Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 434: exchange

So Tianji asked directly: "Miss Lijia Lijia, I don't know what price I have to pay to get this poisonous skill inheritance?"

To be honest, if there is no hidden poisoning method to cooperate with this drug-locking formula, the value is actually not that high.

After all, in actual combat, the enemy is not a fool, and they can see that you are poisoning. How can you continue to be poisoned?

Before Tianji himself was having a headache, how to keep the poisoning a little more secretive? In this regard, whether it was him or Duanhua himself, he was still in the stage of sneak attack, and he really hadn't trained to covertly poison in battle!

Originally, he was going to find a way to find Nazi, but now that Lijia has something ready-made, it is natural to find a way to get it.

And through actual combat, Lijia also showed him the power of concealed poisoning + locked poisoning, the combination of these two!

Even the Duan Hua, who had been prepared for a long time and had strong poison resistance, was attacked, so it would naturally be even more unfavorable to deal with elves of other attributes!

It is definitely of great help to Tianji's strength improvement, so he must get it!

Li Jia, who heard Tianji say this, flashed a smile in her eyes, she understood that the fish was hooked!

As the gym owner of Yuhong City, she is naturally not a bad person. Although she has a kind-hearted temperament, when it is time to fight for the interests of the family, she will not be soft-hearted.

The thorns poisonous whip that Tianji's Koudaihua used in the battle before is very valuable in actual combat, just to fill the promotion vacancy of the powerful poisonous whip, so her purpose is this move.

"Tian Cijun! Well, I, Yuhong City, won't take advantage of you. How about you use the poisonous whip with thorns before in exchange for this poisoning skill?"

"Uh..." Hearing Li Jia's request, Tian Chi pondered for a while and began to think.

After he got Nazi's help, his horizons also broadened, and he naturally understood that the three-stroke fusion move he had discovered by **** luck was of great value.

Although Lijia's poisoning skills are really good at concealment, compared with his trick, it is actually lacking.

But after thinking about it, he had already taken advantage of the exchange formula, and it seems that the value is about the same.

So Tianji still opened his mouth to accept it, and made a good relationship with Lijia.

"Okay, Miss Lijia, I agree to the exchange!"

Hearing Tianci's agreement, Li Jia, who was on the side, was also overjoyed, and her eyes became crescents with laughter.

However, she also knew that she had taken advantage of it, so she immediately instructed the maid who was guarding the door through voice transmission.

"Lanzi, please go to the library and get a copy of the poison."

At the same time, a jade card was also sent out.

At this time, Lan Zi, who was guarding the door, as a personal maid, strictly obeyed Li Jia's orders, put away the jade card, and walked towards the library inside the gymnasium.

Not long after, she came back with a brand-new "Poison Sutra", and after handing it over to Lijia, she silently exited the secret room. Like a robot, he is only loyal to his master, and doesn't even look at Tianji next to him.

"Nuo ~ Tian Cijun, this is the "Poison Sutra" collected by our Yuhong City!"

Li Jia, who got the secret book, gave it to Tianji.

When Tian Ci heard the words, he immediately took it with both hands, and at the same time ordered the mouth dumb flower:

"Kouduhua, you give the method of using the thorns poisonous whip to your fellow clan."

Hearing this, Kou Denghua immediately opened the chatterbox, and said "Moo-moo-moo-" to the fellow clan beside him.

Seeing this scene, Li Jia nodded, indicating that Tianji could read it.

"Wow~" He was not polite either, and turned to look directly in front of Li Jia.

Accompanied by the sound of "crashing", Tianji, who is a superpower, roughly read the "Poison Classic" once.

It is worth mentioning that the "Poison Classic" is only a middle-grade cheat book. It stands to reason that it can't be compared with the thorns and poisonous whip moves traded by Tianzi, but the real value is not the content of the "Poison Classic" itself, but Near its main text, there are dense annotations.

These are all the powerhouses in the Yuhong Taoist Hall, and the contents added from generation to generation, outsiders have no chance to see.

The cheat book "Poison Classic" is actually included in Na Zi's Golden Temple. After all, this is only a middle-grade cheat book. Tianji has also read it before, and it has also deepened a lot of toxins.

However, the "Poison Sutra" in his mind was pitifully lacking in annotations, and with a few strokes, his understanding was not as profound as that of someone who was born in a wild way.

Of course, this is excusable. After all, the Golden City is famous for its superpowers. How could there be many people who study the poisonous properties that are restrained by superpowers.

So in terms of poison attribute, he actually didn't get much help from Nazi.

"Miss Lijia! Thank you!" After roughly reading the book, Tianji took the "Poison Sutra" with many annotations back into his space backpack, and thanked him solemnly.

"No problem, just get what you need!"

Hearing this, Li Jia waved her hand indifferently, although this "Poison Sutra" is already a valuable inheritance, but their Yuhong City is still famous for grass attributes, so it is not considered a core inheritance, and Tianji has this book in his hand. This is also the one that has been cut and can be traded.

After some transactions, Tian Chi considered it for a while, and then asked aloud:

"Miss Lijia, do you know if Yuhong Taoist Hall has any training grounds for rent? To be honest, I have benefited a lot from the battle with you, and I want to let Kouduhua train in a place with strong grass-type energy."

"No problem, Tian Cijun, I will ask the reception staff to arrange a good venue for you."

Li Jia agreed without thinking about this request.

Naturally, a gym cannot always be a burden of losing money. Over a long period of time, gyms have long researched ways to make money.

For example, the registration fee for the Gym Challenge is only one of them. There are also ticket fees for ordinary people to visit, rental fees for training venues, and even some new gyms. For popularity, to turn losses into profits as soon as possible, and also They often hold paid lectures to teach local and traveling trainers some dry stuff. Of course, they certainly won't involve their own core heritage.

But even so, it is a rare opportunity for those civilian trainers at the bottom. For example, in the three years that Tianji was a trainer in Aoki Town, he never saw the Aoki Gym hold a lecture, listen to the elderly Say, the most recent one should have been 10 years ago...

This is normal, after all, no one wants their knowledge to spread widely, even if it does not involve the core.

Chapter 435

However, Yuhong City is not included in this list. The reason why the spiritual plants in the whole city can grow to the point of flooding is inseparable from the selfless sharing of Yuhong Taoist from generation to generation.

When I was shopping before, Tianji and a few people inquired about it. The lectures at Yuhong Taoist Hall were quite frequent, and there would always be one or two free lectures a month.

Of course, most of them are talking about spiritual plant cultivation, and the lectures involving trainers depend on luck, but there will be 3-4 times a year.

But now that the master is here, it is natural to ask directly.

Thinking of this, Tianji asked:

"Miss Lijia, when is the latest lecture in your museum?"

Hearing this question, Li Jia glanced at him with a half-smile, she understood that Tian Ci was asking about the trainer's lecture, after all, they rely on this free lecture in Yuhong City, which has also attracted many traveling trainers who pass by to come here. Consumption.

So after a little thought, he replied:

"About a month later, there will be a lecture on grass-type elves. Although the focus is on ordinary-level elves, you can also come and listen to Tian Zijun, I believe you can still gain something."

"Mmmm! Thank you Miss Lijia!" Hearing this, Tianji nodded and thanked him sincerely.

After talking about this, Li Jia looked at the exquisite watch in her hand and said goodbye to Tianji.

"Okay, since the matter has been discussed, Tian Cijun, I will take my leave first, the perfume development has reached the final stage, I am really sorry!"

"Oh! I'm sorry, Miss Lijia, I took too much time for you, please walk slowly!"

After Tian Chi heard it, he quickly got up and sent him off.

With a "squeak" sound, after the door of the room opened, Li Jia took her maid Lanzi to the depths of the gym.

In the same way, although the movements are elegant and the pace looks small, the speed is extremely fast, and it disappears from Tianji's field of vision in a short while.

At this time, Xiaoling and Ninghui, who had been waiting for a long time, also came up, along with a gym receptionist in a dark green uniform.

As soon as she came up, she bowed respectfully to Tianci, and made a gesture of invitation, saying:

"Lord Tianzi, Lord Lijia has already instructed that you want to rent a training ground and let me show you."

"Well, let's go then." Tian Ci nodded when he heard the words, indicating that he could go.

Then a group of three followed behind the receptionist and walked towards the training room.

On the way, Tianji sent a voice transmission to the mouth dumb flower in the Poké Ball and asked:

"How about it, dumb flower, have you learned some tricks from your elf of the same clan?"

It turned out that when Kou Denghua explained the thorns poisonous whip to Li Jia's Xiaohua just now, he secretly ordered to let Kou Dianhua try it out and get it cheaper.

"Moo moo~ Moo~" The dumb flower in the poke ball immediately replied when she heard the words, probably meaning: Tianji, yes, yes, that dumb flower just now is so stupid~ I'm not smart at all, I took the opportunity to teach it the thorns and poisonous whip, and tentatively asked it how to use the powerful whip, but I didn't expect it to tell me directly!

I feel like I know it myself, but the terrifying woman from before was there, and I didn't dare to show it.

Hearing this, Tian Ci was overjoyed in his heart, although he had not used the idiot flower yet, he believed in the idiot flower.

From the beginning to the end, Koudouhua has never joked about his own strength, and he has always been very **** training tasks. Since it said that it can, it should be.

After all, the idiot who already understood the vine whip, has been studying the trick of powerful whipping, and the only difference is the crucial one.

Now Lijia's dumb-mouthed flowers have helped her a little bit, and it should be no problem to learn it in a short period of time.

I didn't see it, Li Jia's dumb mouth took so much time to learn the thorns and poisonous whip!

Sometimes it's just enough to pierce the window paper. You already have a solid foundation. After you get the tricks, you can naturally accumulate a lot.

Like Li Jia's dumb flower, the powerful poison whip has been used very proficiently. Entangling and absorbing are also his commonly used blood inheritance skills. Now that he has obtained the method of combining, he can use it in about ten minutes. .

After it has been training for two days to improve the proficiency of the next move, then this move can be used in actual combat.

In the same way, Tianji's dumb-mouthed flower was very good at the thorns and poisonous whip. Now it is nothing more than changing the cane whip to a powerful whip, which is actually much less difficult than Lijia's dumb-mouthed flower. After the aptitude was raised to the elite level by Tian Zi's hard work, its comprehension ability is not bad, and it is naturally impossible to learn it.

"Okay, then we'll change the name of this move, let's call it Stinger Strong Whip!"

Tianji, who was in a good mood, immediately gave a nice name to the new fusion move.

"Moo (づ●─●)づ" is also a dumb-named idiot who happily agreed, without any comments.

Growing up with Tian Ci from a young age, Duan Hua was deeply influenced by Tian Ci's pragmatism. It doesn't matter whether the appearance is good or not, the name is good or not, as long as there is no problem with the function!

I still remember that when I went to the supermarket to change the nutrient soil for the trumpet buds, the trumpet buds swayed in the Poké Ball actively, and there was such a message, "Don't use the nutrient soil in the display cabinet, but use the nutrient soil on the promotion cabinet."

To tell the truth, the nutrient soil on the promotion cabinet is scattered, and it is also placed in the open air. The energy inside will definitely be lost, but it is not very large.

However, the price is only one-half of the one on the display cabinet. If you buy two copies, in fact, hurry up. It should be better than one point of the nutrient soil on the display cabinet.

At that time, Tianji was still a low-level poor man who was excited about thousands of alliance coins, so after he was able to do it again and again with the trumpet bud, he followed the advice of the trumpet bud and replaced it with this kind of promotional nutrient soil~www.wuxiamtl .com~ And the trumpet buds at that time, in order to drain all the energy of the nutritious soil, took root in the nutritious soil whenever they had time, even sleeping in the flowerpot of the nutritious soil.

So why does it care about the name of the move? It only needs to know that it has become stronger and can help Tianji more.

"Tatata~" The reception staff at the gym in front did not notice the change in the mood of the people behind them, but Xiaoling and Ninghui, who had been in touch with Tianji, both felt the joy.

As a maid, Ninghui did not dare to ask questions casually, but Xiaoling, one of the main palaces, did not have so many scruples, and asked directly through voice transmission:

"Brother Tianci, why are you suddenly so happy? Did Miss Lijia agree to date you?"

Tianji, who noticed that the girl's tone was not right, hurriedly explained after hearing the words:

"Nothing, Xiaoling, don't think too much. I have enough women. With you, I will be satisfied." Remember the website address of this site, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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