

Of course, no matter how biased it is, after the super energy attribute of the gem starfish has been promoted to the high level of the elite level, the water property is also broken into the low level of the elite level, which is currently the level of the power of an element.

It can also be seen from this that Gem Starfish usually does not use water attribute moves!

Except for the two veteran elves who were promoted to the elite level, the remaining elves of Xiaoling, with the supply of sufficient resources, also made rapid progress.

Among them, the giant marsh monster has been upgraded from the low level of the elite level to the middle level of the elite level, and it is currently the level of 14th element power.

And with the help of a drop of sacred spring given by Tianci and the best water stone provided by Xiaoling, the big tongue shell has successfully evolved into a thorn shell. The level and qualifications have also been upgraded to elite and superior qualifications.

Although it's a pity that it didn't get promoted to the leader level, but I have to say that this defensive power is really not covered. Under the circumstance of focusing on defense, even the giant swamp monster in the middle of the elite level can't break its hard shell.

Even the little cabbage has stretched its hips a bit. Because of its large appetite, Xiaoling didn't dare to let it eat too much food, so it is still in the normal high section.

Sometimes the cultivation method of eating and sleeping is pleasant, but the speed of improvement is indeed greatly restricted.

However, Xiaoling has also planned to let him replace the better food for the little Kirby when he realizes the threshold of the power of the elements, and let it evolve into an elite-level Kirby.

Although the evolution of intimacy is a bit mysterious, but don’t be afraid. Don’t forget that there is still Xiaolan, an evolved person, in Hualan City. When the time comes, bringing her over should be foolproof.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaolan, a person with extraordinary talent, has received the best training in the situation of withering talents in Hualan City. Now he is also an elite trainer, so let him come from a distance. It is no problem to go to the light red city.

It is different from the high level of the elite level to the gym level, the level of the elite level is low, and the change in the middle level is only in the improvement of the power of the elements, which increases the amount of the power of the elements to drive the improvement of the physique.

In other words, at the low elite level, the middle stage can actually boost a lot of resources quickly, which is why Tianji's elf is still slowly approaching the gym level, while Xiaoling's elf has already caught up.

As for Ninghui, she has nothing to say. She has three elite elves in her hands, but unfortunately they were not cultivated by herself.

Pikexi, currently a 7th Elemental Power, is still a low-level elite.

Wonderful frog flower, on the other hand, is dipped in the light of grass-poison attribute, and has been mingling with dumb flowers all day, and got a lot of good things. Currently, it is also at the low level of the elite level, with the level of 4th elemental power.

It has to be said that the difference in aptitude is revealed here. Miaohuahua is now an elite-level high-level aptitude, and has already broken into the elite-level, while the weatherman of the same period, the big-mouthed gull, is only a good and medium-level aptitude, and it is still ordinary. In the high section, the threshold of the power of elements is understood, but unfortunately it is only about 5%.

The last one is naturally the hot monkey under the name of Ninghui. This monkey with extraordinary talent really has two strokes.

Under the sufficient supply of resources, it has also been upgraded to the elite high-level. At present, it is at the level of 30 elemental powers, but it has become a major force in Tianci's team!

Chapter 640 Foreign Wars

While Tianji and others were developing silently, in Vibran City, Sakagi took the new super dream and slowly cultivated his feelings and improved his strength.

"Super dream, light wall!"

I saw a purple light flashing in Chaomeng's eyes in the training room, and with a "swoosh", a wall of light appeared in front of it.

Hearing only the sound of "Bang~", the giant needle bee, which had already become a phantom, flew upside down.

"Take advantage of the present time, keep your mind strong!"


Hearing this command, Chaomeng's conditioned reflex was normal, "Om!", a huge energy rushed towards the large needle bee still in the air.


Controlled by this force, the giant needle bee made a painful roar, and white light appeared all over its body. It wanted to mega-evolve again and gain stronger power to break free.

And seeing this scene, Sakagi also quickly stopped.

"It's alright, let's stop, Chao Meng, Big Needle Bee!"

"Okay, trainer~"

Hearing Sakagi's words, Chaomeng withdrew his mind power wisely, and the big needle bee also took back the white energy that was going out and flew to the side of Chaomeng, full of surprises.

"Buzz ~ hum ~" Chaomeng, your strength has improved so fast!

In response, Chao Meng shook his head and replied:

"It's not that I'm progressing fast. According to my feeling, my real strength should be more than that. During this time, I'm just slowly recovering my energy."

"Om?" What does it mean?

A hint of doubt flashed in Big Needle Bee's red compound eyes?

"Tadata~" and Sakagi, who walked in slowly, explained it.

"Yes, Mewtwo, you are indeed restoring energy, not improving yourself.

Your priesthood is a first-class god, which is far higher than the differentiated third-class priesthood of the frozen bird, so with the help of the law of heaven and earth, your realm of strength should actually be at the **** level.

In other words, your realm has reached the **** level above the champion, but the energy is not enough now, as long as you can continue to absorb a lot of resources, you can upgrade to the **** level within a certain period of time.

When you first recovered, you were only in the middle of the Heavenly King rank, but now you have reached the low rank of the Champion rank. This speed of improvement cannot be explained by pure god-rank aptitude.

In just over a year, my ace, the giant hornbee, is no longer your opponent if it doesn't evolve into a mega. "

After that, Sakagi looked at Chao Meng with fiery eyes!

"Buzz ~ hum ~" Oh, so that's the case, I said that the frozen bird is also a god-level qualification, but the improvement is not so big, and although I am only a champion-level inferior qualification, but the gap should not be so Great talent!

After listening to the explanation, the big needle bee scratched his head and showed a clear expression on his face.

That's right, the king-level qualifications are the champion-level qualifications, or the god-level qualifications!

Because according to the principle that strength equals aptitude plus 1, the leader-level qualification has the hope of breaking through the heavenly king, and the king-level qualification has the hope of breaking through the champion. According to this calculation, the final champion-level qualification can break through to the god-level, which can also be called God-level qualifications.

But not every kind of divine beast has divine-level aptitude. In a region such as Frozen Bird, Flame Bird, and Lightning Bird, the third-class divine beasts grouped by priesthood are basically not divine-level aptitudes. Generally speaking, they are Most of the ethnic groups have leader-level qualifications, and only a few are king-level.

And the king-level qualification means that if you can break through to the champion level, it will be easier to withstand the bonus of the third-level priesthood. Therefore, this kind of king-level qualification of the frozen bird is not only the leader of the clan, but also the real beast.

It has to be said that even a third-class divine beast has a talent higher than 99% of the elves in the world.

The frozen bird captured by the Rockets was even more unusual. During the inspection, it was found that its qualification had been upgraded to the champion level, that is, the level of god-level qualification!

Breaking the boundaries with the body of a third-class divine beast, it can be said that it already has the qualification to become a landlord god.

This is absolutely unbelievable for the third-class divine beasts. After accepting the priesthood, they are actually trapped by this differentiated priesthood. With the champion-level power at their fingertips, why should they work hard to cultivate!

Moreover, the number of times borrowing power directly from the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is too many, and the Dao of your own is not pure. It can be said that the road ahead has been cut off. road.

The Frozen Bird stayed on the Ice Island and did not leave. In fact, it was because of the special ice-type spiritual veins of the Ice Island, which had been infected for so many years, and it basically did not use the power of priesthood. , the qualifications have been upgraded from the upper class of the king to the lower class of the champion.

It can be said that Wang Tu's hegemony, the cause of dominating a large region, has taken the most important step.

It's a pity that its life was not good, and it ran into Team Rocket, who had already planned to end it. It was a divine beast that stayed on the island of ice and did not move its nest, and was already targeted by Sakagi.

As long as the strength is strong enough, it must be a mythical beast with a certain location, such as the frozen bird, which is easy to catch!

Therefore, now, it can only make a living under Sakagi, and is temporarily controlled by the dark ball.

"Well~ in this way, there are only three champion-level combat powers, and it should be enough to do it there!

And it will take some time to prepare, it should be enough for Chaomeng to advance to the middle stage of the championship. Then, with the mega-evolved giant stinger, it will be foolproof! "

Looking at the two elves, and thinking about the frozen bird being controlled by the dark ball, Sakagi touched his chin and thought so.

It's time for him to create another piece of Kanto's territory!

"The order! The new area plan is launched! The four generals are responsible for the screening and scheduling of the expedition team, one person for one direction!"

Hearing this, the secretary on the side immediately responded with a loud "Yes!"

Then he walked out excitedly.

Being able to be Sakagi's secretary, he is naturally the core of the Rockets' core, and he also knows about Sakagi's plan to open up a new area. I still remember that when he first learned about it, he was shocked by this grand goal!

Sigh, Sakagi is indeed Sakagi. As the most outstanding leader of the Rockets, he is indeed different from ordinary people!

Although the Rockets have already occupied the dark side of the Kanto Alliance, and the tentacles have even almost finished occupying the Chengdu Alliance, the underground king still belongs to the underground.

On the bright side, in terms of hard power, the public recognizes the superiority in many aspects, in fact, the alliance is the king.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sakagi has been able to develop the Rockets to this point, which is already one of the best leaders in the past, and if he wants to develop further, there is no way forward, unless there is a civil war with the alliance!


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