Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 448: guess

"No, it's impossible!" Hearing this assumption, Tianji rejected it without hesitation.

If it really goes against the water, then in Yuhong Game City, what is Haodian going to try?

You know it's not too long!

And if you really want to join the Rockets, you can quit at any time. It's impossible.

"Is it possible that he wants to let Miss Lijia show up by means of battle to facilitate other people's actions?

The importance of this action is even higher than his dark son! "

Hearing that Tian Ci rejected Ninghui's conjecture, Xiaoling immediately gave another idea.

She was born and died together with Tianji, so this conjecture is more realistic.

Tianji was not sure for a while, so he used telepathy to contact Nazi who was far away in Hualan.

"Nazi, what do you think? Do you have any inside information?"

That's right, although three people are discussing together in the room, there is actually one person who is talking to them remotely, and that person is Nazi.

At this moment, in the top floor room of the Hualan City Gym, Na Zi in casual pajamas was leaning against the bedside lazily, her eyes flashing purple light from time to time.

To tell the truth, although she is also the gym owner of the ancient city and the head of the Rockets, she is really not very familiar with Ma Zhishi and Aju.

It was only when Hualan City divided up the Sacred Spring that she had a little intersection with the two.

But it was always A Ju or Ma Zhishi who came to contact her, and the two of them also found her in the previous plan to attack Yuhong City, but she refused at that time, so she had no way of knowing the follow-up plan. .

And they all refused, and then asking people about their follow-up plans would inevitably be a bit...

So I can only deduce it myself.

In this way, Na Zi listened to Tian Ci's various conjectures, and all kinds of thoughts quickly emerged in her mind.

"Electricity? Electromagnetic force? Could it be?" Suddenly she seemed to have thought of something, and a purple light flashed in her eyes.

He hurriedly said to Tian Ci:

"Taji, listen to me."

"Okay, pause for a moment!" Hearing Nazi's long-lost voice transmission, he hurriedly stopped the two women's various speculations and signaled them to listen carefully.

Seeing this, Xiaoling and Ninghui stopped arguing and looked at Tianji quietly.

"Go ahead, Nazi." Feeling the silence around him, Tianzi immediately said to Nazi.

"Okay!" Nazi agreed and started chatting.

"First of all, it is impossible to turn against the water. If Yuhong City suddenly turned against the water, it is still possible to give more than half of the heart of ten thousand trees to the Rockets.

But as far as I know, Lijia has been obsessed with perfume recently, and she is very repulsive to contact with the Rockets, so this possibility is almost equal to zero.

Then there is one of my conjectures. You also know that our superpowers can leave a mark on a creature unconsciously.

But in fact, the power of electromagnetism can also be used, because our living creatures have a magnetic field. According to what you said, the Raichu obviously manipulated the power of electromagnetism to an unimaginable level, so it is likely to use this The battle incorporated the electromagnetic marker into the biomagnetic field of the shuttlecock cotton.

You must know that Shuttlecock Cotton is Lijia's elf. Even if it is not the main force, the place where it usually stays is definitely an important place in the gym.

I even speculate that Lijia's elves may have practiced near the Heart of Ten Thousand Woods, or in other words, they practiced in the grounds of the Heart of Ten Thousand Woods.

The person from the Dead Leaves Gym may have received this news, so he came to fight Lijia. Winning or losing is not really important. The important thing is to keep this electromagnetic marker in the body of Shuttlecock Cotton.

Tianji, didn't you say before that Raichu used an electrical field to spread the field, and the electromagnetic wave also covered the air, so that it was very simple to merge into a magnetic field mark unconsciously.

And Lijia wouldn't see anything, since every living thing has a magnetic field. "

After listening to Nazi's explanation, Tian Ci frowned, feeling that what he said made sense.

But in this way, doesn't it also expose the fact that he is from the Dry Leaf Gym?

Thinking of this doubt, he asked again.

"Haha~ Tianji, are you substituting yourself too deeply!"

Unexpectedly, Na Zi, who heard this doubt, smiled "puchi" and asked directly.

Then, without waiting for Tianji and the others to answer, he explained to himself.

"You have to know that Li Jia didn't know that there was a big conspiracy against Yuhong City.

And the apprentices of our gymnasium, as long as the disciples meet the conditions, they can also go out on adventures.

After all, it is impossible to advance to the elite at all by working behind closed doors!

So in this case, a disciple visiting the Dead Leaf Gym came to Yuhong City, what's the problem? "

"Oh!" Hearing Nazi's explanation, Tianji and the others suddenly realized that they are really fans of the authorities!

Indeed, from Lijia's point of view, it is normal to meet a disciple who is traveling in Dead Leaf City! no problem.

"Then do I want to test the spy in Deadleaf City?"

After thinking about it, Tianji asked Nazi for follow-up advice.

"Er..." Hearing this question, Nazi pondered for a while, as if she was considering the words, and then replied:

"Tianji, otherwise you should just keep your troops as normal, wait until the day of the turmoil to try one or two, and if you can't, withdraw immediately.

Don't get involved too much, I have specifically inquired, the scale of the Rockets' dispatch this time is definitely larger than the previous few times!

After all, the heart of ten thousand trees is the branches of the world tree, and it is closely related to dreams. Team Rocket is bound to win this! "

Hearing Nazi's advice, Tian Ci felt warm in his heart, and he understood that he was concerned.

"Okay, I won't make fun of my life, Nazi."

So he agreed immediately.

The next few people chatted with each other about their daily life, and after talking about their feelings, they fell into a deep sleep.

On a new day, in the early morning, they came to the training grounds of Yuhong Taoist Hall early.

Although the Gym also provides free accommodation for major clients, Tianji has too many secrets on his own, and he has a lot of thoughts about the Gym's treasures, so naturally he won't stay in the Gym all day, leaving more Lots of clues.

After arriving at the training ground, everyone called out their respective elves and made a distinction based on their attributes.

Like Heluga and Kamui Turtle must not stay in the grass property field, one is afraid of causing a fire, the other is restrained, and the instinct is uncomfortable.

So after informing the two elves about the detailed training plan, they let them train on their own.

"Cami!" Let's rush! Brother Heluga!

I saw Kamui sitting on Heluga's body, and he raised his right hand and gave the order to move forward.

Chapter 449 Respective training

"Wang!" He Lujia also called out in cooperation, and then like a wild horse, he quickly ran to the general practice room on the other side.

Along the way, there are several elves of Xiaoling, fast swimming frogs, gem starfish, and water jumping fish.

As for Ninghui's big milk jug and Pipi, they are all ordinary attributes, and they don't care which attribute has stronger energy around them, so they still stay here.

Of course, the protagonist of this grass-attribute field is still a grass-attribute dummy flower. At this time, he is enjoying the free energy in the air.

"Moo!?ω?" How comfortable! The energy is so plentiful!

Seeing the delighted Koudouhua, Tianji on the side smiled knowingly, feeling that Koudouhua now looks like a 3-4 year old child.

As the big brother in the team, it usually does carry too many things.

"Okay, dumbass, let's train!"

After letting Koudouhua enjoy it for a while, Tianji reminded him aloud.

"Moo (???_??)?" Kou Dianhua heard that she was about to train, and immediately called out with great momentum, and then came to Tianci's front, waiting for the order.

"Well, Kou dumb flower, you first show the powerful whipping you learned from before!" Seeing the high-spirited Kou dumb flower, Tian Ci nodded in satisfaction and began to give orders.

"Moo!" Kou Dianhua agreed immediately upon hearing this, and at the same time two thick green vines were quickly pulled out from both sides of her body.

"Boom!" Only two sounds of whips breaking through the air were heard, followed by two "papas". Tian Ci heard the sound and looked, and found that the target not far away was trembling.

Since it is a training ground for elite-level trainers, the material of the target must also correspond to it. This iron target, which looks ordinary in appearance, can actually withstand a gym-level full-strength blow. The ore material is also the first-class spirit mine.

To be able to hit the target with a humming sound, it shows that the force of the whipping of the mouth has indeed improved.

On the other hand, Duanhua himself was not satisfied, and yelled at Tianci "Moo~moo~", probably meaning that it didn't fully exert itself, and felt that 30% of the effort was wasted. This move should be practiced first. Okay, let's practice other things.

Hearing this, Tian Ji on the side couldn't help but feel ashamed, Duan Hua really has grown up, and now he can even arrange the training plan himself. If he finds his own shortcomings, he will practice more himself. He really doesn't need to worry about it~

Thinking of this, he cheered on Deng Hua as if encouraging.

"That's right, dumbass, it's great that you can find out the problem yourself and solve it in time! Then let's do what you want. Let's learn the trick of strong whipping first!"

"Moo!" Kou Dianhua saw that the trainer had obeyed his advice and cheered him up, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes turned into two crescent moons.

"It's great that Tianji recognized me again!"

With this thought in mind, the grass-type venue soon heard a whipping sound.

Tianji on the side also started his own exercise, because Koudouhua is repeating the exercise now, all he wants is proficiency, so he doesn't need any help, so he can only exercise himself.

"Hey! Ha!"



For a while, I saw that Tian Ci seemed to have become a martial arts master in the novels of the previous life. All kinds of moves and routines were fierce and powerful, accompanied by the sound of "bang" from time to time. is very powerful.

However, people who have reached this level understand that although these moves are exquisite, they only have the effect of exercising the muscles of the whole body. If you want to use them against the enemy, they are not qualified.

As we said before, among the martial arts warriors (elite-level), apart from the extremely exquisite moves, the comparison is actually physical fitness and reaction ability.

After all, at this level, one punch and one whip leg can cause a lot of damage.

In the sky, Beagle was flying with his eyes closed, doing dodging training. The big milk tank below and Pippi acted as throwers, hitting Beagle again and again.





It can be seen that the two elves of Ninghui below are working very hard.

Because Tianji and the two of them said it very clearly, this is also the training of the two of them.

Although the trainer is Ning Hui, whether it is Big Milk Tank or Pippi, they have long understood that Ning Hui can't help him in battle at all, so it's better to listen to Tianji.

And the real person in the team is Tianji, so the two elves naturally dare not be lazy.

The two elves below were sweating like rain, and the one above was not particularly good at Bidiao. It could be seen that its originally soft and beautiful hair was slightly messy at this time, and even traces of feathers that had been knocked down could be seen.

These are actually caused by the fact that it did not evade the attack below in time, of course, there are reasons for this.

Otherwise, the dignified elite-level powerhouse can't escape the attacks of two ordinary-level elves, and he will be laughed at!

In fact, this is a way of training one's own sense of flight energy and wind, and it is also recorded in the cultivation cheats.

Close your eyes, completely rely on your body to perceive the changes in the air when the attack comes, then raise the pre-judgment position, and avoid it to be successful.

It's easy to say, but it's really hard to do!

As we all know, birds can quickly catch prey in the process of fast flight, which is inseparable from their superb eyesight.

The same is true of the Beagle. Its superb vision is the capital that it can stand proudly among the clouds. Whether it is attacking, defending, or evading, it will use its own eyes to see! Only then does it react to the brain!

This is a habit that has been cultivated since childhood~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Now it is very troublesome to make it suddenly close its eyes.

It can be said that at this time, Bi Diao was completely beaten, and the eyes that depended on it for survival could not be used.

If you can fight or counterattack with moves, it won't be so miserable!

But it's a pity that Tianji made it only possible to evade, not to use moves, so Bidiao, who was training for the first time, undoubtedly became a meat target.

Of course, Tianji didn't mean to embarrass Bibi Diao on purpose. Before training, he had agreed with Bibi Diao that he would definitely be beaten badly during the first training session, but pain is the key to rapid progress, so stick to it. !

And Bi Diao also resolutely implemented this order, even though he was severely injured, he never shouted.

As the first elite-level combat power in Tianci's hands, it also has a ruthlessness in its heart! Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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