Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 400: ball game conference

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But just when this young man (female) was shaken, an invisible mental wave from Tianci's side was sent to the past again.

I saw a sudden confusion in the eyes of the young (female), and then the unwillingness and desire in my heart completely overwhelmed the desire for money.

She pursed her lips, ignored the price increases from other audience members around her, and walked to the stage with a resolute expression.

She didn't want to have a hot dance with that stunning female elite on this stage. After all, she was also a woman, and she usually dressed as a man on purpose just to protect herself.

More than that, I want to give myself an explanation, an explanation for my lost dream!

"Hey! Boy! Don't eat a toast, eat a fine drink, 50,000 is enough!"

"You better think about it, you can earn your salary for more than a year in a few minutes!"


Because of the pressure of the security team, the person next to him did not dare to step forward to stop the boy (female) who was striding forward, but the temptation of oral language never stopped.

Tianji was actually a little worried about this issue at the beginning, and even arranged a few entrustments a long time ago. If there is a higher bid, let a few entrusters get the price back, and even those several entrustments are sold out. High price, willing to become eunuchs.

But the determination of this young man (female) surprised Tian Ci. He originally thought he had to use the second backup option.

I really did not expect that this girl actually resisted the temptation by herself.

Although he secretly used his spiritual power to guide him, he could clearly feel that the girl at this time had become more and more determined.

"Should there be a tomboy-like, handsome female artist in the girl group, I remember that there seems to be a lot of market."

Looking at the girl who was walking faster and faster, Tianji touched his chin and thought to himself.

And the girl who has already stepped on the stage doesn't know that at this moment, her future life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Before he knew it, Tianji also went from a poor man with nothing to a big man.

Indeed, for the common people, he is already a big man at the elite level.

Of course, in his own situation, he is still a little shrimp.

Especially after getting involved with Na Zi, an elite trainer is really nothing in front of Jinhuang City, which ranks first in the eight major cities in Kanto.

The topic is a bit far off, so let's get back to the topic. After the boy (female) came on stage, Lorraine and other dancers began to dance with him.

There are some close-fitting actions among them, which made the male audience under the stage look at it with the "Ow Ow" cry.

"Made! Next time, next time Lord Lorraine holds a concert, I will definitely go, this opportunity will definitely be mine next time!"

"How lucky! That boy!"

"md! I'm just a little bit! A little bit!"


On the contrary, the girl in the stands no longer cared about what other people thought. At first, she was indeed a little nervous and dazed, but after dancing a few times on the stage and overcoming the psychological barrier, she began to make a gesture. .

Because it was originally for welfare, there were very few dance moves as a lucky audience. Maybe the lucky male audience would be stunned and forget their movements because of too many welfares. However, although the girl looks like a tomboy, she is pure inside. Sister, this situation will not happen naturally, so although her movements on the stage are a little immature, they are generally in harmony.

This made Tianji, who had been paying attention, nodded secretly, and became more determined to take this tomboy away.

In this way, after a few minutes of welfare sessions, the live atmosphere of the concert has reached a new height!

Almost all the audience remembered that there is an artist, her dance is very hot, her figure is very enchanting, her title is the hot queen!

At this point, the outward expansion of the star program is the first step.

And Tian Ci also retired with the two women, and secretly walked to the other side of the Golden Street.

"Brother Tian Ci, where are we going now?"

Xiaoling followed behind and asked suspiciously.

"Let's go to the Silver Company to see those special Poke Balls, and the Silver Company seems to have a ball appraisal meeting tonight, and there are quite a few trainers there."

Hearing Xiaoling's question, Tianji immediately gave an explanation.

Although Nazi was not in the golden city, she also shared some secret sources of information with Tianji, so she could let him know the news and exchanged invitations.

It is said that this internal ball appraisal conference only invited members of high-level forces near Golden City to participate. It is impossible for foreign elite trainers like Tianji and others to be invited in.

The lowest person who can get an invitation is like Wupa of the Fighting Gym.

However, Wupa was obsessed with practicing, so he didn't think about going at all, so the invitation card that he could bring two people in his hand passed into Tian Ci's hands several times.

"Ball Appraisal Conference! Is there any special ball?"

Hearing this news, Xiaoling and Ninghui's eyes lit up and asked in unison.

As Pokémon trainers, Poké Balls are closely related to them, and no one cares about Poké Balls. For example, the most common red and white Poké Balls are things that trainers have in stock.

In this regard, Tianji smiled slightly and explained:

"Naturally, there are many types of Poké Balls. I heard that the lowest grades are the special-edition luxury balls. Others are heavy **** with special attributes, diving balls, tennis balls, and more. We are there. You can buy these special Poke Balls directly."

After he finished speaking, his face also showed a longing expression.

It is true that he can buy these special Poké Balls in unlimited quantities through Nazi's channel, but that's what he said, looking for Nazi for such trivial matters is too much.

In this way, there is no special channel, even if he is an elite-level trainer, these Poké Balls with corresponding attributes are not just a few dozen.

The most important thing is that it is absolutely impossible to have so many varieties for you to choose from.

You go to the Pokémon store normally, even the most prosperous Golden City Department Store, may not have so many complete Poké Ball attributes for you to choose from. look like an inventory.

After all, it's all about making money, and some unpopular Poké Balls will definitely not have too much backlog in their hands.

Moreover, some extremely special Poke Balls are not only made of raw materials, but also need to be made by hand, which also causes the scarcity of such Poke Balls, which are expensive and have no market.

Chapter 401 Special Poke Ball

"Then I'm going to buy a few of every type of Poke Ball!"

And Xiao Ling, who heard what Tian Zi said later, also had bright eyes and said in a low voice.

"En!" Tian Ci nodded, and he also had the same intention.

Soon, a group of people with a clear purpose came to the door of Silver Company.

The Silver Company also occupies an entire high-rise building in the very center of the city. With a very sci-fi silver appearance, there is a huge Poké Ball logo hanging in the middle. This logo symbolizes that the Silver Company started with Poke Ball technology. , which also means that it is participated in by the alliance.

After all, in the wizard world, we still have to speak with strength. Silver Corporation, which is only on the front line in scientific research, is undoubtedly a giant in the eyes of most people, but in front of the alliance, or in front of the largest local power, the Golden Temple, It is also a brother.

Therefore, this company actually has shares of the Jinben family, which is also one of the shareholders of Jinhuang Daoguan, second only to the president of Silver Company.

Of course, this is not the kindness of the Jinben family. The main reason is that the Silver Company cannot do without the help of the scientific researchers of the Silver family, so they still need to take charge of the overall situation, and naturally the company also needs them to lead.

However, in the face of major events, the so-called shares determine the right to speak, and it does not work at all.

Just like the development of the master ball, even if the Silver family is the company's largest shareholder, in the face of the requirements of the Jinben family and the Rockets, they can only cooperate obediently, and transfer most of the staff to develop the so-called R&D team. A special Pokeball that can catch divine beasts.

Back to the topic, when Tian Ci brought the two girls to the door of the company, they were stopped by the two guards who were standing straight.

"Sorry, three guests, our Silver Company does not accept visitors tonight. You can come back tomorrow at about 8 am."

Hearing this, Tian Ci was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly reacted. He took out a bright red invitation from his pocket and showed it in front of the two guards.

Seeing this invitation, the two guards changed expressions on their faces and said respectfully:

"It turned out to be the distinguished guests who attended the conference. Welcome three to our Silver Company. The venue of the ball game conference is on the 15th floor of the building. If you don't know anything, you can also ask our internal staff, and they will guide you there. of."

"Well, okay~" Hearing this, Tian Ci nodded, put away the invitation, and walked in with the two girls.

As soon as I entered, I felt that it was similar to the company in my previous life, with a spacious hall and busy staff.

Seeing Tianji and a few people coming in, a reception girl with a red armband came over immediately, bent down and made a gesture of invitation, and said to them in a low voice:

"Several distinguished guests, the elevator is here, please come with me"

"Okay." Tian Ci agreed and followed the girl into the elevator.

After they entered the elevator, they only heard the sound of "Om~", and they appeared on the 15th floor not long after.

"Guests, as long as you open the door, you will arrive at the scene of the ball-judging conference. There will be other staff members who will receive you. I hope you can gain something."

After opening the elevator door for a few people, the reception girl explained a few words softly, and then went down the elevator by herself.

Tianci and the others also strode towards the door facing each other. With a "squeak", they pushed open the door, and a loud voice came out in an instant.

"I want 10 heavy balls!"

"Give me 10 diving balls, and 20 more Friend Balls!"

"Why haven't my 30 dark **** been given to me yet, please hurry up!"


Here, the elite trainers, who are regarded as big figures by ordinary people, are like aunties shopping for food in the downtown area, waving bank cards one by one and snapping up all kinds of Poke Balls at various counters.

As for why he knew that most of these people were elite trainers, it was because the minimum requirement to get an invitation was elite!

Even if you are a member of the top-level forces in Golden City, if your own strength cannot reach the elite, you will not be able to get an invitation card. At most, you can only follow along as an entourage, just like Ninghui and Xiaoling.

In addition to the human voices vying to buy, there are also Poke Balls with their own characteristics on display in the hall in an orderly manner, and there is a small speaker next to the display cabinet, which is constantly telling the effect of this Poke Ball, if anyone He stepped forward to ask, and the beautiful model who acted as a vase immediately turned into a shopping guide and began to answer questions for the guests.

"Car models are common, but I didn't expect that in this world, there are even ball models. It's really strange, and each of the ball models really fits the characteristics of the big ball!"

Looking at the scene in the hall that looked like a snap-up meeting, Tian Ci was secretly amazed.

In particular, the ball model that showed the southern hemisphere also made him take a second look. It is worth mentioning that ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ he even saw a few ball models that were comparable to Ninghui.

But soon, his attention was attracted by the explanation of several special Poke Balls.

"Sweet Ball, it is easy to capture wild elves of different genders than the elves you play.

It is based on the principles of suggestion and hypnosis..."

Tian Ci heard the sound and found that it was a pink pokeball with a heart painted on it. It looked very pink and girly in appearance.

Hearing this explanation, he kept nodding, feeling that the trip was worth it.

Not to mention being able to purchase all kinds of special Poke Balls, this detailed explanation alone gave him a lot of insight.

Perhaps for the children of the big family, this knowledge is in the family's collection of books, as long as they go through it themselves.

However, for the grassroots like Tianji, it is still very valuable. Although he hugged Nazi's thigh, he is like a person who suddenly became rich. Although the surface looks bright and beautiful, in fact, it is In terms of aspects, it is still far from those big families with deep roots.

It can be said that there are many things to supplement, but who would deliberately supplement the knowledge of these Poke Balls?

And now, at this ball-judging conference, while buying balls, you can also make up for your weak points of knowledge, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"The moon ball can easily capture the elves that use the moon stone to evolve. Its principle is that it contains the power of the moon, and the material is also a special tree fruit with the power of the moon. It can not only capture the elves, if it is The elves that evolved with the moon stone live in it, and under the influence of a long-term influence, there are some benefits to the body..."

They passed one Poké Ball showcase after another, and suddenly Ning Hui stopped in front of the Moon Ball.



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