Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 544: reward

It's a pity that the crabs who fled in all directions, unable to gather their strength, could not resist the capture of the three of them at all.

If they were united, some of them might have escaped, which is why they killed the tong crabs who dared to resist several times.

But in the end, they could only be captured by Tianji and others without any leakage.

Those ordinary-level tong crabs have no great cultivation value, so they were directly killed by a few people.

And those freshman crabs were hit hard by Tianji's superpowers one by one, and then received the hunting **** for qualification testing.

Apart from the ones they caught before, there are about 30 left here. Even if they suffered heavy mental damage, it still cost more than 40 hunting balls.

One can imagine how bad the quality of this hunting ball is!

In this way, plus the previous consumption, they have run out of 90 hunting balls, and only about 20 are left.

After packing the entire group, in order to avoid disturbing the elves who joined in the fun, the three of them immediately withdrew.

When he came to a tree hole, Xiaoling, like opening a blind box, began to use the illustrated book to test the qualifications of these tong crabs one by one.

"Di~ Qualification: Ordinary and superior..."

"Di~ Qualification: Good and inferior..."

"Di... Qualification: Ordinary Medium..."


The tests went on one by one, and even ordinary and medium-qualified ones appeared.

Although the hunting zone ensures the lower limit of the minimum qualification, they can only guarantee that the minimum qualification of the elves they put in is ordinary and high-quality. These low-qualified elves that have naturally reproduced and have not yet cleared up will sometimes be captured by some unlucky people.

In this way, after several minutes of testing, a hunting ball that barely met the requirements was put out by itself.

"The aptitude is good and first-class, the strength is in the middle of the freshman, and the characteristic is hard-shell armor, let's do it~"

Xiaoling held the hunting ball in his hand, sighed, and put it in a separate backpack first.

"It's alright, let's keep this for now. I'm not in a hurry. It's estimated that I'll have to come in a few more times."

In this regard, Tianji also comforted.

He has already discovered that this hunting area is also estimated to use the technology of folding space. It looks like it may only occupy the size of a few football fields, but in fact it is far more than the actual size of the entire light red city. be big.

So, looking for hakrons and mini-dragons here is like looking for a needle in a haystack. You can only find it slowly by following the water source. Three days is definitely not enough.

Fortunately, he is a superhuman, and he has left mental coordinates in every water source he passes by. If he comes in next time, even if he randomly assigns a location to him, Tian Ci can also judge the direction according to the spiritual coordinates, and teleport back here. address once, and then continue to depart.

Of course, he is not sure whether the mother and son of Huck Dragon in this world are in the lake, but he has to give it a try!

After all, this is the most promising quasi-god, and it is still a pure dragon!

"En~" Xiaoling nodded when she heard the words.

Then the three of them rested in the tree hole and set off again when the sky was dawning.

For the next two days, they hurriedly rushed, and only went to 4 water sources, including rivers and lakes.

The 20 or so hunting **** on his body were completely used up, but he also managed to get a big tongue shell that barely passed.

Qualification is also good and superior, and the characteristic is continuous attack.

However, the three of them have already decided to come in again, so they won't really let Xiaoling General use this.

With their current identities, the elite-qualified Yusan may still have to be reviewed heavily, but the big tongue shells and the tong crabs can actually be exchanged very quickly.

So instead of just using this one, it's better to replace it with an elite and inferior one!

On the shore of a lake, Tatsu pressed the contact button on his watch.

It's time to send the button for positioning. As long as you wait, a crane will come and pick them up.

And at this time, they are also discussing the whereabouts of the little Kirby beast.

In the past three days, Ninghui has almost no time to spare. Every day, she is making a lot of energy cubes for the little kabbits to eat. On the last day, I still collected materials from the local area and made some elf food and feed before dealing with the little Kirby beast.

So she actually didn't want to let the little Kirby beast stay in the team, she was too busy! ! !

On the other hand, Tianji and Xiaoling are the opposite. Although this little kabibi eats a lot, it is very discerning. It has really helped a lot to have it around these few days.

After all, for the trainer, the level of difficulty is completely different if there are elves available and if there are no elves available!

Even if they themselves are extraordinary, they cannot avoid this.

"Don't worry, Ninghui, let's just buy ready-made food for the little carbine. You don't need to make it every day. Let you, a breeder, make low-level energy cubes for the assembly line, but it's overkill!"

Tian Ci first said something to Ninghui to dispel his concerns.

Hearing this, Ning Hui also patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Hoo~ that's good, it's really made me miserable these past few days~ too much! I can't make it faster than the little Kabi beast eats it!"

Seeing this, Xiaoling also patted Ninghui on the shoulder comfortingly.

"But~" Who would have guessed that at this time, Tian Chi changed the subject again, causing the little maid's heart to hang again.

Seeing the nervous look of the little maid, Tian Chi smiled and said:

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal. Even Ninghui, you usually study whether you can customize a compressed food for the little carbine. It doesn't need to be delicious, it can only be compressed.

If possible, it is best to compress those low-level energy blocks. "

In this regard, Ning Hui thought for a while, and then nodded cheerfully.

"It's okay, the compression technology is still very simple, when the time comes, master, you are going to change a Kabi beast cultivation cheat book for me to refer to. It is reasonable to say that there should be compression technology in this secret cheat book, otherwise the cultivation card Does the Beast trainer carry a backpack specifically for food?"

"Okay, it's a small matter."

He agreed, then turned his head to look at Xiaoling who was happy beside him, and after thinking about it, he still asked:

"Xiaoling, you really think about it, Kirby is not a pure water attribute!"

"Yes!" The girl nodded heavily, indicating that she had thought about it!

"Brother Tian Ci, I thought about it seriously, water-type specialization does not mean that all members must be water-type, but it still needs a few elves to cooperate with the defense.

I'm just advancing the process a bit now.

As for the promotion of a contract quota, it is worth paying.

Originally, my Awakening wasn't very strong, and our trainers didn't rely on Transcendent occupations as our main combat power, so it doesn't matter! "

Chapter 545 Temporary departure

After saying this, Xiao Ling paused again, touched the hunting ball with the little Kirby beast on his waist, and said softly:

"And this child is really obedient and well-behaved. He knows that he eats too much. He only ate half of his usual meal last night, and then when we fell asleep, he came out by himself to catch bugs and weeds to eat. "

Hearing this, Tian Ci and Ninghui were also silent.

Although they were asleep at the time, but they were outside all year round, how could they sleep so deadly that they didn't have the slightest sense of vigilance around them!

In fact, when the little Kirby came out, they were already awake, and then they witnessed the scene of the little Kirby catching bugs and pulling weeds into their mouths. It was really sad.

There is an inexplicable feeling that a child from a poor family is in charge of the house early!

This touched Tianji a lot, and it was also the main reason why he agreed to accept it.

Since Xiaoling said so himself, Tianji didn't say any more.

After all, the girl is now an elite trainer, not the girl who couldn't even kill a bug a few years ago.

However, he finally explained the follow-up arrangements for the little Kirby beast.

"Okay, it's fine if you think about it, but the little Kirby can't go out with us this time, so don't make a contract first, and when we don't come again, take it out. After all, there is an obedient here. It's not easy being a genie who can fight."

Naturally, the hunting zone will not let people who come in bring in the spirits who have contracted.

Even if the little Kirby beast is still here, if it is contracted, it will be monitored immediately, and then it will be sent out, contact its contractor to pick it up, and will impose a huge fine on the contractor!

This is the punishment for opportunists!

Their gyms have the final say in the entire Light Red City. If you violated their rules yourself, you will be fined without negotiating.

As for how to detect, others are naturally unclear, but since they have spent a lot of money on the folding space, it is only a small amount of money to add some detection methods.

"Well, I understand." Xiaoling nodded, agreed, and released the little kabbi.

"Kafu!" Trainer, is dinner ready?

As soon as he came out, the little Kirby asked hungry while feeling his stomach.

Thanks to the spiritual mark, their communication with the little Kirby beast is still barrier-free, which is one of the reasons why the little Kirby beast thinks that he has been subdued.

What it heard is that as long as it is subdued, it can communicate with human trainers without any problems.

Regarding the behavior of the little kabbi beast to eat, Xiaoling fondly touched its fluffy head and said:

"It's time for dinner, little Kirby."

As he said that, he hung the small backpack on the little Kirbymon's body.

Although this backpack was given by the ticket salesman, it cost 500,000 yuan. In fact, like the hunting ball, it is already the private property of their trialists.

After all, even if you take the unused hunting **** and ask the ticket salesperson to recycle them at a price of around 16,000 yuan, they will not recycle them for you, let alone such a small space backpack that is only worth a few thousand dollars.

"Kafu~" Okay~

Hearing that it was time to start dinner, the little Kirby shouted happily, and then opened the zipper of the backpack with a "stab" by himself.

After staying with Tianji and others for three days, it has long understood that this backpack looks small, but it can actually hold a lot of things.

After opening it, looking at the stacks of energy cubes inside, the little Kirby beast's eyes widened with laughter. He took out two and was about to put them in his mouth, but heard the girl beside him say:

"Little Cabbage, you don't want to finish one meal~ This is your ration for 3-4 meals. We have to go out and we will be back in about a day. You are here, find a safe place, Stay by yourself for a day, darling, okay?"

These words scared the little Kirby to put the energy cube back.

"Kafu! Kafu~Kafu~" Xiaoling, I don't actually need to eat these, I just eat bugs and grass! Don't leave me! woooooo~

Saying that, the little Kirby threw the backpack aside without pity, pulled the weeds from the ground with both hands and stuffed it into its mouth.

As an elf who was born without parents and never felt warmth, although he only stayed by the girl's side for three days, he truly felt the warmth.

Whether it was snuggling up to sleep or just playing around, it felt an unprecedented happiness, and it was no longer the state of being anxious, worried about the enemy, and worried about what to eat before.

So its original intention has actually changed. Originally, I just wanted to find a meal ticket, but now I really don't want to leave this warmth.

So even if it eats grass and insects, it wants to stay by Xiaoling's side.

From the bloodline inheritance memory, it knows that its biggest disadvantage is that it eats a lot!

And seeing this scene, Xiao Ling felt distressed and helpless, and quickly controlled the little kabbi.

Rubbing its big round face with teary eyes, he said with a smile:

"Okay, okay, little kabbi, how can I let you eat grass and insects~ What I said just now is true, we really just have to go out for a day, and we will come back at that time, maybe this process will take more time. Repeat several times, and when we find something, we will take you out completely, okay?"

"Kafur~" Really?

Little Kirby raised her tearful Kazlan's big eyes and let out a cry.

In response, Tianji and Ninghui also nodded, and the two of them usually licked the soft fur of the little kabbi.

"Kafu~Kafu~" OK~www.readwn.com~ OK, then I'll be here waiting for you to come back. I'm very good and won't run around.

Seeing the other two human beings who are also very good, and saying the same, the simple little Kirby chose to believe it, hugged the backpack, and sat on the ground obediently.

At this time, a cable car that fell from the sky also landed with a "bang".

"Dear tester, your test time has run out, please get on the train as soon as possible!"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Ling also reluctantly rubbed the big head of the little Kirby beast, and then went to the cable car with Tianji and the others.

And the little Kirby was really good, sitting there, quietly watching the three of Tianzi sit on the strange big box, staring at it until it was almost out of sight, then it screamed.

"Kafu! Kafu!" Xiaoling, I will be very good, you must come to me!

And Xiaoling, who was sitting in the cable car, naturally couldn't hear it.

She was thinking about what to buy for the little Kirby.

"I bought the whole box of energy cubes, and I also went to the elf center to exchange a copy of the cultivation cheats. I also bought one inheritance bead for the two moves, heavy treading and earthquake. Yes, it's so smart after all..."

Thinking about it, a smile appeared on her face.


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