Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 432: defeat

As soon as the narrator's words fell, the audience in the stands became indignant.

"Despicable! How can you sneak attack from behind!"

"It's clearly in a head-to-head confrontation, why do you have a sneak attack again!"

"Too bad! Shameless!"


Because the people who come here are all directed at Lijia, basically Lijia's brain-dead fans, and most of them are ordinary people, so they naturally scold Tianji a lot.

Of course, he doesn't care about it, a joke~ How can there be any open and above-mentioned duels in the wild, it's not all sneak attacks, it's more to fight less, as long as you can win!

Now that Li Jia's mouth was tied with vines, he has an absolute advantage!

However, just as he was thinking about the accident, Li Jia suddenly spoke to him through voice transmission:

"Tianji-kun! Look good! What is the power of the previous poison-locking formula!"

Hearing this sound transmission, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Tian Ci's forehead!

"Could it be that the flower of the mouth has already been hit with several toxins, but it shouldn't be. With the poisonous attribute of the flower of the mouth, it is impossible to find any clues, and its physical condition is not unusual!"

Thinking of this, he quickly transmitted a voice to Kou Dianhua.

"Koudouhua, are you poisoned?"

Hearing Tian Ci Chuanyin's stunned expression, a relieved expression on his face froze.

"Moo?" Originally, it was absorbing the energy and physical strength of the opposite family, and it felt very comfortable. Suddenly, it was asked by its own trainer. At the same time, it quickly began to check itself.

Soon, it was checked, and I felt in great shape! Even through the energy and physical strength it has absorbed, it feels in good spirits now!

"Moo~moo~" Tianji, I didn't realize I was poisoned! I feel I am fine now!

Hearing Kou Duohua's reply, Tian Chi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it to buy some time for my elves? So you deliberately deceive me?"

He just thought of this, but suddenly found that Xiaohua, who was crying, suddenly stopped crying.

"Xiaohua, let's start! The poison lock is activated!"

With a wave of Lijia's right hand, Tianji's mouth was stunned and found that there was a steady stream of energy coming in like it, even if it didn't need to absorb moves, it seemed to be able to absorb the energy and physical strength of the opposite.

Although some of them are purple poisonous energy, it doesn't really matter to it.

After all, it believes that it is not much worse than the opposite in terms of poison attribute achievement, it is impossible to even hold such a little poison energy.

But not long after the actively transmitted poison energy reached Tianji's body, an accident happened!

"Moo (?ò?ó? Tian Ci's dumbfounded complexion suddenly changed, he felt a little strange in his body, and soon it was like a chain reaction, and the severe pain came one after another to his body Attacked from everywhere, and at the same time, the dizziness and powerlessness became more and more serious.

In this way, the vines that bound Xiaohua naturally loosened.

"Xiaohua, break free. Then use rooting and photosynthesis to restore yourself!"

However, unexpectedly, Li Jia did not let her own dazed flowers pursue her victory, but instead had an expression that was sure that Tianji's idiotic flowers could not hold on, so she first let her own elf recuperate.

"Moo-moo~" On the battlefield, Xiaohua's two-leaf hands suddenly exerted force when she heard the order, and with a sound of "Bang!" she broke free from the vines that had been slackened, and then she fell back to the field and took root immediately. In the soil, at the same time, the two leaves stretched out their hands and began to absorb sunlight to restore themselves.

And the audience who saw this scene felt a little confused...

From their point of view, the original Takaji's stunned flower has the upper hand. Seeing that she can slowly wear down Miss Lijia's little flower, but I don't know why Tianji's stunned flower seems to be in a bad state all of a sudden, not only The entanglement was cancelled, and he was still mourning there.

And Miss Lijia's little flower, shouldn't she pursue her victory after she's released? How did he recover on his own?

To know this time, it is also an opportunity for Tianji's mouth to adjust!

So some of Lijia's stubborn fans began to remind her.

"Miss Lijia! Attack!"

"Defeat your opponent first!"

"Xiaohua, hurry up and attack!"


The commentator in the stands was also a little confused at this time, because this anti-virus formula was occasionally invented by Lijia, and she didn't go for certification, and she didn't show it to the public a few times, so he didn't know it!

Moreover, Miss Lijia didn't have the option of letting Danny Flower attack the first time, which seemed a little inappropriate to him. He was worrying about how to make it round?

Otherwise, ordinary audiences don't know, and you, a well-informed commentator, don't know, so why do you need it? Isn't it a proper salary deduction?

At this moment, Li Jia's voice transmission came over.

"You can say it like that, in fact, when I came into contact, the toxicity on my side was stronger, and the accumulation accumulated, and the opposite was poisoned, and the toxicity has accumulated, and the outcome is almost determined. !"

Because the anti-drug formula is to be handed over to Tianci to register the founder, so naturally this cannot be said.

Of course, this explanation is also quite reasonable, at least it should be no problem to fool the audience, so when the narrator who did not need to deduct wages heard that this was the real explanation, he immediately agreed:

"Okay! Miss Lijia!"

Then I saw him coughing twice, and started to explain.

"Everyone in the audience, I believe you didn't understand a little bit just now, so let me explain it to you now.

I believe that everyone has seen the collision of several moves just now. Almost every move has toxins mixed together. Among them, Tanji's dumb flower is the most encountered, and there are wounds, so it is eroded. The toxin is the deepest, and after accumulating heavily, it finally erupted.

And Miss Lijia's mouth was also poisoned, but it was a little shallower, which is why she made the mouth to recover quickly.

In fact, judging from the poisoning situation of player Tianji, the outcome is almost determined, it depends on whether there will be any magic trick to get rid of the poisoned state, or is it still the number of people? "

Hearing this, basically all the audience believed.

"It turned out to be because of toxins!"

"Yeah! As the so-called grass and poison do not separate families, our Yuhong City is naturally unique in the attainment of poison attributes."

"It is understandable that a traveling elite trainer can't bear the toxins on our side."


Listening to the comments from the audience, Tian Ci's mouth twitched. He knew in his heart that it was not a problem of drug resistance at all, but he also understood that locking poison could not be said on this occasion.

Looking at the more and more painful, almost unconscious mouth dumb flower, while he was distressed, he was also secretly surprised by the power of the lock.

Chapter 433

You must know that Tian Ci's dumb flower is not a mediocre person. Its poison attribute achievement is now promoted to the elite, which is worse than the grass attribute. Before, it has developed to the point where it is on par with the main attribute.

So the poison resistance must be not much different from Li Jia's dumb flower.

The previous venoms or poisonous powders, Tianji, including Kou Daihua himself, have noticed, but Kou Daihua's body feedback is indeed nothing unusual, so he doesn't care.

But who would have thought that these toxins would accumulate slowly. Originally, he had KouDaihua checked it, and it really was no big deal. Even in KouDaihua's induction, these toxins had almost been eliminated. , it is impossible to have any effect on its follow-up.

But it is inexplicable, after being actively sent a poison attribute energy by the opposite Xiaohua, its body began to emit a lot of toxins uncontrollably, and even in the end, the toxins in its own body began to mess up. A chain reaction started, and it broke out in its body.

If it weren't for an elite-level elf, suppressed by the elemental force of grass attribute, and replaced by a common high-level elf with poison attribute, they would all be dead at this time!

"Moo! Moo!" Tianci, I am so miserable! I couldn't clean up the toxins in my body, but instead caused the poison-type energy in my body to riot, I couldn't hold it anymore!

Tian Ci's eyes narrowed when he received the meaning from Kou Duo Hua through the spiritual contract. He still underestimated the power of the poison lock attack. He just didn't know that it was the combination of several toxins that made the high poison resistant mouth dumb. Flowers fell to the point where nothing could be done.

Of course, these are things that you can ask Lijia for advice afterward. The most important thing now is to ask Lijia to help detoxify.

So he immediately raised his hand and shouted: "Referee! I surrender!"

Hearing this, the referee nodded and immediately announced the result of the game.

"I declare that the winner of this elite challenge is Miss Lijia!"

Hearing the news that Lijia had won, most of the audience at the scene immediately gave applause and cheers one after another.

"Lijia! Lijia!" The slogan grew louder each time.

At this time, Tianji, who was worried and stunned, came to the field with a teleportation.

"Moo~moo~" I'm sorry, Tianji, I lost~

Seeing Duo Hua, whose face had turned black, but was still paying attention to winning and losing, he couldn't help but be touched.

His lips moved slightly, trying to say something, but in the end he only spit out one sentence: "It's okay, I'm dumb, let's try harder next time!"

After speaking, he touched the top of Koudaihua's head with his hand to show comfort, and at the same time he took out the special antidote from his backpack and poured it into the dying Koodaihua.

After taking two sips of "Gulu ~ Gulu", the bluish black on the body surface has faded a little, and the eyes have regained a little look, but the overall look is still very weak.

"Moo-moo~" Tianci, I feel better, but the toxins in my body have not been completely eliminated, and I don't dare to detoxify them casually, for fear of causing another poison-type energy riot.

Hearing the words from Koudouhua, Tianji was helpless and could only turn his eyes to Lijia on the other side of the field.

"Tian Ci-jun, come with me!"

After Lijia bowed her thanks to the surrounding audience, she also noticed Tianji's look for help, she also said something through voice transmission, and then quickly walked back to the passage.

Seeing this, Tian Ci, Xiaoling, and Ninghui gave a signal, and then they chased after them with a dumb flower.

Soon, the two appeared in a small closed room.

"Xiaohua, help to detoxify." Seeing Tianji following, Lijia immediately said to the mouth dumb flower next to her.

"Moo~" Xiaohua nodded and came to Tianci's mouth.

Under Tianji's eyes, it first spilled some green powder to feed the mouth, and then stretched out two vines, actively cut through the vines, and squeezed some blue-gray juice from it to smear it on the mouth. on the body.

This is not over yet, after the sap is finished, it sends out a ray of turquoise energy to the leaves of the mouth dumb flower.

Finally, a kind of yellow dust was sprinkled on the mouth to swallow.

After such a round of detoxification, its spirit quickly improved a lot. When examining the situation in the body, it was found that most of the toxins had been eliminated, and the rest could be done by itself. Force out easily.

"Moo~" Thank you~

So it still politely thanked its own kin.

"Moo-moo~" Li Jia's little flower, after hearing this, waved Ye Ziyi's hand, indicating that she doesn't need to care.

Tianji, who was on the side, saw that Koudouhua had returned to normal, and his original nervous mood was relieved, and asked Li Jia:

"Miss Lijia, I just saw that your mouth dumb flower has used a total of 4 detoxification methods, which means that my mouth dumb flower is actually locked by 4 kinds of toxins, only 4 kinds~www.wuxiamtl. com~ can get to this point, this power is indeed extraordinary!"

Hearing this question, Li Jia covered her mouth and chuckled:

"Hehe~ Tian Cijun, it's not so exaggerated, my little flower actually put a total of 6 kinds of toxins on your spirit during the battle just now.

Before, there were two types of pairings of the Flying Leaf Knife. There are actually two different toxins on the magic leaf that scratched your elf, and then the poison bomb wound, because it was only sputtered, so only two toxins were planted.

The last two were passed on by my little flowers after they were bound by vines. "

After explaining, she glanced at Tian Ji's mouth blankly and continued:

"Tian Cijun, your mouth is actually quite good. The cultivation of the poison attribute is no worse than that of some disciples who are studying poison in our Yuhong Taoist hall. It is amazing to be able to persist under the six poisons for so long. ."

In this regard, Tianji thought that Li Jia was complimenting himself. Now that the two were in a secret room, he remembered the doubts during the battle and asked directly:

"Miss Lijia, this antidote formula doesn't seem to tell you how to hide the toxins. In fact, during the battle, I have asked Duanhua to check myself several times, and I haven't found any signs of poisoning. I don't know if it's hidden. Can you tell me the way of poisoning?”

For this question, Li Jia's eyes flickered a few times and replied:

"Hehe~ Tian Cijun, what we are trading is only the formula. The poisoning skills belong to the inheritance of our Yuhong Taoist hall, especially the hidden skills, which are the apprentices in our Yuhong Taoist hall, and they can't be exchanged at will. Oh~"

As an old fried dough stick, Tianji naturally understood the meaning of Li Jia's words, saying "you can't change it at will", that is, you can change it, it is nothing more than giving a satisfactory condition.

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