Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 465: Trading with Saiyan Monkeys?

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Being rushed by this anger, Monkey Forest was ready to use force to quiet other clansmen, "Puha!" He shouted loudly, and an elite-level aura was pressed on the bodies of many ordinary-level clansmen.

"Okja!" Monkey forest, you traitor, still wants to help outsiders to deal with us!

"Puha~Puha!" You wait, as long as anyone can escape, we will definitely accuse the old patriarch of being a traitor.

"Okja! Okja!" Let's go together and kill this traitor first!


It's a pity that it doesn't need to be pressed by aura. It's like poking a hornet's nest. As we all know, the monkey monsters are all grumpy masters. This temper will come up immediately!

Seeing that a civil strife was about to break out, Tian Ci immediately signaled the mouth to take steps to relieve the poison. If a civil strife really broke out, he would be a fish in troubled waters. He could secretly bring this stronger one-eyed hot monkey back. not bad~

"Pfft!" Stop me!

It's a pity that he was interrupted by a loud old shout as soon as his idea came up!

Hearing the sound, not far away, there is a hot monkey with white hair and an old face, jumping quickly among the trees.

It didn't take long for it to fall to the ground with a "bang".

Seeing this old hot monkey, whether it is the young and vigorous Monkey Forest, or the ordinary monkey monsters and hot monkeys who were filled with righteous indignation just now, they all settled down and bowed respectfully towards it.

"Okja~" I have seen the patriarch!

"Puha~" I have seen the patriarch!

Because he is still connected to telepathy, Tanji can also understand what Monkey Forest is saying.

Knowing that the real person in charge is here, so I put away my unwarranted thoughts, and immediately said to Duanhua:

"Continue to detoxify that hot monkey normally!"

"Moo-moo~" Kou Dianhua agreed in the bottom of his heart when he heard the order, and the movements in his hands quickened again.

The old patriarch, who noticed this scene, nodded secretly, and then turned his eyes to the monkey forest.

"Puha~Puha~" Monkey Forest, I believe that after this battle, you have also discovered your own shortcomings, right?

Hearing the old patriarch's question, Monkey Lin's face showed a shameful expression, nodded, and agreed:

"Yes, the old patriarch, Monkey Forest is too proud. My moves and methods are very lacking in experience against the enemy."

Unexpectedly, the old patriarch who got this answer first nodded and then shook his head.

"Puha~Puha..." What you lack is not only strength, but also xinxing. Although you can naturally control xinxing, if your xinxing is not fully formed, how can you control it? I didn't come just now. , Do you still want to use force to suppress your own clan?

"Poof...poof..." No...I just thought...

Monkey Lin, who was seen through by the old patriarch, didn't know what to say for a while, he mumbled a few times, but he didn't say why.

"Okay, you ask that human to connect telepathy to me, and I will arrange for you to experience it!"

Seeing the expression of the strongest genius in this clan, the old patriarch sighed and ordered.

"Puha~" Okay~

Hearing this, Monkey Lin had a guess in his heart. Although he was unwilling, he still agreed in a muffled voice.

Then it screamed at Tianji.

"Puha~Puha" Human, you linked your spiritual power to our old patriarch, and it has something to say to you.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Tianji was puzzled for a moment, but he still linked his telepathy to the old hot monkey.

"Young human trainer, nice to meet you~ Let me introduce myself, I am the patriarch of Luo Xinglin's lineage, and my name is Monkey Star."

"Hello, old patriarch of Monkey Star~"

After the two sides introduced themselves and got to know each other, the old patriarch started talking about business.

"I know what happened just now, human trainer, don't worry, we won't default on this ten kilograms of ordinary monkey wine."

After speaking, it clapped its hands, and in an instant, the hot monkey who followed closely came over with a few large wooden barrels,

After opening it, a scent of wine permeated the surroundings in an instant.

No doubt it's monkey wine!

"The old patriarch is refreshing, I wonder if these things are enough to exchange for these monkey wines?"

Seeing the monkey wine that was brought up, Tianji didn't say much, and asked Xiaoling to take out the top-grade fighting energy cube that was often used by fast swimming frogs in her backpack.

Because the fighting attribute of the fast swimming frog is only a secondary attribute, it is not strong enough to use elemental crystals, so the food arranged by Ninghui for it is still an energy cube, which is just right for this group of hot monkeys.

"Okja! Okja!" I could feel the energy in that little cube so rich!

"Puha? ω?" And the taste feels so tempting! More attractive than the most fragrant peach fruit!

"Huo~Huojia~" Well, I really want to eat it!


After feeling the benefits of the high-grade fighting-type energy block, the ordinary monkey monsters and the hot monkeys all showed their eager expressions.

Even Monkey Forest, who had just been promoted, showed a longing look.

Although it is now an elite-level powerhouse, it is still very lacking in energy when it has just stabilized its realm.

Although it is said that the fighting energy is one grade lower than the power of the elements, as long as the amount is enough, it can also make rapid progress!

In fact, during the first promotion period, the elves were the fastest time to improve their strength. Unfortunately, the clan has spent a lot of resources in order to make it to the elite level. Even in order to make it stable at the elite level, the old patriarch gave up his own Cultivation resources, so at this stage, it really can't get more resources.

And now, with so many energy-rich items here, how could it not crave!

But now that the old patriarch is here, no one else can speak, so they all dare to talk in a low voice, and look forward to the old patriarch.

"Puha~Puha~" No problem, these energy cubes are enough.

For the expectations of many clansmen, the old patriarch did not live up to it, and nodded directly, indicating that it could be exchanged.

"Okay! Let's exchange then." Hearing the old patriarch's agreement, Tianji also let Koudouhua take the lead in holding these dozens of fighting-type energy cubes with vines and put them on Hot Monkey's side.

Seeing that he had already received the payment for the goods, the old patriarch didn't talk nonsense.

"Puha~Puha~" You guys brought these monkey wines to that human!

The few hot monkeys who heard the order also hummed and moved the big wooden barrel to Tianji.

He didn't pretend to be bold, he just took a sip.


The entrance is a cool taste, with a fruity fragrance, and then when I regain my senses, there is a spicy feeling returning from the throat, it is monkey wine.

Of course, just to be cautious, he took a sip from each bucket to make sure the old hot monkey wasn't playing tricks.

Chapter 466 Saiyan Monkey

And the old Patriarch of the Hot Monkey did not take anyone away, so he quietly watched Tian Ci inspect the goods.

Soon, Tianji completed the inspection. He put these monkey wines and wooden barrels into the space backpack, and then looked at the hot monkey clan that had not yet withdrawn, and said with a smile:

"Thank you, old patriarch! Happy cooperation, then we will leave!"

After he finished speaking, he asked everyone to be on guard and slowly backed away.

"Puha~" Hold on, human trainer!

Unexpectedly, before they took two steps back, they were stopped by the old and hot monkey patriarch.

Hearing the old patriarch's words, the monkey monsters who were scattered around gathered again, looking at Tianci and the others with bad intentions.

Even Monkey Tyrant, who had just recovered from the poisoning situation, radiated a dazzling light from that one eye.

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci hurriedly prepared Bi Diao in his heart, and at the same time asked with a smile on his face:

"Why, the old patriarch, are you trying to make a fool of yourself? Are you still dissatisfied with the transaction just now!"

In this regard, the old hot monkey waved his hand, and after clearing the surrounding clansmen, he explained with a kind face.

"Puha~ puff..." Human, you misunderstood, I stopped you, there is another transaction I want to do with you.

"Oh? What deal?" Hearing this, Tianji pretended to be interested, but his mental power had already enveloped all his own people present, and he was ready to use teleportation at any time to take them to Bi Diao's back.

As for the Beagle flying in mid-air, the imprint of the flight system on his forehead appeared and disappeared, ready to run with all his strength.

The old patriarch has a lot of experience, and he has already discovered Tianci's little actions, but he doesn't care, because the next thing, this human will never refuse!

"Cough!" As soon as it coughed, it began to talk about the next transaction.

"I want Monkey Forest, the first elite-level hot monkey who fought the fast-swimming frog, to follow you for thirty years!

For thirty years, even if it died in battle, we did not ask.

But correspondingly, you have to do your best to give it the best nurturing resources to help it grow.

If thirty years later, it still voluntarily follows you, it doesn't matter, as long as it still remembers Luoxinglin, the place where it was born.

But after 30 years, if it wants to come back, you must not stop it.

Equivalent to thirty years, you have at least one more elite combat power! I know the weight of elites in your human society, I believe you should not refuse, right? "

After speaking, the old hot monkey stared at Tianji, waiting for his answer.

But before Tian Chi could react, the young hot monkey named Monkey Lin knelt in front of the old patriarch with a thud.

"Puha! Puff!" Don't worry, the old patriarch, my Monkey Forest will not be ungrateful and forget the family of Luo Xinglin!

After speaking, its tears flowed down.

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci was speechless for a while, what the hell! Make sure he will agree to the same!

Yes, it is undeniable that a ready-made elite-level combat power is indeed very tempting!

But don't forget, this is an elite-level elf that has been formed with three views. How could it be possible for the elf that you have cultivated since childhood to use it easily.

If it doesn't obey orders during the battle, it just follows its own combat experience in the wild. If it loses a game, it's a small matter, and it's afraid of losing its life!

After all, most motivated elite trainers like to practice in unmarked areas!

In this environment, the possibility of one-on-one is too small. Basically, a few elves fight together. As an elite-level combat force, this hot monkey will inevitably take part of the main responsibility. If it is not obedient, it is likely to lead to the collapse of the whole situation!

One thing to say, this situation is still very likely to happen, so without any guarantee, it is impossible for him to agree!

As for the protection of the spiritual contract between the Poké Balls, we have said this a long time ago, and for the wild Pokémon whose three views have been formed, this thing basically does not have much impact.

And Tianji didn't want to use his 5th brother's quota on this hot monkey. After all, this way, he would lose several opportunities to strengthen, and he only got that elite-level strengthening. This is not a blood loss. Well!

Not to mention, it is necessary to provide this hot monkey with the best training resources within its power. Isn't this a proper way to raise children for others!

He, Aoki Tianji, will never be a pick-up man!

But then again, how can this old hot monkey be so sure that he will keep his promise? If he can deceive an elite hot monkey in vain, it will be very good to sell it~

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Tianji's mouth, and he decided to cheat first, and then sell it!

He Aoki Tianji, but he has never advertised himself as a good person!

After all, human trainers have always been bad people in the eyes of wild elves!

Slaughter elves at will, dissect corpses, rob their children, control...

There are so many, no matter which one, from another angle, it is a heinous sin, how can you say that you are a good person!

However, the old patriarch at this time seemed to see what Tian Ci was thinking, and after he helped the kneeling monkey forest up, he started talking again.

"Puha... puff... puff..." Of course, human beings, I know that this commitment needs a reliable bond to maintain, otherwise neither of us can guarantee our own interests.

First of all, let me introduce this monkey forest to you, it is the legendary genius of our popular monkey clan! Possessing the ability to control the mood, it is natural to control the irritability factor in the blood.

I believe you have seen the difference between it and the ordinary hot monkey just now~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It can use this ability to burst gas many times to strengthen itself, although it is now subject to the problem of no guidance and strength, it can only burst gas three times , but it has exceeded the hot monkeys including me, and this is not its limit, because our group is also the first time such a genius has appeared, so I don't know where its limit is, but it is definitely more than three times of!

Hearing what the old patriarch said, Tian Ci looked at the hot monkey with red eyes in surprise, but he really didn't realize that he was still a legendary genius in the hot monkey family!

Coupled with this special explosion, it always feels like a certain anime character he watched in his previous life, Saiyan monkey? The Legendary Super Saiyan - Broly! ! !

It's you! Brolysan!

Of course, he also thought about this in his heart. The old patriarch hadn't said what he would use to protect the interests of both parties. In this way, he naturally wouldn't talk to him at will.

And the old patriarch didn't notice Tianci's mental activity. After he introduced the special features of the monkey forest, he looked at Tianzi and found that his face was still expressionless, and he sighed in his heart that the superpowers were not good. While fooling around, I also talked about the most important key...

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