Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 496: choice

I have to say that Yuhong vines were picked very cleanly by themselves, and they entered the secret garden to practice before Team Rocket launched their attack.

Not only did he avoid conflict with the Rockets, but he also got rid of his suspicion at the moment.

As for Ma Zhishi, the owner of the Thunder Gym, it was naturally at the expense of lightning strikes the wood, so he asked him to take action!

As a strong man on his side, when the time comes, he is playing a scene with a few members of the Rockets, which means that he has made great achievements in this battle!

As for the gains and losses of Lightning Strike, it can be pushed to Team Rocket's Anbu. After all, it is a fact that Aju and the others have entered the gym. The core inheritance of herbal poison has been lost, so it is normal for Lightning Strike to lose.


On the other side, after tidying up Bai Jie, A Ju disappeared in a single jump, and the two silver-faced Anbu leaders looked at each other and walked inside the gym with the other Anbu members.

Of course Aju wouldn't leave just like that, but his elf was too iconic. Although the time to make his full effort just now was very short, it was hard to guarantee whether there were any hidden masters in the secret garden of Yuhong Gym.

If he was dragged, it would be inevitable for his identity to be exposed, so he would hide and talk about it.

As for the ninja subordinates in the gym, he naturally ordered them.

But sometimes they are mainly auxiliary, and the strong attack will be handed over to others.

After all, Aju wouldn't use his direct descendants to pave the way for Sakagi.

For him, the inheritance of the herbal poison has already been obtained. As for the Heart of Ten Thousand Woods, it is best if he can get it.

After they entered the gym, the two silver-faced leaders went straight to the entrance of the secret garden with a dozen copper faces.

They held an electromagnetic watch in their hands. The electromagnetic signal left by the yellow-haired young man from the electricity department still provided considerable help. Lijia's shuttlecock cotton will indeed go to the secret garden, so I took this opportunity. , they also got a map of the safe route to the secret garden.

Although they had obtained a detailed drawing of the interior of the gym before, the road was relatively long, and there were still quite a few agencies that required verification procedures.

It is impossible for any elf to go through so many procedures to enter and exit the secret garden, so they speculate that there must be a real passage that only a few people know about.

This is also confirmed by Lijia's shuttlecock cotton, there is indeed a shortcut.

They are now rushing towards this shortcut.

"Tatata~" Not long after, a group of people came to the location of this secret passage.

It's a pity that there are three people blocking them in front of them.

They are Yuhong Tengyi, Yuhong Lixiong, and Ma Zhishi, the gym owner of Dry Leaf City!

Because of the prior consultation, Ma Zhishi had the right benefit. Not long after Team Rocket came in, he was picked up by Yu Hong Teng Yi one step ahead.

"Team Rocket's bastards! Speed ​​to death!"

Seeing Team Rocket Anbu and the others approaching, Ma Zhishi, dressed in wild clothes, stepped forward and shouted arrogantly.

Hearing this, the two leaders of Anbu twitched the corners of their mouths under their masks, and even A Ju, who was hiding in the dark, showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Ma Zhishi, this guy really treats everyone equally!"

And the two silver-faced leaders didn't say a word, and released several of their elves as written in the script.




"Come out, Dazed! Raichu! Three magnets in one!"

And Ma Zhishi swiped his right hand to his waist, and a few red lights flashed, and three gym-level elves appeared in the passage.

There are strong and weak ones. The trump card Electric Beast in his hand is the high tier of the gym, while Raichu and the three-in-one Magneto are both the low tier of the gym.

As for Yuhong Tengyi, he sent his trump card, the coconut egg tree that had just been promoted to the high section of the gymnasium, and a wonderful frog flower, which was a must-have for everyone.

Although the Frog Flower is very bad inside the Yuhong Gym, it does not mean that it is weak!

On the contrary, it is precisely because the gymnasium has thoroughly researched this Yu Sanjia, and if it is trained step by step, it will be able to have a good combat power, so it will evolve into a situation of one hand.

As for Yuhong Lixiong of the third room, he brought his gym-level low-level beauty flower, who had just recovered a little battle strength, and the few elite-level high-level elves left in his hand to fight against those An elite Anbu member wearing a bronze face.

Of course, even if Meihua recovered a little of her fighting power, she would still be invincible with her fists, so he also brought a dozen elite grass-type elves from the secret garden as helpers.

Although there is no order from the master of the gym, he cannot mobilize the gym-level elves in the secret garden, but a few elites can still be mobilized by virtue of his identity as the owner of the three houses.

As for why Ma Zhishi and the others no longer release a few elves, one is because it is unnecessary for acting, and the other is because although this place is still empty, the release of so many elves has already taken up a large part of the space, and then the elves are released. , it is very likely to cause accidental injury to the companion.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

"Coconut egg tree mind power!"


"Flying Leaf Knife!"


All of a sudden, the entire passage, including the hall outside, was slammed with "bang bang", and the explosion of "Boom! Boom!" was even more heard.

On the other side, when the protective circle of Yuhong Gym was broken, Li Jia, who was fighting the fire everywhere, changed her eyes!

"What's the matter! Others are so useless!"

She cursed inwardly, and instantly raised her perception to the maximum!

Although it consumes a lot of money and the perception is very vague, now she only needs to know the general situation.

I saw that in her perception, the entire Yuhong City was still in a state of flames. Although she had tried her best to put out the fire, the weakest fireballs were all elite flames, and it was indeed not so easy to put out. If a small flame is not completely extinguished, a new fire will appear in Yuhong City, which has a lot of flammable substances!

Therefore, the whole city is actually still in a state of billowing smoke.

Since Team Rocket had arranged their attack plan for so long, they naturally considered multiple situations and would not let Lijia, the gym owner, escape as soon as possible.

The Heart of Ten Thousand Woods is the most important material in their experiment, and they are bound to get it!

At this time, Li Jia was faced with a choice, whether to give up the people outside to rescue the gymnasium, or ignore the gymnasium and save the countless civilians in Yuhong City.

Don't look at the fact that so many elite-level trainers are saving people now, but she's sure that as long as she's not around, most of these people will turn against the tide and go directly to burn, kill, and loot. How can they be so hard-working as firefighters!

Chapter 497 The mysterious copper surface

At this time, Li Jia's face clearly showed a struggling look, and several times she wanted to transmit the sound, but she was quelled by herself.

Before so many citizens revered and loved her eyes kept flowing in her mind.

"There are guardian spirits in the secret garden, so there should be no problem!"

In the end, she muttered to herself in the bottom of her heart, and continued to command the many elite-level trainers under her command to continue to help put out the fire and rescue the wounded!

On the other side, the few people fighting at the entrance of the secret garden did not notice that an Anbu member with a copper face disappeared quietly into the darkness.

Of course, Yuhong Tengyi and Ma Zhishi pretended not to see it, but Yuhong Lixiong really didn't see it.

The main reason is that there are too many elves and people on his side, and parrying all kinds of attacks has already contained all his energy, so there is no time to worry about whether he is missing a small one.

And this copper-faced Anbu member smuggled directly into the secret garden in the dark. With the cooperation of Ma Zhishi and Yuhong Tengichi, the plan went quite smoothly.

"Heh~ go in, go in, there will be a big meal waiting for you inside!"

Seeing this copper face go in, Yu Hong Teng Yi, who was trying his best to act, sneered in the bottom of his heart.

He wants to become the gym owner and win everything that should belong to him, but it does not mean that he will willingly give half of the foundation of Yuhong City to the Rockets.

The inheritance of herbal poison that A Ju wants is nothing more than a piece of knowledge, and he has backed up a copy long ago.

Moreover, Aju also swore the law and would not spread it out, so it didn't matter much.

It is worth mentioning that the oath of law is an ancient contract, swearing in front of the law of fairness in heaven and earth, if there is an intention to violate it, then this person will never be promoted to the king of heaven.

Because when he wants to expand the path of the law, he will find that there is a force of law that occupies the path he wants to open up. Even if you are a genius, you can change the second or even the third direction. , but the power of this law will gamble these directions to death, and there is no way to advance.

This kind of oath is useless to those who are hopeless.

But for Aju, that is the greatest sincerity. After all, he wants the inheritance of grass poison to advance to the heavenly king.

If this inheritance is passed on to others, then he will never want to be promoted to heavenly king in his life.

Of course, some people may ask, after being promoted to the King of Heaven, will I go back and regret it?

This is also not acceptable, even if you deceived yourself with hypnotism and made yourself think from the bottom of your heart that you will not violate your oath, and thus promoted to the heavenly king.

But it doesn't mean that the oath of this law is useless. As long as you violate the oath at the Heavenly King level, the power of the law will knock you down from the realm.

Therefore, the oath of law is an ancient oath with extremely strong binding force.

Going back to the topic, Aju basically didn't pay anything, and the lightning strike that Ma Zhishi wanted was also not something that was difficult for him to give up.

Although it is said that the lightning strike wood is the treasure of the electric property, it can greatly shorten the time for the elves to go from the gym level to the heavenly king level. The heavenly king cannot be created, but the half-step heavenly king is still possible.

But their Yuhong Gym doesn't know much about electricity-type spirits either!

Gym-level electric-type elves, they haven't cultivated them in Yuhong City, so this lightning strike wood is a tasteless thing to him, and if you give it, you will give it.

But the heart of Wanmu is different! This is the supreme treasure of the grass attribute, and it is the foundation of their Yuhong City, how could it be handed over to people like this!

He has already let this Team Rocket member in as promised, but what happens after he enters, whether he can get half of the heart of ten thousand trees, he can't guarantee it~

At this time, the member of Team Rocket's Anbu with a copper face, after passing through this special gate of space, people appeared out of thin air in a green forest full of vitality.

Looking at the birds and flowers and the lush forest, the Anbu member couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really a good place!"

"Hoo~" He took a deep breath, feeling that his whole body was much more energetic.

At the same time, he also looked around with his eyes. With his strength, he naturally found something abnormal around here.

"Come out!"

Hearing this sentence, all the elves hiding in the dense forest looked at each other in dismay, and then all looked at an extremely old-fashioned frog flower.

"Grandpa Miaowahua, are we going out?"

An elite high-ranking coconut egg tree asked a question by telepathy.

"Go out! This human being is not simple, I feel a threat from him." The old Frog Flower nodded, and also answered the elves with telepathy.

Next, I saw the voices of Soso in the dense forest, in the bushes and among the branches, and one after another elves with powerful breath came out.

Coconut egg tree, overlord flower, beautiful flower, big food flower, wonderful frog flower, etc., none of them are stronger than those below the elite level, and even the weakest one is at the elite level!

After they came out, an extremely old Frog flower also stepped out with heavy footsteps~www.wuxiamtl.com~dong dong dong".

"Human, are you here for the heart of ten thousand trees?"

As soon as it appeared, an old frog flower asked telepathically.

"Oh? A high-ranking king? Yuhong City is worthy of being a powerful city. No wonder it has the guts to tear its face with our Rockets."

Unexpectedly, the copper-faced Anbu member who heard this, did not answer the question, but said it on his own.

"Human! Our elders are asking you something!"

"Don't toast, don't eat, eat and drink fine!"

"Get out of the secret garden!"

But the other elves who heard this were filled with righteous indignation.

Elder Miaowahua is the oldest, most powerful, and most respected elder in their secret garden. This human being is so ignorant of praise, it is shameless!

This Anbu member, however, didn't care at all about these angry elves that surrounded him.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ There are also three Heavenly Kings and more than a dozen gym-levels. The lineup is really strong. If any general from my Rocket team comes here, I'm afraid that I will hate it on the spot."

"Is this person mentally ill?"

"What is he talking about?"

"A dying person, pretending to be arrogant!"

"Suffer to death, human!"


I have to say that Yuhong Tengyi calculated very well. Although he will definitely be liquidated by the clan elders afterwards, the heart of Wanmu has not been lost. He took this opportunity to kill a Tianwang-level master of the Rockets, not only to make up for his fault , Strictly speaking, he still has great merit!

Compared with Li Jia, who has no achievements, he will definitely be able to ascend the throne of the gym owner again!

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