Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 494: confrontation

Tianji also didn't understand why Lijia wanted to capture him, an elite low-level trash, as a firefighter directly under his command. Could it be because of a one-sided relationship and a transaction before?

But it’s not right. After that transaction, although he practiced in the training room rented by Yuhong Taoist Hall for a long time, he saw Lijia only a handful of times, and Lijia didn’t give him any special attention, so he nodded his head. It's a bit far-fetched.

"It seems that it was too much acting in the street before~"

After excluding other factors, this was the only reason left. When he wanted to understand this, a helpless smile appeared on his face.

Although the green grass field is very precious, it is still a lot worse than what he wants.

But now he has no choice but to follow Lijia's instructions until Lijia finishes her work.

On the other hand, Ah Ju finally got the inheritance of the herbal poison he was thinking of on the sixth floor, and he only got this one.

On the one hand, it is because for the gym-level powerhouses who are already exploring the way of the king, the profound inheritance of other irrelevant attributes will disturb their path after reading it.

On the other hand, you have to stay on the line in doing things. It is certain that after the incident here, these things he has done will inevitably be discovered. Although his identity is hidden, if a large number of grass-type players suddenly appear in the light red city, it is not that they will not fight. Recruit yourself.

Although there is no evidence, Yuhong can't do anything to him, but some alliance decision-making is enough to make him feel uncomfortable.

Besides, he didn't think his light red core inheritance would be worse than that of Yuhong City, so why would he give up his inheritance instead of learning it and learn from others!

"Tadata~" Walking out of the library, Aju frowned. He had already sensed that Lixiong in the third room and Bai Jie in the fourth room were already at the end of the fight.

Just when he went to the library, he was beaten back into the guardian formation.

"I didn't expect Team Rocket's Anbe to be so strong!"

As a gym owner in an ancient city, he wouldn't think that Lixiong and Bai Jie from the Yuhong family were too weak.

To be honest, Gym-level like them from big families are definitely high-level combat power in the same realm, much stronger than Gym masters or loose people in ordinary small cities.

But that's it, it's a bit unexpected to be called back by Team Rocket's Anbu so quickly.

Although one of the two Anbu leaders is in the middle of the gymnasium, as far as he knows, the two Anbu leaders can only have some simple cooperation, unlike the Yuhong family, the elves of the same attribute can be perfectly matched.

"It seems that boss Sakagi is bound to win the heart of Wanmu~"

He sighed and walked out.

In fact, Lixiong and the others sent someone to ask for help just now. Unfortunately, he was still in the library at that time, and the apprentices who came in were also knocked down by his men, so there was no response.

It was one of his ninjas who told him after seeing him come out.

"You guys go and deal with the group of gymnasium disciples who act as energy furnaces below. I'll go outside and deal with those two as well."

He gave an order and appeared outside the gym in a vertical leap.

"Yes!" The group of ninjas who received the voice transmission also acted immediately. Except for a few people who were left to guard the exit of the gym, the rest of them all gathered in the closed room below.

Outside the gym, Lixiong was overjoyed to see Hongjin finally appear.

"Brother Hongjin, you are finally here. These two are really strong. It's really not easy for you to escape from their combined attack!"

Hearing this, A Ju had an embarrassed look on his face. Although Lixiong didn't know how to speak according to the information he learned from Zhenhongjin, whether this is a compliment or a detriment, it really makes it easy to hear. People are very embarrassed.

On the other hand, Bai Jie, who was on the side, had no habit of refuting. She was the weakest among the three, and she was the one who was beaten the worst just now.

After this battle, she also understood the strength of her opponent. To be able to escape from the hands of these two people, Hong Jin is indeed stronger than the two of them.

"Okay, are you guys resting soon? After resting, just go out with me and let the other side bombard the barrier like this, and it won't be long before it will shatter!"

Ignoring these words, Ah Ju came to the two of them and asked with a solemn expression.

Outside, the King Nido and a duck-billed fire dragon were bombarding the barrier with all their strength.

The sound of "Bang Bang Bang!" was heard endlessly, and the light curtain became more and more dim.

"Okay! Let's go out with you!" Seeing the dim light curtain, Lixiong and Bai Jie gritted their teeth, took out their Poké Balls, and followed behind A Ju.

The two Anbu leaders who saw this scene outside, their eyes flickered twice under the masks, and sarcastically said:

"Why, two people can't do it, three people can do it. Since you escaped last time, let's stay here with your two companions this time!"

In response to this, Ah Ju gave a fake "hum~".

"Come out, bamboo hat mushroom!"

"Come out, Poison Rose!"

They went out of the defense formation, because they thought about the help of Hongjin in their heyday, Lixiong and Bai Jie didn't call out the first two elves whose old wounds had not healed.

Instead, he called out two elves who had just been promoted to the gym.

And Aju threw both hands, and a stinky mud and a wonderful frog flower appeared on the street.

In the gym-level training home in Yuhong City, Hongjin himself also developed the poison attribute, which is why Ah Ju chose to disguise himself as him.

Of the two, Aju must be the more professional, so in the eyes of the beautiful woman, Bai Jie, the two elves of Hongjin seem to have improved again, and the spots on the wonderful frog flower have turned into Deep purple!

"Big dog!" She cursed inwardly, but her body honestly leaned towards Hongjin.

After all, in this kind of battle, only the stronger can feel safe, especially since she is the weakest.

"King Nido, shoot flames!"

"Duck-billed fire dragon, big characters burst!"


When the three came out with the elves, the two silver-faced leaders immediately asked the elves who were bombarding the barrier to turn their attack direction.

"Stinky mud, sludge bomb!"

"Miaohuahua, you too!"

"Poison Rose, Flower Rain!"

"Baby mushrooms, energy balls!"

And the three of Aju immediately let their elves use their moves and started to attack!

"Bang bang bang!"


"Da na!"

"What a lot!"


With the cooperation of Ah Ju and the two silver-faced leaders, they were evenly matched for a while!

Chapter 495 Yuhong Tengyi

While Lixiong and Bai Jie were rejoicing in their hearts, Aju was keeping an eye on the situation behind the guarding formation.

Seeing that the light curtain was slowly fading without being bombarded, he knew that the time was almost up.

"Ready!" He secretly sent a voice transmission to the two silver-faced leaders.

"Okay!" After hearing this, the eyes of the two silver-faced leaders flickered a few times before they agreed.

"Come out, fire-breathing dragon!"

"Come out, Queen Nido!"

At the time of the lightning and flint, the two silver-faced leaders released two more elves, which were also their third gym-level elves.

Just now, Lixiong and Bai Jie have each defeated two elves, and it is not without results. At least the second gym-level elves of the two silver-faced leaders were replaced by two and one, and the two were replaced by nine. Tail and magic.

And seeing this scene, Lixiong couldn't help screaming.

"Be careful! Brother Hongjin!"

At the same time, the two of them immediately took out the spirits that had just recovered 3-4% of their combat power.

"Come out, Dashihua!"

"Come out, Shuttlecock Cotton!"

As for Aju, he also rubbed his hands on his waist, and in an instant, four Poké Balls flew in the air and scattered around.





After a few flashes of red light, four elves surrounded Lixiong and Bai Jie in groups, namely Abo Monster, Double Egg Gas, Fork Bat and an extremely rare Gengar!

"What, what's the situation?"

"This person is not Rainbow Gold!"

The two were still in a daze, but the attack was approaching.

I saw that the four elves, as well as the stinky mud and the wonderful frog flower, turned their directions in an instant.

A large number of poison bombs, venom, and flames from Team Rocket's Anbu side, the boulders attacked the two of them!

"Retreat! Go back to the great formation!"

Seeing this scene, Lixiong didn't have time to think about it, he pulled Bai Jie up and ran back!

Although this guardian formation will definitely not be able to withstand so many attacks, at least the two of them can survive, and Yuhong Gym still has the strength to resist!

It's a pity that when he turned around, he found that the light green light curtain was shattered with a "pop"!

On the side, the other elite copper faces of Team Rocket's Anbu were looking at the two with playful eyes.

In fact, just after the light curtain dimmed, the two Anbu leaders who received the signal sent their subordinates to continue bombarding the light curtain. They could have broken it long ago, but in order not to let the two people in Yuhong City notice the abnormality, they let them go. The light curtain has been maintained until now.

"It's over!" Seeing this scene, both Lixiong and Bai Jie showed despair.

It is true that they are gym-level powerhouses, and the extraordinary barrier of stress on their bodies can block the full-strength blow of the gym-level high-ranking.

But there is more than one gym-level high-ranking section on the opposite side!

That Aberdeen and that Gengar are both high-level gymnasiums, and that fork bat is a half-step heavenly king!

Coupled with a few gymnasiums at the low end and the elves in the middle attacking together, what would they do to resist!

In the face of such a mortal crisis, the elves of the two rushed over without hesitation and blocked them in front of them.



Under the combined attack, the bodies of Dou Li Mushroom and Poison Rose only lasted for less than two seconds before disappearing into the white light, and the subsequent attacks were still violently rushing towards the two of them.

"Poison Rose!"

"Douglas mushrooms!"

When the two saw this scene, they couldn't help shouting loudly!

Although the two elves helped them buy a little time, it was useless at all. Gengar used the shadow to directly bind them in place.

The only thing the two of them could do was to lock the trembling Poké Ball, and then wait for it to die calmly.

To tell the truth, the two gym-level low-level elves who were seriously injured in their hands could not stop such an attack at all. As for the other elite-level elves, it was more of a man’s arm to block the car, so it would be better to use it instead of sacrificing along with it. With the Poké Ball and himself as protection, there might still be a few Pokémon left alive.

Bai Jie was one step slower than Lixiong, so she was attacked immediately.

"Ah!" In the violent white light, the extraordinary barrier on her body didn't hold up for a second before it shattered with a "bang", and then her body turned to ashes.

And Lixiong wasn't very good either. Almost when Bai Jie's barrier was broken, the attack also came to him.

With a sound of "Shuh!", a pale green transcendent barrier appeared in front of him.

It's a pity that it shattered immediately with a "puchi" sound.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and wait to die, a familiar command sound appeared in his ear.

"Hold on! Coconut Egg Tree!"

With a "swoosh" sound, another green barrier stood in front of him.

Lixiong opened his eyes and saw a coconut egg tree with a strong breath standing in front of him.

"Big Brother Fuji?"

Yes, this coconut egg tree in the high section of the gym, he knows, is the ace of the second house owner - Yuhong Tengyi!

But even if he held it again, under such pressure, it didn't last long, and it shattered with a bang!

But this time was enough. Coconut Egg Tree took this opportunity to teleport to a safe place with Lixiong directly.

Of course, ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ was so successful, and it was inseparable from Aju's secret help. At the moment when the coconut egg tree appeared, he secretly asked Gengar to release the shadow of his control.

Otherwise, Coconut Egg Tree would not be able to take this person away so smoothly.

At this time, inside the gymnasium, inside the secret garden.

Li Xiong, who was still in shock, looked at the upright man with the national character face in front of him with a look of surprise.

"Big Brother Teng! You have broken through! You have advanced to the ordinary high section!"

Yu Hong Teng Yi looked at the brawny man who had been playing since childhood and was like a follower, and nodded.

"That's right, I spent all the family's contributions to break through in the secret garden, and finally succeeded! Unfortunately, I came a step late, otherwise Bai Jie wouldn't have to die, alas~"

After speaking, his upright and awe-inspiring face appropriately showed a sad expression.

Hearing Fujiichi say this, Lixiong's eyes also showed a few strands of sadness.

Although this woman usually doesn't deal with their second and third rooms very much, but no matter what, she is still a gym-level powerhouse of the family, and the loss is still the family!

But he turned his head and said:

"Big Brother Teng, even if you are a high-level gymnasium now, you may not be able to stop those Anbu people. Among them, the real golden-faced leader is a master of the half-step king! Otherwise, please sit in the garden. Let the heavenly king-level elves take action!"

Regarding this little brother's concern, Yuhong Tengyi smiled mysteriously and replied:

"Don't worry, I have my own way. When I traveled abroad, I met the gym owner of Dry Leaf City - Ma Zhishi. He is now leading a team to come to the rescue. It is a pity that the Golden City was also attacked by the Rockets, or else According to the speed of the super energy system, it will definitely come to the rescue!"

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