Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 446: fighting

"Raichu!" Raichu shouted when he heard the order, and electromagnetic waves emerged from his entire body, flying towards the surroundings.

And when this electromagnetic wave reaches a certain amount, it will have a special effect. With the sound of "zizi", the originally floating cotton spores are like being touched by static electricity, and they will fall down with a "crashing".

"Bangbang!" Shuttlecock Cotton was also taken aback by the sudden loss of control of cotton spores. It was originally hidden behind a large number of cotton spores, but now it was directly exposed under Raichu's eyes.

"Use 100,000 volts! Raichu!" Haodian immediately ordered when he saw the shuttlecock cotton showing his figure.

"Lai! Laiqiu!" 100,000 volts is their clan's specialty, only to hear Leiqiu scream, his body is wrapped in golden electric lights, and then a few huge electric lights hit the shuttlecock cotton with a shocked face .

You must know that the speed of lightning is very fast, and it is definitely too late for Shuttlecock Cotton to defend with other moves.

So Lijia immediately said two words with a spiritual contract.

"Hold on!"

Yes, this kind of defensive magic skills that outside trainers can't get at all, for Lijia, who is the master of the gymnasium, is within easy reach.

Not only her main elves, but also her second team of elves basically have one.

So, ah, sometimes it is really the monopoly of the upper class that causes the phenomenon of rare and expensive.

Back on the battlefield, I saw a green barrier suddenly appeared on the surface of Shuttlecock Cotton as the electric light approached.

With a sound of "Bang~", the smoke dissipated, and the intact shuttlecock cotton appeared in front of everyone.

It blocked this move with hold!

"It's too scary!"

"My God! It's a close call, but fortunately I held it!"

"Yeah! Electric Light's attack speed is too fast!"


The spectators in the stands also let go of their dangling hearts and sighed with lingering fears.

However, the fighting style of the lightning attribute will not end at once, it is about a quick and accurate!

So Raichu's attack is not over yet!

"Go ahead, use the charging beam!" The yellow-haired youth Hao Dian was not surprised when he saw that the shuttlecock cotton was intact. If the gym owner could be defeated so easily, he wouldn't be the gym owner.

"Lai!" Raichu nodded, the electric bags on his cheeks began to exert force, and with a "swoosh", another yellow electric light shot straight at the shuttlecock.

"Bounce! Shuttlecock cotton!" Li Jia, who was already prepared, ordered almost simultaneously.

It is worth mentioning that the jumping move is actually an advanced skill of the jumping move. Don't look at the jumping move without any power, it will only jump up and down there stupidly, but this is actually the moment of contacting the elf muscles. Explosive power, as long as it is properly guided, it can smoothly advance to a powerful jumping move.

"Bangbang!" In the mid-air of the battlefield, the shuttlecock cotton jumped violently onto the cotton spores around him. (Although it has fallen a lot because of electromagnetic waves before, the shuttlecock still has control over the spores around it)

With a "Bang!" sound, he jumped up with strength, and escaped the attack of the charging beam dangerously and dangerously.

And after dodging, Lijia didn't let the shuttlecock fall down to attack Raichu at close range, that's what a fool would do, and approached, didn't she send it to Raichu to fight?

Raichu has hands, feet, and a tail, and a shuttlecock is different. How could it be possible to fight Raichu in close quarters?

"It's our turn, Shuttlecock Cotton, use the sun beam!"

So Lijia made the shuttlecock who jumped high also used the beam skill to counterattack.

Then I saw a green light beam falling quickly from the sky with a "swoosh" sound.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoling asked Tianci suspiciously:

"Brother Tianji, I remember that the sunbeam takes a long time to gather the energy of the sun, right? Why does Miss Lijia's shuttlecock cotton seem to be ready to use without the previous aggregation work?"

Hearing this question, Tian Ci pondered for a while, and then secretly used his mental power to carefully observe the shuttlecock cotton that was still in the air, and the green color that had not completely dissipated from his body. He understood and explained to Xiaoling. road:

"It should be photosynthesis. This shuttlecock has turned the practice of photosynthesis into an instinct. It absorbs sunlight every minute and every second, and accumulates it slowly. When it finally reaches a certain limit, it can successfully use the sun beam."

"Is that so? I remember Brother Tianzi, your mouth-sucking flower seems to be good at photosynthesis, right? Then Brother Tianzi, you can learn from it too! This trip is not in vain!"

After Xiaoling heard it, she nodded, and as if she had remembered something, she immediately continued to talk to Tianci.

"En!" Hearing this, he nodded thoughtfully, feeling that Xiaoling was right, and there was indeed something to learn from.

Of course, he also understands that this kind of skill is not so simple to find out. You can also use photosynthesis as a cost, even if you don't look stupid, but the key point of this trick is how to use it when doing other actions. If photosynthesis is maintained, how can the light energy collected intermittently be concentrated? Don't let it dissipate.

In this regard, Tianji said that he can only explore slowly, I believe this skill should not be difficult, right?

Or if it really doesn't work, ask Na Zi if there is any way to do it?

Mainly because this trick is really very practical!

Think about it, slowly absorb light energy in the battle, and then unexpectedly come up with a big move like Sunshine Flame or Sunbeam, not the opponent is very ignorant.

Or in other words, when you are seriously injured, you can release all this light energy, use photosynthesis to restore yourself, and appear in front of the enemy with full blood resurrection.

So no matter what, he has already decided on the skill of this trick, and he must learn it!

Back on the battlefield, Raichu and his trainers were very confused at this time. . . I don't understand why I suddenly released a grass-type ultimate move - Sun Beam.

So caught off guard, although Raichu tried his best to dodge, the right side of his body was scratched a little, and the scorching sunlight instantly made the scratched part flush red.

"Lai!" Raichu also cried out in pain.

"Damn! Raichu, use the electric shock wave!" Hao Dian was not to be outdone when he saw his elf being attacked, and directly asked Raichu to use the power of the upper and lower magnetic fields to launch an attack.

The electric shock wave has a certain attribute in the game. In the real world, the attack speed is actually very fast, and it is almost impossible to react.

According to the speed of lightning, this is indeed the case.

I saw Raichu exerting force with both hands, and the electromagnetic force was instantly converging. Then, with two "ZZZZ" sounds, two yellow electric lights hit the shuttlecock in the air.

Chapter 447

"Try to keep it! Shuttlecock cotton!" When the electric light was approaching, even if Lijia used the spiritual contract to send a message at the speed of light, she could only make her try to defend the move again, otherwise it would be too late for other actions.

Soon these two electric lights hit the position of the shuttlecock cotton, making a "bang!" explosion.

"Did you hit?" The audience in the venue all stared at the thick smoke with breathless eyes, holding the same doubts in their hearts.

But after waiting for a while, Hao Dian, who didn't hear the sound, immediately reacted.

"Watch out! Raichu!" He hurriedly spoke to Raichu.

Too bad it's too late!

"Bangbang!" With a crisp cry, one green seed after another smashed towards Raichu.

"Ow! It's shuttlecock cotton! The intact shuttlecock cotton has been successfully used for the second time! It seems that the goddess of luck is also standing beside Miss Lijia!"

After lamenting the good luck of Shuttlecock Cotton, the narrator followed the battle closely and began to explain the current situation to the audience.

"As you can see, the seeds in this sky-filled machine gun seem to have different sizes of seeds. In fact, this is a fusion move of our Yuhong City. In addition to the most basic seed machine gun, it also incorporates parasitic seeds, trouble seeds, and seed bombs. The three moves are an unparalleled four-in-one move!"

Hearing this explanation, Tianji in the audience sat upright, and at the same time, his superpower immediately reached over, wanting to spy on one or two.

Because as long as anyone with a bit of status and status can understand how rare and powerful the four-in-one move is!

It can be seen from the fact that Lijia was willing to take the initiative to throw out benefits for Tianci's thorns and poisonous whip before.

And Raichu, who was attacked by a hail of bullets on the battlefield, also perfectly demonstrated the power of this move.

"Bang bang bang!" Although Raichu had done his best to dodge, his coverage was too wide, and he couldn't dodge all of them. A few gray-green seeds hit him straight.

"Lai! Laiqiu!" Raiqiu, who was in pain from the blast, could not help but let out a burst of pain.

However, it is worthy of being the house elf of the elite disciples of the Dead Leaves Gym. Although it hurts from being beaten, its body is still suspended in mid-air and has no intention of falling. level.

But the good luck was only temporary, and soon several seeds of different sizes and colors hit Raichu, making a "pop, pop" sound.

One of them even directly grew a lot of vines, tying up Raichu's sturdy body.

"Laiqiu! Lai!" The bound Raichu kept struggling, his hands lit up with white light, trying to break the vine with his moves.

But at this time, a strange seed hit it directly, and then it melted directly like ice touching fire.

It didn't take long for Raichu to feel irritable and uneasy!

"Lai~Laiqiu~" So annoying! These seeds, vines are so annoying!

At this time, Hao Dian on the contestant's stage changed his face after receiving the news from Leiqiu. He also heard what Xie said, and naturally understood that it should be a parasitic seed or a trouble seed.

So he immediately sent a voice transmission to Raichu and said:

"Hold on! Raichu! Try blocking other seeds with a wall of light!"

"Lai~" After hearing the trainer's order, Raichu tried to calm down his emotions and wanted to use the light intensity.

It's a pity that Lijia won't give it this chance.

"While now, the shuttlecock will use the ultimate suction to give it the final blow!"

"Bangbang!" Shuzi Mian shouted when he heard the order, and the grass element imprint on his forehead also shone, and then a green light shrouded straight towards the bound Raichu.

"Lai!" Just as Raichu wanted to fight back, he found that the vines that had bound him had suddenly grown a lot of small thorns, and they were tightly stuck in his body with a "puchi". At the same time, his energy and physical strength were rapidly increasing. churn.

With such cooperation, the wall of light that Raichu wanted to use naturally failed, and immediately after that, all the seeds that flew in hit him.

"Lai!" Under this kind of offensive, Raichu finally couldn't maintain his electromagnetic float, and was directly knocked to the ground.

"Bang bang bang!" After an explosion, the smoke dissipated, and Raichu had fallen to the ground with his eyes swirling, obviously it had lost its ability to fight!

"Okay, so strong!" Xiao Ling in the audience couldn't help sighing when he saw another elite powerhouse being defeated by Li Jia.

Only now did she realize that she was still far behind in the cultivation of elves. If nothing else, she didn't have a powerful move that pressed the bottom of the box.

Although Blizzard is very good, this single big move actually consumes a lot of money. Even though Lijia's seed machine gun is a four-in-one move, the consumption may be only half of the normal four moves, which is much less than the consumption of Blizzard. .

This is also the reason why Yuhong Gym lists it as a secret move, and it is also a fusion move pursued by every trainer.

If the original consumption, or even greater consumption, can be used to use fusion moves, then why are there still a large number of trainers and professional scholars studying hard?

It's nothing more than because the fusion moves consume less and are more powerful!

Like those simple combos before, such as lightning flash + impact, it is really a combo, which uses the same consumption and adds some power, and is not called a fusion move at all.

Back to the topic, after Raichu lost, the referee immediately announced the result of the game.

"I declare that this elite challenge will be won by Miss Lijia!"

"Shuttlecock cotton! The best!"

"Miss Lijia! It's amazing!"

"Beautiful and strong! Love you!"


Similarly, after the announcement of the results of the game, there was another burst of cheers.

At this time, the three of Tianci had already left the gym, the results of the competition had been decided, and he couldn't figure out the purpose of this young man with yellow hair, so there was no need to stay here to waste time.

And before he figured it out~www.wuxiamtl.com~ he was not good at testing, so he didn't even follow him, and they went back to the hotel.

In the Yuhong Hotel directly under the jurisdiction of Yuhong City, in room 406, three people were sitting in a group, discussing the purpose of this young man with yellow hair.

"...He probably came from Deadleaf...but Nazi said..."

After talking about what happened, Tianji asked the two women:

"This is probably the case, do you have any ideas?"

As the saying goes, the three stooges are the top of Zhuge Liang. Although in the team, Tianji basically made his own decisions, but when there are some situations that cannot be handled, he will also let the two women participate together and give some advice.

"Uh... Master, could it be that Dry Leaf City decided to help Yuhong City? So it suddenly turned against the tide? There's no need to hide."

After the little maid Ninghui heard it, she immediately said a result without thinking. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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