Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 453: The "explosive gas" of the hot monkey

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Although Black Ruga generally only understands the jet flame at the elite level, for Tanji, with a little guidance, he can understand it in advance.

After all, the preconditions of the move, He Lujia used it very well, and the only thing missing was the key point. Tianci bought a skill inheritance bead and let it take this step.

"Hoo~" He Lujia's mouth was wide open, and a red pillar of fire shot at the poisonous needles and insect silk in mid-air.

"呲", it all turned into dust, and the flames remained unabated, and quickly shot towards Ba Dahu in the air.

Unprepared, this ordinary Ba Da Butterfly didn't have time to dodge at all, and reluctantly twisted his body, and the flame passed through its right wing.

"Fuhuh!" Ba Dahou, whose half of his wings were destroyed, let out a scream, and then fell directly from the air to the ground with a "bang".

Although it was still moving there, it was obvious that it was no longer capable of combat.


Seeing that He Lujia, who was originally an ordinary low-ranking player, inexplicably turned into a high-ranking big boss! The two giant needle bees that were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe were so frightened that they were so clever that they quickly flapped their wings and wanted to escape!

At this time, how can I still have the time to control my boss's hot monkeys! Live first!

"Wang!" He Lujia on the ground called out contemptuously, looking at the two big stinging bees in the air who were desperate to find their way.

Then the mouth opened, and two flame vortexes shot directly at them.

At this time, the giant stinger was only concerned about running, and did not notice the fire ring coming from behind. It was too late when they saw the flames ahead, and they were already in the vortex at this time.

The two giant needle bees looked at each other, nodded to each other, crossed their arms, and rushed out.

That's right, they naturally won't sit still. Instead of being trapped here, it's better to get burned and escape.

But just as they were about to approach the flames, the bark of "Wow!" came from behind them again.

Then I saw these two flame vortexes exploded violently.

With a sound of "Bang!", the flames instantly swallowed the figures of the two large needle bees.

"Buzz! Buzz!" Amidst the red flames, the two charred figures kept wailing, and soon they fell to the ground with a "slap", obviously losing their ability to fight.

Originally, the strength of the three worm-type elves was only in the low level, and they usually only took care of the fruit. The existence of the bottom of the fighting literacy, it is reasonable to be taken away by the black Lujia of the high level, after all. There is also a damage restraint bonus here.

On this side, Heluga easily eliminated the three insect-type elves, and the other side of the mouth was not too much.

Let's cut our perspective back to the mouth-watering flower.

When the hot monkey led the three monkey monsters to rush forward, several vines suddenly grew from all around, and hit them with a "huhuuu".

Because of the excessive force in the past, this time, Duohua took a little more force, so this power is like this in the eyes of the team leader of the hot monkey.

"Pfft!" They all chop with bare hands! Cut this vine for me!



Under the order of the Hot Monkey Squad Leader, the three monkey monsters in the back, with their hands lit up with white light, smashed the vines that were hitting them with a "swoosh" in the form of hand knives.

It's a pity that it wasn't the sound of the vines "clicking" breaking, but the screams of "Okja! Okja!"

I saw that the hands of the three monkey monsters were pierced with blood by the thorns, and they shivered in pain.

"Puha?" Seeing this, Hot Monkey hurriedly stopped his hand and looked at the vine that was close at hand in doubt.

However, Duan Hua, who was secretly manipulated, would not miss this good opportunity.

"Moo!" Look, don't you know you're fighting! idiot!

He complained in the bottom of his heart, and Duan Hua suddenly increased his strength, and with a slap of the whip, the hot monkey who was still in doubt flew out.

Through the battle with the ordinary low-level monkey monsters just now, it made him realize that the force he used just now was too small, and it was offset by the ordinary low-level attack, so he must increase his strength to deal with this more powerful hot monkey. Dao!

"Puha~" The fiery monkey that was sent flying made a painful cry in the air, and with a bang, it slammed into the boulder that was hiding before.

However, it immediately stood up again. Through the attack just now, it knew that although the dumb flower had hidden its strength, it was still within the range of the ordinary middle class, and it was not impossible for him to win with his three younger brothers!

"Pfft!" Thinking of this, it immediately used pain to stimulate itself, and soon its eyes turned pale red, and at the same time a white energy emerged around its body!

This is a special qi-gathering move of the hot monkey family. It uses anger to stimulate the body to burst into stronger power. In their bloodline inheritance, this move is called "exploding qi!"

The world of elves has such a long history, the evolution of the survival of the fittest of various species, and the fact that each race has survived to the present, naturally has its own uniqueness.

If the hot monkey clan really exploded their temper and couldn't control themselves, as rumored, they would have been eliminated by the long river of history.

Because such a group is too easy to be targeted by the enemy, as long as it is guided a little, the Hot Monkey Clan can go to extinction on its own.

So they can live to the present, and they are still alive. Naturally, there are special methods explored by their ancestors.

This "explosive" move is a key that has been slowly explored from their irritable personalities.

It can not only improve one's own strength, but also will not lose one's mind greatly, so that the two can reach a fragile balance.

It's easy to say, but who knows, in the ancient times, how many hot monkey powerhouses were groping, went into trouble, and died of rage?

Returning to the topic, Tian Chi naturally also noticed the hot monkey in this state. He watched this scene with great interest, and secretly used his superpower to carefully observe the state of the hot monkey.

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect the Hot Monkeys to have such a skill. It seems that the books are all about the old yellow calendar. That's right, if it was so easy to stir up the hot monkeys' emotions, this family should have perished long ago. right."

He touched his chin, feeling that he really couldn't underestimate any race.

At this time, the hot monkey in the state of bursting gas has no energy to pay attention to this human being. At this time, it is staring at the opposite mouth dumb flower, as if this enemy is the only one left in the world!

That's right, this is actually the disadvantage of "exploding gas". Although the irritability factor in the body can be mobilized to stimulate potential, the spirit will inevitably be affected.

With its ordinary mid-section strength, it can only identify one enemy to attack.

Chapter 454

"Lower your strength and fight with it for a while, dumbfounded!"

Out of curiosity about this special move, Tanji immediately sent a message to Koudouhua.

"Moo-moo~" Kou Dianhua nodded when she heard the words, and withdrew the force she was going to increase.

Of course, it wouldn't let go of the other three ordinary low-ranked monkey monsters.

In fact, just when the thorns stabbed them just now, the mouthful flower had injected the mixed toxin into their bodies.

Elite-level toxins, even if it is only scratched a little, are not something that these ordinary low-ranking monkey monsters can resist.

At this time, the monkey monsters were busy fighting against the toxins in their blood, and they didn't have the energy to keep their mouths shut.

So the two big leaves of the mouth dumb flower waved their hands, and a few flying leaves and quick knives easily hit the three monkey monsters.

With the sound of "puchi~puchi" cutting flesh, these monkey monsters screamed a few times before losing their fighting ability.

Just at this moment, the team leader of the hot monkey with pale red eyes has rushed over.


If it didn't use "Explosive Qi", it might hesitate. After all, the other three little brothers lost too fast. You must know that it is also an ordinary middle stage, or an evolutionary form, and it cannot easily defeat the three monkey monsters.

But after all, it was affected by the irritable factor in the bloodline, so it just rushed over without paying attention to its three younger brothers at all.

After all, in its impression, this mouthful of flowers, like it, is just an ordinary middle section, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

I saw the hot monkey crossed his hands to form a cross, and a cross that radiated white light became brighter.

"It's still the powerful poison whip of the previous strength, try it!"


After hearing the sound, Kou Duhua immediately regrew vines covered with thorns from both sides of the body, and hit it with "force".

There is no doubt that the vine and the cross smashed together.


The momentum of the hot monkey was blocked, and the powerful poisonous whip of the mouth was also beaten back.

"Puha!" Raising his **** hands, the hot monkey became more angry, and the white energy on his body became more intense.

Tianji, who has been observing carefully in secret, found a clue here.

"Interesting, it's a fusion move of anger move + qi gathering move, as expected, there are two strikes!"

Of course, the details can be seen, but the key tricks are not easy to try. After all, we said a long time ago that fusion moves and combo moves are not the same.

Just like Hot Monkey's "exploding gas", the balance point in it, I am afraid that it will cost a lot of Hot Monkey's life.

But it's not completely unproductive, at least he knows that anger + gas gathering can be combined into a new form of move. If this information is given to professional scholars or trainers specializing in combat, they should be able to figure out something.

Thinking of this, Tianji felt that there was no need to play with the hot monkey in the middle of the ordinary, and he directly said:

"One move to end it, mouth dumb flower!"

"Moo!" Kou Dian Hua nodded, he already understood that he had mastered the strength of ordinary middle and low level, and he really didn't need this sparring.

So there were two more "咻咻~" sounds, and the two vines that were bounced off hit them again.

Maybe it is because I feel the danger in the dark!

"Puha!" The fiery monkey shouted, and even violently attacked the vital acupoints of his body with his own hands.

"Bang Bang Bang ~" With a few blows, the hot monkey let out a painful howl.


But what followed was a surge of energy. I saw the blood-drenched it, the hair on its whole body trembled, and at the same time its eyes became blood red, and it launched the strongest cross attack towards the vines that were hitting it!

"It's characteristic is anger, and it's a life-threatening move. It's a pity that you don't know that the elites are all ants. Even if the offensive reaches the ordinary high level, it's just bigger ants in front of the elites~"

Looking at the hot monkey fighting for his life, Tian Chi shook his head and sighed.

Since relying on Nazi, his knowledge and experience have been greatly expanded. Some basic book knowledge is not valued by Nazi's family, so he has the opportunity to read it.

This is also the reason why he can see the current state of Hot Monkey at a glance.

Although I feel that this hot monkey has the arrogance and talent of a fighting elf, it is a pity that it has already been formed, so it can only be killed to get the materials.

Back on the battlefield, the powerful poisonous whip of Koudouhua collided with the life-threatening cross of the hot monkey, and only heard the sound of "crack!", there is no doubt that the hot monkey's hands slumped. flew out.

"Puha!" It only let out a scream, and it fainted directly.

After all, this time, Koudouhua didn't keep his hand. Although he didn't use the power of elements in order to hide himself as much as possible, it was an elite-level full-strength strike, and it was not something this ordinary middle-ranked hot monkey could block, even if The same is true of using a life-threatening move!

After defeating the enemy in the second round, Kouduhua immediately wrapped the corpses of the giant hornbee, the bata butterfly, and the monkey monster together with vines and piled them together, so that Tianji and the others could collect materials.

"Well, you've done a good job, let's go to the guard." Tianji took out the dagger and patted the head of the mouth and the black flower. It was a reward for their victory, so he went to the guard.



The two elves nodded happily and went to guard.

On the other hand, Xiaoling and Tianji started to process the materials quickly. Although the two people’s current financial resources do not take the 10,000 yuan in their eyes, why don’t they take the money they earned? It's always bad for .com to eat soft rice, man, you still have to support yourself!

"Crack, click~"




With the sound of a split, the original elves were soon cut into small pieces, the useful parts were kept in their backpacks, and the useless wreckage was buried on the spot.

"Shashasha~" But just as they were burying the soil, an accident happened.

Perhaps it was the smell of blood that caught the attention of other elves, or the screams of fiery monkeys that attracted other clansmen.

"Purada!" With a rat's cry, a yellow-brown figure quickly rushed towards Heluga, who was on guard.

"Ouch~" Unprepared, Heluga was bitten by it and let out a painful cry.

"Pay attention to the enemy!" Hearing the screams of Heluga, Tianji immediately stood up and reminded loudly.

At the same time, his spiritual power quickly shared the frequency with the gem starfish again, so that the scope of their spiritual exploration was expanded again.

In this way, I "see" it, there are two ordinary high-level hot monkeys, leading 7-8 monkey monsters, and more than a dozen little Ladas are rushing here.

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