Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 402: Master ball?

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"Buy it, Ninghui!" Tian Ci naturally knew that the moon ball was definitely good for Pippi, so he also said to Ninghui.

"Mmmmm~" Ninghui nodded, she immediately took out her bank card and bought 3 moon balls.

After all, it is only for Pippi to live in. If you want too much, she is useless. As Tianji's personal maid, all her ownership is Tianji's, and it is only up to Tianzi to decide what elves will be captured in the future.

So three moons are enough.

On the other hand, Xiaoling and Tianji also waved their hands and bought 10 of them, and then they went to other counters, bait balls, speed balls, friend balls, tennis balls... They bought all kinds of special balls. I ordered at least 10, and the specially prepared backpacks were packed full in no time.

For some unlimited balls, such as timing **** and advanced balls, they both bought at least 30 balls.

And like the Healing Ball, Youyou Ball, etc., because of the limited purchase, you can only buy 10 pieces.

At the Ball Appraisal Conference, although every trainer can buy Poké Balls with various attributes, some are very rare, and it is naturally impossible for everyone to buy them freely. Otherwise, some people will inevitably become scalpers and start working A reselling act.

If nothing else, the healing power contained in the healing ball is a life-saving straw to some extent in the desolate wilderness!

You know, for those elite trainers who want to keep climbing, it is common to be out of the wild for a month or two.

Note that the elite-level wilderness is not the roads or forests outside the city walls that are regularly cleaned by the alliance. These pseudo-wildlands are actually under the monitoring of the alliance, which is equivalent to a training ground.

And those dangerous areas that are not marked on the map are the destination for the elites to explore. There is the real wild, where no electromagnetic equipment can communicate with each other.

Only in that kind of environment can wild elves grow carefree, strong and savage, and at the same time, they can also have a tempering effect on elite trainers who come to explore.

Like the forest that Tianji and the others traveled through before, it is an unmarked area. The elite-level dumb flowers must be shot more often than carving them, so as to ensure the safety of the whole group, otherwise, with the help of Heruga, they are among the ordinary ones. , I am afraid that the high section will take more than a month, and it is even very likely that it will never come out.

Back to the topic, after a big purchase, Tianji took the two girls to find a place to wait quietly.

"Brother Tian Ci, what was the finale you just mentioned? Isn't this ball game just about buying all kinds of Poke Balls?"

Xiaoling sat on a chair, ate free dessert, and asked softly.

Hearing this question, Tian Chi looked at the time, and felt that it was almost the same, so he did not continue to sell off, and said to the two girls with telepathy:

"The Ball Appraisal Conference, since the word appraisal is used, naturally it is not just for you to see all kinds of special Poke Balls, buy, buy, buy! It will promote the transaction volume.

In fact, tonight's finale is a very special Poke Ball! "

Hearing this, Xiaoling and Ninghui's eyes showed a hint of shock and curiosity.

What Silver Company is researching, as Tianji's bedsiders, they also know.

"Could it be! It's that one!" the girl asked impatiently.

"No, no, no!" He naturally understood the speculation in the hearts of the two women, so he shook his head in denial, and then continued to explain:

"If that ball is really developed, do you think the Rockets and the Golden Gym will let Silver Company come out with a ball appraisal conference and make it known to everyone?"

The two women shook their heads when they heard the words, and naturally understood that this was impossible. If the Master Ball was successfully developed, they would have been hidden by the Rockets and the others immediately. Buddha company took it out to show off.

Thinking of this, the two became more and more curious, and kept urging Tianji to speak quickly.

"Come on, Brother Tianci! Don't make our appetites!"

"Yeah, yeah! Master, you're making us feel uncomfortable like this~"

"Haha~" Tian Ci gave the inside story to the two female futures one by one after a haha. Of course, just in case, he told them telepathically.

"You also know about the master ball, but this time it's actually a new progress in the research and development of the master ball, so a lot of measured data is needed for the next deduction.

This technology is borrowed from the Poké Ball launched this time. It seems to have the ability to forcefully capture the Pokémon, but the success rate is very low. It is more like a means of escape, that is, when you encounter an invincible situation, you can throw it away Take the ball out and capture the wild sprite into the ball.

Although the success rate of subjugation is very low, because most of the power of the contract is used to bind the elves, so no matter what, the elves can be bound for a few seconds, which is still very useful when running. . "

Hearing Tian Ci's explanation, the two women nodded, feeling that this was the reason, and hurriedly asked:

"Brother Tianji, is this ball like a master ball? Can the scope of application be extended to divine beasts?"

Hearing this question, Tianji shook his head and denied:

"This is naturally impossible. Although the weakest divine beasts, such as Flaming Birds, Lightning Birds, and Frozen Birds, may only have the power of Heavenly Kings, it is still impossible for our elite trainers. The threat of resistance, so it is naturally impossible for Silver and the others to do such useless work.”

"According to the news from Nazi's side, the elf ball that they spread, which relies on the power of restraint, should only have a great effect on the elite-level wild elves. The upper limit is the gym level, but in fact In the lower section of the gym, it seems impossible to restrain for a few seconds."

"That's very useful too! It's very strong!"

Hearing these shortcomings mentioned by Tian Ci, the two women didn't care about them, and they could have an effect on the gym level, which is not strong! If one's personality is against the sky, and he really subdue a wild gym-level elf, then it's not a profit!

Although it is because of the power of restraint, it is impossible for a gym-level elves to obey even if they are subdued, but it is still a gym-level! It is an existence that can defend the city!

Even if it is sold to the elf house for recycling, it is a large amount of resources!

"Well! It's very strong, but we can't grab it. Even if we can grab it, it's best not to grab it!"

For this newly launched Poké Ball, Tianci himself affirmed its practicality. After all, it is really a reliable means of escape, and there is even a very small probability of turning defeat into victory and winning the jackpot!

But after the affirmation, he changed the conversation again, saying that he couldn't ask for this kind of ball.

Chapter 403 Binding Ball

"Huh~ why?" Hearing Tianci say that, Xiaoling and Ninghui both looked at each other, they both planned to buy it, after all, who would dislike their own means of saving their lives?

Looking at the two women who were puzzled, Tianji sighed with a "sigh" and explained:

"Do you think the Rockets have to collect a lot of experimental data, will they play some tricks in this special Pokeball, and put a Pokeball next to you, can you feel at ease?"

Hearing this, the two women also reacted, but Ninghui was still a little unwilling, and asked tentatively:

"Can't we ask Miss Nazi to give us some special Poke Balls that are not manipulated?"

As the weakest member of the three, she is still very concerned about this life-saving method.

Hearing this, Tian Chi shook his head and continued to explain:

"If it's normal, yes, but now Silver has achieved a breakthrough in technology, and the Poke Ball of this kind of test product has been paid attention to. Even if Nazi can be given to us, it will take risks. It's too big, so let's forget it."

"Okay then~" Ning Hui was disappointed when she heard this, but she couldn't say anything more.

They didn't make them wait any longer. A male host in a suit stepped onto the high platform in the middle under a burst of high music.

"Lülülu ~ da da da ~" Hearing this music, the trainers who were shopping at the beginning also put down the **** in their hands and sat down nearby, but all of a sudden, the original noisy and chaotic hall became quiet. look.

After all, those who can receive invitations are at least elite-level trainers. To some extent, they are considered superiors. Naturally, they understand what to do in any occasion.

Even an ordinary-level trainer who came here as a follower is a member of a major faction, so naturally it won't be so outrageous.

And after a group of people were seated, the host on the high platform in the center also made a light "cough" and started tonight's main topic.

"Cough~ First of all, I would like to welcome all the distinguished guests to accept the invitation of our Silver Company to come to this ball appraisal conference.

I believe that everyone has bought the Poké Ball that they liked in the purchasing session just now. "

Hearing the host's opening remarks, the trainers in the audience all agreed.

“Satisfied satisfied!”

"All kinds of **** are very complete!"

"It's the healing ball, can you give us a few more places!"

"Yes! Yes! Take more healing balls!"


Hearing this feedback, the host obviously had an expectation in his heart, but he smiled slightly and replied with the microphone:

"Okay, okay, thank you very much for your recognition of our Silver Company. Our Silver Company will not ignore everyone's demands. For the number of Healing Balls, each of the VIPs present can buy 3 more. Piece!"



"As expected of the largest Poké Ball company!"

"Silver is about boldness!"

And the trainers who heard this, got the benefit, and naturally the good words kept coming out.

In this regard, the smile on the male host's face became even brighter. After all, no one likes to listen to good words.

"Thank you for your recognition of our Silver Company!"

The host first bowed and thanked, and then continued:

"Okay, then let's not talk nonsense. All the elites are here, so we won't waste everyone's precious time. Now let's invite the protagonist of our ball appraisal conference to appear."

As soon as the host finished speaking, there was a "click" in the center of the booth, and a gap opened, and at the same time, a display cabinet wrapped in red cloth slowly rose.

And the trainers under the stage are also staring eagerly one by one.

Although those who can receive the invitations all know more or less inside information, most of them only know that this time Silver Company will launch a ball with extremely strong binding force.

As for more, then I don't know, after all, this is a secret development project jointly developed by Team Rocket and Golden Gym!

If it wasn't for Tianji being an insider, he might not even be able to get in the door of the ball game.

After the display cabinet was fixed with a "bang", the host didn't say anything, and simply removed the red cloth covering it with a "ssh".

In an instant, a pokeball with a golden upper half and a rope mark printed on it appeared under the light.

Under the spotlight, the golden-coated Poké Ball shone with a dazzling luster. Just by looking at it, you could tell that this new Poké Ball was definitely worth a lot of money.

The host's introduction also confirmed this.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, what's on display in front of you is the new Poke Ball from our Silver Company, its name is - Binding Ball!"

Speaking of which, the big screen also highlighted the rope on this special Pokeball.

Then he went on to introduce:

"In addition to the matching tree fruit, this restraint ball also uses the unique mineral material of our Golden City - Shenjin! I believe everyone should know that Shenjin has a special gravitational magnetic field~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The top of the restraint ball After half of it is processed with immersion gold, the power of restraint is increased to a greater extent, and the release beam also contains this special magnetic field. If the wild elves are caught off guard, it is entirely possible that they will be directly captured into the pokeball. inside.

This kind of effect, all the elite trainers here, should all understand what effect it can have.

If the distinguished guests have any doubts about this ball, they can directly get up and ask questions. "

After a brief introduction, there was a free question and answer session.

Soon a strong man stood up. Judging from the sturdy aura on his body, there was no doubt that this man was an elite-level powerhouse who was fighting outside all year round, and the aura he exuded was not an elite low-ranking, but an old man. Even a very elite mid-level powerhouse!

The strong man asked aloud:

"Excuse me, your company, what level of wild elves can this restraint power work on? Is there a specific restraint time?"

Hearing this question, the host on the showcase smiled slightly, picked up the microphone and replied:

"My dear guest, our restraint **** are mainly aimed at elite-level wild elves. Generally, depending on their strength, they can restrain them for about 2-4 seconds, and there is a chance to directly capture wild elves, so that you can turn defeat into victory!"

"2-4 seconds?" Hearing this answer, the strong man touched his chin and sat down again after muttering to himself.

This time is too vague for elite-level trainers. You must know that with elite-level strength, life and death may be divided in 1 second!

But the minimum restraint time of 2 seconds feels very fragrant again! So he's thinking...


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