Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 467: trade off

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"Puha~Puha~" Monkey Forest's state of mind, as well as its own unique talent, gave it an inheritance that ordinary hot monkeys do not have - that is, a fair contract.

This contract is the inheritance of its natural awakening, and the principle cannot be explained by old people, but according to it, under this contract, as long as both parties have the intention of violating the contract, they will be immediately detected by the other party, and the law in the dark The power will give punishment, so with this, I believe it should ensure the interests of both of us.

"Uh..." Hearing this explanation, Tian Ci couldn't help but look at the young hot monkey named Monkey Forest in surprise. He felt that it was really unbelievable. There is still such an ancient lost contract passed down. .

Yes, Tianji had seen the name of this kind of contract, and had read it in a lot of miscellaneous books given by Nazi.

Don't look at it as a miscellaneous book, but why the knowledge of the children of the aristocratic family is wider than the average person, that is because they have a lot of similar miscellaneous books to fill them since they were young.

It seems that I just read a lot of knowledge, but this knowledge is actually the foundation.

But even so, Tianji was not very sad about this hot monkey who was sent to the door for nothing.

Still the same sentence, the three views have been set, thirty years is not too long. For the current warrior-level Tianci, it is about one-sixth of the lifespan, and for the elite-level hot monkey, it is only Even shorter, based on the fact that most elves live twice as long as humans, it is about one-twelfth of the lifespan of this hot monkey.

In such a short time, it is difficult to really impress the elite-level hot monkey formed by Sanguan.

It is equivalent to spending money during the most expensive time period, but only getting an elite-level combat power for a short time.

If Tian Ci was still a civilian trainer with no one behind him, maybe he would have agreed. After all, the best resources he can provide are very limited. In exchange for a hot monkey with elite-level combat power, he is still gifted. It is also acceptable to waste a contract quota for this purpose.

But the current situation is that there is someone behind him, a rich woman like Nazi!

Therefore, his remaining fifth and sixth contract quotas are very precious. Not to mention, it is the little fire dragon, one of the three royal families, the Yalong species. It is not better than this hot monkey fragrance that has been formed with three views!

With his financial resources and Nazi's secret help, it is absolutely not a problem to get a small fire dragon with a high concentration of dragon blood. Why waste the opportunity on this hot monkey?

Even if there are some talents, but in his understanding, it is like that. The great may be an elite with high-level qualifications, and at most it is the leader. If it is a cub, he will consider it, but he is an adult and his strength has reached the elite. young people, forget it.

Thinking of this, Tian Ci opened his mouth and silently transmitted his voice to the old patriarch.

"Sorry, old patriarch, I don't really lack an elite-level combat power, and high-qualified elves, I'm not very scarce now, so you should ask for another one."

"Pfft!" What!

Hearing that the human being in front of him had rejected his proposal, the old patriarch was very surprised!

In its view, no one should refuse this. After all, it has promised that it will not matter even if it is a normal death for 30 years!

An elite-level elf for nothing, and an elf with such excellent talent, how could he refuse?

Thinking of this, it looked at the monkey forest that was still nostalgic and reluctant to leave behind, thinking that no one else wanted you, so what was there to be nostalgic for~

Of course, after thinking about it, it still values ​​this human trainer very much. He is a superpower, which means that his family must be very rich.

If you find a poor trainer for Monkey Forest, why not let him stay here?

So it chose Nakataji, not randomly, but after seeing the identity of his superpower, he began to plan.

Those barrels of monkey wine were also moved quickly after this.

But it's a lot of calculations, but it doesn't count. It seems that this human being has too much wealth to look down on the monkey forest... This is a bit difficult~

Forget it, I originally wanted to hide it, but it seems that I still have to increase the stakes!

"Alas~" After the old patriarch sighed in his heart, he began to increase his chips.

"Human, don't underestimate our popular monkey clan. Monkey Forest is a legendary genius, and its talent is not comparable to that of ordinary high-quality elves.

In fact, what restricts our popular monkey clan is the irritability factor in the body, but the monkey forest is not born with this problem. It can be said that as long as there is enough supply of resources, it is possible to reach the peak of the elite level within ten years, and even break into the gym level!

In the remaining 20 years, you will have a gym-level elf for you to drive. I believe this should be able to impress you.

Of course, we can also write this into the contract as your guarantee. As long as your resource supply is no problem, Monkey Forest will never let you down! "

Hearing what the old hot monkey patriarch said, Tian Ci's eyes lit up, if this hot monkey named Monkey Forest really has the confidence to enter the gym for about ten years, then he really has some money!

Gym-level is really difficult. To integrate elemental imprints and take borrowed things as your own, although this difficulty is a little worse than comprehending the power of elements, it is not much worse.

Understanding the power of elements is actually equivalent to asking the laws of this world to borrow money. As we all know, borrowing money is difficult...

The fusion of the elemental imprint is equivalent to unilaterally tearing up the IOU, not ready to repay the money, and directly creates a key, entering and leaving the treasure house of laws anytime, anywhere, and taking as much elemental power as you want.

This loan and not repaying it is a little simpler than borrowing money, but it is only a little bit.

After all, when you are tearing up the IOU, the law of heaven and earth is inductive, and the creditor comes to the door, no matter whether you are desperate or fleeing, as long as you can survive it, you will be successful.

The topic has gone a bit far, so back to the main topic, the difficulty of the gym is from Nazi, he already knows, he has never seen the first genius of the alliance since ancient times, Nazi spent more than three years , from the elite level to the gym level!

Tianji doesn't think he can surpass Nazi. If there is no particularly high probability, the probability should be more than ten years, or even decades. This is still with Nazi's secret help.

Like Uncle Sam in Aoki Town, if there is no one behind, it is estimated that he can only give up.

So, in this case, if he can get an elf that can break through the gym level in about ten years, it is indeed a **** profit!

So Tanji's heart couldn't help but move with pride.

Chapter 468 Join

However, he was a little reluctant to let him use up his only 2 contract opportunities left.

After all, it is only a short-term ownership of 30 years. It is not worth wasting his contract quota for this. Of course, if he is to follow him in the future, then he will agree immediately.

So he was still hesitating and fighting in his heart.

On the other side, the old patriarch was calm on the surface, but he was also a little nervous inside.

To tell the truth, it has already put all the chips on it, because it is impossible for the strongest genius in the clan to really serve mankind to the death!

If it weren't for the fact that their group in the vicinity is already the largest group in the popular monkey lineage, and they can't afford to support the monkey forest, it would not have made this decision.

Just when the two sides fell silent, the **** the side seemed to see Tianji's worry, and secretly said:

"Brother Tian Ci, you can accept it for the time being, and then give it to Sister Ninghui.

Don't you always feel that there is a lack of formed combat power around her, if there is such a ready-made elite-level combat power, it will just solve this problem.

Moreover, Sister Ninghui doesn't care about the subsequent strength of the contract. Her development path is already nurturing her family, so she should also agree.

At that time, like Pippi, you will command the battle and be responsible for cultivating the combat literacy of the hot monkey. "

Hearing Xiaoling's words, Tian Ji patted his head, but the authorities were really fascinated, and he was suddenly carried away by the gym level. Anyway, all the old patriarch wanted was to give the monkey forest sufficient resources, and he What is needed is a reliable fighting force.

As for whether or not a contract is concluded between the two, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, as long as the corresponding contract regulations are added to the fair contract, it's fine.

According to the record in the book that Tianci had read before, this fair contract is somehow arousing the power of the law. As long as the strength does not break the king, it is not qualified to unilaterally tear up the contract.

Therefore, this guarantee measure to ensure the interests of both parties is no problem, and with the means of his general superpower, in this kind of spiritual contract, even if the hot monkey plays tricks, he is sure to see it.

Thinking of this, he kicked the ball back.

"Old Patriarch, I don't know if I can let my maids subdue it. Of course, the training resources that should be given will also be given according to my own maximum ability. The battle is also my command, and the training is also my training, just borrowing It's just my maid's name, all these can be written into the contract regulations."

"Uh..." This time, it was the old patriarch's turn to ponder. Although he didn't know why this human didn't accept the monkey forest himself, he had to borrow the name of the maid, but it's not a big problem, just like the human said, As long as it is written in the contract, it will be fine, so without any hesitation, it nodded, "Puha", indicating that it is OK.

Of course, some people may ask, why did the old patriarch agree so happily, why did he have to let Monkey Forest follow Tianci?

That's naturally because the old patriarch realized that Tianji was a warrior-level superhuman when he was connected to telepathy!

As an elf who has lived around Yuhong City all his life, he has encountered countless trainers in his life and has a deep understanding of human society.

Knowing that superpowers are among the top jobs in the human cultivation system, and they are also very powerful and rich, that Tianji is not only a superpower, but also a warrior level comparable to the elite level, he must be very rich Now, at least according to the experience of the old patriarch, in the training family he has come into contact with, there should be no one who is closer to the label of wealth than Tianji, so it chose Tianji as a human.

In the final analysis, it was because Tianji was a warrior-level superpower, so the old patriarch thought he had a bright future and abundant resources, so he wanted to fight for Monkey Forest again and again.

After all, their level, among the trainers they can get in touch with, Tianji is indeed one of the best.

After agreeing, the old patriarch turned his attention to the sad monkey forest.

"Pfft~" Monkey Forest!

"Pfft!" I'm here, old patriarch!

"Puha~Puha~" From now on, you will follow this male human powerhouse and serve him for 30 years. During these 30 years, you obey all his arrangements, except for letting you deliberately die. If you violate it, the corresponding human will also provide you with the resources you need...

Tianji listened to the old hot monkey ramble and talked to the young hot monkey for ten minutes.

In the end, the hot monkey named Monkey Forest knelt down again, banged his head three times at the old patriarch, and then walked towards Tianci.

"Puha~Puha~" Trainer, please swear with me, cut your palm first!

After finishing speaking, it cut its own hand with a "puchi" and stretched it out.

"Oh, okay!" After hearing this, Tian Ci also cut his palm in a similar manner, and then joined with Monkey Forest's hand.

In that miscellaneous talk, the ancient contract does require both parties to use blood as a medium.

Next, Monkey Forest, a fiery monkey with extraordinary talent, closed its eyes, and a red light emerged from its sea of ​​consciousness. It didn't take long for an ancient scale phantom to appear directly above one person and one monkey.

"Puha~Puha~" Monkey Forest, who had completed the Summoning Law Scale, opened his eyes and called out twice, full of exhaustion, meaning that it would be good for Tianji to state his requirements and obligations next.

As a fighting spirit, it is indeed more difficult to use the power of the mind.

In fact, when the hot monkey used this power, Tianji had been paying attention secretly.

It is found that this spiritual power is very similar to his spiritual power, but there are fundamental differences.

If I have to say, this spiritual power should be an advanced version of his spiritual power, or that spiritual power is contained in spiritual power, which is an extraordinary power deeper than spiritual power.

Of course, Tianji, who was a scumbag, was just curious. It was too much to ask him to study in depth.

"Puha~Puha~" I, the monkey forest of the popular monkey clan, swore under the scale of law that in the next 30 years, I will...

"My human race, Aoki Tianji, swears under the scale of law that in the past 30 years, I will provide the monkey forest of the popular monkey clan with the best training resources in my hands, suitable for it..."

Soon Hot Monkey and Monkey Forest were under the balance of the law, and they told each other about their requirements and obligations. Under the various rules and regulations, the loopholes were filled, and soon a contract agreement that both parties were satisfied with was in the law. Appeared on the scale.

One person and one monkey looked at each other and signed their real names in the air with blood.

So far the contract is established!

Of course, some people may ask, with this contract in place, why use the Poké Ball to conquer it and make a spiritual contract? Isn't this superfluous?

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