Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 451: lure

But the gem starfish is different. It has grown up with Tianji's team since childhood, so it is also known and can be assured.


So Tianji and the gem starfish superpower share the frequency is relieved, but after all, there is no spiritual contract between the two, so the overall strength is a little worse than the real superpower.


After everything was ready, the two of them waited quietly for the arrival of the detective.


It didn't take long for a small black spot to grow rapidly in their sight, and the appearance of the eagle was gradually revealed.


But at this time, it looked like it was injured, and there was a little red blood on the feathers on its abdomen.


"Bi Bi ~ Bi Bi ~" As soon as he landed, he said in a panic, ignoring his own injuries.


It probably means: The periphery of this fruit forest is fine, although there are a little more monkey monsters and stronger strength, but they are not in the eyes of it.


However, when it was close to the center of the fruit forest, a few elite-level hot monkeys suddenly appeared and blocked it with rocks. Fortunately, it ran fast, but it was hit twice by too many falling rocks. That's how the scars on the feathers are left.


"How many elites? Did you see it clearly, Bi Diao, how many are there?"


After listening to Bibi Diao's description, Tianji asked with a solemn expression while holding the wound medicine to treat it.


Originally, he thought that by virtue of his 6 elite-level combat powers (Koudouhua, Bidiao, Quick Swimming Frog, Jewel Starfish, Tianji, Xiaoling), he should be able to win this resource point that was ignored by Yuhong City.


But I didn't expect that in such a short time, the hot monkey clan entrenched in Luoxinglin had already developed to this point!


"Bi Diao~Bi Diao~" There are 3 of them, that's not right! There should be four. Although I only saw three hot monkeys, the last rock was definitely not used by them. There should be another one hiding in the tree.


"Well, four, what kind of strength are they? Did you notice Bi Diao?"


Hearing that there were four, Tianji's face became more solemn, and he hurriedly asked the most concerned question.


Regarding this question, Biyao tilted his head and pondered for a while, as if recalling the brief confrontation before.


Although it was only a matter of seconds, it also felt the energy fluctuations of several hot monkeys.


"Bi Diao~Bi Diao~" Tian Ci, the three hot monkeys that besieged me should all be in the elite low level, there is one breath that is not very stable, it feels like it has just been promoted, and it lacks elemental energy.


But the hot monkey who secretly attacked me should be better than me, and should be in the middle of the elite.


"How can an abandoned fruit forest allow the Monkey Monsters to develop so quickly?"


Hearing Bibi Diao's judgment, Tian Ci frowned and couldn't believe it.


This lineup, even if their side is 6 elite-level combat power, face to face, I'm afraid they can't beat it at all!


Although Tianci and Xiaoling are equivalent to elite-level warriors, even if he has trained martial arts, he would not dare to say that he will fight against elite-level elves. This physical quality, resistance, resilience, etc. are not the same level. Yes!


When they really go to battle, the two of them will also play support, expecting trainers to fight hand-to-hand. Except for a very few people who can compete at the same level, the current mainstream trainers are basically unable to do it.


So strictly speaking, they can only be counted as 5 elite-level combat power, maybe not yet, but the opponent's high-end combat power is equal to or even exceeded.


One elite mid-rank and three elite low-rank players can't beat them, so it's hard to say.


"Trouble, it seems that a strong attack will not work. I originally wanted to find the position of their leader, and then let Bi Diao take us there quickly and make a quick decision. Now it seems to be impossible. If we can't solve the battle quickly, I will rush to hear the news. The other monkey monsters that came and the crowd of popular monkeys could kill us."


Thinking of this, Tian Chi scratched his hair with a headache.


On the other hand, Xiao Ling on the side, the bystanders Qing, immediately discovered the target they should pay attention to.


"Brother Tian Ci, why do you have to fight them head-on? Our goal is not the monkey wine, as long as you put aside these hot monkeys and use your teleportation to quickly go to their old nest and scavenge it. ."


"That's right! I was almost led astray by that attached alliance mission. Wouldn't it be great if I just killed a few monkey monsters on the periphery and brought it back."


Hearing Xiaoling say this, Tianji also reacted.


It doesn't really matter to him now how well the quest is completed at the Elf Center, and this quest is a three-unlimited task that is not limited to people, levels, or time, and it doesn't even have any punishment! Why did he just think of destroying the high-end combat power of this monkey monster group!


"It's really amazing~ Okay, then our policy will change. How can we attract these elite-level hot monkeys?


But I think no matter what, they should keep one of them in the nest to guard, so in fact, it is enough to lead out three. "


Since the situation has changed, it is natural to change the previous plan. After Tianji finished speaking, he looked directly at Xiaoling and asked her for her opinion.


Seeing Tianji's eyes, Xiaoling, who understood what it meant, just pondered for a while and said:


"Well, Brother Tian Ci, you have super powers and teleportation. You must be the one who went deep into the lair. As for the task of distracting those elite-level hot monkeys, let me do it.


However, should we try it out first, what if there are more than 4 elites? "


"Well~ That makes sense!" Tianji also agreed with the assumption made by the girl later.


"That's it, let's test it out today, attack from different directions at different times, and see how many elite-level hot monkeys will come to block us."




In a matter of words, the two reconfirmed their plans.


On the other hand, Bi Diao had also recovered, and was taken back into the Poke Ball by Tianzi.


To tell the truth, Bidiao's body shape is really not very good in this kind of orchard. Anyway, it is also a temptation.


"Let's go, Heluga!"




In this way, after the two of them concealed their energy fluctuations, they walked slowly along the path towards Luo Xinglin.


Before long, a colorful picture of golden leaves appeared in front of the two of them.


"So beautiful~" The sensual girl couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration when she saw this scene.


"Yeah! It's beautiful!" Tianji also nodded, hugged the girl who was leaning over, and agreed.


And on the recent fruit trees, several monkey monsters saw this scene and looked at each other with evil smiles at the corners of their mouths.


"Okja~" Stupid humans have lost even the most basic vigilance! Then die!


Chapter 452


I saw this group of monkey monsters with the highest level but the low level of ordinary level, suddenly started to exert their strength, and the stones or cores in their hands were thrown out by them.


The sound of "Xuuuu" breaking through the air can be heard incessantly!

"It's finally out, I'm looking at you!"


Hearing this voice, Tianji and Xiaoling also dropped their disguise and ordered directly.


"Jewel starfish, block the wall of light!"


"Om~" The jewel starfish heard the order, the jewel in the middle flickered twice, and soon several invisible walls blocked the incoming projectiles.


"Bang bang bang~" Although the impact was very strong, unfortunately it couldn't even leave a trace on the light wall.


After all, this is a light wall used by the elite level, how could a group of monkey monsters with the highest level but ordinary level break it.


On the other side, Koudouhua also made a bold move.


"Moo!" I saw it shouted, and then it stretched out a poisonous whip full of thorns at the monkey monster that rushed over.




"Papa!" The vine that was promoted to a powerful poisonous whip was much stronger than before!


Those monkey monsters who were rushing up quickly flew back at a faster speed in an instant.


The screams of "Okja! Okja!" sounded instantly.


However, it came to an abrupt end, because they only came to make this scream, and then fell into a coma. Some of the little monkey monsters whose strength was still at the rookie level had no life at all after they fell. Was beaten to death.


The severely injured ones also had blood dripping from the corners of their mouths, and they seemed to be dying.


The mouth dumb flower that killed the enemy with one hit was a little dazed. It stalked the vines and put together several new-level monkey monsters. After careful inspection, it was indeed dead, and it could not help but scream twice.


"Moo? Moo?" Why is this dead, I've obviously lost my strength, you guys are also vulnerable! Or fighting spirits?


After following Tianji for so long, it naturally knew that the cubs of the freshman level in the wild could be sold for higher prices, so he reserved a little bit of strength, but he still beat them to death.


"It's alright, Duan Hua, we're here to try out new moves, and we'll just take a little more effort next time."


On the other hand, Tianji, who was on the side, quickly used a knife to divide the material, and comforted him aloud.


After all, it was only one day of training. Although I was able to use new fusion moves, I definitely still lacked some details.


Strong whipping, what counts as strong, this is actually a very vague concept, which can only be experienced by Danny Kou in actual combat.


To be honest, just the few monkey monsters that were at the highest level but the low level of the ordinary level just now can be easily solved with the help of Heluga, and the bullsword of the mouth dumb flower is not used at all, but let it shoot, just to make it in actual combat To hone the missing details.


Of course, in the act just now, I pretended to be careless, so as not to attract the attention of more elves.


If they are ready to move forward, then these outermost sentinels will definitely not attack easily, but will attack after gathering more clansmen.


Although he said that as long as he wasn't leading the team, he wouldn't be afraid, but it can save a little effort, yes, so it's better to move forward stealthily.


"Let's go, Xiaoling!" After a few times to pack up the materials for the monkey monster, Tianci greeted the girl who had just picked up the backpack and walked forward together.


"Swish~" Walking slowly on the golden leaves, surrounded by tall trees bearing fruit, it felt like an outing.


But no one knew that there were murderous intentions hidden everywhere.


After walking less than a few hundred meters, Tanji's superpower sensed that there was an enemy lurking beside him.


"On the tree, there are two common low-segment giant stingrays, and one common low-segment Papa butterfly.


In the bushes, under the stones, there are 3 low-rank common-level monkey monsters, and one common-level middle-rank hot monkey. "


Using telepathy, he quickly told Xiaoling about the distribution of enemies, and then began to distribute opponents.


"Heruga, you go to deal with the giant stinger and the big butterfly.


Kouduhua, those monkey monsters and hot monkeys will be handed over to you. "






The two elves also agreed, expressing their understanding.


"Okay, let's go now!" After the assignment, Tian Ji greeted Xiaoling and stepped into their trap together.


The elves in the wild are not fools. Compared with elves, human trainers are definitely more fragile.


So in the wild, human trainers themselves are the best bait.


It is worth mentioning that, in order not to expose too quickly, the aura of the two people, including the energy fluctuations of the elves under their command, were suppressed.


Tianji and Xiaoling directly disguised themselves as ordinary people, and the tallest of them was just an ordinary middle section.


This is also the reason why the outer elves of Luo Xinglin did not gather more clansmen.


Just like the team leader of the hot monkey lying in ambush behind the stone, it was panting heavily at the moment, thinking that it would immediately enjoy the thrill of punching to the flesh, it couldn't suppress the excitement.


Hot monkey, hot monkey, has a very hot temper, so it is very aggressive!


When they first migrated, it was fine, there were not many people in the clan, but in recent years, there have been more and more clan people, and the number of hot monkeys has also begun to increase, which has intensified the struggle within the clan.


Introducing the Big Needle Bee Clan and the Ba Da Butu Clan as vassal groups, in addition to helping to take care of the orchard, it can also act as a vent. Of course, in such a large orchard, in addition to these two, there are still other races of elves to survive~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ Such as the small Lada family, the walking grass family, etc.


But without exception, these are all vassals of the hot monkey group. As long as the hot monkey orders, they will follow the enemy to meet the enemy, like the big needle bee and the big butterfly on the tree, which were pulled by the hot monkey squad leader. thugs.


Returning to the topic, when Tianji and Xiaoling stepped into the encirclement one after the other.


It's like flipping some kind of switch!


"Buzz~" I saw two large needle bees suddenly flying out of the tree, and the double needles in their hands lit up with white light. "Buzz!" They kept shooting poisonous needles at Tianji.


"Fuyi~" Ba Dahu, who followed closely behind, also immediately surrendered his control, and spit out a large mass of continuous silk threads from his mouth.






Seeing that the vanguard was already on the ground, the hot monkey on the ground was no longer hiding, and jumped out first, with a strong white light shining on its fist, and its eyes full of excitement!


"Hey~ sometimes it's really important to know oneself and one's enemies with information!"


Although he was about to be besieged and killed, Tianji didn't panic at all, and snapped his fingers in a pretentious manner.


With a sound of "snack!", all the members tore off their disguise.


"Ow!" Heluga stood opposite Tianzi with an excited look on his face, and when he opened his mouth and "hooked", a jet of flame shot into the air.


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