Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 393: Supernatural battle between trainers

"The next thing that will be held is the field mode, where Tanji from Aoki Town will play against Upa from the Fighting Gym.

Spirits and weapons are not allowed to be used in battle. When one of them admits defeat or cannot fight, the battle ends. "

In a simulated battle field the size of a football field, Tianji and Wupa stood on both sides of the jungle, while Xiaoling acted as a referee explaining the rules of the game.

It can be seen that the size of this battle field is similar to that of the elves, but it is different from the bare open field before. This time, there are lush jungles and a few tall trees on the simulated battle field. similar to the wild environment.

It is worth mentioning that these vegetations are real, and there are dedicated maintenance staff in the fighting gym, so a simulated battle can cost a lot. For example, the previous Elite Challenge was a bare open space.

Of course, for Upa, this cost, as an elite disciple of the gymnasium, is still trivial.

And such a venue can also better see the fighting qualities of the two.

And after Xiaoling briefly explained the rules, all the elves who came out of Tianji shouted for the trainer.

"Moo! Moo!" Tianji cheered! Come on Tanji!

"Bi Diao~Bi~" My trainer is the strongest! Tanji-kun!

"Ow! Woo woo!" We are the most vicious! Come on Tanji!

"Kami~Kami!" Tianji cheers! My trainer is the best!

At this time, he was standing on the opposite battlefield with black lines all over his face, as if his roles were reversed.

On the other hand, Wupa didn't release a single spirit belonging to him, perhaps because this kind of thing is very common in fighting gyms.

However, this little episode did not last long. After he finished explaining the rules of the game and got nods from both sides, Xiaoling immediately waved his right hand and announced loudly:

"Game start!"

As soon as her voice fell, Tianji and Wupa entered the jungle with a "swoosh"!

Both sides are trainers who fought in the wild, so they naturally understand the importance of hiding.

Both sides quickly shuttled through the green jungle, looking for traces of the enemy.

However, compared with Wupa, who is at ease, Tianji's speed is a little slower. Although he doesn't know it himself, Ninghui and a few elves who are watching the battle outside can be seen from the two live broadcasts. figure it out.

As the battle field used by the gym, it must be full of cameras for viewing, so from the perspective of the audience, it is the perspective of God.

After running for a while, Tianji is now sitting on a big tree with lush branches.

"I usually rely too much on superpowers~ Now I don't need superpowers and suddenly I feel like I'm blind!"

Between the branches, he looked around vigilantly, while reflecting on his own problems.

There is no superpower detection, and what the naked eye can see is similar to the scenery, which made him rummaging through the memory for a long time, and then reluctantly repaired it.

Now he is trying to hide himself again.

Unfortunately, from the point of view of the elves in the off-site battle, it is completely waiting to die.

Because according to their God's perspective, Upa can be seen rushing towards the big tree where Tianzi is with a smile on his face.

As a fighting elite who has fought to the death all the way, his rich experience far exceeds that of Tianji.

Tian Ci's run around before had exposed him too many traces. Even if he woke up later, he made a little cover up, but in Wupa's eyes, it seemed like he was stealing the bell, which made him more sure of the position he had guessed in his heart. , so all the way to the right direction to run wildly in the past.

"Moo!" Tianji! Run!

"Bi Diao~" Tian Ci, Tian Ci, you have been found!

"Wow! Wang~" Tianji, you are so embarrassing~ You were found too quickly~

When several elites saw this scene, they could not help but close their eyes, feeling that their trainers had been crushed too thoroughly...

Even the always-good character Kamui turned his head "Kami~Kami~", looking like she couldn't bear to look directly.

Of course, they know the prerequisites. They understand that Tianji has not yet used his superpowers. Now he only uses the fighter profession to fight. He wants to use his weaknesses to compare with Upa's strengths. But being crushed not long in the beginning really made them elves feel a little blush.

In the jungle battlefield, Tianji, who has sealed off his spiritual power, still does not know that the danger has come, and still jumps around carefully among the big trees, unaware of the danger at all, and spends his mouth blankly on their gods. From the point of view, I feel like my trainer is even better...

In fact, if he hadn't closed his superpowers, his dangerous intuition would have made him realize that he had been discovered, so he could make arrangements that would benefit him.

Of course, even if the superpowers are closed, according to the realm of fighters in the middle of his generals, he should be able to detect it, but it is a pity that Tianci's fighters' strength was used in Hualan City and women before. On, the moisture is very large, so it is reasonable to not notice it at all.

And just in the eyes of Koudouhua and their hatred of iron, Wupa and Tianzi were getting closer and closer.

Soon, Upa, who was hiding in a big tree, found his field carefully and disguised himself with leaves.

"Looks like it's really just used for minor training, to keep fit~"

After deliberately doing two actions that exposed a little risk, Upa looked at Tianji, who was still unaware, and couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

Of course, when it's time to take action, he's going to beat the superhuman on behalf of the fighter today! Think about it and get a little excited!

After he made up his mind, he suddenly began to explode, and a layer of white energy emerged from his body, and his figure appeared behind Tian Ci in an instant.

"What..." At this moment, the danger has come to the most side, and Tian Ci realized the situation, but before he could finish speaking, he was whipped in the back and kicked out with a "bang". .

In midair, he just adjusted his body, but what he saw in his eyes were several pairs of fists.

"Ah-da! Da-da-da!" At this moment, Wupa was like a ruthless boxer. In a burst of shouts, he punched dozens of times.

In this case, Tianji couldn't use his superpowers, there was really no other way, he could only cross his arms in front of his chest, and at the same time mobilized the qi in his body to reduce some damage as much as possible.

But no matter what, it was impossible for him to block most of the damage when he had the first chance. In just a few seconds, he felt several punches and kicks in his shoulders, lower abdomen, and thighs.

Chapter 394

This made several elites outside the field very anxious!

When Koudouhua saw Tianji who was beaten, she even raised a cane whip, as if she wanted to replace him.

"Moo! Moo!" Tian Ji quickly fought back! You fight back!

At the side, Bi Diao also fluttered his wings and rolled up a strong wind, shouting in his mouth:

"Bi~Bi Diao~" Tianji quickly used his super powers! You have suffered several times!

He Lujia was even more impatient, his footsteps kept turning, and his mouth was also shouting "Wang Wang Wang".

Taji, hurry up and fight back! Give Naupa some color!

On the other hand, Kamui Turtle on the side had some tears in his eyes.

"Kami~Kami!" Tianji is so pitiful~ He must have been beaten very badly.

Of course, Tianji, who was in the closed field, did not know that the elves outside the field were anxious and worried at the same time.

At this time, although he was in great pain, he was still very happy, and the beating was not in vain.

Don't get me wrong, Aoki Tianji is not a masochist, and he has no hobby of being beaten.

In fact, the moment he was kicked away, he secretly activated the mental power of the blockade.

Of course, it's not for fighting, but to see Wupa's movements and attack rhythm, so stealthy!

Tianji actually had this idea after he woke up to his shortcomings at the time. He secretly learned Upa's fighting rhythm and method by being beaten, and quickly improved himself in battle.

This thing is not difficult for him. As a superpower who cultivates super-quality cheats, he has a very high degree of brain development. Strictly speaking, he is also considered an artificial genius, so in addition, there are meticulous and nuanced skills. With the aid of super power observation, you can naturally find out Wupa's breathing rate and fighting rhythm.

Of course, he didn't think that if he was beaten like this, he could be on an equal footing with Upa and steal his stuff. It's impossible to even think about it.

But it's just a matter of negotiation to block it. Tianji said that his requirements are really not high, as long as he can do this step.

After all, it was decided a long time ago that the fighter profession is only a minor.

But now he is not even a minor. During those days in Hualan City, the physical fitness and energy in the middle of the warrior level was really just a tool for him to increase the durability of his body, so that he could Enjoy longer pleasures.

Not to mention fighting, he just hasn't even been out in the wild a few times.

Therefore, he said that he really does not know how to fight between superheroes at the general level.

This is also the reason why he could only passively be beaten and steal his studies.

"Da da da da!"

"Bang bang bang~"

After a series of sandbag experiences, Tianji finally felt that he understood a little bit and could fight back!

Of course, the most important thing is that his body can hardly stand it anymore.

The reason is that when he was in Hualan City, he focused on adding the additional ability of Qi to his physical fitness, but he couldn't withstand Wupa's mad beating for so long.

When he was knocked back to the big tree with a "bang", he was only seen shouting loudly.


Then, a layer of the same white arrogance appeared on Tianji's body.

Although he has never fought anyone since he was promoted to general, he still knows some basic information.

After a fighter has reached the warrior level, ordinary moves and weapons are actually no longer meaningful.

Because under the blessing of qi, a fighter's body is the most suitable and sharpest weapon.

And the physical quality of the fighters' great leap also makes them not use any moves at all, as long as they fight faster and stronger, that's fine.

So the fighter profession, in fact, after the warrior level, it seems that the style of painting suddenly changed like a certain Dragon Ball world.

Except for some very subtle moves with special functions, most of the time, fighters above the general level just fight according to their favorite fighting rhythm. Not bad power.

Of course, a warrior-level fighter can't be compared with the collapsed combat power of a certain Dragon Ball world, and it is still a normal range to compare it with destroying the stars at every turn.

Returning to the topic, Tianji, who has been beaten for so long, finally found a little bit of his own fighting rhythm at this time.

After he burst into arrogance, the figure swooped and rushed towards Upa, who felt bored.

Seeing this scene, Wupa also showed a smile on his face, and rushed up with the same "Ah!" sound.

For a while, the two figures were fighting non-stop from the jungle, and the aftermath of their fists and feet destroyed a lot of vegetation!

And the elves outside the arena, as well as Xiaoling and Ninghui, all smiled and started cheering for Tianji.

"Brother Tianji! Come on!"

"Master! Go, go, go!"




"Kami! Cammy!"

Although he understood that in the closed field, Tianji couldn't hear him, but after being aggrieved for so long, he finally fought back, and he still had to vent his feelings.

However, although Tanji started to fight back, he was obviously not an opponent of Upa who had just learned how to fight.

When he hits Wupa with a punch, he himself will be damaged by 3 punches, or even 5 punches.

To be able to struggle all the time, he still relies on his realm to be a bit higher than Wupa!

As for why he didn't use his superpowers to make a comeback, of course, it was because it was rare to learn to steal. Get your fighter career.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he encounters a situation in which he cannot use his superpowers during his adventures in the future, he is a parallel fighter who has no realm, and it is only a joke.

This is naturally unacceptable to him. I heard Nazi say before, why the current Golden City should accept the fighting gym and help them develop.

It is because superpowers are not omnipotent. In areas of the world that are not owned by the Alliance, all kinds of strange places are very common, and there are not a few who can block superpowers.

At this time, the fighter profession came into play, because in addition to the extraordinary energy-"qi", what they cultivated also focused on tempering their own bodies.

So even if it is a Jedi that is isolated from any energy, fighters can still have a good fighting ability in it.

Known as the most popular and unremarkable extraordinary profession, it naturally has its advantages, and the ability to adapt to various environments is the most outstanding point.

When exploring various strange terrains in the wild, fighters are always on the front line.

Of course, this is not to make them cannon fodder, because they are indeed the most suitable candidates. Generally speaking, they are normal teams, and such fighters get more shares.


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