Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 542: Explore again

Unfortunately, the fact that about 20 of their companions disappeared still alerted the group of tong crabs who were sunbathing on the river beach.

"偁喁~偁喁~" Chief, the situation is not right, quite a few of our brothers and sisters have disappeared.

Even more intelligently, he directly notified the sleeping giant claws.

Hearing the report, the giant claw crab stood up abruptly.

"Cough cough!" Who dares to make trouble under my nose!

I saw it shouting loudly, and the aura of the big shot spread out instantly.

In the hunting area, the general elves will be taken away when they reach the ordinary high level, so the ordinary middle level is indeed the undisputed overlord of this area. It is precisely because of it that the claw crabs can multiply A large population has occupied this small river. If it were not for ecological considerations, those carp kings and mosquito coils and tadpoles could not survive in this river at all.

"Ku cough~ Cool cough~" Each of you led a few high-level tong crabs to search around!



Hearing the leader's order, a few ordinary and low-level claws on the side all agreed.

Then, they each brought a few new high-level claws around to explore the surroundings.

In this regard, Tianji and others had no choice but to choose to withdraw temporarily.

"Evacuate first, and come back after a while, until you can't catch any fish!"



The two women agreed and followed closely, and the three quickly retreated.

Relying on the three people's light power and movement techniques, these tong crabs, who were the strongest but ordinary and low-level, naturally couldn't find any clues, and finally returned to the beach with nothing.

Of course, it's not that they really found nothing, at least they must have lost their companions who disappeared before!

I couldn't find any traces of fighting in the middle, as if it disappeared inexplicably.

One of the ordinary low-level tong crabs trembled uncontrollably when explaining the situation. It asked in fear:

"嘁KE~嘁KE~" Boss, could it be a ghost! That life-draining ghost Stone!

In response to this, Giant Claw Crab glanced at this cowardly little brother impatiently, and slammed it down with a pair of pliers.

With a "bang", the big pincer crab was beaten into the sand.

"Cough cough! Cool cough!" What are you afraid of! With me, it is a real ghost elves, and I can kill it too!

Seeing that the boss is so arrogant, the other tong crabs also gained momentum,

"Shut up!" Kill the ghost!

"嘁KE~嘁KE!" The eldest is the most powerful!


At this time, the three Taji, who were mistaken for ghosts, were having supper.

There is no way, it consumes a lot of money, especially for himself. Not only does he use mental power to lure him, but he also uses qi to fight, so he definitely needs to be replenished.

Just as the three of them were eating the travel brand biscuits, the hunting ball on Xiaoling's waist suddenly trembled.

"Kafu!" With a flash of red light, the drooling little Kirby came out again.

As soon as "Kafu~Kafu~" came out, the little carbine kept screaming, and couldn't stop looking at the biscuits in the hands of several people, and the saliva dripped "tick~tick".

"Hey~ you foodie~"

Seeing this, Tian Ci laughed and scolded, and threw out a torn biscuits.

At this time, the little Kirby beast is very agile. With a jump of both feet, it bites the biscuits with its mouth open, and then eats it in one bite!

"Carfu!? ω?" Delicious! still want!

For the little kapimon who grew up eating weeds and poisonous insects, this meat-filled biscuits is not as good as an energy cube, but it is also a rare delicacy!

Seeing this, Xiaoling immediately took out a few energy cubes for it. Although the biscuits were cheaper, they didn't have many of them. Even if they were all eaten by the little carbine, it probably wouldn't be enough.

I can't let a few of them eat energy cubes at that time, →_→, this digestive system is different!

No matter how extraordinary it is, the difference in species is still insurmountable, at least not at their level.

And the little Kirby beast who got the energy cube was also satisfied and concentrated on eating his own energy cube.

After they had eaten and drank enough, they rested against the belly of the little Kirby for a while before they set off by touching the night again.

With their extraordinary physical fitness, the night can no longer affect them.

"Shushushu~" After a few vertical jumps, they came to the creek again.

Because it was already late at night, many of the crabs had already fallen asleep, but they still had sentries to stay behind. An ordinary low-level crab was patrolling around with a few new high-level crabs.

With the genie's physique, it's okay to stay up all night.

Because he was not at ease, Tanji also used his super power to probe it carefully.

I found out that there are really only a few guards left, and that leader's giant pincer crab was even more sleepy.

"So confident?" He murmured to himself, never thought the opportunity would come so suddenly!

Of course, just after a little thought, he also understood the difference.

Still affected by inertial thinking, this strength is naturally swallowed by the enemy every minute in the real wild.

But in this hunting area, which is no more than ordinary, it is indeed the dominant party.

Little Kirby said before that the overlord of their jungle is just an ordinary low-level elf.

Right now, this group of tong crabs also has an ordinary middle-ranking leader, and an ordinary low-ranking high-level powerhouse is arranged to patrol when they are sleeping. It is indeed foolproof in this place.

However, this also gave Tianji and the others a chance.

I saw a blue light flashing in his eyes, and an invisible force of thought was instantly pressed on these patrolling crabs!

"嘁!" The tong crabs only felt that their bodies sank and couldn't move. They tried to call for help, but found that they could only spit out a syllable so weak that they could not be heard.

And Tianji, who controlled them, immediately increased his strength, only to see the blue light in his eyes light up again. Crab's mind.

They only felt a sharp pain in their minds, and then they simply lost their ability to fight.

Seeing this scene, Tianji took a breath and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

With the superpowers of the high-ranking warriors, it is naturally very easy to kill these big pincer crabs, but the difficulty is to control the force so as not to damage their brains, but also make them lose their ability to resist. Among them The subtle manipulation of his, if it wasn't for the fact that he had been practicing hard for his super powers, he would have been called out by one of the tong crabs.

You must know that whether the strength is too small or too strong, it is possible for the controlled tong crab to make a cry for help.

When I'm young, I don't need to say more. If I'm not dizzy, I'll definitely ask for help. If I'm old, it's too painful, and I can't hold back the screaming when I finally pass out.

Chapter 543

Fortunately, he had several experiences before, so he still controlled the strength of his strike.

"Next, it's the leader of the common mid-section giant crab. Take the lead to kill it. When the group of dragons has no leader, these giant crabs will not pose any threat to us."

After closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, Tianji turned his gaze to the giant pincer crab.

Using only the warrior-level high-level thought power, he really wasn't sure to take away the giant pincer crab that had evolved to its final form with a mental shock.

Gu If it is a super-type elves, it may be possible to make a full-scale attack. After all, I said before that it is not a problem to play 4-5 ordinary mid-rangers with an ordinary high-ranking player.

But there are still differences between humans and elves. Otherwise, it is not the trainer profession that is popular in the alliance now, but the extraordinary profession.

So I still need the help of Xiaoling and Ninghui.

"At that time, I will use the most powerful thought force to control the giant pincer crab leader, and attack its sea of ​​consciousness, Xiaoling, you first condense the water into ice, and then use ice-type moves to attack the giant pincer crab's joints.

Ninghui, just use the most corrosive move to smash the giant claw crab directly! "

"Yes, yes!"

"Understood Master!"

The two women agreed and started to prepare in advance.

In fact, water and ice are not separated. Xiaoling is born with an extraordinary water system. After gaining a lot of experience in Hualan City, it is not difficult for her to condense water into ice.

With the surging of the extraordinary spiritual power in her body, she saw wisps of white air suddenly burst out around her body, which was the proof of the extremely low temperature.

On the other side, Ninghui slowly condensed a green ball of light in front of her. She was not good at fighting, so it took a little longer to condense attack moves. Ling.

"It's alright~ The defensiveness on the other side is really much lower than I imagined!"

For this, Tianji didn't mean to blame either. He looked at the clan of tong crabs who were still sleeping soundly, and said maliciously.

Then I saw the blue light in his eyes, and a mental force that reached the limit of the ordinary high-segment came to the side of the giant pincer crab with a "swoosh".

He directly fixed it in place, and at the same time, a part of his spiritual power rushed to the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant pincer crab.

"Bang" hit him hard.

The pained Giant Claw Crab woke up immediately, and just wanted to shout, the word "cool~" got stuck in his throat before he could say it.

It turned out that Tianji used most of his mental power to control his body, so he couldn't struggle or make a sound.

Although the remaining part of the mental power gave the giant pincer a heavy hammer, it was impossible to kill with one blow.

So at this time, the giant claw crab began to struggle vigorously.


"Cool~ cough~"


However, although it made some noise, as the leader, no other crabs fell asleep around him, and naturally it couldn't reach the ears of other crabs.

At this time, Xiaoling and Ninghui's attacks also shot over.

"咻咻咻~" One after another ice arrows broke through the air, hitting the giant pincer crab's joints precisely, and the freezing sound of "kaka" also sounded.

With his joints frozen, the giant pincer crab leader struggled for a while, weakened, allowing Tianci to have more mental power to attack his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Cough cough! Cool!" You bastards, why are you sleeping so deadly!

The head of the giant pincer crab with a splitting headache cried out weakly.

And this continuous and subtle sound finally caught the attention of the recent claws. I saw that their bodies moved slightly, as if they were about to wake up immediately.

Seeing this, the leader of the giant claw crab was overjoyed, and was about to shout, but found a green energy ball getting closer and closer to it, and getting bigger and bigger in its eyes.

It turned out that Ninghui's corrosive light ball was finally about to hit!

Because Tianzi asked for the most powerful force, she instilled a lot of corrosive spiritual energy into it, which was naturally much slower than Xiaoling's Frostbolt.

However, the power is also much greater.

I saw the green light group hit the giant claw crab with a "bang".

The strong corrosiveness directly caused the shell to make a "呲呲~" sound, and there were even wisps of clear smoke coming out.

"Cough cough!" This fatal injury finally caused the giant pincer crab to shout loudly.





The leader's screams also disturbed the other sleeping crabs, but when they opened their eyes, what they saw was their leader's body full of pits and swirling eyes.

There is no doubt that their leader failed miserably!

"Quiet!" The leader is dead, run! Run!

The timid tong crab has already shouted.

And being called by it like this, many undecided tong crabs started to scramble around.

"Quiet!" The leader was beaten to death by a ghost! Run away!

"Breakthrough~Breakthrough!" Run away, run away!

"Complete!" Don't mess up!

"Quiet!" How dare you step on me!


Such a chaotic scene naturally made Tanji and the three overjoyed.

"Go, little Kirby, roll and round!"

Xiaoling directly released his only elf combat power, making it roll.

It's also luck. Ordinary trainers enter the hunting zone, and even if they succeed in subduing the elves, they can't immediately enter the battle, and they definitely need to run in.

After all, wild elves are not domesticated, you need to cultivate your own feelings and make them obedient.

But the little Kirby beast wants to hold Xiaoling's long-term meal ticket from the bottom of his heart~www.readwn.com~, so he is so obedient.

The rounding move is something it already knows, and rolling is actually not difficult. With the comprehension of the little Kirby, after Tianji and others explained the points to pay attention to when rolling down, it almost learned it.

I saw it crouched down, put its head in its hands, and then slowly rolled up with a "swoosh" sound.

If it was in a normal battle, the speed of this move would have been interrupted by the enemy long ago, but now the Big Claw Crabs are in disarray, naturally they won't come to stop the little Kirby beast.

Moreover, in this dense and chaotic environment, the little Kirby beast doesn't need to aim at the target at all, and just rolls around.

"Bang, bang, bang," one after another clapper crab was knocked into the air.

And the three of them were not idle either, exuding the powerful fluctuations of ordinary high-ranking, and fired a hair-banded spiritual attack at will.

Like Tianji, because the mental power consumption is too high, he is fighting with "qi", and seeing a crab that can crawl around is a fist of "bang".

On the other hand, Xiaoling and Ninghui are "咻咻咻~" firing energy bombs.

When he saw a common-level tong crab who wanted to organize a counterattack, he concentrated on the fire and killed him immediately.

Only the ordinary low-ranking ones could survive such a concentrated fire attack, so after one or two times, no one wanted to organize a clan to counterattack without fear of death, and they all fled for their lives.


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